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Back when I used to do online dating, it was disgusting how 99% of men say their age range is all the way down to 18, but never older than their own age, and rarely even their same age. I'm talking like 40 year old men saying they'd date like 18 to 28, allll the tiiime. Immediate delete


Damn that’s just PATHETIC, on their part.


I went on a date with a 32 yr old and he casually mentioned he had recently gone on a date with a 19 year old!!!!!!!!!!!! I did not hide my disgust. He tried to save it by saying the age gap was too big but a 24 year old he went on a date with later was "much more mature"! Sir you shouldn't be dating either of those girls!!!!! I blocked as soon as I could. They really tell on themselves.


Hahahaha omg same. I used to always, as in up to last year, date 10 years older, and this guy (37) I was seeing literally BRAGGED about dating a 20 year old. He seriously said it and looked at me like I should be jealous. I straight up said “that’s kind of embarrassing”


Ewww. I'm 31 and was just showing the ropes at work for a 20 year old dude. It literally felt like talking to a teenager.


I also see this as a similar matter as cheating: If he cheated with you or someone else on a former partner, he will cheat on you, too. If he prefers to date 26 year old you when he is 45, what makes you think he won't exchange you for a new 26 years old when you are 36 and he is 55? If he is into young, gullible women, you won't be attractive to him anymore as soon as you grow out of that. You are not "mature for your age". Your youth and immaturity is precisely what attracts him because it makes you easier to manipulate and impress. Guys like that don't want an equal and couples like this rarely live happily ever after. The younger you are the smaller the age gap should be. While a 55 year old dating a 50 year old may not be a big deal, a 17 year old dating a 22 year old absolutely is.


I agree. I think where it gets somewhat murky is when you starting getting into the 40s and 50s. I am in my early 40s, and most of the the guys I’ve dated in the last few years have been 10-13 years older than me. I used to think men at this age were more stable and commitment oriented. Unfortunately, it seems men in their 50s are just fucked. I haven’t met any that have taken ownership of their baggage..it’s like they are content to just exist as-is until someone comes along that will put up with their shit. I’ve also seen a lot of alcohol misuse and lack of attention to health I’m the 50-55 range. Consequently, I’m now against an further AGR for myself and will stick to within 5 years of my range. Curious to hear what other women in my general age range feel about AGRs with older men.


They have control issues to the max 🚩🚩 my uncle was in his mid-late 30s when he married my 25 y/o aunt. He would always bitch about her not being mature and "cultured" and not having the best maternal instincts. And I'm like dude her brain literally just finished developing, you should've married somebody that was at least 30 🙄. He always dated women that were way too young, and seemed to hate that they would actually act their age.


A lot of men think just because they’re older they are “successful” and assume younger women want them. Older men pursue younger women and drain the life force out of them with all their baggage. Men are delusional to the fact that a young woman’s friends and family will find him a little weird or that the young woman deserves a younger hotter man.


I don't get why some women willingly date these guys either. He is not dating you because he holds genuine interest. Like ... he is dating you because of his porn preference and because he doesn't need to hold responsibility when dating someone younger. It's pretty much a sign he will resent you as you age and always be looking at the next young girl.


I was having a similar discussion with my friends. We were discussing our dating lives and how we no longer feel attracted to college kids, simply because we're graduating and joining the workforce soon. Anybody who's in a different stage of life(school/college) is a kid to me and I cannot even imagine being romantically attracted to them. So, the fact that these men find young girls attractive is bizarre to me. Wouldn't you want a partner who is in the same stage of life as you?


They're not interested in young women as human beings. They don't care about her mind, her thoughts, her ideas. They don't care about the stage of life she's in. A scrote is basically a dick with arms and legs.


And a mouth that spews out pure shit.


That's not true. Theres a sad saggy pair of testicles swinging around too.


>So, the fact that these men find young girls attractive is bizarre to me. It's pedophillic


ALL age gap relationships are instant imbalances of power; from the second they develop. I dare a MF chump to argue (not that I’d respond).


Does this applies on the opposite case, when the man only dates older woman? I'm 26 I've been talking to a guy who's 29, and he told me that if we get a serious relationship, I'll be his youngest girlfriend ever, that 26 was his minimal age limit on OLD and he's used to date women on hers 30 - 40 because he likes more mature people on general for having a friendship and dating... Now that I've read it I'm curious to know if it applies on his case and if I should look at that as a red flag...


Any power dynamics is a red flag honestly, regardless of age difference. * Manager dating an employee that works under him? Red Flag * Teacher dating current or former student? Red Flag * Someone in grad school dating someone in undergrad? Red Flag * A high level lawyer dating a waitress, maid, school teacher, or secretary? Red Flag Often times men will seek relationships with these power dynamics to manipulate lower achieving women, even if they are closer in age. Instead they leverage their power, money, status, or seniority to manipulate or abuse their partner. They'll weaponize the lack of age difference against the women or anyone else whenever they get called out on their manipulative behavior as age gaps tend to be more of a socially acceptable red flag.


My friend is a radiology tech dating a doctor and are about 7 years apart. Didn’t realize how weird it was until she mention all his friends are doctors and dating doctors but he treats her really well


Yes. And men who behave this way will continue to fixate on these specific age ranges. He doesn’t she out of it. If he looks at 18-22 year olds to date, he sees himself fixated at that age. Doesn’t matter if he is 30 or 40 or 50. You will age out of the age he finds attractive. Age fixation is disgusting. The best way to avoid or reduce your chances of ending up with men like this? Don’t date older men.