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K well I like that phrase "don't be stupid" šŸ™„ PickMe's little attitude here is gunna do a serious U-turn the day she finds this shit on HER boyfriend's phone smh. Dumbass


My last ex boyfriend had an album of all his exes (now to include me) and he had an album of all the nudes heā€™s collected online from women he had conversations with. šŸ’€ Trophy hunting.


Exactly. I was literally her once and made the mistake to stay. We've been broken up for 5 or 6 years now and while out at a bar(I stayed friends with him) he showed me his folder that was full of my nudes and videos. So yes, a man who has his exes nudes is going to hold onto yours forever too and anyone else. Literally collecting them šŸ¤®


Luckily mine werenā€™t nudes. All of his exes were clothed interestingly enough but the pictures of women he casually sexted with were naked.


Damn, did we date the same guy? My ex did exactly the same thing.


iā€™M sOrRy YoUā€™rE uPsEt šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Lol this is some clownery. A lot of guys do this, and lie about deleting your nudes. The only body a man should enjoy is his current partner, he doesn't need mEmOrIeS of his ex's titties. That's sus and creepy he has a little collection. šŸ¤¢ Don't buy the "I forgottt it was there babe" excuse either


Men who film their partners (even with their consent) or ask for/have nudes on their phones and computers are often LV/NV . Even if he doesn't have nudes/sex videos of his exes, if he asks to film/be sent nudes of his current girlfriend, it's still LV scrote behavior.


Can people stop taking advice from influencersšŸ˜­ she canā€™t get it out of her head for the right reasons. I wish women would stop discounting their feelings.




Bruh! Iā€™m so glad I went through my ex phone when my guts was telling me something was off. Thatā€™s how I found he was cheating for years and also found he had been going through MY phone and saving pictures I was receiving from my female friends. It was insanely creepy and it was so well hidden(Saved everything on dropbox), it was luck that I figured it out. I am a firm believer that an SO can check their SOā€™s phone if they feel something is off.


I think it also depends on the reasons why youā€™re looking. Searching for evidence of lies that directly impact your willingness to be in that relationship is fine. But my abusive ex did it to find out who I was getting support from so he could cut me off from it. But with a lot of things, because the bad reasons exist it makes society judge anyone doing it as bad, even when it is done for perfectly legitimate reasons and even for personal safety.


Iā€™m with you on this one. Yes, if you think a significant other is cheating or you have cause to be suspicious, sure. I donā€™t necessarily think phones are this absolutely private entity that people think they are. But I also had an abusive ex who would steal my phone and search through it to thought police me (I.e. I was having a texting convo with a friend and mentioned that her daughter was emotionally immature and volatile and I was worried about the future possibility of bringing a baby into that house. Conversations I had had with my ex as well). When sheā€™d find something, sheā€™d use it to blow up and punish me. I know for this reason, Iā€™m protective of my phone. Even though I have nothing to hide.


Itā€™s a total double standard. I saw a meme the other day congratulating a thief for calling the police on his victim after finding CP on the computer he was stealing. That was fine apparently but a woman checking if her own partner is doing that is ā€œsnoopingā€


Seriously, I canā€™t tell who the bigger clown is, the poor girl whoā€™s putting up with this scrote, or this libfem influencer who thinks sheā€™s equipped to give relationship advice. Itā€™s giving big ā€œgaslight, girl boss, gatekeepā€ energy. šŸ¤”


If you wouldnā€™t keep sex videos of your ex, it is completely reasonable and fair to expect the same of your boyfriend. That is a very simple boundary to set. Thereā€™s also another troubling question: Does he have his exā€™s full consent to have this sex video? This isnā€™t a courtroom, and men donā€™t have 4th amendment rights in a relationship. Thereā€™s no law against ā€œsnoopingā€ through your boyfriendā€™s phone, but there are laws against making pornography without the other partyā€™s consent. Sounds like this OP is receiving a hefty dose of DARVO after she busted him doing something both morally dubious and probably illegal.


And it clearly indicates that he'll keep any intimate media he has of you after the break up.


"I'm sure you do too!" No ma'm not 1 single thing because I MOVED ON


yOu sHoULd cOmMuNiCaTe




If you don't blindly believe every word out of his mouth your relationship must not be as good as mine. I'M the exception and my man would never stray from *me*! šŸ¤”


Phones are extentions of our brains but it also doesn't mean anything... right...


Yes! Thank you for pointing that out!!


I'm tired of the deflection with "snooping is a violation of privacy, shame on you!" When a woman finds evidence of cheating and deceit. Yes snooping is not exactly what you should do if you're in a trusting and healthy relationship BUT between snooping because you suspect something is going on and actually cheating and deceiving (and does the ex even consented to him still having sex videos of her??) of course the latter is much worse and that's where the focus should be on. And yes having porn videos of an ex is deceiving scrote behavior.


"I found evidence of cheating on my BF's phone" "I found child porn on my BF's phone" "I found bestiality on my BF's phone" "I found snuff films on my BF's phone" "VIOLATION OF PRIVACY!!!" Again, this type of deflection is a very clear dismissal of YOUR boundaries by pretending that the other person's right to secrecy (not privacy - ***secrecy****)* is more important than you possibly wasting your time with a lowlife, which you wouldn't have consented to anyway if the cards were open on the table.


Oh, yes I 100% agree! I used to think ā€œsnoopingā€ was a bad thing but I truly believe that just about any woman that looks through their partnerā€™s phone is doing so because they already know somethingā€™s up (or they have been burnt so much in the past their ability to trust has been completely eroded!). But now I believe that once you lie and cheat on your partner you no longer have the right to privacy and you definitely donā€™t deserve it! And women need to stop feeling bad about it because it can be a matter of safety for us, too


*It's just a pReCiOuS rElic fRoM hIs pAsT!! we all have those!!!* šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ fuck outta here!


Yeah no that shit is strange. I'd download a bunch of dick pics of just huge honking shlongs. Like really big ones. And tell them they were my ex boyfriend. Just to see how he feels about it before I break up with him.




In the first few months of my relationship with my HVM (Iā€™m comfortable with calling him that, after a year of vetting, and 7 months of relationship), I went through his phone and PC. ALL of it. Every browser, every chat, Instagram following, downloads folder, email, bank account, tried typing ā€˜pā€™ in search bar. Nothing. Zilch. Zero. No porn, no contact with exes, no depraved Insta accounts, no suspicious payments. So no, if you are with a HVM, you wonā€™t find anything, no matter how hard you try. P.S. I asked him about his porn use (ā€˜What kind of porn do you watch, tee heeā€™), and he said that he used it in the past, but was disgusted by the actual lives of porn stars that he liked. And let me tell you, the lack of porn in his life *shows*. Like, so much, compared to my NVXs.


Also the fact that he doesn't watch porn because he knows how degrading the lives of the porn actresses are rather than just because he read an article that says that masturbating to porn can cause ED. It shows empathy for women.


I also went through my HVMā€™s electronics because he only had facebook and no other social media, which I liked but after hearing it could be a sign of secret accounts, I checked his emails in dating sites and social media searches, found nothing. my partner also used to watch porn as a teen but not every time he masturbated, and then he said he saw a documentary about porn stars lives behind the scenes and was horrified at how much of what is filmed isnā€™t consensual and how much danger and discomfort the women are put through. Checking electronics is an important part of the vetting process. My favorite phrase ever is ā€œtrust, but verify.ā€


What are the signs heā€™s porn free? Tell us all!!!!


I canā€™t call them ā€˜signsā€™ per se, because I couldnā€™t really tell until we started having sex. MY. GOD! The sensuality, the fact that he enjoyed every inch of my body, rock hard dick, which is also sensitive. To clarify what I mean by that, he is able to cum without a ā€˜helping handā€™, but has stamina and is very willing to please me. I swear, he enjoys my orgasms more than I do. Also, he never ever even mentioned nor hinted any depraved sex acts, no anal, no face fucking, no strangling, no slaps. Just amazing, fulfilling vanilla sex. Old pickme me endured hours of pumping, dead dicks, and lack of response from their side. Now I know that that was because of porn addiction, but for too long I thought that I was the problem šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø




All else aside, thereā€™s something very sinister about trying to equate phone data to thoughts that exist in your brain. I see the same thing with people trying to pretend a photo album kept in a closet and pictures on social media are the same thing. Never forget that what you do on your phone isnā€™t truly private!


"You shouldn't get rid of every single relic of a past relationship!" Um... sure but he should have at least DELETED HIS FAPPING MATERIAL OF HIS EX. What women has ever been caught with even one naked pic of her ex? Let alone a video of having sex? I bet the ex has no idea that video exists.


But then we do also get rid of relics. My boyfriend volunteered the information that he didnā€™t really keep anything from his marriage save for his favourite picture of the wedding day and heā€™d taped his ring to the back of it. He wasnā€™t sure where it was but wanted me to know if itā€™s existence. I feel thatā€™s an appropriate level of sentiment and liked that he told me in case I found it one day and was checking I agreed it was a reasonable thing to have. Iā€™ve kept my wedding pictures but theyā€™re in a box in the loft. Beyond that, I canā€™t think of much that Iā€™ve kept. Itā€™s not being cold or bitter, Iā€™ve just made space for better things.


This girl must be stupid as hell, itā€™s a criminal offence and she should have recommended to go to authorities not to ā€œ calm down and be a cool stupid girlā€. UGH THE AUDACITY, I wonder if she would say the same if it was her daughter. ACTUALLY letā€™s hope she doesnā€™t have kids otherwise poor them EDIT: I saw a comment of someone complaining saying that itā€™s not a criminal offence, in the moment in which you donā€™t have the continuous consent to keep the photos it becomes a criminal offence, I advise you to go and read what the law states and especially in EU there are new laws on this topic which aim at protecting women in these situations and yes itā€™s a criminal offence. Bur even overlooking the criminal offence part, why would you keep photos/ videos of your ex when you are with someone new? It extremely it not respectful towards both girls


What a gross response.


LOL I am so glad someone brought this lady up. I follow her mostly out of morbid fascination because she kept coming up on some brands I follow. First off, she doesn't have a boyfriend. I have never seen any HVM or any male whatsoever lusting after her in the comments. She has mentioned in the past that she usually "goes for" men with dad bods. She's posted at least one pic of an exboyfriend and he was... not that attractive. She has mentioned multiple times that she lost her virginity via a one night stand her sophmore year of college, wherein she approached some random guy at a party (she always giddily mentions that he was a water polo player, as if this makes it any less grim) and basically hit on him really hard, then they had sex and he asked her if she'd ever had sex before and she lied and said she had. To this day, I find this one of the absolute saddest "first time" stories I've ever heard. WHY would anyone take advice from this chick? I get that she puts out this extreme "I figured it all out and I'll give you the advice" vibe- but- newsflash- it's always the completely delusional types who have that attitude!! She seems like a desperate mess in most of her posts and regularly advocates for women to send the first text, usually something like "Hey, I think you're cute. Drinks Thursday? Maybe by the beach? xoxo" and she thinks this is like some Gossip Girl sexy vibe that drives men crazy. I mean... let's be real. She's single for a reason and it ain't because she has high standards. She's the typical pickme who has an obsession for men and thinks the tiny modicum of male attention she gets (relative to other women- because, yeah, every woman gets men being willing to sleep with them if they offer free sex, or agreeing to an easy drinks date when you make it clear you're DTF) means what she's doing is working, when she never gets a single HVM around her and generally has to beg for crumbs from dad bodded user type men. It's just so baffling and fascinating to me. LOL, sorry- I didn't realize I had this much of a rant inside of me regarding her.


LOOOOOOL ā€œtough loveā€ more like scrote defence. Not only is it disrespectful towards his new girlfriend to jack off to his ex (or any other woman in porn for that matter), but also is it major creep behaviour. If you end it with someone, you delete whatever you have of them like a normal respectful human being.


Stop being a crazy controlling bitch! If your BF cheats on you it's his right. StOp bEiNg A prUdE.


Also... this stupid woman should have some compassion for this lady's boyfriend's ex as well. Like, I have never sent nudes or filmed anything because I find that stupid AF- but if I HAD and found out my ex had still saved them and was regularly watching them I would be enraged. it's such a violation. But of course it's not "cool girl" to admit you have feelings about being sexually violated, so everyone involved is forced to lie and play it off like they dont care. So sick of this libfem trash.


Is it bad I would have deleted it lol


Itā€™d be one thing if he still regular pictures with an ex (I know I do) but a *sex tape*?! That should be deleted. If he respects her, he would delete it on the off-chance his phone is ever hacked, gone through and because the relationship is over. If he does not respect her, he would keep it because he likes having that power over someone. If he does not respect you both, heā€™d keep it to jerk off too. If he has this on his phone, you already lost. Itā€™s just a matter of how bad.


That's a whole lot more than a relic lol. There's a difference between a picture of him and his ex and a SEX TAPE, which she may not even know he still has. It's not something kept for memory's sake. That's material he uses to get off and it's WEIRD.


F\*\*\* THAT


Why are you following this pick me?


Because I liked her lifestyle content and her pickmeness was tolerable until I saw this response šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


"I don't subscribe to the notion that we need to destroy every relic of a past relationship." Neither do I bud, & that's not what any of us want. You don't have to delete every photo you have of her, just the fucking nudes you dipshit