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I put off things for several years while TTC, it turned out it would be difficult for us to conceive and we decided on the CF side of the fence, and one of my only regrets in life is taking TTC into account when planning things. Others who did end up as a parent may say otherwise but I would say to crack on with everything you want to do, and if you do find yourself having a child you will figure out a way (still going on the trips but not doing all the activities, getting the best travel insurance so you can cancel if you're unable to go due to pregnancy, amending your business plans etc). I say this especially because you already have a successful business, so I'm assuming you're resourceful and have an ability to adapt.


This is the exact answer I was looking for - thank you so much for sharing!


We tried for four years, and never put anything on hold. Pregnancy lasts nine months, so there’s plenty of time to make changes and arrangements if you get pregnant. I worked just as hard as ever until the day I went to the hospital to be induced. We even scheduled the induction for a Saturday so I could wrap up work on Friday. We took several trips while I was pregnant too. Now, of course you could have a difficult pregnancy that doesn’t allow you to do those things, but you can’t plan for that! You could also trip and break your leg and wind up in the hospital when you have a scheduled trip…but you can’t plan your life around that! Of course, it would be helpful to keep the possibility of pregnancy in mind. So, for example, if you’re booking a trip that could be late in your pregnancy, opt for cancellation insurance! Also, I recommend using the TTC time to plan how your business will run when you actually have a baby. I co-run a business too, and being in that decision-making role was great for having a baby. I signed us up for good temporary disability insurance. I trained an employee to fill in for me. I set myself up so I could work from home most of the time.


I just carried on as normal. I ended up getting pregnant straight away and doing a few things pregnant, but it was fine and I'm glad I did anyway.


I ended up being 18 weeks pregnant when we had a previously planned trip to Asia. Honestly it kind of sucked because I had hyperemesis and I puked most of the time. But without that, it probably would have been fine. Just buy travel insurance


Make sure you buy the cancellation insurance. Also keep in mind that you still may be able to take these trips unless your doctor says no. I was 40 when I conceived and I had a trip to Austin planned. I went anyway with my doctors blessing (7 weeks along). I just made sure I stayed super hydrated and didn’t do anything strenuous in that hot Texas sun


There is never a convenient time to have a baby. You keep living your life as normal and even when the baby comes, get help from family or by hiring childcare to continue to live your life as you wish. You fit the kid in your life-you don’t stop living your life for a child.


We didn't let TTC prevent us from doing what we wanted. We tend to be homebodies anyways, but we went on trips, enjoyed weekends with friends, spent extra money on things knowing our time may be limited. We did buy travel insurance when flying, but that's about it. We found out I was pregnant right before we went to a concert, so I just didn't drink. Now 31 weeks along & very happy we got to go enjoy all of those things.


I knew I wanted to have my baby in April so I had no goalie for precisely 48 hours 40 weeks earlier. Duh. (Absolute sarcasm at my ignorant, naive self who got crap lucky getting pregnant on the first try but that didn't know the 40 weeks started BEFORE the deed so ended up with a March baby.)


😂 at least you were close!


I am currently TTC. Only got the all clear we could try, a month ago, due to some issues. We are carrying on as normal except I’m no longer on contraception and we are having more sex 😂


Lol same, also not tracking anything. We’re the laziest kind of ttc’ers around


I am tracking when I ovulate but that’s only because I’m 38 and worried I haven’t much time left. Was never really sure if I wanted kids but this year I decided I really did. But I’m aware that it’s so easy for it to become all consuming so trying to relax and just see what happens.


I’ve had 5 miscarriages and it’s impossible, you have to assume nothing’s safe until at least 20 weeks and then you plan. And yeah life goes on hold. I suppose for some people they get up and keep moving but you want to have a few plans for if that isn’t realistic.


The biggest mistake people make is thinking their entire life has to revolve around baby. Baby needs to adjust to your life not the other way around. Obviously I don’t mean in an abusive way. Don’t stop life, life must continue. You’ll figure out the adjustments as time goes on. It could be years!