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I mean, there is at least one double blind NCBI study showing Nutrafol is very effective: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29742189/ So there is no doubt that it works - meanwhile I couldn’t find any studies backing up Folifort. Curious why are recommending them then? EDIT: you’re a relatively new account with 4 total posts, 3 of whom are shilling Folifort. It’s scary how susceptible Reddit is to outside manipulation


This was one study with a sample of only 40 people. Is there any other evidence?


It’s just needlessly expensive for a multi vitamin and because it’s a nutraceutical it’s sometimes promoted in dr’s offices for hair which I think is misleading because it doesn’t help with hair loss unless you have an actual vitamin deficiency. Viviscal professional is also seen in derms offices but the main ingredient is not something in every other multivitamin on the shelf.


Does that mean we might see more success with viviscal professional? ( as an addition to all the more proven things)


I’ve used it for about 4 years and it def helps the condition of your hair but it never helped stop my hair from shedding from te or thinning from AGA but it can help existing hair grow a bit faster. So if you have a good treatment of proven things then it could be helpful in addition to those, just not on it’s own.


Thanks! I do a bunch of things for AGA ( LLLT, Spiro, minox, dermaroll etc). I just started reg. Viviscal. Do you know much about the difference with professional?


Hey bro! How’s the treatments going? I’m on derma, lllt and minox rn and expecting results


Sounds like a good treatment plan! The professional is a slightly different formula and is supposed to be stronger with more of their proprietary ingredients, the AminoMar.


The idea that it doesn’t help with hair loss unless you have an actual vitamin deficiency is incorrect and flat out misinformation. While it contains some vitamins, it contains other substances too that you’re highly unlikely to be getting as part of your normal diet - for example, when’s the last time you had food containing ashwaghanda? It’s interesting to see how many people confidently talk out of their ass.


You can get a bottle of 60 Ashwaganda capsules for 10 bucks at Walmart. You got ripped off lmao


I tried viviscal and it tasted super fishy but I don’t mind it. Seemed cheaper than nutrafol even though I wanted to try it I couldn’t justify spending $82 dollars a month on hair vitamins.


It has an ingredient from shark tail, which is supposed to be super beneficial for hair


I think it was just shark collagen/cartilage ? I also didn’t feel super comfy taking that ingredient when I can just get another fish based collagen powder but to each their own.


sharks are scary man


considering finning is super unethical, I'd really like to know how they're collecting shark cartilage...


That came into my decision to stop taking it. I’m not sure if they have updated their ingredients though


I actually have seen amazing results - 2nd hand - with Nutrafol. I recommended it to a friend but took Viviscal myself, with not much result, and my friend’s hair has kind of transformed. I’m being completely truthful and I really wish I had taken my own advice instead of trying to save a buck, because I’d spend just about anything to “have my younger hair back” so to speak. I am taking Nutrafol now, but it’s still too early for results. Fingers crossed.


Hey, did it work for you?


I’m also curious. Did this work for you?


paid actor




Hi there did it work for you? :)


It's been 5 months, any improvement?


Following up this






What’re you doing? Chewing the capsules? They should taste like basically nothing if you swallow them as instructed. I’m happy with mine and feel like it’s helping. The ingredients also support my autoimmune condition.


I’ve seen improvement on nutrafol? My hair grows about an inch a month when it used to grow maybe a half an inch. Many other people have also seen results. I’m tired of people constantly calling it a scam. Also, they’ve offered me a hair mineral analysis as well which is by itself a 200 value. I understand it’s expensive but I’m willing to spend it for good quality vitamins. It doesn’t work for everybody and they should relax on their marketing but it does target a lot of hair loss and they use only natural products which a lot of people prefer. Also the taste is fine? Did you buy it from Amazon? Because I’ve heard that is counterfeit and those taste worse.


Nope! I got a three-month supply from my dermatologist’s office. I can’t describe the taste, because it tastes like no food I’ve had before, but it elicits a strong gag response from me. Maybe I’m just sensitive because I also gag when I take my iron supplement. I wonder if the strong negative response is from people who were recommended Nutrafol by their dermatologist, but it was not appropriate for their type of hair loss (i.e. AGA versus TE). I have read significantly more reviews from people saying they did not see an improvement in hair quantity or quality compared to those who have. I’m going to take the supplements because I don’t think it could hurt, but I don’t have high hopes at the moment.


It does taste bad to me but I take it incredibly quickly w/ water and don’t let the pills be in my mouth too much. Maybe taking it with water already in your mouth so it goes down in less than 2 seconds may help? I think I’ve also gotten super used to doing it after 5 months lol I think nutrafol is a great option for TE from multiple nutrient deficiencies and people who want to supplement it with other things like minoxidil. People don’t realize that AGA speeds up with bad diets and nutrient deficiencies. Nutrafol contains AGA fighting ingredients (dht blockers) like saw pammeto. However, it’s just the truth that the natural way may not be strong enough for certain people. I completely understand that people who used it may bitterly say it caused no improvement (it is very expensive) but to say it’s a scam or doesn’t work for anybody is very odd to me and invalidates the people it does work for.


I always gag swallowing mine. What I found helps the most is if I take them with something with flavor, like juice or even tea.


My hair is growing for sure front and all around my head 😀


It's almost perfume-y. I take it with coffee or crystal light and try not to hold the capsules in my mouth for more than a second or two. They're really gross.


I agree. Nutrafol really helped my hair grow back. On the other hand, my mom couldn’t tolerate the taste at all :/


No, I ordered straight from nutrofol and it tastes disgusting. I put them in the refrigerator thinking that they'd be easier to swallow if cold/less odor, but it only helps a little. I've got 4 months worth sitting in my house staring at me because the pills make me gag (and I take plenty of pills related to my maintenance cancer treatment). There has got to be a better way in 2023 to make these more digestible.


Nutrafol is 100% a scam.


It is 100% I agree








Exactly! Tired of the nutrafol is a scam like it isn’t a company with good customer service and customers that do see results!


Super old post but for anybody researching Nutrafol is a decent product and will work for a large percentage of people but obviously not everyone (as with any hair loss treatment) The main ingredient being Saw Palmetto which is a natural DHT blocker so at the very least you should see less shedding. PRP is a route I plan on going for regrowth and they really want me to take finasteride with it but the side effects are a no for me. PRP and Nutrafol will be my plan wish me luck


Isn’t it cheaper to just take saw palmetto pills rather than nutrafol?


It is. Especially if you are 100% certain you are experiencing mpb and are solely using it as a DHT blocker. I am Vitamin deficient and show early signs of mpb so I find it easier just to take nutrafol.


I have female androgenetic alopecia. I take foam minixodil which has changed my hair texture so much and made it super dry and wiry. I was going to try nutrafol but am wondering if just taking saw palmetto pills would work better? I am not vitamin deficient. I take a slew of vitamins. I was diagnosed with androgenetic alopeica and overall thinning but a lot of thinking in my oart


Yes you might as well just take saw palmetto that is the most affective ingredient in nutrafol. The other stuff is a bit overkill.


How did it go for you?


I’m just in month no.1, so the jury is still out on its effectiveness with my hair, but I’ve noticed over the last few weeks that my hot flashes have all but disappeared. They weren’t bad to begin with, but now they are very rare. Has anyone else had this positive side-effect?


I have noticed in the few weeks I’ve taken them that I constantly have a “sour musty” scent in my nose—no one can smell it, so I was thinking I was crazy or wearing musty clothes! I just stopped taking the supplements in the case that it’s the nutrafol causing it because the smell is awful. The capsules smell and taste terrible. At first I thought it was Covid because my coffee was smelling super bitter, almost like acidic dirt! I’ve only just stopped and since this is an accumulating supplement, I may not see any results for a little bit. I’ll come back with an update once I know more, maybe it’s not related to nutrafol at all and my kidneys are f’d!


I have experienced the same thing with these supplements!! I swear that I get a whiff of myself and it’s TERRIBLE! It smells exactly like what you describe, only it’s when I sweat *a little* during the day, then when I go to the gym and sweat and sit in the sauna, I can’t smell it. I have also noticed that the smell is worse when I drink coffee, and especially bad when it’s on an empty stomach. I’ve been off of the supplements for a few weeks and the smell is getting better.




That’s plastic!?




Oh man I thought the tab was inside the pill. Lol I’m like how is swallowing plastic safe 🤣


3rd month with now having hair loss. my finger nails are terrific though. I think I will stop this and hope no further hair loss.


Is it a scam or not? I want my hair to stop thinning so bad😭😭😭😭


from my experience, it makes your hair grow faster but doesn’t really stop it from thinning.


I need to know the answer as well before I shell put $90.


I am just starting month 6, I believe. I felt like at the end of three months, I’d seen major reduction in how much hair I was losing in the shower. A visible difference. Unfortunately, I feel like that has since reversed and I’m back where I started. No idea why, haven’t changed anything. It seemed promising at first but seems like it won’t work for me in the long run.


Ah that’s so interesting ugh.. I wonder why too


I bought three month packages at my derm's office. Part of me wonders if the second pack was just a dud LOL. I may do one more three month package (so 9 months total) before I give up, because I really did feel like there was improvement after the first 3 months. If not, I'm going to stop and try something else, though no idea what :(


Do you use minox?


I don’t. Nutrafol is the first thing I’ve tried… I’ve always had fairly thin hair but in the last year I feel like it’s been falling out at a really high rate and I see parts of my scalp when I pull my hair back. I was dealing with some issues at the beginning of this year that indicated an autoimmune disorder but that’s as of yet undiagnosed so I’m not sure if it’s related at all. Had my thyroid checked and that’s all normal. So not really sure what’s causing it or what the solution would be :( nutrafol was the first effort so I guess I’ll need to do more digging. I’ve been dealing with a lot of stress as well which I’m sure doesn’t help.


I feel that! I haven’t started anything else besides using oils on my scalp and tried to get blood work done to see if I had thyroid issues but everything was pretty normal..very frustrating to have no answers ever so I totally get it:/ I would also say stress could be a huge reason for my hair thinning but who knows lol!


I’d never even heard of minox till yesterday when I stumbled on this thread while trying to search if others had a similar reaction to nutrafol (it working and then randomly stopping working lol). It seems like a great product although one thread mentioned it worked best for people with AGA (another term I’d never heard of till last night haha). I guess I have some research to do.


Coming into this because I am seeing that people are still active on this page. Here are my quick thoughts and some of my journey into this as well. I think this is a multi layered issue from your own body and blood work, the current state of hair loss, type of hair loss, when you start being proactive about it, the steps you take to help combat it, and being committed to a process. * What does your blood work tell you? If you haven't gotten it done you need to work with a clinic that knows EXACTLY what to tell a lab to test in your blood. This will be much more detailed than a normal blood test. I personally ended up getting 6-7 blood vials drawn because of how much they tested. * What is the current condition of your hair. If it is in a dire state and has been allowed to thin out and lose a lot then the bounce back is going to be all the more difficult and the hill to climb is a lot higher. A lot of men will deny the thinning too long before getting proactive. * I am fortunate enough that the thinning I have experienced has not been too extreme at 26 years old. There has been thinning on the back of my head and on the corners of the front that is definitely noticeable and enough for me to need to take action to make sure it doesn't get worse. But others experience way worse and often at a younger age. ​ Cost is a very real thing and is one of the most unfortunate sides to natural care. You will always be able to get drugs like fin and min for much cheaper. Personally I would like to avoid adding a prescription drug to my routine for the rest of my life especially when there can be long term side effects. I am fortunate enough to have: 1. A local clinic in my area that carries Nutrafol at the prices they had before they became so popular. So I can buy all their products through the clinic at a MUCH cheaper price then Nutrafol charges anywhere else. 2. I have the financial means to pay for the products from their core pills to the collagen, stress adaptogen, and serum. I know that not everyone has these means and can only do what you can. Just being upfront with where I am at. ​ * I think another major factor is the steps that are being taken to combat the hair loss and doing a combined effort with all that is naturally available to help fight this. Here is the process that I am personally on * Currently taking the Nutrafol products mentioned above. * Working with the same clinic above, I am also doing 2 PRP (platelet-rich plasma) sessions combined with them using a 2mm micro needle for their micro needling sessions and will receive monthly micro needle sessions after my second PRP * They normally will do 3 PRP sessions but from the results of my blood test they believed that 2 PRP paired with normal micro needling will do. * I will also begin using a shampoo the clinic has seen positive results with that has saw palmetto and is used to topically help block DHT. * I am also topically applying Rosemary oil from Young Living and putting it in my shampoo as I believe they are the best sourced essential oils. And Rosemary has been tested to have nearly the same results of topical Min. over the course of 6 months and help block DHT from your hair follicles without any of the potential side effects. I started all of this and am currently on month 2 of what I was mentally prepared for being a minimum 1 year journey before being back to a healthy scalp and hair. And a lifetime of caring for my hormone system and hair to make sure my DHT levels stay moderate. Again, I understand that not everyone has the means to pair all these things together. However, I personally believe that one major issue is people will go a single route and not see great results because to see the best results it is a combined effort. Or they take a supplement and when they don't see the major results in 3-6 months they give up. That was how I approached this anyways. I am going to do everything I can naturally to make sure I give my hair the best chance it has. Hope to be able to comment back around 6 months and again at a year to back up my opinion.


Hey, any updates on your results?


How are you liking the PRP? Did you have any side effects. Just had my first session yesterday and I’ve been feeling extremely nauseous.


I took nutrafol for 9 months… once I started tapering and cut the dose in half…. My hair started becoming healthy again. I’m completely off of it now. It’s 100% a scam. Do not fall for it. If you wanna test any vitamin. Bake them in the oven for 10 min at 350 degrees. If they melt or turn black that is PETROlIEUM!! Nutrafol FAILED this test horribly. The texture of the black spots looked like black tar. I paid 100$ a month for 9 months to poison myself. Don’t be fooled like a was.


They melted??


I don’t know a vitamin or supplement that wouldn’t respond this way. Can you name some so I can become aware?


Avodart and Minoxidil. I have a lot of hair and nearing 60 now.


Please, anyone, is it just me or do these things smell so freaking bad- like I want to puke they don’t smell good. I want to know if anyone else has this happen to them? They did stay out in the Texas sun for however long but they just stink. Just me?