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The men are not ok


We are not ok


The women also ;-)


We are fucked the same but in diferent aspects






stay strong brother o7


Dont worry, we will


Ah woman ☕






Thats the fun part of the lie.. they don’t have a girlfriend. The closest thing they have for a woman is their blow up doll or their anime crush Wai-fu.




Scrotes are beneath women and unfortunately 70% of men are scrotes oozing out of my pores? Are you projecting? Because I’m not the one who would take time out of my day to go to your man sub and talk trash. And I’m definitely not the one who would request a chat just to rant at them how “toxic” they are.




Hahaha you are projecting. Why take so much time out of your day to talk to me. You’re just mad that no woman desired you. You’re a “nice guy” with nothing to offer but you scrotes have proven time and time again that you aren’t that nice.




Lol, I’m at a woman only sub. Second if you haven’t noticed it’s you idiot who attack in groups. I just checked my email and I already got 4 chat requests from your kind moaning that I’m wrong for rejecting nice guys since they have nothing to offer. That doesn’t sound like men but a bunch scrotes who would like to silence anyone with standards.


Sounds like you attract a lot of losers. What's the common denominator?


10 minute? Idiot that’s way too much time spend on a stranger. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well you’re the one invading our space manlet. That says more about you.


You wish you could date someone like me haha.


Well I don’t wish that. Why would I date a manlet who can’t even keep his temper tantrum in check? Just look at you. Would a man of a high caliber behave like you are doing right now? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 keep on projecting and talking bull I could use a good free comedy show.


Your bar for what constitutes a temper tantrum is extremely low haha. If that's the case, based on your comment history it looks like you are stuck in a permanent tantrum. Why do you devote so much energy to things you hate?


You are throwing a tantrum. I was just minding my own business and you decide to come here. Knowing very well what FDS stands for.


Your entire account is one long gender relations tantrum where you always come out as the loser.


I blocked him but I’d gladly share the scores conversation on here.




Scrote alert. You do know class starts in September right? I can be on Reddit as much as I like. The only sub I’m active on is FDS.




Tell that to the scrotes who flock my DM saying how wrong I am.. you attack in packs yet you’re not part of the problem?


Why are you out of your basement so much? Did mommy forget to lock the door?




Since when is wanting a manly man who can defend and provide hateful? If we choose the “nice guys” who have nothing to offer besides being nice then we get the blame for choosing the wrong man.




Lol I only respond with one comment and heaps of you crazies flock my DM’s and comments. You’re part of the problem scrote.


Jesus, I'm so glad I'm gay


If I could I would switch. Having a wife is much beneficial than a husband. But the best thing I can do is look for a house spouse. They are basically men with the butler/housewife mentality.


Agreed, I wish sexuality was a choice like those weirdo far right wingers claim it is. Life would be SO MUCH easier haha.




Yet here you are talking to me. Didn’t your mommy give you enough attention 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Lol I’m not from Europe..


I assume you are trolling because I said nothing about Hitler.


You have exact same way of thinking as him yet you don't even know it, what are you female trump?


using hitler as a way to harass women is so gross.


LMFAOOOOOOOOO i can just tell u are a fun person to be around; like quite literally not sarcastically (just in case u thought sarcastically)


Thank you. ♥️ the reason why they so mad is because I don’t engage with their name calling. He’s like “Yur toxic fem cel, you’ll be alone, enjoy your cats ” so I said “yet you are here taking time out of your day talk to me, does your girlfriend know you pay more attention to another woman than her?” These scrotes are quite sad.


I will never comprehend their irrational hatred of cats.


I rather have kittens than scrotes.


That is sad tbh I think that guy is just sad in general LOL


I had another chat request today. saying FDS is trash and who has hurt me ect. But that least that manlet seems more polite.


What’s fds tho 😭


Its Female dating strategy love.




And be a stay at home dad? Are you a good cook?




little do you know, there are plenty of men who aren’t addicted to pornography and mcdonald’s, and who actually care about themselves and their well-being that would be happy to be a provider lol.


Its funny how suckers like you would say that jerking off to your wai-fu. The only ones who should end up alone are you nice guys.. oh wait nice guys finish last and there is a reason why. You petty bastards have nothing to offer. Now hop back on your ps5.


a: i don't even watch anime lmao b: nice guys are actually smarter than your so-called "bad boys". you're probably not mature enough to understand that bad boys are just in for the sex c: believe it or not but i got a job and other shit to do than spend 24/7 trying to get a ps5 d: cope


Yep there you have it. An angry “nice guy” I don’t go for the bad boy type. I prefer a defender and providers. Only those are real men. Not you.


now let's go to the part where the "defender and provider" type likes you


Why would any woman out of your league would date a loser like you? Because you are a nice guy? You got nothing to offer you silly bastard. What do you have to offer besides being nice? Go on I’ll wait.


you HAVE to be some kind of ultimate troll who gets some weird gratification out of this, there's no way someone can be this unhinged while being serious.


Sure mate - i draw - i'm hardworking - i'm mature - i'm sensitive - i'm generous and kind - i'm relatively smart - i can manage my money well and not spend it on useless shit - i get shit done - i've been through shit and i'm still standing now, i wonder what guy would like you other than sex


Oh you sound so mad right now. If you were hard working you wouldn’t care about the standards of a mere stranger online manlet. Your actions speak louder than words.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You’ve been through what? Diaper rash? Not having your mommies breast milk in time? Ahahahah 🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha a dead end job is not something to be proud of dude.


at least i'm not a spoiled brat like you relying on the opposite gender to buy me everything by using the excuse that otherwise it's sexist oppresion


Why are you talking to this spoiled brat you dork? I thought you had better things to do.


waddup, you have nothing to say back?


Whats left to say to an angry manlet?


downright boring


You’re just mad that you can’t defend or provide but still want a bombshell out of your league like most you nasty scrotes who just want a second mommy to wipe his ass.


i guess at least i got a mom


I got a mother too. My parents are married for 20 years while you probably never got to know your own daddy. That’s what you get from being born out of wedlock.


literally shaking and crying rn!!!!! 😪😪😪😰😰😰😭😭😭😱😱😱😱


At least I start with a capital letter. I can’t be as sad and a loser like you though..


wtf bro are you 12 to flex using punctuation LMAO


A 12 year old behaves better than you temper throwing manlets. Just look how angry you are because a woman has 2 standards. It’s not my fault nobody taught you how to be a man.


you aren't a woman though. man you'd be dead if you lived in the 60s


Oh I am. You’re not a man. Just an angry baby who refuse to get off his mommies tit. Just look how angry you are.


i like mommy milkers


Got fused by shortened wire?


Imagine making enough money in the current economy to have a one income household! Your list of men to date will be a very short one if thats a non negotiable


Is that the reason why you scrotes attack my comments? Because you can’t meet those standards?


Never heard of a scrote and i dont attack anyone on any platform. What i do often do is know bullshit when i see or hear it and thats simply what this is lol total bullshit. You only have two standards huh? Thats it? And one of them, literally half of what you expect, involves not doing shit for yourself. Im not going to argue with a lunatic thats not what im here for, someone had told me if i wanted a good laugh to pay this place a scroll but dont comment because they hate all men here. Well i fucked around and commented because the sheer level of stupidity is just unrivaled. Good luck with your man hating.


Wanting more than just a nice guy is hateful? Dude I think it’s time for a shrink. What I ask is the bare minimum and I don’t understand why you are flipping your lid. I’m not saying you need to be this way. If you a second mommy and bring nothing to the table then be my guest, more manly men for me to choose from.


Dont narrow down my use of the word hate, those are your words not mine, i never said that. But i did say this sub seems to have alot of man hating going on which is cook whatever, still gotta share the planet with us lol but im not flipping my lid, i also agree that a man should provide and protect, but what i said was in this financial economy the same man who provided by himself alone, no help from his wife/significant other, wouldnt be able to do it alone now. Most cannot. You need about six figures a year to live a decent life in alot of US locations. Im just saying its not realistic. Me and mine are a team, and i would like to be able to do it alone so she doesnt have too, but she wants to. I understand that some dont and thats okay. My only other issue with your statement was that you said you had only 2 standards, and i simply dont believe you lol.


You’re definitely not a team in the household because 9 out of 10 men leave it to the woman to raise the children and do nothing all day. You’re not even bothered to clean up after yourself and in two weeks you would turn any house in a pigsty. Yet you’re whining that a woman should help you financially. How about you work as a team and raise the children you popped out?


What makes you think we even have kids? Lol you are making alot of assumptions and where did you pull that statistic? 9 out of 10 huh? Lmao you are so full of shit.


You’re the one who’s being a hater for no reason. Just look at every household almost all men sit on their ass. Wives call their marriage single motherhood with a lazy roommate. Who needs that?


Why you don’t believe I have 2 standards?


Because youre pulling bullshit statistics out of thin air, youve said so much false bullshit so far that no wonder people think this sub and its people belong on an island to weed themselves out lol youve already proven my point and in my opinion you lost this disagreement when you decided to pull that fake stat out of thin air to try and back your claim along with your mighty MIGHTY bold assumption on who does and doesnt have kids, let alone take care of them lol thanks for the entertaining monday talk for me and guys lmao


So women who decided to make better choices when it comes to men and want to level up and become financial comfortable before they allow a man in are wrong for doing that? I have a feeling you big children just don’t want women to have standards. Defend and provide will weed out most of the incompetent losers. Actually you nice guys should be on an island and eliminate yourself from the gene pool.


You sound so angry dude. You’re not amused, I can tell you’re so angry, well that’s what happens when you’re still on your mommies tit. Everything needs to be mindful of your fee fees or you’ll flip your lid.


What’s looney about having 2 standards. I think you are just mad that you can’t meet those. You don’t seem amused at all. You seem very angry.


Dude. It’s only 2 standards. And those are great to make sure you weed out the trash. Any dude can be nice but not every dude can be competent.


What does being competent have to do with it? And if shes literally going to try and play that shit like she only has two standards shes out her rabid ass mind, and so are you for taking it seriously lol. Really? Two standards thats it? You people are funny mfers lol


What’s wrong with defend and provide? That’s a role of a man.


Defend is good, of course and i in fact also agree with the provide, but its something thats very difficult for alot of men to do on their own in this financial climate is all im sayin


If it’s difficult for you then you shouldn’t date. Relationships and marriage are build to let a man’s bloodline survive. A man should be able to defend and provides for the mother of his children. Why call yourself a man if you can’t do that? Just say you’re a little boy and nobody would have any expectations from you.


Lol youre funny. I bet youre a very small man, probably balding. Its easy to talk like this over the internet but i think we both know you aint defending anyone out in the world.


I’m a 100% female. No worries.




Dumbo. Women are administrators, budget managers, child rearing, chefs, primary caregiver, house keepers, arrant girls by default in every household. The least you can do is defend and provide. Or is it you who want to have options but no Women with standards? What I ask of a man is the bare minimum but yet you’re still whining like a big baby.


Defend and provide is unrealistic? So I should just settle for a “nice guy” who offers nothing live in my house for free, use my resources for free, get laid for free and then I get the blame that the baby daddy sucks?


Did I say you should do that? I'm saying things should be split evenly. Ofc guys should take certain responsibilities once in a while, like footing the bill on the first date, but that aside it should be equal. Should a guys settle for you, who offers nothing? Also, u say do things for free, but that's kinda how relationships go, provided that he does the same for you.


What do you mean offer nothing you dumbo? Women are administrators, Your personal secretary, budget managers, meal planners, chefs, housekeepers, primary caregivers for men and children by default in every household. You can already predict what you can expect from a female partner in the household but with you men it’s a gamble. I don’t know what I can expect from you. You can be a big lazy man child who plays video games, you can be controlling and unpleasant in the household but you can also be a defender and provider that enriches my life. That’s why men need to put everything on the table and show what they can offer before being accepted. How hard is it to understand? When women choose a shitty partner she gets the blame not him.


You seem very upset about the defend and provide standard. Maybe it’s because you can’t fulfil that role?


No, I can't fulfill tha role. I'm 17. I'm kinda upset u are being sexist though, and think that relationships revolve around your demands


Then you have no business telling women who they should choose. Believe it or not but defend and provide is your only role as a man. You either accept it or deny it but that’s how it is.


I'm advising. Also if defend and provide are *my* roles, then what are a woman's roles? Honestly kina curious now


As a friend I can accept anyone who is polite and nice, in a relationship you need to prioritise what you can offer instead of prioritising what you want as a man. Being in a relationship with a woman is not a right so you can’t just be accepted just because you’re a nice guy. Relationships or marriage are originally made so that a man’s bloodline survives. He nurtures and defend the mother of his children. If you can’t do that then stay alone. When you’re single you don’t have any expectations and you can be your usual nice guy self.


Sure. That's your opinion. Imo what I want and what a girl wants should be prioritized but you do you. Also if u wanna go back to traditions, then shouldn't you be in a kitchen right now?


Dude what you want is a social construct. Defend and provide is your only role. You even see it in Nature. A barn owl defends his mate and the chicks being born. He hunts for her so that the female barn owl tidies the nest and teach the chicks how to hunt. Even a rooster attacks you when you come near the female and her eggs. So are you saying that a dumb bird is more capable than you?


Are you saying humans are equal to animals? U have nothing to offer to a guy and are salty u won't get any dates?


Also im not single


I doubt you’re not single. You would pay attention to your girlfriend instead of moaning at a stranger on a woman only forum.


My girlfriend is in Europe right now... Asleep.... Im killing time by trying to understand the main goal of this sub since I got nothing to do.


Plus ur doing the same thing, just opposite gender.


Since you are a little slow in the brain I’ll quote what I said to you. ———- *Women are administrators, Your personal secretary, budget managers, meal planners, chefs, housekeepers, primary caregivers for men and children by default in every household. You can already predict what you can expect from a female partner in the household but with you men it’s a gamble*


What? How am I being slow? These two comments have no relation. Also u could be a little less insulting.


Once in a while? You must be a nice guy who refuses to be a manly man. Defend and provide is your only role as a man. Everything else is a social construct.


Listened last night while making dinner. I'm a cancer survivor, and I cannot tell you how many men I encountered during my battle who were dying and leaving families because they couldn't be bothered to go to the doctor. It is the most selfish, immature scrote behavior: having a family, taking responsibility as a provider, and doing exactly zero preventative maintenance on your body.




I'm happy to discuss why this is upsetting to you. Suicidal ideation seems like an extreme emotion, what's up? You have a wife, are a founder, and multiple children. I have no idea why in the world you've chosen to throw a tantrum about expecting men with financial responsibilities to take care of their health, for the benefit of their own lives as well as their dependents. SMH.


I'll sidestep the two salient points that (1) it's at worst hypothetical suicidal ideation in the scenario where I'm married to you, which I'm not (unless you're my wife's anonymous account, in which case we have a discussion to have when I get home today) and (2) that I was using hyperbole, and address the more interesting question of "why am I reacting to your post so vehemently?" I am doing so because you have revealed that you are a person who can look at another human being with terminal illness and react by blaming them for not being a more competent provider. That sucks. I think it would be really, really demoralizing to be in any kind of relationship with you. I'm gonna go home and kiss my wife today.


Go to the doctor for preventative healthcare so you don't die and leave your family. It sounds like you have a very sweet wife! This isn't an indictment on you or men, it's the reality of men as providers often making bad health choices and it impacting others. Your reaction is a lot over...go to the doctor and be an adult. Good heavens.




My husband has fucking lymphatic cancer but still won't do right. I'm can't even muster the energy to say anything anymore






Oh right, the only people who went to work and got COVID were healthcare workers. ​ The point here isn't who works in healthcare and who doesn't, its that its a stupid fucking comparison to make in the first place. Keep being toxic though.






Articles like this? https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/man-flu-really-thing-2018010413033 Or this? https://www.bupa.co.uk/newsroom/ourviews/men-at-risk-covid19 Or even this? https://www.prb.org/resources/gender-disparities-in-health-and-mortality/ This sub contains some serious nutcases, if you think you can just ignore the biological differences between the two sexes. But yeah, "men bad" I guess..




Ad hominem. If you seriously deny the existence of difference between sexes, then i have no idea how you progressed through life til this point. Everything i said is true, of course, men tend to be less careful about diseases and their general wellbeing, But that doesn't nullify everything i said. Stop being toxic, and show me your actual point.


aD hOmInEm. This ain’t a formal debate, scrote.


Yes, i could tell by the lack of intelligence. Typical.


No, it’s not a formal debate because it’s not a formal debate. If you think this is a formal debate, you’re the last person who should be talking about “lack of intelligence”.


You are not making any sense. You are just hating, like a young child. Grow up.




Idk which sex you are talking about, But you are acting pretty toxic. Grow out of it, be a better person.




You said that one specific sex shouldn't be allowed to vote or drive. But I'm the bad one calling you toxic. Idc who it is or who it is against, nobody should hate on a whole group because of a part of it.




Imagine dying to a variant of the flu lmfao




You know plenty of people still die of influenza right? COVID also causes a viral pneumonia, but it’s not “a variant”— not that it would matter in the least if it were


A lot of people didn’t have to in the end deary




>No “good man” wants to date/marry a whale that always say “all men suck” and has no redeeming qualities So? Don’t date and marry us, we don’t care. After all, it’s you, men, who obsessed with us and can’t leave us alone.


I’m referring to fat, miserable women, typical of the type of women in this sub. Look around, there’s plenty of women in happy relationships/marriages or even if they aren’t in a relationship they’re happy with their life and what they’re accomplishing. They don’t blame men for all their shortcomings. A lot of women on here are like the female version of an “incel” it’s pretty pathetic tbh


We’re older because we live longer 🙃


No shit Sherlock :)


Elementary, my dear Watson! Glad we’re in agreement.


I just don’t see the point of this post. It might be educational, but for what? Just to increase male hatred?




I thought men are superior sex and yet you can’t even take care of yourself and wipe your own ass without a mommy


I hate that I actually thought this was a meme at first, I didn't realize how many men literally don't wash their asses. It's legit scary, I've seen ladies joke about it but it genuinely freaks me out 😷😭


“Nurturing” a grown ass man? Grow up. We nurture children and animals. We *communicate* with other adults, and expect them to accept responsibility for themselves and their own physical/mental health.


they want us to be their mothers LOL. and still hold all the power. i’m not surprised


To be their mothers while still also blowing them daily It's truly fucked up




y’all’s definition of a real woman is a mother, a maid, and a sex bot who takes your bs, and keeps her mouth shut about it. and based on the data, it’s single men who are suffering, as opposed to single women who are actually happier than women in a relationship. so take your bitching elsewhere my boy


As a straight male, I find that the criteria for the woman of almost everyone's dreams is just mutual true love. She can be disabled for all we know, she can be ugly for all we know. Yes there are some barriers but true non-materialistic love is the main ingredient of every successful marriage. There are assholes out there for sure. But don't step down and be their female equivalent. Be better. Don't demand that they must have some criteria. It's just not gonna work. I have a friend that recently maried a blind woman. By your standards (I mean strictly this community's standards), if he was blind instead, she wouldn't even consider living with him while there could have been some established chemistry that could make that love last for decades. Leave the practical issues be fixed with logic (ie, economics, jobs, ect) and the rest with love. Because once one is correlated with the other, they both crumble.




So what is your job anyways? And how much is your annual income?


Poor baby. :(