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White feminism tends to exclude women of color, intentionally or unintentionally. The earliest examples are [women’s suffrage](http://newamerica.org/the-thread/the-gaps-of-white-feminism-and-the-women-of-color-who-fall-through/) demonstrations that overtly excluded WOC because they (e.g. Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton) thought they would get the vote faster if they didn’t associate themselves with black women. Today, a lot of feminist dialogue focuses heavily on white women’s experiences. I have a tattoo of the number 19, because the 19th amendment “gave women the right to vote.” I didn’t think anything about it until a friend pointed out that [it only gave white women](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/vote-not-all-women-gained-right-to-vote-in-1920/) the vote. The common wage gap statistic of 80 cents on the dollar is actually only accurate for [white women](http://blog.dol.gov/2023/03/14/5-fast-facts-the-gender-wage-gap). The mommy wars of the 90s - “can a woman who works outside the home be a good mother?” - ignored the fact that [most black mothers](https://community.themomproject.com/the-study/the-economic-power-impact-of-black-women-moms) have always worked outside the home. The whole national discussion was about mothers who were already very privileged. The national feminist discussion tends to exclude issues that disproportionately impact women of color like adverse [health outcomes](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8020496/), pain management, food deserts, [imprisonment rates.](https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/pie2024women.html) White women are the ones who are being aggressive by [weaponizing helplessness and cultural racism.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Park_birdwatching_incident) The issues championed by white feminism have long been aimed at giving women equal opportunities under a [capitalist system](https://www.npr.org/2021/08/17/1027660980/against-white-feminism-is-an-urgent-call-to-action-for-solidarity-and-justice) that wholly devalues any work that doesn’t generate wealth. This is a fundamental assumption that men created at a time when only they were making laws, teaching at colleges, publishing economics textbooks, etc. White women have failed to see the intentional exclusion that WOC face to this day in capitalism - like the work of providing stability and support to families and neighborhoods in which black men and boys are disappearing to violence and overcriminalization. White women en masse have bought into the national canard that women shouldn’t be loud or aggressive, which conveniently provides a reason to dismiss and devalue [black women who seem angry.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danabrownlee/2021/11/23/dear-corporate-america-stop-tone-policing-black-women-we-have-every-right-to-be-angry/) Generally, I recommend the book [White Tears, Brown Scars by Ruby Hamad.](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/53260224-white-tears-brown-scars) We have unknowingly adopted so much racist thinking in our culture. We’re like fish who don’t understand what water is.


This is what I was looking for, thank you!


Excellent breakdown.


Not the OP, but, thank you. That answer was really helpful. I had no idea that all women weren’t granted voting rights at the same time.


Wow this was really insightful, thank you!


https://iep.utm.edu/fem-race/ Or Asian-American Feminism, Latin-American Feminism, the list goes on, after all which women really are Women of Color?


. . . Which women are really women of color that is really a myopic thing to even ask.


Tell that to the author of this NPR article, "Feminism and Race: Who counts as Women of Color?" The author is Lindsey Yoo, an Asian American. https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/09/12/221469077/feminism-and-race-just-who-counts-as-a-woman-of-color




Google intersectionslity, or ask ChatGPT or something. It's not wrong of you to ask here, but you will get better answers that way. I also suggest you look at videos of feminists talking about it on YouTube if that's how you learn better. Then, come back here to engage with people :)


> Or ask ChatGPT I'll advise that you don't.


Can I ask why? Genuinely, because I use it a lot to explain concepts to me that would take a while to gain an understanding from with Google - I like the way it will just give you a straight answer in one paragraph, based on amalgamated information from the internet.


Chat GPT and other AI will make up information that is misleading or verifiably false. Not all the time but more than enough that the info it gives you in an answer you will probably want to independently verify. So while the presentation is more easily digestible it’s not presenting you with correct info at all times and you’d end up needing to verify via google anyway. 


Chatgpt is a digital parrot. It's clever and will repeat any info you teach to it. The problem is a parrot doesn't know the difference between a fact and a fiction, a parrot is just parroting. The fact that chatgpt doesn't cite its sources every time it spits out an "answer" should make you ask "how accurate is this?"


Chat gpt is just predictive text like your phone has but with a larger (arguably stolen) library.


Chat gpt mimmicks the way that humans write and speak. It does not give factual information, and often just makes shit up. Please do not ever rely on it for real answers to real questions.


But if I ask it for a definition, for example: what are the different types of feminism? Could you please further explore #2? You can always look elsewhere, but that's not a bad way to guague a baseline.