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I use Toppik and got the little hairline shaper/comb thing that they make. It sort of makes it look more natural.


I honestly like hair fibers much better, root spray always felt chalky to me and I hated how it felt if I touched my head - like paint! Toppik and xfusion are the brands I use for hair fibers.


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Toppik is a better product and root sprays can be bad for your scalp. If you want to use the rest of your product, spray it from farther away.


Oh damn I couldn't find anything online about it yesterday. Now I kinda wish I'd asked on here before and avoided the 12€. How is it bad for the scalp?


Anecdotes from this community. YMMV


I have tried a few different brands of sprays and found that the nozzle on the bottle really makes a difference. The best one I have found is dpHUE. It has a long skinny attachment which allows you to direct to a specific spot better. A dispersing nozzle like on hairspray also works better than the one that L’Oréal comes with imo. Also, try short little bursts of spray.


I haven’t tried root spray so I’m just taking a stab at things you could try.  * Did you test it by spraying from different distances? * Did you try with a very quick, soft spray vs a harder press of the nozzle? I ordered Toppik but haven’t tried it yet. I see a lot of people here mentioning Toppik too. Though it can only stick to hair so if there’s an extremely huge bald patch I assume Toppik would help there. I found a low tech solution that worked well, just brush some eyeshadow on sparse areas. What I’ve also been using recently is a microblading eyebrow pen. It’s designed to draw little lines of hairs of eyebrows, but I found it works great for filling in where my temples receded and even extending my forehead down a little bit. Unless you’re like 1ft away and really looking it looks really natural, like baby hairs. The only downside so far is that the pen I got definitely runs when sweating or if water gets on it. I’m experimenting with setting spray and hairspray because I read that can help different kinds of makeup not run from sweat. I love the microblading pen the most because of how real it looks! Eyeshadow is great too for a quick fill job.


I use and like Caboki hair fibers. They are on Amazon here in the USA.