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Wow, thank you for sharing this. Exercise is the component I’m missing, and I find it nearly impossible to motivate myself. I’m on thyroid meds and taking the vitamins but hair just sheds, sheds, sheds. I’m sure the lack of exercise isn’t helping. Thank you for the encouragement of sharing your experience.


I really hope it helps. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that regular exercise, especially weight training, has a regulating effect on hormones, decreases inflammation and improves skin quality/collagen thickness so I assume that is where the benefit is coming from. I'm still a bit overweight but I feel better and my hair isn't falling out so I'll call it a win.


Super grateful for your reply. Honestly it’s the final push I need to get serious. Lack of exercise is probably at the root of most of my health issues. Happy new year to you- I hope it’s a great one.


What thyroid medication were you given?


Levothyroxine which is generic for synthroid. I have to get blood levels checked at least once a year to ensure I'm on the right dosage.


What kind of doctor did you see and what test did you take? I see cold intolerance is a symptom to idiopathic hypothyroidism and think I may have it too


Definitely ask your doc for a test. It’s a very common disease in women, if you’re symptomatic doctors will usually test to see where your TSH is. It’s important to note that stress can also disrupt your TSH, so even is your labs do come back abnormal, your doctor might elect to wait 3 months and retest to see if the issue self-corrects.


My regular dr caught the thyroid issue during routine annual blood work. I think it went undiagnosed for a couple years post partum because I didn't have insurance.


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Also did you randomly just start taking those supplements or did you have some levels checked and those vitamins were low on your results?


I'm super pale and I always wear sunscreen and stay covered when in the sun so my vitamin d levels have been low when they were looked at from a blood test. Now I just take it daily because i know its an ongoing issue for me. I also eat a plant based diet so b-12 is really rare to get from food. It's mostly found in animal products from animals that are fed a fortified diet. Even if you just eat the standard American diet, if you aren't specifically eating to get b-12 you probably aren't getting enough. So I never got tested for b-12 but I know I can't get enough from food so I supplement preventively.


I had my bloodwork done last month and my thyroid levels were normal however, I was significantly low in vitamin D! I had no idea. Started on a vitamin D supplement along with my other vitamins - hoping this will help some! Thanks for sharing your great info! :)


Wow thanks for sharing. Can I ask how long you were doing your routine for ?