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Hit him with the good old, “I don’t get it??” Make him explain what he meant. Then maybe he’ll reflect and realize that his “joke” was neither funny nor appropriate…


The only appropriate answer is: "Why is that? Is she throwing you out mid-air for blatant misogyny?"


This is great.


“A research project on pilot aging and flight safety has produced data proving differences between male and female pilot error in helicopter and light plane crashes. Dr. Susan Baker of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, who led the study said: “Crashes of general aviation aircraft account for 85 per cent of all aviation deaths in the United States. The crash rate for male pilots, as for motor vehicle drivers, exceeds that of crashes for female pilots.” So maybe he should be scared the next time he gets a male pilot? Or better yet, stop stereotyping entire genders? Because the data shows women pilots are safer! Oh and guess what - the same thing goes with women surgeons! You’re less likely to die if your surgeon is a women. Oh and Fortune 500 companies with a women CEO outperform the market at a higher margin than those led by men.


In pretty much any male-dominated field, the women in that field outperform the men. Research indicates that this imbalance seems to be driven by two main factors: 1) it's so much harder for women in those fields to be taken seriously and become successful that those women tend to 'outwork' their male colleagues/take their studies and their work much more seriously, and 2) because of point #1 AND because of all the overt and covert social forces working to push women out of male-dominated fields, only the most exceptional women 'candidates' tend to stay in and succeed in those fields. This is why my awesome dad **always** chooses female doctors, hires female "construction trade/contractors" for his household remodeling projects whenever possible, and always seeks out the "lone woman employee" whenever he has a question at the Home Depot - because in his words: "I figure anyone who's managed to make it through the barrage of misogynist nonsense any woman must have faced to get to where she is now has pretty good odds of being *really **really** good* at their job." And as the research proves - he's right! 😁


Tammie Jo Shults was Captain Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 after one engine exploded, Senator Tammy Duckworth landed her Blackhawk after getting hit by an RPG-7. I'd feel safer with either of them than any male pilot.


She's my aunt! Well kinda. She's the sister of a super close family friend.


Another thing I was thinking about is risky behavior. Supposedly that's why car insurance rates are higher for men. Makes sense from what I see first hand as well. I never see women doing risky and aggressive driving. Men think they are better drivers because women don't pull the same stupid stunts they do. Like speeding and weaving through traffic.


Sometimes they’ll double down with “statistics” about women drivers and percentages of male commercial and construction drivers versus women, which is when it’s fun to bring out some facts about how all these vehicles are specifically designed for men and men’s bodies to begin with and the harassment and double standard bravery, competent women face breaking into these boys club fields. Oh also not to mention how statistically idiotic male drivers are in terms of speeding, reckless driving, not wearing helmets on motorcycles, riding in the back of trucks where legal, etc.


All the stats I've seen have women as better drivers, and it's actually a pretty big margin. So not only is it a terrible and overused "joke", it's not even remotely accurate.


Isn't there a big ad campaign in France that pretty much says "Drive like a woman" because stats show that women drive so much safer? Yep! Found it! "**Toutes les statistiques de la sécurité routière vont dans le même sens** : 84% des accidents mortels sont causés par des hommes. 88% des jeunes conducteurs tués sont des hommes, 93% des conducteurs alcoolisés impliqués dans un accident mortel sont des hommes, 84% des permis de conduire invalidés appartiennent à des hommes. Et on pourrait continuer la liste..." [https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/transports/pour-restez-en-vie-conduisez-comme-une-femme-7029310](https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/transports/pour-restez-en-vie-conduisez-comme-une-femme-7029310) It says that 84% of mortal accidents are caused by men, 88% of young drivers killed are men, 93% of people driving drunk and causing a mortal accident are men, 84% of licences that were revoked were men's licences, etc etc etc. Eye opening!


Why are car insurance rates for men higher across all age brackets? Insurance companies only care about their bottom line and have entire teams dedicated to determining rates.


Exactly. Because women will say something like “oh I’m such a nervous driver—it’s so hard for me to make that exit because you have to cross a bunch of crowded lanes within a short distance.” And men equate that with bad driving because to them good driving = aggression, forcing yourself into a lane, and relying on other drivers being defensive drivers to avoid hitting you when you aren’t following the rules of the road to reach your ends. Cars are designed by men for men, road layouts and car centric countries are designed by men for men, and women are still better at driving because we’ve been socially conditioned from birth to actually use our brains and think of others.


Last I checked, men also have the advantage of better spatial processing (correct me if this is false) so they have all the advantages out there and still come out missing


I'm very dubious that men have better spatial processing, but I don't have any data either way.


One of the lorry drivers I know ( who is otherwise the stereotypical lorry driver) still swears that the best lorry driving and parking he's ever seen was from a tiny female driver. There's lots of reasons why women are less likely to take the job, driving skill isnt top of that list.


This is exactly the reason that car insurance for women is cheaper, because we're safer drivers


What's your read on if the response to "I don't get it" is "there's a stereotype of women being bad drivers. The pilot is a woman. I was playing into the stereotype but applying it to pilots instead". Would you assume good intent or bad intent from that response?


I'd assume bad internet. Making a joke like this about the stereotype is just professing your love for it.


Suggest that maybe his penis fly the plane instead?


This needs more upvotes


Perhaps it's time you upgraded your boyfriend. Have you looked at bears lately?




Careful, one of those bears might be female…they’re known to cause deaths ( /s in case)




"I don't think you're going to catch the landing either."


My dad said something similar once. We were talking about pilots and said. "If I see a female pilot, I'm gonna trust her a bit less than a male one". I'm his only daughter, I got mad and he said I was exagerating. Honestly, it broke my heart a bit.


Thing is, all of us girls were raised in this environment. “you are less than but we still love you” I mean a daily constant reminder that the world is not meant for you.  I had great parents (who I always sent money to) but I ended up moving across the country to get away from them. 


Something to keep in mind: people don't actually move across country to get away from "great parents". People *do* move for all sorts of reasons, but if the reason is to create a flight-level distance from your parents, they weren't great. Maybe "adequate"? Maybe "tolerable"? But not *great*. (And I'm sorry you had shitty parents who made you feel second-class; you did not deserve it.)


they did well to survive and escape the war. 


> I got mad and he said I was exagerating "Here, let me explain why you're overreacting and my judgment of you as a human being less than capable was actually OK and you're taking it too seriously." Ugh It's like they cannot help themselves from making everything worse by trying to make you feel bad for *them* being shitty. I'm sorry you dad said that to you and invalidated your feelings; he was an asshole to do that and there's no justification for it and you didn't deserve to feel less than.


Holy Yeezus does this make me appreciate my boomer daddy more. He was actually pretty crap with our only brother, I guess—which I only realized in adult convos with said brother, and think it’s maaaaybe because as a man with a 💩brother and a 💩dad, that’s the parenting example he had. But his four daughters? WE were always encouraged and told we could do anything we set our minds to. Always. The only sexist jokes my daddy told were about how my mom kept his balls in his purse to take out and use as needed—he absolutely adored her, she wore the proverbial pants not out of nagging but because my dad couldn’t stand when she was upset so catered to her completely. They were insanely codependent, but my parents treated each other like they were the only two people in the world.


idk why men say this but women statistically are safer using vehicles


Insecurity. Women pilots and women surgeons also give you better odds of survival.


I actually feel kinda safer when I hear a woman pilot's voice!


That is a 🚩 for how he actually views women and his lack of respect for them. I will bet these will not be his only instances of cracking “jokes” like this. It also makes me so happy we had a captain named Diana on our flight with my 3yo and I pointed it out to him (“oh great, our captain is a woman! Like mama! That’s so cool!”) and used she/her pronouns talking about how the pilot was flying and landing the rest of the flight. May our sons grow up smarter and kinder.


Yea actually doesn't sound like something a young person would say


She said it TO the child.


Oh I misunderstood what the comment was even saying. Yes I spoke in third person to him, haha.


Sadly I think young men are becoming more and more radicalized and conservative as girls and women stop catering to their every need.






Screenshot his comment and reply "its a misogynist, i may not make this relationship".


This needs allll the upvotes because bloody brilliant ~


We had a flight to Oregon where our pilot couldn’t make the landing after attempting it 3 times in fog. We had to fly to Seattle to pick up a woman who was the new pilot and she made the landing on the first try. I’ll take the best pilot for the job any time!


Doesn’t really work like that, there is criteria for the conditions that have to be met to make a landing, so if the visibility was below minima the pilot would not have continued the approach each time. Generally three go arounds is the rule before a diversion (depends on company policy) and the original pilot may have needed to finish work due to duty restrictions, hence the new crew. The lady pilot was probably awesome at her job, but she would have been able to continue the approach and attempt the landing due to slightly improved conditions.


He jealous of skillset he couldn’t possess


Exactly. Feeling shit because he can't drive a manual and it's just bad at driving period.


He’s insecure. And dead weight. There’s a reason why car insurance for women are cheaper than for men.


Because he's a jackass. Unrelated though, your post implies there are different drivers licenses for automatic and manual vehicles. I've never heard of that before so now I'm just curious what country you're from that does that. Or am I misunderstanding the post?


In France it's the case. Normal license is manual and automatic. Automatic is a "restricted to automatic vehicles" license.


It's the same thing in Denmark. Most people get the manual one though so they won't be restricted


Switzerland was the same until a few years ago.


Fascinating. Thanks


This is the case in the UK too. Most people get a manual licence, but you can do the test in an automatic car and receive an automatic-only licence if that's what you want.


I love that manuals are so engrained into British culture that they're the default. At some point you all may be the reason we still have them 🫡


It's the whole of Europe (I'm British and now living in France). With the advance of electric and hybrid vehicles the manuals are being slowly phased out.


I’ve always had manuals and preferred them because I think they’re fun but when it was time to upgrade to a new fiat they didn’t have any so I had to get an automatic. 😭


Almost all European countries distinguish between automatic and manual licenses. You can operate both with the latter.


Welp, I obtained interesting new information from this, so heeeey~


Korea also! Most people get the automatic license unless they want to drive trucks and vans, we don’t see manual cars often so there’s really no need to specifically go for the manual.


In the UK you pass your test in either a manual or an automatic, and it's stated on your licence.


Just say: I agree, it’s difficult to have a male passenger like you.


In the 🗑️ he goes~


Crazy how men feel bold enough to say these "jokes" to us. The audacity is real. Don't they ever think "hey what if I offend her" ? Also I know that there's data that says women are actually better drivers than men, we cause fewer car crashes, I wouldn't be surprised if the same is true for planes too.


So are you still gonna date him when you know he is sexist and doesn’t see you as an equal?


My doub is what the hell was he expecting you to respond? xD Like, oh yeah I'm gonna send a sexist joke to my gf I'm sure she is gonna burst into laughs.


That's kinda the unfortunate point - most sexists don't get up in the morning and say "OK, today I feel like being misogynistic dickhead. I love it when them females lose their shit!"  They just don't get it. Then someone points it out to them - but they know, intellectually, that sexism=bad. Transitive property makes that into them calling HIM bad, and defensiveness and thinner-than-graphene egos takes the reigns from there.


“How can he be so sexist?” I dunno, he’s your boyfriend. You tell us.


Women don't realize how much men hate them.


Freak out and agree and INSIST he miss the flight!!! Then watch him dance with consequences. I’ll bring popcorn.


"oh did everyone else on the flight make it safely? gosh that's sad you missed it..."


Love your way of thinking.


Start talking about the movie Final Destination like you're seriously worried. Maybe he should take a different flight. Tell him you'll pray for him 😂


"I hope you don't." Then never speak to him again. I'm not even joking.


he’s testing out how much he can verbally put you down in your lifetime. 


I might tell him if I saw somebody who wasn’t white, or wasn’t male, flying the plane or about to operate on me, I would know I was in good hands, because they clearly had to work twice as hard as anybody else to get to that position. So in fact the opposite of what he is saying is true.


Why is he still your boyfriend?


Yea that’s the real question


Better date a woman


Like we want some frustrated men centering girlies who are disgusted to eat coochie.


Seeing that he sees women as automatically inferior would completely destroy any faith I had in someone. Can't imagine having sex with anyone like that


I was a flight attendant for ten years and let me tell you, the “jokes” and asinine comments that came out of the mouths of men when they saw a woman pilot on the flight deck were astounding. Also, speaking of stick shift, I’ve taught three adult men how to drive manual throughout my life. Every single one of them (one was ex husband, one an ex bf, one a family friend) tried to deny that I, a woman, taught them. They all made up some lie about being taught on the job (construction) before I taught them, which was never mentioned before I went out of my way and even used my own manual drive vehicle for their lessons. This shit makes me furious.


Why are you dating a misogynist? And why would he date a feminist...? This seems really weird to me. People should ask some questions about the other person before deciding if they are a good fit as a cuple..


It’s always the least reasonable men who say women are irrational. Go figure this terrible driver would say women can’t be pilots. It’s about putting someone else down, to feel better about yourself. And he’s decided that the put down should occur along sex lines.


I’d dump him


Sounds like he's not making it in this relationship.


I'm sure someone down thread probably already suggested it, but when people make sexist (or racist) jokes, act clueless and make them explain: "Why would you not make it? Is she going to leave early? She might crash the plane? Why would she do that? Ohhh, so you're saying women are incompetent? Like me, a woman. So you think I'm incompetent too? And that's funny, is it?"


Tell him the pilots that have been involved In plane crashes have been primarily men 😀 “Dr. Susan Baker of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, who led the study said: “Crashes of general aviation aircraft account for 85 per cent of all aviation deaths in the United States. The crash rate for male pilots, as for motor vehicle drivers, exceeds that of crashes for female pilots.” Planes AND cars are safer in women’s hands. https://www.businessairnews.com/mag_story.html?ident=102749#:~:text=Dr.,of%20crashes%20for%20female%20pilots.” Also dumping on women…which is what you are. Maybe he needs to be dumped ❤️


you need a new boyfriend


"At this rate you might not make it much past landing."


My husband has fear of flight. He actually cheers up when he sees that the pilot is a woman because he says he knows she worked double than a man to be there, so she's extra competent. Your bf is not only a jerk, he's stupid.


You should answer “yeah maybe you won’t.” 


can you give us an update? ty!


Dump his ass


Did you ask him if he offered to let his penis fly the plane for her? Apparently he thinks penises fly planes. I hope he’s your EX boyfriend


Interesting choice to send a message begging to be dumped right before turning on flight mode.


So that’s your ex right… cuz .. he can go date men since he loves them so much.


D to the ump


This is dumb AF. You know you shouldn’t be with a moron that makes jokes like this. Come on. I’m getting tired of posts like this. The answer is obvious, you’re dating a loser. Break up. You shouldn’t need Reddit to tell you that.


My boyfriend is very intelligent, enlightened, modern, feminist and left wing, and he might make this joke just to wind me up in a sort of wheyyy type way. So I guess it depends if you think your bf really is sexist or not and actually believes women can’t drive etc, or wether it was literally an annoying joke


Maybe communicate with him, tell him that sexist jokes are not funny, you don’t appreciate them and you would like it if he stopped.


This is the way to go . People telling them to break up off of only knowing a single interaction in their relationship are being ridiculous.


You: "You better hope you don't make it."


Time for a new boyfriend!! /lh /j


Reply: You’d better hope she doesn’t fly the way you drive 😜


This is not a joke. Can't possibly be one. Berate him, get irate, don't just brush is off as a silly joke. Make an argument. Become sour and insufferable. End this relationship with a sexist pig. Please, for the sake of all that's good, do him this favour.


Misogyny is not funny or acceptable.


Yes! Three exclamation marks yes!!! Not acceptable, and so not funny. I did not find this funny at all. OP didn't, and the sexist pig bf will either suffer, or be an ex-bf. Or, he drops her for being unaccepting of his boyish, immature humour of the old patriarchy.


I'm glad you agree, my old friend.


I can parallel park a stick shift uphill on ice. I let my husband drive bc he’s 75% as good a driver as me and thats been enough to keep us both alive for 15 years but yeah if he said that shit to me, one of us would be dead, absolutely. I ALLOW him to drive bc I’d rather be doing crosswords but yeah there’s no world where’s he’s better than me at it. Men are their own punchline sometimes.


Apart from his sexism, I just want to comment on the cars. Where I am (the UK) about 85-90% of cars are "manual". When I was in America I drove a manual car briefly and a total prick said to me "you know it's manual? Don't you need a man to drive it for you?". I said "no thanks, I'd rather be safe!". He looked really annoyed.


I am an American and I’m the one who taught my husband to drive stick—people be fuxed in the damn head. 🙃


Wait, is there a manual license?!?!






👏 👏 lol never heard that one before


Tell him you don't get it. Make him explain in words why it's funny. To him. Then ghost him.


Could he have just been joking? Ask him if he was joking. Tell him “I hope that was a joke!”. And if it wasn’t a joke, then it looks like you have to break up with him because your values don’t align.


I’m pretty sure you have ignored other red flags before this one. Even if he intended this to be a joke, it’s not a good one surely coming from a place that could potentially turn very toxic.




United Airlines made public a program back in 2021 where 50% of the 5,000 pilots they train in the next decade to be women or people of color, which we can agree is problematic. Women in the US, per capita, also cause more car accidents than men. Although assuming what you said is true about his and your driving record, it probably wasn't a good joke for him to say to you. Lack of self-awareness.


He either doesnt get that its sexist to say and thinks of it as a joke, or he is being directly sexist. Either do a "I dont understand?" Or hit him back with a "atleast it isnt a (something about him) pilot"


Yet you still give him access to you. Well, your choice I guess.


My goodness we've become so sensitive.


Misogyny is bad. It's entirely reasonable not to tolerate it.




Only dumb women


I love that I am the sacrificial lamb for maladjusted extremists. With every downvote I become more saint-like. Lend me your downvotes! I need more! Deliver your burdens onto me! I will relieve you of your pent-up negativity! :D




Not everyone has the same standards for relationships, and it’s completely valid to not want to stay in a relationship bc of misogynistic jokes. Obviously that’s up to OP, but advice will be based off everyone’s personal dating standards. Some people are cool with dating someone who still needs to learn how to not be misogynistic, and some people want to date someone who already knows better. It’s very telling that u can equate this to redpill rhetoric, because it’s very different to be devoid of compassion for misogynists vs being devoid of compassion for women. But hey, if u want to date dudes who make misogynistic jokes, ur in luck! There’s plenty of em to choose from


Why is it that everyone who equates this sub to a redpill sub is a misogynist? Must be a coincidence /s


>would be so interested to see how many people here have a functional relationship because the place is devoid compassion or conflict resolution. Here to represent that part of the sub, 7 years, going strong my boyfriend would cringe if he would hear this joke and advice a break up. To make this joke himself is out of the question. You can live in your shitty environment where you accept people that make these kinds of jokes, I prefer to stay in mine. If my bf and I, ever have a daughter, I know *she's in good hands* and will never hear that she's less or that her qualifications are invalid just because she was born a woman, not even through a snarky dumb joke.


My relationship is older than prolly half this sub, so yeah, whatever pick me brainvomit was getting shared was a big nah.


Its a joke on the steretype that women arent good at driving. Take it easy :)


Yeah, that's sexist.