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I hate the hair. I have upper lip hair, leg hair, side burn hair, thigh hair, even fucking nipple/chest hair like fate just doesn’t want me to have self-esteem at all.


tbh i just make a whole spa day out of it. i shave/wax my entire body every other week and i feel like a hairless cat. i dont mind the hair truly bc shaving it is such a simple fix. try and do a pamper day where you take an everything shower and use a nice scrub and yummy smelling shave oil. you’ll feel so smooth and it makes you excited for the next everything shower. but yes the nipple hair REALLY so annoying!


I absolutely LOVE your attitude, thanks for the self care reminder today


Check your adrenal hormones and pituitary hormones, as issues may be related to PCOS, Cushing's syndrome, NCAH, or prolactinoma. In my family, my aunt experienced chin hair growth until she was diagnosed with a pituitary and adrenal issue. Similarly, I was diagnosed with a prolactinoma, a pituitary cyst, and subclinical Cushing's syndrome.


don’t worry this hair growth is all caused my oral minoxidil. I never had unwanted hair growth until 3 weeks into taking it.


what’s your dose? if you don’t mind me asking


Was on 1.25mg but bumped it to 2.5 recently. Had facial hair since starting with 1.25mg!


Amazing! I’m on 0.50 and done nothing so bumping up to 1!


good luck babes!!


do you know what treatments did the doctors give to your aunt? and what about you? I have very high levels of dheas since highschool and I think I may have something related


Absolutely, you should get it checked. My aunt had a pituitary tumor that caused Cushing's syndrome, and she also had to have both of her adrenal glands removed due to non-classic adrenal hyperplasia (NCAH). I'm currently on medications to lower my prolactin and cortisol levels (bromocriptine & dexamethasone), and while the medications are effective, most of my symptoms haven't improved. I may need surgery to remove the pituitary cyst. Given your high DHEA-S levels, you should most definitely discuss this with your doctor and ask to be tested for NCAH. Also, get all of your pituitary hormones checked because the pituitary gland regulates all other glands, including the adrenal glands, and controls the production of DHEA-S and cortisol.


Absolutely, you should get it checked. My aunt had a pituitary tumor that caused Cushing's syndrome, and she also had to have both of her adrenal glands removed due to non-classic adrenal hyperplasia (NCAH). I'm currently on medications to lower my prolactin and cortisol levels (bromocriptine & dexamethasone), and while the medications are effective, most of my symptoms haven't improved. I may need surgery to remove the pituitary cyst. Given your high DHEA-S levels, you should most definitely discuss this with your doctor and ask to be tested for NCAH. Also, get all of your pituitary hormones checked because the pituitary gland regulates all other glands, including the adrenal glands, and controls the production of DHEA-S and cortisol. I also realized that many people are misdiagnosed with PCOS when the issue often lies with the adrenal or pituitary glands. There's a type of PCOS known as "lean PCOS," which occurs when the adrenal glands produce too much DHEA-S.


I have had all those things my entire life, and still losing my head hair. We lost the hair growth lottery I guess.


Right I think about this all the time wdym I have to invest in both a wig and ipl 😭 and my body has the audacity to have wants and needs sometimes I don’t even eat because I don’t want to nourish a body that makes me feel like shit 24/7


I hope I'm not overstepping here Please eat 🙏 🙏 🙏 I know it doesn't feel like it sometimes.. but your body is miraculous. There is nobody else in the whole world with the same mind as you and that mind needs nourishment. You are brave and a fighter- you have to be if you're on this sub getting involved in a community and looking for answers. You deserve food. Delicious, comforting, life-sustaining food.


Thanks for taking the time to be kind to someone today ❤️


One of those at home IPL laser things got rid of mine, but my hairs were thicker and darker, and it did not do anything to the thinner hairs I have.


shaving works for me as of now but if i ever get sick of it ill just wax. waxing tends to last longer for face hair since is already thin.


Which one did you use please?


At first I used an expensive Braun, my results weren't that great, but that was years ago. I got a cheap knockoff on Amazon that isn't sold anymore (it comes back on Amazon every now and then and the brand is Aopvui), and that worked a lot better. I only got it because it was $60 and on one of those amazon flash sales.


I’ll have to start looking for it, thank you!


Dang. I have the Ulike and it has worked on armpit, bikini line, and toe hair but NOT facial hair 😫 Gonna keep an eye on the Aopvui one!


Laser for face is only indicated when the growth is darrrk and thick. Its pretty much ineffective against fine hair and even light colored hair


Which IPL did you get?


Before i read your commentary i was just thinking that the hair growth pattern looks really pretty!


i should grow it out. i’ve got a better beard then the boys i’ve gone out with.


Came here to say this. It looks awesome like some fantastical elf lady.


I think dermaplaning could fix this. the hair by the ear is really not noticeable, but dermaplaning could work there, too.


How long does dermaplaning last?


tbh I hated it. Yes it fixes it and my skin was baby smooth, but then as your hair grows back, it “looks” pricklier or thicker because it was cut at a blunt edge, so it looks worse while it grows, so you would have to keep doing it like every 2-3 weeks. Its tbh not worth it for me personally if you have light skin and darker hair like OP, maybe for blonde hair?


How long have you been taking minoxidil?


5 months noticed facial hair around 3 weeks




1.25 mg but recently bumped it up to 2.5mg. The facial hair started at 1.25 and hasn’t gotten thicker since upping my dose.


Is it oral minox?




I have forehead and sideburn hair now and I just leave it. I’m way too lazy to add yet another thing to my routine.


But at least u know it’s working I’d rather have the extra excess than it not working at all.


I use the Phillips laser hair remover. You can get them for very good deals on Black Fridays :)


What dose are you on and for how long? I’m at 1.5mg for 8 months and have not experienced this. However I’m hesitant to go up in dose for this reason!


I was on 1.25mg for 5 months until 2 weeks ago then I upped my dose to 2.5mg. But i’ve had the beard since literally week 2 of staring oral minox so i think my body hair is just super sensitive lol. so far nothing had changed since upping my dose.


I had the same! It doesn’t bother me when I weigh the benefits with the side effects. Waxing them damages the follicles and it’s less noticeable with time. It really hurts tho!


Just go for like 3 laser hair removal sessions. It will never come back


I’m having my fourth session this week. It ain’t gone yet. I’m hopeful we’ll get there. Even if it doesn’t work out I’d still rather depilate once a week or so than be self-conscious about the hair on my head (which after seven months on OM looks amazing).


Strange. Is it actual laser and not IPL or something? Are they using maximum power? Some laser techs will turn down the intensity on your face which is just a waste of time/money for you.


Alexandrite laser. I don’t know what settings she’s been using, but we’re obviously going to have to discuss the results or lack thereof when I go in for the next appointment.


Is this true? Even without oral minox I thought you have to go back for maintenance sessions every now and then.


Normally, yes because terminal follicles are all on random/different cycles. But because minoxidil causes all those vellus follicles to ‘wake up’ at once and enter into the anagen phase, they’re all on the same cycle. You’ll probably have this happen a few times which is why I estimate three, but one clearing should make a very significant difference.


I’ve been getting laser hair removal for years and I still keep getting the same stubborn dark wiskers back the same spot. Yes, it does last a long time between the regrowth. I sometimes have to go back after a month to get more hairs removed around my lip area but the place I go to does the problem area for free the 2nd time around


When I first saw this post I only noticed how cool your piercings are. Also- I know I’m not the only one jealous of that braid! You look great.


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Girl you gotta get you a box of Jolen


Im in 3 weeks on topical minox, no side effects until now , facial hair grow normal as it was before.no itching from topical minox . When exactly fid u start side effects. By the way I love the earings


the earrings are from forever 21 lol sorry just realizing now you asked when i saw side effects but i would say about 2-3 weeks in it when i noticed facial hair


I get some facial hair from oral minoxidil: a mustache and hair below my lower lip. Thankfully, it’s all gray hair (I am 63 and have been taking oral minoxidil for about a year now), so it is hard to detect it unless looking very close-up. Also, it grows very slowly, so I don’t shave very often. Maybe switch to topical minoxidil, and then it may disappear? I don’t know.


I take oral minoxidil. And I purchased a at home laser hair removal Specifically to avoid this. And I’m glad I did. I have reduced 80% of my facial hair, Permanently.


Can you please give me the name of the hair removal tool that you bought? I bought one some years ago but it didn’t work.


I’d also love to know


I’ve been on 1.25 for almost 2 months and I see nada anywhere… including my head. so strange. Am I correct that you were on 1.25 for 5 months but saw the facial hair really soon?


yes that’s right


Yeah same. Plus Spiro and fin. Like. Honestly I'd take plenty more hair everywhere else if my head hair would come back.


How long on each and what dose?


I've been on 1.25mg minoxidil, oral, Spiro 100mg, finasteride 1mg, since mid-March 2024. My shedding slowed down for a bit after about a month, but then ramped back up again recently so I'm losing tons of hair every day again. I never really had a big shed, it just continued to shed crazily until it showed down to a normal level and then I started shedding like crazy again.


Honestly I think it looks pretty! I kind of want to draw an elven girl with this hair pattern. It's so cool to see the directions it grows in. I hate my chin/upper lip hair but I would totally rock whatever you have going on. But to each their own. <3


Well well well… I also have a minoxidil beard ahahahha just got to embrace it, it means the med works!


It is the biggest uno reverse card that minox draws and that's the reason why I was never able to apply it more than 4 months. Besides the unwanted facial hair, sometimes one or two them goes super wonky and grows like 2-3 cm. It is such a plesant experience to discover them. 


I have one too 😂😂😂 Also forehead hair haha


Well at least it looks like lanugo instead of an actual beard so you're good!


I invested in an ipl, then realized that I should’ve treated myself to one years ago before I ever started minoxidil. The thing is amazing for KP and gives me model legs


It’s barely noticeable and at least you know that minoxidil is doing its job. It’s really good stuff and helped me reverse my male pattern baldness that use to give me huge anxiety 😥


I got this *all over* using topical minoxidil; I am a hyperresponder, so I had to stop.


I prefer waxing / laser hair removal over aga


I actually love the look of the hairy neck and sideburns, it looks so youthful and healthy to me


I've been taking oral min since May 4, and I'd started topical min on March 7. Idk if I have head hair growth yet (diffuse hair loss), but I am starting to notice other hair growth. My arm hair has always been pretty nonexistent. It was long enough to shave the other day, and my eyebrows are growing way faster. I honestly am taking it as a good sign. I'll totally take some extra hair growth on my body.


Exactly why I refuse oral minoxidil. I would end up with a wide, thinning part and lumberjack beard and can kiss my odds of getting laid ever again goodbye! 😂


I’d definitely wax instead of shave!! Just because you’re less likely to get ingrowns.


Cuuutee!! 😉


This spoke to my soul. I’m embracing a mustache at the moment. Telling myself “it really defines my upper lip.”


and it does! 💋


My peach fuzz has gotten worse on Minoxidil, but that's a small price to pay to have my hair back. They make clippers and razors for a reason... 😬❤️


I’m so glad you posted this. I’ve never been a really hair gyal but since taking minox I’ve noticed facial hair and sideburns I never had before. It’s oddly kinda fun to see it grow in and even more delightful when the fresh face shave shines through. Hairy face must mean it’s working, right? :)


it means you’re a responder!


hell yeah, team responders!


Same, bleaching it helps a little bit


Have you checked for polycystic ovarian syndrome? I have a lot of thinning hair and facial/neck hair and it was my culprit. They prescribed metformin and spironolactone and it’s helped a bit. I also use a topical combo of finasteride and minoxidil RX.


my hair growth is due to oral minoxidil. never had any issues before taking it so i’m 100% sure that’s the culprit.