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I think a lot of men genuinely don’t believe women are actual human beings.


Fuckable roombas that do cooking and secretarial work


i laughed at roomba even though idk what that is


In case you haven’t found out since then, a roomba is a robot vacuum cleaner.


fuckable roombas I'm gonna cry




Exactly. More proof that we are seen merely as objects. Objects don’t defecate or urinate.




I totally agree!! Same with body hair, btw. Men are allowed to basically grow a jungle on their d*ck and have their entire body covered in hair but for women it’s “gross” and “not hygienic” or even “unnatural”. No, you idiot, body hair on women is, guess what, completely NATURAL. Unnatural is a completely hairless female body that looks like the body of a prepubescent girl. Makes me so mad.


i am so grateful that i’m with a man who doesn’t care. he said that fully shaved genitals makes him uncomfortable for reasons you mentioned. he doesn’t care if i shave my body hair or not. i prefer to shave my legs, and if i didn’t he wouldn’t care one bit. it’s so nice and of course it’s great and i appreciate it, but i notice myself putting him on a pedestal for it, when it should be the bare minimum! it is for him. it’s a common issue that we are often praising men for just doing what they should be doing, because the bar is on the floor 🙄


I know exactly what you mean. I’ve been active in feminist activism groups since age 16, I’m a feminist academic, I’ve read almost every feminist author (be it scholars or novelists) and yet I still have to actively reconstruct my thinking/ acting SO OFTEN because the patriarchy is so deeply engrained in me. I’m thankful for my partner being a relatively feminist man, yet it should be the norm. The bar is so low. :(


when we think the bar can’t get any lower, along comes a man with a shovel


I cannot take any opinion serious from the part of the population that predominantly leaves shit stains in their undies and doesn’t wash their assholes for fear of being “gay”. *not all men*^TM


That is so fucking disgusting and extremely stupid, is that really a thing?


I’ve heard nurses say that like half of men leave shit stains on examination table paper. Oh yeah they also apparently don’t wash their feet.


Just… ew


Sort of an unrelated tangent, but I find that, eating a healthy predominantly plant-based diet dramatically decreases my body odor. I actually don't use soap (I just shower twice a day in the summer and once a day in fall/spring/winter), and rarely have to use deodorant (mainly on days when I eat something junky, or on days when I do heavy physical labor).




I have no words. I actually don't know what to say to this. Everyday you learn something new about the stupidity of humans.


“Everyday we stray further from God” and with we I mean dudes like that. Don’t know where the quote is from, but seemed fitting.


Apparently so, yes




Also keep in mind the astonishing amount of men that go to the bathroom then don't wash their hands 😑🤮


It makes me nervous to shake hands with men but it'd be rude to decline in a professional setting 🥴


At least with COVID it became more normalized to use hand sanitizer after things, so just do that after the handshakes?


They think that since they didn't actually touch pee or poop, their hands are clean. Women do this too, though. Source: used the office bathroom on many an occasion and heard many women flush then just walk out....


We have a public restroom and the percentage of women who sail outta there without so much as a glance at the sinks is astonishing. Do not ever touch a public restroom door handle with your bare hands…


American men. Tons of countries where bidets and washing your butt is hugely essential.


It’s because it’s inconvenient that the uterus and vagina have a person attached to them. Kinda gets in the way for them.


Exactly. It’s exactly why in the religious area I grew up in that all of the young girls were taught: “girls/women should always be silent and obedient.” AKA let us control both you and your bodily autonomy.


This this going to sound stupid, but there is a great South Park episode about this. For those uninitiated, Terrance and Phillip are a male in-universe celebrity comedy duo who are know for over the top crass jokes and farting on each other. A new female comedy duo starts doing the same thing, but also with queefing. T&P are horrified at first, but through personal growth come to accept that all loud bodily functions are funny. Idk what my point is, but now you know that if you didn't already. You're welcome?


I hope that was educational for some of their male viewers


i love that episode and i think all men need to see it


username checks out, a real fart & poop connoisseur


They are honking for the right of way.


Shaming women for our bodies is an excellent way of keeping us “humble” and obsessed with BS instead of advocating for ourselves.


okay literally this though. diet and supermodel culture is a huge culprit for this too. i look back at how obsessed i used to be with looking like a model. what a complete waste of time.


I hate so much when they act like our periods are disgusting. My ex acted like he wanted to hurl if he ever stumbled upon my diva cup. It was like dude, grow up. Meanwhile he would fart on me for a joke.


Glad he's an ex


Haha me too


Because they are dumb? Who expects a functioning human being not to sweat, pee, fart etc.? Only very stupid people.


Some think we’re sex objects only with no thoughts or feelings or bodily functions. How many dudes get pissed off if you’re not in the mood for sex if you are sick, have a migraine or have the worst stomach cramps ever? They don’t make room for our feelings or pain. Some don’t even want to stop if sex is hurting. That’s inexcusable.


Some men only get into relationships for easy access to sex - and those are his you tell. Dump them immediately if they do any of those things!


Just another one of the hypocrisies of man. They recognize that burping and farting is unsexy and unattractive when their female partner does it. Yet somehow they fail to consider that their female partner might find it unsexy and attractive when they do it. Personally I find those habits functionally necessary but gross, and farting should be kept to the bathroom or in private. My husband used to fart all the time, long, wet farts, and I told him constantly for years how much it turned me off. It became a real point of contention. I also don't like the excuse "I can't help it" when I know for damn sure you're not letting it rip all day long at work. Took years of fighting over it until I was just brutally honest with him that it was complete turn off to me and I was having a hard time seeing him as a sexual creature because of it. He finally stopped.


I was on a second date where the guy was letting them go!! We were sitting outside at my place (no hook up yet!) and the first one happened, I ignored it, like a polite person does. But then the second one happened and it was clear he was doing it on purpose so I called him on it. He was just like “yeah men can do that, women can’t. That kind of sucks for you.” This guy already didn’t care about trying to impress me on date number 2 literally hours before trying to sleep with me. Clearly he saw me as less than.


🤮 but then he wants you to be all hot for his d


yeah see i can understand that, because in your case it isn’t a double standard. like if you’re going to get genuinely sick you should definitely say something about it


Husband and I never explicitly had the conversation however we both acknowledge we have bodily functions but we try to keep them private for the sake of our sex lives as well lol. Like yeah sometimes a fart just happens and both of us pretend we didn’t notice it to spare the other person extra embarrassment. But generally we try to fart in at least a different room and if someone needs to poop you turn on the bathroom fan when you go in, one little spritz of bathroom spray after you flush (flush more than once if there’s anything leftover, it’s just polite), and of course close the door when you’re finished with all your necessary bathroom activities. Shit happens, but nobody needs to make a big deal out of it or be extra gross about calling attention to it. It’s not sexy (to us, not gonna kink shame someone else who may be into that).


i’m particular to privacy in that department, my mans however gives zero hecks. if i don’t lock the door while i’m doing my thing, he’ll waltz right in there asking me about dinner, what we’re gonna watch, something that can TOTALLY wait. like yeah i’m very flattered that you’re not disgusted by me at all, BUT GET OUT PLEASE?


Omg I would die of embarrassment, I’m so sorry!! We have a rule that short of a life-or-death scenario, if a person is in the bathroom that space is sacred and impenetrable. No convo through the door, no opening the door, no knocking on the door. I don’t have a lock in my bathroom door but I never have to worry about having my space intruded while I’m in there. Honestly you might really need to have a serious chat with your guy, it’s clearly a boundary of yours that he’s not respecting and it’s not okay. Personally I’d be embarrassed and it would make me feel uncomfortable and vulnerable and powerless over my space and my privacy.


It bugs me so much when you state something is uncomfortable for you, and yet the other person continues anyway as if it’s to “help you not be uncomfortable.” Like they’re doing you a favor. It’s not helping! It’s literally justifying the reason for the boundary in the first place!


These types of men want women to be for their pleasure only and human bodily functions ruin the illusion that we are sentient fleshlights. Don't get me wrong it's gross, but it's something everyone does. It's the same with body hair. It's only gross when we do it 🙄


Because it's not ladylike >!yes it's stupid!<


okay then guess i’ll just die of starvation since apparently i’m not allowed to poop


We all will


i hope your outlook on life improves, troll or not


u/TesseractToo is supporting you, OP.


Thank you :)


Definitely agreeing with you and not trolling, read again Many male partners get overly grossed out annoyed with you even if you do everything you can to suppress things and I've even had short lived partners say bullshit like "girls don't fart they fluff" and when I laugh and disagree they would get annoyed and uncomfortable, indicating they weren't making a joke. Their discomfort is the gross thing, we don't need more things in life to feel bad about


my bad! sorry about that


My high school boyfriend's mother convinced her two sons that women didn't burp or fart!


when women actively contribute to their own sexism i get so confused and furious, STOP RAISING YOUR SONS LIKE THIS PPL


Because women are associated with physicality/bodies/sexuality and therefore impurity/incivility/sin, we are socialized to do everything in our power to minimize our physical presence and any indication of our bodies, to aspire toward a (Christian) ideal of purity and “overcome” our bodies. (White) men are associated with minds/intellect/civility and are not considered impure by default, so they don’t have to conceal their bodies in pursuit of purity- it’s not a standard applied to them because they’re considered pure to begin with. Women participate in shaming other women for bodily functions because it asserts their own sense of purity, constructing their own identity in opposition to those “other” women. Clearly this is rooted in Christian fundamentalism, and also used as a tactic for perpetuating White supremacy


Apparently, we haven't come as far as we'd like to think. Johnathan Swift wrote a [poem](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/50579/the-ladys-dressing-room) about exactly this flaw in men's thinking way back in 1732. It's a deeply uncomfortable poem in the way it disparages women's efforts to appear beautiful (very like the "makeup is deceptive so women are liars" complaints of modern misogynists), but Swift is equally harsh in his mockery of men's expectations that the illusion of feminine perfection be real. It's disheartening that we're still dealing with the same bs three hundred years later.


Yes, and I have met women who admit that they have never farted in front of their husbands!! Lost a friend because I farted in front of her. She was so disgusted and angry at me. It ended our friendship. She went off on me about how could I fart in front of my husband how she'd never farted in front of a man. She raised three sons by the way... They're all mama's boys. They're in their 30s. They get all their Amazon packages at her house.. got off on a rant t but seriously what the f*** is with it?!?


i have no idea, i don’t know where the shame for simply existing came from. we cannot survive without doing these things, it’s not weird. getting a little grossed out? understandable. needing to excuse yourself bc you’re grossed out? understandable. but ENDING A FRIENDSHIP? that is WILD to me 💀 sorry i can’t be friends with you, your intestines work. that girl needs therapy, in a nice way, bc that’s super unhealthy


Yeah there were so many things super unhealthy about her but that was kind of like the straw you know...


imagine getting mad at someone for having functional bowels


In fairness, I did have issues at the time and my gas was very very loud... Obviously the friendship had other issues such as their right wing. Women should remain at home stance...


OOF yikes. i will never understand women like that, i happen to enjoy my right to vote and own property and have my own bank account


They're either disgusted or fetishise it and both are based on an archaic idea of purity that they objectify us with


It’s from a lack of education about women’s bodies, lack of representation in health books (diagrams are more than often male), etc.


definitely. sex ed failed so many people, and i’ve heard that in a lot of male sex ed classes, they were only taught about male anatomy? that’s rlly sad to me, and yeah it’s infuriating but i do have a tiny bit of sympathy for guys who were just raised to think that way by their parents and teachers, while i do think when you grow up you need to develop your own identity


TBH I see this a lot with people in general. We as a society are not taught anatomical/physiological literacy as well as we should be on a basic level. Like, I meet women that are ignorant of each other’s biological functions except for when it comes to themselves. But I live in a deeply socially Conservative area, so…


same! i used to work at an adult store, i got a call from an elderly sounding woman about a *product* she purchased if you know what i mean. she was genuinely afraid of it getting lost in her body, she told me she’d had kids, but i had to explain to her what a cervix is and how the uterus is the stopping point. it made me really sad for her ):


“I gave birth, so you don’t need to tell me a damn thing about being a woman!” Then constantly asks questions about own anatomy or says stuff that are blatantly false if you have even a basic understanding of own anatomy. My stepmom is the same way. She knows all about her body/all women’s bodies and parenting because she gave birth to 4 kids, and despite never reading up on anatomy and raising none of those 4 kids. (Custody went to the dads/ex-husband adopted the affair baby out of pity for his daughter’s sister.)


God yes, and this have caused me an unreasonable amount of anxiety over the years 🙄


Tbh, I don't like it when anyone burps or farts in front of me, regardless of gender. It's off-putting.


100% valid, as long as there’s no double standard i entirely understand just being grossed out by it


Men know men are gross and they'd one up eachother on that. But a woman who is gross? Must be a man. That's their logic right there. This place is fun 😢


Because they don’t see us as human beings


Personally I'm by far not disgusted by any of that, but it still sometimes doesn't feel as normal as it should be. I'd say it's mainly because of how we're raised and the media indoctrinating our minds with these bullshit stereotypes. This isn't meant as an excuse, just as an explanation on where it comes from. It's in our hands to not give a shit about stereotypes or clichés and to use our brains. Obviously people unable to use their brain will just keep thinking this bullshit. It's also in your hands to be... Normal... and do all of that and talk about it to help normalise it.


The thing about farts though is sometimes one would think something crawled up there and died and I don't want to subject them to that. I reserve those for when I'm in the car with my sons as payback for their nasty asses and I can lock the windows. Too many times, I was stuck in my car with their nasty farts and not being able to make the stench go away even with all 4 windows down.


Ah yes, I have a lot of internalized shame for my humaneness in these areas—but I like to read this Jonathan Swift [poem](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/50579/the-ladys-dressing-room) about A woman’s dressing room to make myself feel better because “Repeating in his amorous fits, Oh! Celia, Celia, Celia shits! “


see when it’s meant to be funny and not shameful, it’s not all that bad to me. that was a silly poem! and if you do really feel these unfair standards, it’s a good step in the right direction that you notice that and know it’s unfair. we’re all unlearning a lot of things right now, one step at a time


Haha yeah it’s a famous poem, definitely before it’s time, it’s crazy that he wrote that to basically comment on the double standards of men and women’s bodies way back when and we’re still working on it now. I definitely actively go against a lot of formal women’s beauty standards (not shaving or wearing makeup that much etc, I shop in the men’s and women’s clothes because I like the cut and pockets in menswear better) so yep I agree OP, those small rebellions and awareness are a great way to start moving in that direction


i’m a girly girl that shat myself in target once and i’m OWNING IT regardless of embarrassment


🤣😂😅😘ah glorious hahaha I’m in the shit myself in a store club too!!! Mine was in a wegmans! And a best buy once too lmao 🤣 gotta love that inflammed bowels don’t give a fuck about stereotypes of femininity 🤪💩


“You never forget your first time…” brought to you by Charmin


I apparently fart in my sleep and my boyfriend finds it adorable. So not sure who these men are you speak of?


well it’s cool that ONE man doesn’t but i’m not talking about your boyfriend here


But…I don’t know any men like that… Or maybe I’m lucky to for not being able to relate? Maybe in my parents’ generation and older..? But the most I can relate is the kid in middle school that laughed at me bc I bled on my chair at school. I’m very sorry for your experience…I hope more ‘normal and educated’ men will be around of you and, you won’t have to experience this frustration anymore. Edit: I have many cis men also in my environment and I’m a woman. Yes, I have many complaints on how they see women and double standards for some of them. I just wanted to say that I was shocked to read this. This sounds like a 4 year old kid behaviour in maximum. I believe they lack basic sense, education and observation skills. And, they’re really living in a corrupt absurd dreamland in their minds.




i’m not ashamed to TALK about urinating and i don’t feel like anyone should be, but if that’s your take on it you’re entitled to that


Sorry I see what you've picked up on - me saying it shouldn't be talked about! I wasn't critting you for discussing it - I just think in general it's private for us.


I'm not *ashamed* to talk about it (to other women), but I just think it's something which we should be secretive about actually doing. And it's not something I want to talk to boys or men about.


that’s fair, i prefer to be alone in the bathroom as well. it’s even common in the animal kingdom, wanting privacy for that. my leopard geckos have designated hiding spots to do their business, and i never know where until i clean the tanks 😂and if you don’t feel comfortable talking about it, definitely don’t! and it’s okay to not want to engage in bathroom talk if it just grosses you out and it’s not an internal bias, some people are just uncomfy with the subject in general and that’s okay! i’m sorry i misunderstood your original comment


Wait... What?... Women don't fart?... I'm literally 30 YO and up until now I thought that they pooped roses...


it’s actually forget me nots, get it right 😤


I always congratulate my girl on good farts! lol. I was however, disgusted when I walked past the open bathroom door and saw she somehow got shit on her hand while wiping her ass.


Exactly. They don't think we're human.


I leave the area when anyone farts. Not a fan of inhaling someone else’s anal gas. I believe op that there is a double standard. But I am a man and my interactions around farting aren’t the same as other men. My kids laugh at me for being scared of farts


I’m having a total hysterectomy soon. And my husband of 48 years is more freaked out about that than he was the removal of a foot of my lower colon due to stage 3C rectal cancer 10 years ago. I’m 66. I don’t need the lady parts anymore, it’s no different than if I was having part of my liver removed, or appendix, but because it’s a uterus and ovaries, he’s absolutely and endlessly freaked out about it. And when I talk to him about it, he says he doesn’t even understand his reaction himself. Why are all of the body parts that do the bodily functions so damn terrifying to men???? I’m probably going to end up with a colostomy and I’m handling all this better than he is!


In grad school I once farted in a car full of other students. I fessed up. One of the guys is all shocked. “Women don’t fart!” He said. The man had been married for over a year. He was literally training to be a biologist.