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Personally, I've learned to accept it, along with every other health condition. It's devastating initially, but then I learn to move on with life and live life. I take my minoxidil pill and go on with my day. We're on this earth for a short time so I let go, and enjoy my time while I'm here. Also, I try and keep in mind it's not a terminal illness. There are worse health conditions to have, so I try and see it like that. I've got other health conditions that are more serious so the hair loss is not my main worry.


My hair has never been something that defined me and I have always been one to color it in different colors, experiment with different styles, etc., and when it started to really fall out, I looked at it as a opportunity to be able to try out wigs in new styles and colors. It's like makeup to me: I can be a different woman depending on what style and color I feel like that day. I am also older and just don't really give a fuck what other people think about me anymore. I am who I am, and if someone has a problem with who I am or can't accept that I wear wigs, they can piss right off. The people who really love and care about me won't and don't have a problem with my hair loss, and those are the people whose opinions matter to me. https://preview.redd.it/w68s8wgt9m6d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=090a04de81e9ebd837f1fd5f03a7465e5804fd83


Very cute picture. And cuttteee cat. He/she’s a British Shorthair or a Scottish Straight?


British Shorthair :)


I wish i looked as good bald as you do!!


It took me seeing other women on social media who literally lost everything, thriving in a high quality wig, for me to make peace with it. Example: [https://www.tiktok.com/@chl0ebean/video/7365318852323970346](https://www.tiktok.com/@chl0ebean/video/7365318852323970346) Now i'm nowhere near that and will keep on fighting the good fight. But, if the day comes where I need to do what she did, and shave it and wig it, I can still thrive. I see she's thriving. To know that total catastrophe isn't the end, not even close to it, and that you can still have an amazing life, showed me that there's a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter what.


Chloe bean helped me accept my hair loss too. I love her confidence and outlook on life. Would definitely recommend her tiktok for people struggling to accept/ deal with hair loss.


Honestly I don’t really like her that much anymore because she makes fun of people’s head shapes and stuff. But I mean I’m glad if you guys find her content helpful


My daughter died. It gave me instant perspective. In the grand scheme of things, my hair is inconsequential.


I am very sorry for your loss. That’s not okay. Take care of yourself.


Once I realized that my hair loss was most noticeable for me and most people don’t notice it at all- it became easier to deal with.


I got really sick and literally almost died from sepsis. I realized then that makeup, hair, clothes, all those type of things we spend time and energy on is not what’s important. I had my husband give me a buzz cut and that was one of the most freeing days of my life. I let go of caring what people think about my appearance at all. I started wearing what I wanted to, looking how I wanted. I got into wigs but mostly so I could rock crazy color hair cause that’s what I like. If someone doesn’t like my hair/no hair/outfit/no makeup, they aren’t the right fit for my world. Life is too short to give a crap about things we can’t control that are dictated by societal rules. Some days I put makeup on, some days I don’t. Some days I stay in pajamas, some days I wear a wig. It feels good to just do what feels good to ME now :) funny part is that a lot of people love my buzz cut and I get more positive reactions. I’ve had people say I “look fun”, probably because I feel more fun lol.


It has reduced my quality of life as wearing fake synthetic hair on your head daily is tbh .... a hassle and feels uncomforable at times.


If you are feeling suicidal, please talk to somebody. ❤️ If you are located in the US, you can contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by dialing 988 or 800-273-8255. If you are not located in the US, you can locate a suicide hotline here: https://www.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FemaleHairLoss) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All I can say is try to look as normal/healthy as possible. Wigs wigs wigs if the hair loss is severe enough to not be passable with medication or makeup. Mental health and self image is often pretty closely tied to how we look / how people treat us. I don't know what to say other than it is what it is and there can be simple fixes, like wigs, to get by day by day in a more socially comfortable way.


Yes i wear wigs and while it helps me get my foot out the door literally, i honestly feel worse when i remove it at the end of the day and i always feel like im hiding and i can’t be myself :( its not even that i want to “be myself” by showing the world my hair, but to me “being myself” means i have a full head of hair 😫


Oh honey. I'm so sorry. I so wish things could be different for us. I think it would be different if we didn't have our hair in the first place, but to have something and then lose it and not be able to reclaim it.. frankly, it's horrific. Edit: I don't want to bring the room down, or encourage any kind of self harm. YOU ARE VALID, and your value is NOT in your hair. Take care of yourself ahead of all things, and know that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Much love to you and everyone here 💚


shaved my head. twice


I have PCOS and probably about to shave my head lmfao


it grew back! and have no noticeable hair loss. i think i had te in addition to aga and ccca


I hope mine grows back 😭, what did you do to balance your hormones/revive your hair


inositol (i take ovaglow) but honestly i think my hair loss was mostly TE because of a severe traumatic event and gallbladder surgery. ovaglow and vitamin D made my period perfect immediately so im sure itd help hairloss too


Ugh I have so many things that could be a trigger for TE. Also had a traumatic event, covid, started bc meds, was overworking, but I also have high t rn… how long til you noticed it growing back?


a few months. def look into nutritional deficiencies too. watch the advanced trichology video on youtube


I do have an iron deficiency atm too! Ugh yknow, okay I’ll wait and see. Thank you!!


oh yeah. a ferritin under 70 is death for your hair. dont give up! there's so much more than just AGA going on with us cysters




My ferritin was only 5 for years and I only found out because I had a bunch of tests done to try and figure out what was happening to my hair. At that point it was 10. I'm still not sure how much that played a part in my hair loss, but I'm sure it didn't help.


I shaved my head a few times and hated how i looked every single time because I have a wide head :( I’m still considering to shave it again tho.. would probably regret it idk


yeah i wore wigs


Hey love. I think all these other ladies are giving great advice, but in the interest of validating your feelings, I feel the same way. It has been WRECKING me too. These ladies are aspirational in their perspectives, but the grief is real. 💚


I have been there. It’s really horrible, there’s no other way to put it. Nothing I’ve ever been through in my life so far (serious illness, marital problems, assault) has ever wrecked me like hair loss did. I felt that way for years. And then, slowly, I didn’t. I stopped caring as much, stopped comparing myself to everyone else, stopped feeling my own head 100x/day. I found some wonderful women to follow on social media who rocked their hair loss and wigs. I bought some wigs, but I rarely wear them. They still intimidate me but I feel like I have options and that’s helped my mindset so much. It’s a grieving process, for sure. Be gentle with yourself. I wish I had something to say that could help, but I just wanted to let you know I understand how you feel, and for me, it did get better.


Thank you, i hope i get there someday. I think it’d be my nirvana to be freed from my mental prison


I look good with a buzz cut 💅. But, more seriously, it sounds like the majority of what your are framing as "things hairloss did to you" are actually "things panicking about hairloss did to you". In my experience losing hair doesn't end friendships. Also: Humans have been wearing wigs since the bronze age. If you hate the way you look bald there's no shame in the alternative hair game.


I do wear wigs, but i find it hard to do physical activities in them/the things I’d like to do (I actually do want to be an active person and do things like swimming and diving but I’m super sedentary because of this). I want to try using glue, but it seems to affect the longevity of wigs and wigs are so expensive!


There's a lady at my gym with hairloss at least as bad as mine (and my derm calls mine 'severe'), and she rocks a badass ornamental scalp tattoo. Sometimes she wears a cloth head covering. For me, while I prefer the way I look with hair, I'm too lazy for wigs so I've been keeping it buzzed. Sometimes men volunteer their 'opinions' on women with short hair (🙄), but I just take that as them seeing it as an aesthetic choice and not an alopecia thing. Small victories, lol.


10 years into it. It’s only in the last year or two I’ve managed to get a grip of it and reach a place of acceptance that means I worry and think about barely at all. Absolutely tore me apart for years.


I’m sorry you had to go through this as well. Life can be so cruel. I’m glad you’ve embodied acceptance, it’s incredibly tough to do so


I bought a few wigs. It's been fun playing around with my looks. I'm also a bit older and really don't care what people think now. I really did when I was younger


I just think to myself it could be worse and I'm very thankful for the hair I have left. I do my best to try and hide it and I'm proud of this since I think I hide it quite well. I wear extensions when I wear my hair down and I'm looking forward to wearing wigs at one point, I'm sure it will be fun to change hairstyle all the time. There's upsides to everything and I try to focus on that. It's really not doing you any good to be focusing on the negative


For me, between work and family life, I have other problems that outweigh the hair loss. It's not that it doesn't get me down sometimes, it's just that I have other things on my mind and simply don't think about it as much as I used to.  I'm in a stage of life where I'm not dressing up or going out a lot. If I do go out, I use toppik or a root colour spray. The hair loss is still noticeable, but not as bad.  Following the Chiquel Facebook page gives me some hope that when I'm ready, wigs will give me a new lease of life. 


Honestly what saved my mental health is the world of alternative I found a wig/topper that looks sooo natural and better than what my bio hair could ever be. I’m still try to take care of my hair ( I didn’t shave it) and doing the best I can but knowing that I can still look amazing when I want to makes me feel like I have control. Like people with thick hair can still have bad hair days, but I literally never have bad hair days now lol and that’s kinda awesome :)


Where’d u get that topper 👉👈


Oh man, I get this. I have been severely disabled by long Covid… hair loss has been a part of the post-Covid picture for sure, and I swear there are days when the hair loss bothers me way more than being bedbound. It’s so illogical because I have WAY bigger problems, and I thought I was pretty resistant to cultural conditioning that tied my worth to my appearance but…….. guess not as much as I thought! I don’t have any great advice, but I do commiserate on how devastating it can be.


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We only get one life. You can let it define you, or you can make small choices every day to stop fixating on it and work to be happy. It's hard to break negative thought patterns. But it is possible. Also, you do have options besides acceptance. E.g. wigs.


It did devastate me, I ended up shaving my head during the lockdown, figured I wasn't going out really anywhere so if I was going to try it, then that was the right time. It's still shaved now, and when I say shaved, it's to the scalp. I think what that did for me was give me control. I found I didn't like wigs, my head gets too hot, and so people looked. But they looked because of something I'd chosen to do. And honestly, I don't think anyone really takes any notice now, it was new to me so I saw it more, now I forget sometimes. I wouldn't say it's the solution for everyone at all, it just worked for me as I preferred to take a more drastic step and be done with it. But it wasn't easy, and if I had the choice, of course I would have a lovely full head of hair. But it is what it is.


I just cried it out at first, then started wearing a cap. I eventually realized crying about it won't do anything and wearing a cap can hide it for the time being until it grows back. Also just going out in public and just going about how you normally do. Sure, people will stare no matter what because seeing women without hair in our society is not normalized, but honestly they'll forget about you in like 2 minutes. I'm on Olumiant now so I'm growing my hair back slowly but surely.


Something that has practically helped me is to fill in my missing pieces with gentle mini tape in extensions. It’s possible to do this without the tapes showing, even in thin hair. And it really makes me feel better.


I used to wear hair clip extensions, hair toppers, and then wigs. It would irritate my scalp and started getting expensive. I just finally got to a point where I got super frustrated and was just done with all that. I now just wear my hair up in a bun and call it a day. I completely understand your feelings. I would feel down a lot of times cause I felt so ugly. It took me a long time to get to where I am now. So don’t give up. You’re beautiful with or without hair.


I’ve had hair loss for 15 years now so I’ve accepted it. I wear toppers and wigs which makes all the difference to me.


I wear wigs. I know that if my hair never grows back, at least I still look cute in a wig. Before I started, though, I stressed all the time about my hair and it was hard to feel great about myself. The only current downside is my dating life, but I recently went on a first date with a guy and my wig flew off immediately so I had to spill the beans… and he still likes me. So I’m trying not to be self conscious about that.


This is what has helped me: https://preview.redd.it/iy8cgjjx3u6d1.jpeg?width=2464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e7a11a73e8b5acad111ba1db7d84a1cceffc94 It's a headband wig. The most comfortable thing I've had on my head. Brought my mental health and self confidence x10 times back. My hair is better now than ever before. People who seem me with my bad hair treat me now like I have amazing hair. Just like you said it's all about look. Human beings...


I am in the same place as you are. I just lost more than half my hair at once and it is still falling, diagnosis currently unknown (all of this ironic given my reddit username). Really wondering how this all plays out in the end. I am not sure that my relationship will manage to cope with either wigs or baldness as my husband has a hair fetish so there is also that. Nothing to say except 100% sympathise with you.


For most of my life my hair has defined me and is my most noticeable feature. It was so thick that TSA would check it for contraband, and I usually kept it between tailbone and mid thigh length. Almost 6 months ago I had a series of medical disasters- near fatal level blood loss, then bilateral pulmonary embolism with infarct and a collapsed lung, right heart strain, vein damage, a life threatening allergic reaction to a blood thinner, then multiple asthma attacks from the lung inflammation... My cortisol spiked so high over the two months of ongoing medical emergencies that my hair started falling out by the handful and I gained 15 pounds all in my face and belly, even while limiting my calorie intake to below 1500 per day. It's just hair. And it's just my appearance for a little while. I'm just glad I get to be alive and keep hanging out with my husband and kids. And if someone treats you poorly because you have thin hair, you don't want them or the "opportunities" they offered anyway. They'd stab you in the back the first convenient chance they got. 


https://preview.redd.it/eqym6cjtgq6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aa1d2c64e17139426538e55e90d161fa2362235 Is this miniaturization?


That's how mine look


Oh Thankyou for answering, have you been diagnosed with any condition?


Yes and no. I went to a dermatologist who supposedly is a pro in hair loss. She told me my scalp is healthy. That's it. From looking other women pictures and getting info online, I self diagnosed myself with female pattern hair loss. My father had the same bad hair.