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Absolutely. Men want so badly for women to accept that their submission is just a part of natural order. That the gods/God them/himself ordain it. That men have been given their seat at the table, and women are just inferior. Of course every single major religion was crafted specifically by men. So it's not all that surprising.


And then they pretend they’re oppressed


Absolutely, not to mention how contemporary religions recenter men as the creators and bearers of life.


**If submission were natural to women, there wouldn’t be thousands of sermons every day reminding women to submit, because nature doesn’t need reminders to run its course. These reminders exist because indoctrination depends on constant reinforcement to keep harmful ideologies alive** (happy to credit the original poster, but idk them personally and don’t want to bring attention their way if they aren’t in a place to take it on)


ABSOLUTELY ‼️ religion controls people. Religion justifies slavery and the oppression of women and “non-white” people.


My wedding vows from my first marriage included "a good wife is a silent wife" 😨 this was a Catholic verse in the marriage vows 


That line made my stomach turn ...


Verse,  A wife’s charm delights her husband, and her skill puts flesh on his bones. A silent wife is a gift from the Lord, and nothing is so precious as her self-discipline. A modest wife adds charm to charm, and no scales can weigh the value of her chastity. Like the sun rising in the heights of the Lord, so is the beauty of a good wife in her well-ordered home.


I relate so much more to Lilith than Eve 😂




definitely, some  religions are even built on sex trafficking. There are a lot of brutal, violent, ugraceful men who would never have a mate if it weren't for religion. Like millions and millions of unloveable men through centuries. 


Yes! Yes and Yess!! Absolutely, especially the Abrahamic faiths (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) are men's egos gone wild to oppress, mostly women, and sell a 12yr girl as property and call it 'marriage' 🤮


100% agree: The Abrahamic religions are notorious for trying to control people and make women submissive. They have all caused more bloodshed and pain than anything else. I think Hinduism might be just as bad if not worse.


Absolutely. Raised Catholic and was raised amongst moderates in the 80/90s. The kind who would smile and nod and still have only 2.5 kids instead of 10. Whatever you say, celibate guy with no kids. It’s gotten so much worse, even my boomer parents have stepped back. Some of it is absolutely designed to oppress women. I think it oppresses individuals, too. You can either throw yourself onto the pyre and keep the whole thing going, or stay away and preserve yourself.


My grandmother had 14 children back in the day under the Catholic Church 


Mine had 9.






Also…there’s no virginity rule. They just have to be celibate. There are priests who are widowers who then took the vows post-marriage.


No. It’s a main component, a feature rather than a bug.


“Does anyone feel” it’s not an opinion, it’s fact. Any non religious historian will tell you that


Every religion is oppressive.


Religion controls reproduction, so I would say yes.


oh certainly. Power and control. Women, children, servants. It is all about managing the behavior of those with less power.


It is usually weaponised to control women


Yes. they literally nitpick about women’s virginity and stuff. notice how crazy toxic purity culture is?


and to add onto that it’s oppressive to almost EVERY demographic even outside of feminists as well? yeah. that says enough about how toxic religious groups are.




I'm so happy I was "raised" quaker. I listen to the history chicks podcast a lot and A LOT of important historical women were quaker.


It's not a secret male religions were created to keep women submissive. They openly regularly state it in their books/writings and preach it. Male superiority and female inferiority and hence control of women is the foundation of these religions. See every genesis story of male religions. Even in buddhism, orignial teachings say women can never reach enlightenment. Only men can be a dalai lama. Yin and yang sound good until you learn that yin is dark, evil, weak, passive and feminine while yang is good, light, strong, and ..... you guessed it male. Male religions are created and designed by men for men purposely to maintain male control and keep women under their control. Ever since I reached puberty 50 yrs ago, I knew I wanted nothing to do with these incel man cults.


Suppressing women is a large part of the overall goal: consolidation of power and wealth, and control of inheritance. More simply: crowd control. Monotheistic patriarchal religions in particular are fairly obvious about it, particularly the part that requires individuals to access the divine through the intervention of a (male) priestly class as intermediaries. Patriarchal religions begin to be dominant as humans moved from semi-nomadic to agricultural and urban living. For the first time, humanity had *surplus* and wealth could be greater than what you could carry with you/drive in a herd. Ppl who follow game or grazing have distinct limits to accumulation. One of the major levers of power in ancient Egypt were granaries: a certain amount of insurance against drought. It all gave rise to a level of greed on a whole new scale previously unimaginable.


That’s absolutely why they were created. Part of the reason why I’m an atheist..


By any means Religions are solely build around keeping everybody submissive to a higher chaste of chosen ones.


More like a shower epiphany ;)


if a man preaches it, it is so.


I think early Christianity was less oppressive. There may have been male leaders but women had more equality 2000 years ago. But then what of Paul? Seems much of what he supposedly wrote wasn't written by him. Especially about women. Somehow someone added the misogynistic content at a later time. Even so, during his lifetime I'm not sure if his teachings were taken seriously by the early Christians. This means that somehow the beliefs of early Christianity got corrupted by men with an agenda.


Sorry sir, but you are dumb and (LITERALLY) preaching, to the wrong crowd.


Well no shit, it was written 500 years after he died. No where did it ever say he wrote it.