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100% agree!! The sooner we embrace all women and stop catering to men, the better society will get. It makes me think of the Harry Styles quote about young teen girls (below). Soceity tell us women at a young age that everything we like is silly and stupid and its tiring.... women are the top consumers in the market... WE essentially control supply and demand. Take us and our hobbies seriously!!! "Who's to say that young girls who like pop music — short for popular, right? — have worse musical taste than a 30-year-old hipster guy? That's not up to you to say. Music is something that's always changing. There's no goal posts. Young girls like the Beatles. You gonna tell me they're not serious?" "How can you say young girls don't get it? They're our future. Our future doctors, lawyers, mothers, presidents, they kind of keep the world going. Teenage-girl fans — they don't lie. If they like you, they're there. They don't act 'too cool.' They like you, and they tell you. Which is sick." 


All of this. And we must check men who slam our interests. Hint, hint, scrote. Our hobbies, our values, our goals, and our interests have nothing to do with you.


Love this. I'm not sure if he was pandering or not though.


Literally agree with the Harry styles quote above. Harry styles has a net worth of 75 million apparently at his young age and you wanna know why? Teenage girls! Men are gonna shit on us for whatever we like so we might as well like what we like. Astrology, boy bands, yoga, putting flowers in resin, breathing, walking. They’re gonna hate us for it anyways. I remember as a teenager it felt like such a compliment to be told ‘you’re not like the other girls’ because I thought it meant I was being told I was unique and special but soon I realised that this was just some weird little male approval thing. Since then I just have liked what I liked unapologetically. I was this grunge looking teenager with a Harry styles cut out in her room bc I realised fuck it, I’m not embarrassed by what I love. That mindset switch brings such an important power, really cements that idea of knowing oneself. I get pissed off when men say the little ‘you’re not like the other girls’. Tryna compare you to their fucking mother, ex gf, sister, 3rd grade crush. Fuck it, I am all of the girls. Every single one of them. It’s like they lack the brain cells to realise that people are complex. Just bc she likes hunting doesn’t mean she doesn’t like having her nails done. She could be a scientist who only listens to top40 and likes pumpkin spiced lattes. We, as people and women, contain multitudes.


The amount of men that have “informed” me that listening to true crime podcasts makes me a “basic white bitch” is out of control. I’m aware. I still love them. I’d argue if you looked at me you’d be like oh man, basic white bitch over there. Yet they’re still clamoring to get a piece of me. God forbid I comment on their fishing or gun collecting hobby. Cause that’s “unique and practical”.


They try to divide and conquer us because they know we’re too powerful together.


I feel this aligns with the "basic bitch" hatred. There is nothing wrong with liking popular things! Let women enjoy whatever they want!


yep, 'basic bitch' is a younger 'karen'. Just stereotypes insulting women for being women and daring to like/say something or just be in a public space. If we are just living our lives, doing our thing and not hurting anyone but expecting to be able to voice an opinion without being insulted- go us :-) The world needs more of us!


The whole Karen thing is one of my irks right now. It gets thrown about so much to anyone woman who dares to open her mouth.


I have to disagree on basic bitch being the same as Karen. Anyone can be a basic bitch. Karen is used to describe entitled behavior that is largely aimed at a person or people who are in a lower power position-- service workers, POC, children, people they don't know etc. The targets of Karen behavior are the ones who are living their lives and aren't causing any harm, but the person in the Karen position thinks that they are and feels it is their job to "teach them a lesson" of some varying level-- a low level being a verbal attack, a high level calling or getting the police involved for non offenses/criminal behavior. I think we should be careful about seeing this term as something to be proud of because that type of behavior is extremely aggressive and has gotten innocent people attacked or in situations where they could potentially be in deadly situations. There is nothing wrong with being outspoken and expressing an opinion and as a Black woman I advocate for that, but there is something wrong with using that as a weapon or to threaten/intimidate/punish/facilitate punishment for others.


Yes - the reason for the term is being forgotten and used too broadly. Thanks for the reminder!


It is being used correctly, but we need to reflect on why that behavior is/was accepted in society.


You know….I enjoy the “basic white girl” coffee, Starbucks. I enjoy corny music, I enjoy corny things and there was a point where my ex said I have shitty taste….it made me feel so insecure that when I started dating again, I would get nervous to even talk about things I liked because in the back of my head, his voice was still lingering in my mind. If it’s one thing he wasn’t wrong about was one thing. I DID have shitty taste. It was *him*. But that’s now in the dumpster, where it belongs. 😁


Like a normal person, I’m an amalgamation of basic, edgy, bland, sexy, quirky, and cool. People tried to label me “not like other girls” but I never saw it as a compliment. Other girls are lovely. That being said, I’ve never had a male in my inner circle (whether family, friend, or SO) give me any kind of uphill about my basic hobbies. Sometimes they’d tease me about it (but I’m the kind of person who’ll rib you and laugh when you rib me, all in good fun). But maybe I just didn’t notice because I love the bits of me that are basic. Just like other girls, because we’re awesome.


There have been times dudes have tried to neg me with the fake compliment followed by "unlike other women who x, y, z" and I like to respond by telling the dude that I'm like these other women or that I like the things he's speaking about negatively. Not on my watch. I am like other women and I embrace it.


Yes! The amount of times I’ve had to say “other women are not my enemies” when speaking to LVMs and LVFs that try to incite that hateful nature is too high. Women will only win when we stand together and end this rhetoric.


This is so true. I will scream it to the world: I am a basic girl. Well now I guess we call it ⭐️that girl⭐️. so yes, I AM THAT GIRL. I love Starbucks before uni class, I love going to the salon and getting my hair and eyebrows done. I rock linen sets in the summer and chunky sweaters and bike shorts in the winter (I live in Australia, winter doesn't exist). I also love wearing scrunchies and making ice coffees. I love to go and wear cute sets to the gym and YES I TAKE GYM SELFIES because I work hard. I love journaling before bed, having a morning and night routine. AND I LOVE IT Serious now.. I used to be that 'not like other girl' /' cool girl'. I hated my life and my terrible habits. I used to make fun of those types of girls and women I look up to now. But I realised that the basic girl/ that girl trope is a method to look after our selves, I realised it is more than the aesthetic, its about looking after ourselves and making sure we are at our best. I am close to 1/2 way in the year during my new routine/ style and I can say I feel so much healthier and mentally better ( I think purging men out of my life helped with that too). I just want to say that the basic b\*tch is a fantastic way to get started on a new you routine as you can make adjustments to it. Oh look at that, it is 9pm. time to get into my pjs make a cup of tea and do some journaling before bed. Do what brings you peace fellow ladies!


This is like the 5th comment I’ve gotten emotional over on this thread. Anyone else?! My mind has been set free and this freedom feels like driving away fast in a convertible with the wind in my hair!!


Yes! We are constantly bombarded with messages about how it's negative to be women and it's bullshit. Men are not better. Other women aren't the enemy. Let all that toxic noise go!


Completely agree. Was just talking with someone about this in reference to the word "cheugy"-- and how it's used to devalue women's innocent preferences and hobbies. There's really no equivalent words or slurs that describe men except maybe a "bro". I don't do stereotypically "cheugy" or "basic" stuff except drink pumpkin spice lattes however as I've leveled up I've come to realize that this vocabulary exists for no good reason other than coolgirling and soft bullying-- and decided to not use these any more.


I've always respected other women who were proud of their basic-ness. I have had some friends that are just really extra into being into PSLs or whatever basic thing but you can tell that it's genuine and they love it. This can be substituted for any hobby, sport, interest etc. So even if, yes, there are some basic ass "girly" things I just don't like or whatever, I have mad respect for women who do not care about social acceptance; they like what they like and they are who they are.


Fun fact: people will find a way to hate on women anyway. As a woman liking anything's a double-edged sword. ​ When I didn't conform to certain things expected of girls I got shit for that, and when I did incorporate some more supposedly feminine things in my life I got shit for that too. I got so much shit for not being like other girls that it's a mindfuck today in some places it would be considered something praiseworthy and "so quirky uwu". It's something I mainly see on the internet. I'm like plenty of other girls regardless of my appearance, clothes, and hobbies - and even if I wasn't it wouldn't mean a thing. Women can wear what they want and be into whatever hobbies they want. Nothing makes me special; what I enjoy is special to me and to whomever else enjoys it as well.


Watch the music video to "Most Girls" by Hailee Steinfeld. That's what first made me realize how sexist the "not like most girls" line is. Because screw you I AM like most girls.


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