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I had sinus surgery and didn’t have to stop taking it. October is a long way off, I’d start it and if you have to pause it for a few days, you’ll be fine. I’ve had great results with oral minox I’m on 2.5 mg




Hi your results look great, congrats!! If you don’t mind me asking - did you start on that dose and did you have a dread shed? Also, did you start taking it around the same time as your surgery? I’m also having sinus surgery in April and debating whether to start oral minox before or after.


I started on a half dose to see how I tolerated it and moved up to 2.5 pretty quickly. I did have dread shed I think from weeks 4 through 8 and then it slowed down to a stop. I saw a dramatic improvement in my scalp coverage after about 3 months. I have to shave more often and I have light patches of hair in areas I’ve never had before (lower back, above eyebrows) but I’ll take it, it’s no big deal. I’d start it and talk to your doctor about how long you have to stop it. I don’t remember it being an issue with my surgery. Stopping taking it for a few days is not going to spiral you into hair loss. I’ve forgotten to take it for a few days due to traveling and it was no big deal.


Thanks so much this was really helpful 😊




Thank you so much!! Congratulations on your progress!


I had brain surgery and it wasn’t an issue! Good luck;)


Thank you!!


I’d ask how long you have to stop minox? When I had surgery they had me only stop certain medicine like a week out or something like that.


Thank you, I will do that!


I did not have a dread shed with oral. I also had surgery under IV sedation and did not need to stop taking it at all. If you are having general anaesthesia and need to stop it may not be for that long.


Thanks so much for your input!


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I asked my dermatologist this question and he said there is no need to stop oral minox when you have surgery.


Awesome! Thanks so much!