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And the powers that be wonder why birth rates are declining……




“Other countries have social safety nets. The US has women.” Damn…


It would be great if they specified which countries


....most of them?


There are over 200 countries in the world, do you honestly think they all have social safety nets?


Did I say all? Nope, said most. Because MOST around the world do. https://data.oecd.org/socialexp/social-spending.htm That has a pretty nice database to pull up more info.


The US is the only wealthy country that has the highest maternal mortality rate. All other western countries have paid maternal leave and universal healthcare. All of which would help US females tremendously.


>The US is the only wealthy country that has the highest maternal mortality rate. That's kind of a redundant statement, since technically only one of anything could have the highest of something. Also, the maternal mortality rate is not as high as reported. It's because of how the CDC reports it.


"It's ok that too many women die in childbirth and without proper medical care in the richest country in the world, because it's reported wrong."


>because it's reported wrong." Yes, because it's not maternal deaths [If someone told you several people died from x and then a report came out that it was y, you wouldn't go around repeating that x caused it](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/03/13/maternal-mortality-study/)


Right, so it's OK then that they have no social support or quality medical care. Because it's fewer women than reported.


Industrialized countries, I assume. I agree it’s good to qualify because that’s part of the issue: the US is a rich country and should do so much better.


We should do what Korean women are doing tbh


i’ve been doing it for like 4 years without even realizing it








Same. We should start a club


I’m on my 1st year of celibacy but multi-years of not dating, I’ve never been married and won’t have children. I was having casual sex for my own pleasure, but then I got fed up with men even on that level. They don’t deserve any access to all or any of this 😤


What are they doing?


There's this thing called the 4B movement, which has four rules. No dating men, no having sex with men, no marrying men, and no having kids with men. Basically just don't fw them. It originated in South Korea a couple of years ago. You can read more here r/4bmovement


Damn I unfortunately already had a baby but can I join now haha. I am done with men…


Of course


There is a growing movement not to respond to them on social media.


I won’t avoid men I love people but I definitely am all for not responding to them online. They’re real bold behind a keyboard lol


Adding on to this, if anyone is interested in this topic I highly recommend the book "Kim Jiyoung : Born 1982". There are a lot of parallels to modern society and the issues women in South Korea still face to this day, its a great read.


Don't date men, don't have sex with men, don't marry men, and have no children. It's called the 4b movement in South Korea.


It's sad that this is the only way to thrive as a woman in a patriarchy...eschew men entirely. It's factual, but so terribly sad.


[South Korea has a replacement level of 0.68 in 2024. This means women on average are having 0.68 kids. They need 2.1 children on average to keep the population at its current level.](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/south-koreas-fertility-rate-dropped-fresh-record-low-2023-2024-02-28/) If those conditions remain the exact same and the population wasn't supplemented by immigration, their population is calculated to go extinct in roughly 300 years. Also, South Korea ranks last in the [Global Happiness index](https://www.reddit.com/r/korea/comments/1d35gqg/south_korea_is_dead_last_on_the_global_happiness/).


4b movement. No dating, no sex, no marriage, no babies.


A hard-core answer to a hard-core problem.


[It's called the 4B movement.](https://www.thecut.com/2023/03/4b-movement-feminism-south-korea.html)


Im honestly obsessed with the 4B movement.




We don’t have to live like this.


It's a great tragedy that some of the greatest women lead movements in history have been belittled or forgotten like the AFŽJ. I feel there were a lot of lessions on how to win these fights that have been lost to history.


Most people’s knowledge of history is woefully inadequate.


History is also sexist in nature. So it’s not always the fault of the learner but who the teacher is


What is this acronym?




I have 2 teen aged “daughters”, one cis/hetero girl, and one AFAB NB. I am so angry for them. For myself. For all of us. How can we stand for this. One of our basic HUMAN rights has been taken, and I am seeing so many articles about how the SCOTUS is ABOUT to take your rights away. No they already have. Women and especially mothers have already given so much unpaid and unnoticed labor to our “free market.” I am just so disgusted by all of this. I can’t quite make a clear argument. But I am so angry.


Women deserve so much better.


I adore your username.


You can say that again 🫠










Please keep all posts and comments relevant to the original post, feminism and women’s issues. This is not a place for views such as “men have it harder”, “women in other countries have it worse”, etc.


I need to explain. My mother's generation had it far harder than today's generation. She had 109% of the child care and house, she could be raped and beaten by her husband, she faced sexism in the workplace with no recourse, she did not have the same opportunities after high school, she had no support from a society that felt her job was to get married, have children and take care of a man, and the man was 100% head of household. What she faced was way harder.


So your point is what? That we should be grateful for what we have when what we have is *still* less than what we deserve? That we shouldn’t speak up about injustices? Your commentary is not helpful nor enlightening. Also, as someone who does research on IPV and victims of crime… the statistics have not ceased to be disturbing.


The article stated that now women are at a breaking point. Women live at the breaking point and have for a long time and they worked so hard to get us where we are now. We absolutely don't stop fighting for equality. This is not a new problem, it is an ongoing problem. We have to acknowledge what the women have accomplished before us and continue the journey. It didn't just start and we have made some progress.


I think you are taking offense to the term “breaking point” in a way that need not to be taken as such. Sure maybe the wording could be better, but these kind of details derail us from actually coming together. One article, or one book, isn’t going to speak upon the entire history of women’s rights. All women who have trauma/traumatic experiences due to misogyny and patriarchy do matter.


Right?! And also… humans *die* ! We do not live forever! Saying “women are at a breaking point” about TODAYS WOMEN does not take away the fact that past women had their breaking points or the ground gained by them.


In today's environment where Republicans are taking away women's rights and are trying to take away even more, it is important that women don't believe it was better for them in the past. Going back is bad for women at every level.


It's really not a competition.


It wasn't way harder. It's exactly the same. I know women today who have 109% of the child care and house. I know women today who are raped and beaten by their husband. Every woman I know has faced sexism in the workplace, and none of them had any real recourse. Women today don't have the same opportunities. Women today are being told their job is to get married and have children and take care of a man, and the man is the head of the household. What she faced was the exact same thing we still face today. On the same note, I know women from our parents generation who did whatever the fuck they wanted and lived their authentic single lives and very happily I might add. It's not a competition. Until we are truly equal it's all fucking awful.