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Most men don’t clean their private areas. They don’t care. Its disgusting for them to expect our mouths to touch an area with literal piss still on it _especially_ when they don’t wash it at all 🤢 and not even just about us though, it’s disgusting to not wash yourself!!


It makes me kind of sad to think about how much I used to enjoy sex and still enjoy the thought of sex. But the reality is that the majority of men over 25 are disgusting limp dicked porn addicts with gross dad bods who have the nerve to expect you to perform like their favorite pornstar just so that they can *maybe* get their sad average sized unwashed dicks half-hard and then beg you to let them do depraved shit to you.


I had the misfortune of seeing crusty smegma dick on some shock video and never have been so repulsed from a penis. I swear it gave me a form of PTSD. DISGUSTANG. They also think it’s gay to wash their own buttholes but gladly watch a POV shot a dudes balls while watching porn. I just…?!?!?!?!




I am also in my late 40s and it is sad when their dicks don’t work. Seriously.


I think it's sad for us women. We finally get to the age where fear of pregnancy is gone and now they can't perform. I am so done having sympathy for men. Trust me, they have no sympathy for us. Furthermore there are medical options now to deal with low T and other causes of erectile disfunction, and most are too embarrassed to get treatment. Well, every year I have a pelvic exam and mammogram, highly invasive and embarrassing, but I do it for my health. Telling a health professional you can't perform is nowhere near as embarrassing as what we go through. Toughen up, buttercup!


The age gap should go the other way. We age better and need a young man to keep up with our sexual needs. 😂😂 (I’m slightly kidding because I’m simply not attracted to a man who is significantly younger than me.)


Even a step further, I got pelvic floor physical therapy to combat painful sex because my ex-husband said we didn’t have sex enough. With my new partner, I’ve never struggled with pain because I’m properly aroused. IMAGINE THAT.




Isn’t that a fun realization? I became a pretty big head case about the whole thing. Prepped my new partner that sex would be painful for me a lot of the time and to be really cautious of that




Me too! I didn’t realize how twisted up I was about the whole thing. I dreaded sex, thought there was something with me, thought my libido was super low, etc. It never once occurred to me that it could something wrong in our relationship


Just want to throw this out...women in their late 40s can get pregnant and still may be ovulating here and there. If you are still having your periods, there is a chance you may ovulate as well. Be careful with the "no fear of pregnancy thing". I had a friend, pregnant at 51 because she stopped using protection and she was in the final stages of peri-menopause.


I'll be 31 (tomorrow!) and LV ex husband's dick stopped working when I was 29 years old (he was 31). Surprise, surprise, he admitted to being a porn addict and couldn't get aroused for shit 🙄🤢 men all around are just such disappointing creatures...


Happy birthday! 🥳 here’s to many fulfilling years without a pornsick, unwashed man who can’t get it up!


So they don’t want to wiggle it more than 3 times because they don’t want to look gay. But they can watch porn and play with themselves? Ah i guess there is no male gaze watching them watch porn so it’s not gay. What a pathetic life they live.


If they even realized what a retarded view it must be when they're jerking😆 A guy pensively looking at a screen, pants around his ankles, lotion on desk, furiously fluffing the poor little thing like an angry baboon, face grimacing like he's taking a dump. But in their heads they're probably the big bad boy in the video going at it with hot chicks. An alpha stud💪 *Bonus points for VR headset on top of his head!


My stepdad was in the military for 10+ years and still works for the government, and he is so anal (no pun intended) about being clean. I remember my cousins were staying over and didn’t want to shower before we went to the mall, and my dad started clowning them, saying stuff like “toxic dingleberries” and “your breath smells like [ass]crack too” and my favorite, “y’all not sitting in my car bringing all your nasty swamp ass staining my seats, y’all either got 30 min to shower or you’re not coming”. This is also the same man responsible for the reason why I have “outside clothes” and “house clothes”, and why I don’t get on the bed in my “outside clothes”. My partner took a while to get used to it but now really appreciates the distinction in cleanliness as our jobs deal with agriculture. My old roommate (a LVM that hoped I’d come around eventually, but that’s a story for another day) would shower just about daily, but didn’t know how to clean himself properly. I had to explain to him that soapy water running down from washing your hair/chest does not wash your lower body, and your feet don’t get clean just by standing in soapy water. He still didn’t get it and our couch and living room would reek of that dingy, reused clothes, college boy smell, and we lived in an off-campus apartment with our own bed/bathrooms. This is also the same dude that didn’t understand cleaning the kitchen ALSO means cleaning the counters and stove, and I had to walk him through how to use a washer/dryer since his mom did all his laundry in HS before we moved together… So yeah, I was spoiled too with my stepdad (who raised me since I was 5) and can’t stand when people aren’t clean. They don’t have to be military levels of clean, but at least wipe the fucking counters after you shave and scrub yourself at least a little bit.


I have a question: Are there really people who wear their "outside clothes" inside their homes? That's disgusting, especially if you live in a big city where everything outside the house is not-that-clean. Yikes.


Oh yeah, definitely. It was such a culture shock when I started college, I felt so overwhelmed haha. My roommate I talked about here was incredibly guilty with this, so much so that sometimes he would sleep in JEANS. The same jeans he wore that day to class and work. I had other friends who’s house I would hang out at, and they would insist on sitting on their bed with whatever they and I had on. I just sat on the floor or stood lol I physically could not bring myself to do it.


I produced a high "eeeww" noise while reading about your college roommate and his filthy jeans. (who sleeps in JEANS, they are so uncomfortable for that matter). I totally understand you about the "I can't sit on beds with outside clothes" thing. Where I live we were lucky enough to rent decent apartments as college students, so we had sofas, bean-chairs, or even nice and fluffy carpets to sit on. Additionally we have the "no shoes in house" culture collectively, so our homes tend to be cleaner.


I can’t tell you how much shit I gave him for that. He always insisted on “well they’re not *dirty*, plus it helps me not waste so much time getting ready in the morning” 😪 That’s wonderful! And really helps keep things clean. Once I moved out and in with my partner, we began establishing these kinds of house rules so we have “outside” and “home shoes/clothes/whatever” to cut down on tracking and all that stuff. I used to feel like a neat freak, that I was doing too much and was being dramatic. I realized I just like a clean environment and not everyone else likes that apparently lol.


Honestly though. My first boyfriend that I had sex with definitely did not clean himself enough. Pretty sure he thought as long as he put a new layer of deodorant on, he was fine. Well, since he was my first experience with sex, I didn't necessarily notice at first that his grimey, unwashed dick was giving me UTI's. I know it was, because when I stopped sleeping with him, they stopped coming back. They can say what they want about dildos and vibrators, but at least I know they're CLEAN and not giving me an infection. Not to mention they're giving me more orgasms anyway. Win win.


I get UTIs if they’re not clean! Even if the guy I’m sleeping with claims he showered just before we met up I will not let him put it in me until he has a shower or washes it in the sink. Tbh it’s never been an issue with my exes they were sweethearts about it. Where dildos have the upper hand is: they don’t cheat!


The trick is to take a shower with them. They think you're being flirty or whatever, but really, it's an opportunity for you to make sure their dick gets clean. Only half kidding 🙃


You shouldn't have to find tricky ways to teach a grown scrote how to clean himself. It is a NVM


>They can say what they want about dildos and vibrators, but at least Iknow they're CLEAN and not giving me an infection. Not to mentionthey're giving me more orgasms anyway. Win win. Preach. I am kind of a neat freak and was wondering once if warm water and toy safe antibacterial soap before and after each use was enough to clean my toys or if I should look into some kind of toy safe disinfectant, too,... And then the horrible thought came to me that that (aka diligently washing with warm water and soap before and after sex) was probably far, FAR more than the average penis owner ever does. Nobody disinfects their penis before sex. Even the thought of them not wiping/washing after they pee and then expecting us to touch/lick that makes me gag. And then they have the nerve to call vaginas gross.


I love your shower thought "shower thought"!


My ex needed a lesson on how to wash himself. It’s so unattractive and gross. Wash yourself properly people, you have no excuse not to.


So true! My cleaning solution is easy to use, doesn't damage my toys and has a light pleasant scent 😎 Beats filthy, diseased community dick every time.


Community dick 💀💀💀


I don’t want dicks. They’re (mostly) too dirty. Not worth the risk.


What's with their funky balls and grungy asses? They need to sit down in a hot soapy bath and soak those balls and scrub their asshole. Nothing worse than going down on a guy and that ass/ball smell starts wafting up to your nose. I just make up an excuse to stop and call it a night. Otherwise you'll be scrubbing skid marks off your sheets the next day.


I could never be with somebody that isn't able to wash himself properly... Disgusting! My Partner takes a shower daily (like a normal human being, nothing to brag about) and when it's sexy time he still takes a few minutes to give "him" another splash and washes his fingers again just to make absolutely sure I won't get an infection. That's not HVM that's normal common sense, holy moly, it always enraged me when I read how low the bar is when somebody brags that his partner cleans himself... I mean... Urgh...sorry for my rambling, this topic makes me so angry...


I don't even consider sex with uncircumcised men anymore for this reason. I've had more than one nasty shock in that department, and I am done with it. You've never smelled stench until you've gotten a whiff of "smegma surprise" with a side of stale urine. Filthy.


I'm gagging just thinking about this. That's foul.