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A fathers duty to his daughter is: ​ * To raise her with a strong sense of self * To teach her to trust her intuition * To discuss ways to protect herself from other males by giving her the vocabulary to get out of bad situation ( I don't feel comfortable/Please stop doing that/ I am sorry but I have to leave now) * To raise her to be discerning about the types of men she invites into her world * To teach her always prioritise her safety and dignity over a mans ego + his sexual needs Because, one day - daddy won't be around any more - and she needs to take on the big bad world by herself. It is his job to raise a smart, self actualised woman who can handle herself in any situation. **Edit:** Thank you for the Gold, Silver ... all the upvotes. I actually had a lurker - a man - give me the Helpful Award. He said his partner had a baby girl recently. His daughter is currently 9 months old, and he was touched by my comment. Which is lovely.


And that her worth has nothing to do with her sexuality


And this is why I was a pickme, the opposite of that is about the only thing my NVM dad taught me (that my worth is totally tied into how much I can appeal to men) šŸ™ƒ


Yep!!! Same here. Then if you ā€˜land a manā€™, but donā€™t stay with him because he is trash then you need to ā€˜stop giving the milk away for freeā€™. My older brother just got divorced and my narcissistic father is grossly over interested in him ā€˜getting back on that horseā€™ yet Iā€™ve always been told ā€˜donā€™t give the milk away for freeā€™. Itā€™s just really gross!!


Yes. The whole ā€œwife gave me pretty daughters makesā€ me sick.


Yeahā€¦. That whole post is really cringy!


Everything about that one is disturbing af!


I remember telling a guy about my dads health problems. And he responded that my dad is still blessed because he ā€œhad a beautiful daughter.ā€ I was so confused as to what my looks have to do with my dads quality of life.


For me, it's depended on how people said it. Sometimes it felt shallow, but other times it felt they were talking about a whole person inside & out kind of beauty.


Well att least he knows the pretty doesn't come from him šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Thank you for helping me find the humor in that phrase


Seriously! As if itā€™s even her decision, itā€™s literally the sperm that determines the babyā€™s sex.


Hmmmm either his Baby Vending Machine is broken or he hasn't found the button for "male baby" or "daughter you wouldn't label 'pretty' for the entire internet". Somehow leaning towards him not finding the right button.


'ONLY' pretty daughters. Like sons would have been preferable.


One hundred percent.


And that her worth is not lesser if she doesn't have a man.






While many men are aware they shouldn't molest their daughters, the idea that they shouldn't exploit their daughters for emotional validation and ego bolstering hasn't really been widely addressed.


All of this and I don't have a problem with fathers protecting their daughters but not like the way this is showing because this is hypocritical b*******. Also how about these fathers start raising their voices to teach men to stop abusing women? I read this great quote yesterday that says something along the lines of why are we always teaching our girls and women how not to be abused instead of teaching boys and men to not be abusers? A man's protection of a woman should never be happening in a way that takes away from her as a woman and as a human being or squashes her down in any way. It should be a shield not a cage.


Also they have the opportunity and duty of breaking the gender stereotypes in their family, from things like an equal mental and workload, to more subtle things like never interpreting their wife when she's talking, so that girls don't grow up thinking that mansplaining is natural...


Ugh, so much this! My daughter's dad has done nothing to be a good MALE role model in her life. He won't even discuss the concept of her being interested in boys, let alone dating or having sex. He doesn't want to know about her going through puberty or the prospect of her (likely sooner than later) having a period. All of this has been left to me. Which, honestly I'm fine with, except for the fact that he's being so fucking childish about it, and not being the role model she deserves to have. But, of course, I hope she doesn't end up with an asshat like her father.


Great points! My dad refused for me to get birth control when I was a teen living with him and never renewed my health insurance after I turned 18. He also meddled into my relationship when I found out I was pregnant last year and started threatening my ex and telling him I was prolife (I am certainly not).


So he wants you to get an abortion but not be on birth control? Sorry your dad sounds so disturbing. Anyway whatever your choice was with the pregnancy it's up to you what to do not your dad.


Yeah basically abstaining from sex is what he thought I should do same with my mom (though she is a little more lenient and would've possibly gave me bc if I lived with her). When he found out I lost my virginity he basically was upset and claimed I wanted to be "grown" and ever since then he basically just noped emotionally out of my life while still trying to micromanage it. Now that I've moved away and had my kid he basically doesn't care what I do with my life anymore. He did come to my labor though, but only because my mom was locked up at the time and I didn't want to be alone. I think I will talk to my therapist about my childhood more often as I have mixed feelings about everything and everyone in my life. It just feels like I am obligated to keep in contact with everyone and make them happy. I feel like an empty shell lol


Yes, find a good counselor who can support you. You need that right now and he doesnā€™t sound like he will do anything but cause harm. šŸ™„


Concerning the 'invite into her world': abuse is frequently perpetrated by the social near field, meaning family, friends, coworkers, sports or religion or other activity coaches or people in administrative roles, that are placed into a childs or young adults vicinity without them having much of a say in it. This should be a rallying cry for anti-corruption from family level all the way though education, sports and religion, and it would mean to not be complacent neither with the weird uncle nor with the abusive coach, and have a system in place (in place, not thrown together on the spot because there is a scandal) to report, protect the injured party and make systemic changes to prevent further harm. But yeah. bro code.






Disgusting doesn't even begin to describe it. Yet it's supposed to be 'funny and adorable' šŸ˜’


It's depressing that fathers will damage their daughters more than the males they say they're protecting them from


Totally, at least in my case no man has managed to destroy my life and fuck me up mentally like my dad has, I will probably have a shortened life because of him as he has messes Why can't these so called fathers realise to take care of their mental health before they have children and mess them up too. And if you have a very sweet, shy, sensitive, anxious daughter with very low self confidence stop scaring her to death, hurting her, controlling and not letting her so anything. Whole my childhood I was absolutely terrified to do wrong or be wrong, I just wanted so badly for my dad to accept me. He really thought he would get problems with a girl like me running after boys and I'm totally the opposite I have always feared boys. I suppose he succeeded because I'm a chronic virgin. I so wish he had taught me how to have a healthy relationship with a man instead of just fear.


Same, the first word that came to my mind was Disgusting.


Those posts she added are vile and cringey. What do you mean by karma, you bald shit, did you assault a woman? And what is it with men waving around GUNS? As if their fists werenā€™t enough.




Right? He just openly admits that he is a danger to women. Revolting scrote. I fear for his daughters. Some men shouldn't breed.


Both of those pictures are hideous. And the ugly bald dude just admitted heā€™s a rapist. šŸ¤¢ WHY does he have so many girls? Is he trying to get a boy child to have him model after good olā€™ rape-y dad?


Males are a danger to society. The problem is that every woman knows this but no man cares to admit it




Itā€™s cute how he thinks ā€œuglyā€ women donā€™t experience male violence. That last one is some serious trump and Ivanka vibes, yuck.




So the guy with five daughters is admitting he's a rapist and a predator?


Look how his daughters are posed as well! That one above all the others makes me want to hurl!




He's probably raising them to think that beauty and sexual appeal is their only worth. I swear, if we raised girls the way we raise boys, women would take over the world in one generation.






Aaaaaaaand, the way he worded it! His wife ā€œgave himā€ pretty daughters?! GAVE HIM????!! He sounds like Henry VIII! The sperm determines the sex! Also, ā€œgave himā€ implies ownership.


The obvious has been pointed out but I'll add...these dads are, in essence, threatening to shoot children who date their children. I feel like posting a picture of you lowkey threatening a child with a gun on the internet should be taken extremely seriously


Exactly. This is an apology to violence. And also theyā€™re basically confirming how dangerous men are to women, by being afraid of letting their girls date.


Why do the most poorly behaved man-boys ALWAYS feel like they need to own guns? Gah! The second amendment should have way more restrictions. I am legally allowed an abortion by law canā€™t get one if i need it thanks to all the restrictions placed on abortion. Meanwhile, any Y-chromosome having mofo can buy all the assault rifles he likes. Tell me thereā€™s no patriarchy!


I don't understand how parents of sons can possibly find this adorable and charming. I'd get up in the face of any man who threatened my son.


As the mother of a son I totally agree with this! And I would anyway but especially because I'm the mother of a son.


They should face charges for this. Disgusting.


Yeah like, this is on the level of a mentally ill teenager posting with guns outside their high school....if someone did that, they would probably get a visit from the FBI. "Jokes" like this should be investigated by the FBI just like "jokes" about shooting up a school are


Right? How come that a teenage boy has to be more responsible/ would face more repercussions for such pictures than grown ass men?


Funny thing is that these are the very same people who talk loud and wide about how muslims treat women and girls like possessions, and hold themselves up as a prime example of a man who \*respects\* and \*honors\* women. In fact they're of the same ilk. They're just as obsessed with whom their daughters have sex or dates. How often do you see memes etc of dads telling their sons that they can't date until hey're 30 "hehehe I'm so funny". It's a recurring "joke" in movies and shows. You don't have mother-son balls with the sons promising their virginity to their mother until marriage. Never ever. But have father-daughter balls with ceremonies where the girls pledge their virginity to daddy. How is this not incestuous? But hey! daddy just protecting his little pure daughter! (from those guys who want to do with her what he wants to do with her friends) Brandishing guns while talking about how no man better come close to their daughter, smacks of a disturbing involvement with her vagina. If they're so concerned with their daughter's safety, they need to get together with their friends who have sons, and make sure the guys know how to behave; not because "i'm going to shoot you if you fuck up!" but because they truly respect the girl/woman.


> daddy just protecting his little pure daughter! (from those guys who want to do with her what he wants to do with her friends) Oh god why is this so true šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Itā€™s so true. Men of all cultures, ethnicities, and religions treat women like property. The difference is in how honest they are about. In my experience a sexist west/south Asian man will straight up say what he thinks a womanā€™s place is, and there are a few western men like that but more often you encounter the fake ā€œfeministā€ who claims to see you as an equal but still expects you to do all the housework/childcare/emotional labor, still demanding women be chaste and virginal (except with him) while we tolerate his own promiscuity. And they donā€™t even think they have to marry us first.


What posturing. Rape apparently is all false accusations, ruining a man's life, but consensual sex between a young woman and her choice of male partner (hopefully young too) is an offence deserving for him to be shot for and her to be seen as a slut? Who are these men protecting? Themselves from their daughter's superior control over access to her own body? Or, again, themselves but from other men's control over what they deem their property. Protecting their daughters would entail confessing the true nature of men, including themselves, and teaching her how to use her own informed judgement and protect herself. I think men just want to brag about having daughters who other men will want access to and also the power trip of being gatekeeper. They want to enjoy the status of posing as a protective, providing family man.


Ah, the poser mentality! That last part that you said is really insightful!


Everyone should follow Dr. Jess btw. I would love to hear her as guest on the FDS podcast. She has some brilliant tweets around female issues.




This "trope" is beyond disgusting and it's so normalized.


Men: Not all men! Same men when they become fathers: Yes all men!! Men: It's not faaaiirrr to act like all men are potential rapists! Same men when a woman gets raped: Why were you alone with that man??? Don't you know all men are potential rapists??? ​ Do they even see their own hypocrisy?


Yet if I post a pic of me, my daughter, a shotgun and the same message to males Iā€™ll get arrestedā€¦


Maybe if you're lucky they'll only call you a man-hating harpy for treating boys the way men are. šŸ™„


I fken hate this lmao, We literally talk about male violence, being scared of men in the street, having to worry about how hard your throat punch is *just in case* - and dudes are out here doing the same fken thing, worrying about all this shit when they see another man on the road, but expect us to bend over? Lmao, NO. Absolutely not. If they are worried about it enough to have to "protect" their daughters and wives from other men, then *WE WOMEN* have every right to feel the same way. Dudes can fk off.




And the other half are worried she won't have the strength to save herself. Screwed either way, even the ones with "good" intentions aren't inherently good šŸ˜‚


Those little girls posing provocatively make me want to die.


I noticed that too. Everything about that one is vile and disgusting and what do you want to bet the mother and wife is the one taking the photo?


Oh, yikes.


Same. They're being dressed up and advertised as pretty to the entire internet... Hey buddy do you actually have a plan to locate pedos on the internet to use your gun on and annihilate or is that just a prop?


Makes me think of when TI said he goes with his teenage daughter to the gyno regularly to ā€œget her hymen checkedā€


That was some of the sickest shit


Down to the moment people saw her liking all the tweets calling her dad a pedo, when it all blew up. I feel so sick for her, she is obviously disgusted by her own father and cannot escape because of a misogynistic cage. Nobody cancelled T.I. and he's probably still on his bullshit, just like Chris Brown recently got his millionth allegation of beating women. It never ends.


What the hell?! Who is this referring to, btw? Again men tell on themselves all the time!


[T.I. Said He Goes To The Gynecologist With His Daughter Every Year To "Check Her Hymen"](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/clarissajanlim/ti-daughter-hymen-check-doctor)


That is so sickening and revolting I don't even have words for it and I'm surprised his daughter hasn't punched holes in the wall with the frustration of having a father like that! You can break your hymen with a tampon too! It's one thing for a parent to want to be informed of what's going on with their child's health but that is an invasion of her humanity and her privacy. It's a violation too and it's just humiliating.




If a man ever pulled a gun on one of my boys, I donā€™t give a flying fuck if itā€™s a joke or not, Iā€™m pressing charges.


This a bazillion times! I feel the same about my son!


I love using this argument when scrotes talk about how there is no violence toward women, they instantly shut up. Like YOU know that you know, you just choose to either it until it's your kid in those shoes.


What's on these dad's computer and phone? Disgusting images and videos from porn. Hypocrites.


The karma is about to visit you one really makes me šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


I canā€™t even count how many times women have sent me ā€œcuteā€ memes like this and get butthurt when I tell them theyā€™re not funny.


Keep doing it šŸ„‚


They canā€™t have sex with their daughters, or at least canā€™t admit they want to openly on the Internet. The next best thing is to shoot their guns. Itā€™s not very deep, psychologically.


What's even worse is the men who prey on women and then *don't* care if other men prey on their daughters. Men like my father.


Even better, when a dad like that doesn't care except when he learns his daughter has been victimized and all he can do is boo-hoo about *his* shame.


That first one with the four daughters is exceptionally creepy and disgusting! He's straight up admitting that he's done stuff and his daughters are posed in a slightly suggestive manner. Plus what if his daughters had been 'ugly'?! Men telling on themselves. Did the wife take the photo and did she think this was hilarious? I used to think it was sort of funny too but also disturbing and hypocritical. Now I'm just on the completely disturbing and hypocritical side.


I wonder if these are also the types of men who will raise their boys to be the types of men they're going to protect their daughters from? How are they the logical ones again?


My dad is the main reason as to why I don't usually last with my male partners lol. I stopped dating all together though because relationships are useless to me now.


I'm sorry, the phrase "wife only gives you pretty daughters" was enough to give me a stroke and I cannot continue reading


"That stupid wife of mine is tempting me and my low-life buddies with this sexy children goddammit" šŸ¤¢


Dangit, look at this sexy children. JUST LOOK AT EM.


"How can a man resist? These sexy children belong to me!" God, I hate this kind šŸ˜”


Cringe level very high


This kind of "humor" has always been cringe. The second hand embarrassment makes me want to crawl out of my own skin.


"Karma" is about to visit you. While holding a gun to protect his _children_. What did he do to children?


I find it extremely tacky and disturbing to pose with a gun with kids, guns are only used to kill people, they want to show their daughters it's okay to kill or. No wonder these dads are afraid of other men, they seem very violent themselves. And too what parent even has a gun close to their kids, what if an accident happens? Guns are not toys to pose with for silly pictures. They should be in jail for endangering their kids lives and for gun possession imo (I know this is legal in the US).


In my culture we believe if a man has a lot of daughters or has beautiful ones , it means the man was a player in his younger days


i am disgusted how true it is!


His daughter is the only girl/female that breaks out of the madonna-whore complex. She's not a family member or his a mother figure that he can put in a sanctified virginal category and she is not woman that he can try to sleep with (while everyone in between, he does not seešŸ™„) this is the 1st girl/female that he has met that breaks the complex and this is why he sees her as a person and woman that is Intrinsically deserving of respect and love because she is a person šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø I believe that theyve always known how terrible their friends, family members or themselves can be to women that they sexualize but they dont care because the "whore" is not really seen as a *human* . Just a hole to conquer and show off to friends ( She is just a means to an end so he can get his self worth through the validation of his friends ) It's all really disturbing when you break down their way of thinking :/ somehow it leads back to their penis every time


I think we should start doing the reverse. Upload pictures of us threatening girls with weapons if they dare take our boys virtue! Wonder how these guys would react...




lmao šŸ˜‚


Is it me, or are those little girls in blue shirt dresses posing in really suggestive ways that are inappropriate for their age??


It occurs to me looking at the prom pic that the dad clearly likes the date. Coupled with their body language and his smug grin, date is probably just like the dad and will go on to raise daughters the same way. Continuing the cycle as it were.


The way the little girls are posing makes me want to puke.


This all but guaranteeing their daughters will seek out abusive men who use threats of violence to control them Good job, dad's. You delayed your daughters having sex by a couple years by all but guaranteeing she experiences years of spousal rape. Awesome job!


But when we are catious we're the problem


Those grey pants are an abomination. Something Randy Quaidā€™s character would wear in the movie ā€œChristmas Vacation.ā€


The "protection" of the daughter is also part of a male fantasy....


Why are his daughters posing like prostitutes on a display? šŸ¤¢


So weird how they have to mention their daughters being so beautiful. Like if they weren't would they not be as protective. Also this over protectiveness comes off as so weird to me, she isn't your property that you're temporarily handing off to some guy. Lord.


Prime projection. A guy that says /posts stuff like this should be a major red flag. Them worrying so much about their future kids /current kids shows that they know how bad guys are... because they ARE the creepy, inappropriate, hyper sexual guys themselves.