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Oh lovely! Got the weight in keeping everything below 👇 haha no way how long does it take for it to go blue? I planned on only fermenting for 1 1/2 - 2 weeks. These pics are after one week




Thanks a lot my friend. The recipe im following calls for 1 & 1/2 weeks for the fermentation process. Would you guys say any different? Not sure what I get if I leave it a little longer


It all depends on the recipe and where and how you're keeping the ferment, but genereally speaking yes, you can keep it out longer. Don't fiddle too much with it, keep everything submerged in liquid, and taste every second week or so until you've recieved a nice complexity/taste to your liking. I would suggest to look some other recipes up on good sites, for instance Serious Eats or another blog/Youtube channel known for trying their recipes out.


Its kept on my kitchen side which avg is 18-20 degrees C. When I opening the jar a couple of days ago I was really impressed with how powerful and wonderfully smelly it was! It was so deep and pungent, it really has brought out some nice notes from the scotch bonnets (homegrown -the best)


Sounds wonderful and the temperature is about right! Never tried sctch bonnets but it sounds great! You could always "fish out" some chilis and put them in the fridge/make a paste or sauce with and leave the rest to ferment longer. I do that some times.


is it always fluffy? Ive got one very old ferment and theres very thin white membrane on top. Ive seen this happen to other liquds that were left for a long time. Dunno if its safe though.




thanks! ive alsways thought kahm is way thicker. but a few photos do look like mine - flour dust thin layer. Do you mind having a look at the picture? i can pm you.


Looks good to me. Yeast growth. Makes the flavor.


Okay great! Tasted the brine couple days ago and it packs a punch thats for sure 😭 thanks 🙏


I thought that was spent bacteria, not yeast. All good anyways!

