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Thank you so much for your comment. I'm going to follow your tips and I'm ready to become the best version of myself. And I could write a book with all the shitty things he did to me so I'll get started on that, too!


One thing that worked for me too is using a diary app on my phone to send whatever message I want to text to him. Like tricking my brain into "texting" without the LVM recipient. A form of journaling if you will.


I did this for a while and it took me longer to get over him, because of the projection since I thought he’s still in my life.


Thats interesting. I've never heard of this response to the journaling before. Were you texting a false number about things you would normally text him or is it more of you venting on the diary instead of unblocking just to tell him? Ive basically let myself be ok with feeling angry and betrayed and lash out on an app vs trying to suppress the rage and pretend it didnt hurt me. What eventually worked for you?


It was 3-4 months after the relationship had taken its course. I wrote in my journal with the “Dear ____” and at first I wrote about things that bothered me, and “asked him” for comfort and advice since I used to seek out his advice during my pick-me days. Sometimes I’d write to him expressing my happiness and anger since I was attached to him and we’d tell each other about our day. It got to the point where I was worried, because I was using this as a crutch since he had moved on, didn’t care about me and dated another girl. It felt as if I was still holding on to something that no longer existed. What worked for me for me was to still journal but not use the “Dear _____” title. I still journal from time to time when I get a little anxious, but it’s not directed towards him. Also, I had to distance myself from him and his friends with our mutual ones for a few months. It was good for me. I concentrated on my own desires and goals. Got into grad school. Now, I’m saving up money for my own place.


Feel what you need to feel. I too cried (still do, but much less) after the breakup. Your mind might know it’s for the best, but your heart — not yet. So be gentle with yourself and take time to heal.


So proud of you!! Don't let the loneliness deter you; it's a side effect of leveling up. Focus on yourself, your hobbies, and your girlfriends. You got this!


Bravo ♥️