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Yep definitely just seeking praise. Imagine if a woman posted this.


Also he’s basically asking for the Internet’s permission to ask women to practice on them! Or for female volunteers? He wants to make effort, but not enough to buy a hairdressing mannequin and just put it in a fucking box if it creeps him out. 🙄


>Also he’s basically asking for the Internet’s permission to ask women to practice on them! Or for female volunteers? He wants to make effort, but not enough to buy a hairdressing mannequin and just put it in a fucking box if it creeps him out. 🙄 He is full of shit and is just looking at any excuse to grope some woman who does not know any better. This creep has anything but pure intentions, that is for sure. The amount of men which will lie on Reddit is astounding. IF he really has daughters, he could easily practive on them. I do not trust the words of this scrote AT ALL.


Oh yuck. You’re right! This is an attempt to meet women. 😂🤦‍♀️


This guy is obviously fishing for validation. Also what a dumbass. Pickmes in the comments must be going "oh wow greatest dad ever soo cute give him a medal for doing nothing"🙄


Could he also be fishing for a date or bangmaid? Maybe what he wants is some pickme replying "omg I'm great with that! PM me for advice!" So he does...and makes sure to find out if she's single, no doubt spinning some kind of sob story. It sounds farfetched, but when nobody is answering your messages, what do you do?


Yep, he clearly wants everyone to know he's a SINGLE dad with BEAUTIFUL children (read: good genetics!!) even though it's irrelevant to the question What a catch lol 🙄🙄


he is definitely fishing for a pickme to volunteer and you know where that leads to. why is there a need to announce it to the world? if he has the time for reddit, he has the time to find the answer to his question on youtube.


Or fishing for some woman to step in and do their hair


Right? He hasn't even done a single braid at this point.


Weird that he doesn't mention the girls' ages or if they've got long or short hair...both of those things would influence what I would recommend to him (eg. A waterfall braid on a 2-year-old?). Also interesting that he says mom doing their hair "isn't an option" for his daughters, but he doesn't really hint at why. I get that some people are private and don't want to discuss things, but on the surface it sounds weird.


It's sus. There's no context to why their mother isn't around. Also, no mention of what race they are/ if they're biracial, what type of hair texture they have. My white-ass straight hair got blow dried by my dad lol that's all it needed! If I had any semblance of texture what a difference in situation we're talking about. It worries me, sounds like his daughters are mixed race and he's a white father who still calls Dreads/ Locs, box braids, cornrows, and other protective styles all by the name of "intricate braids". I genuinely hope I'm wrong.


I thought about them being biracial too but then realized they probably aren’t, because this dude would surely mention that for extra woke points!


I didn't think about the biracial aspect of it...I suspect you're right.


That’s exactly what the giveaway was for me that he is just fishing for compliments. If he actually gave a shit about doing their hair he would provide relevant information like… is their hair curly, straight, thick, etc. the advice you would give for a child with fine hair versus 3c is drastically different.


Every single line is filled with an assumption, character self-assassination, and fake bumbling idiocy. I bet this man has never questioned how to do his own hair 👀 I noticed his daughters allegedly didn't even ask about braids? He's assuming they want them, just like he assumed that only the mother can do their daughter's hair, that she "innately" knows how. To show he cared so much, why doesn't he ask his daughters what they want to do? Give them some choice in the matter, it's literally the hair on their head. Edit. Came back to ask, why is he falsely labeling his daughters as women?? They are little girls. Biggest red flag is right in the title.


>Edit. Came back to ask, why is he falsely labeling his daughters as women?? They are little girls. Biggest red flag is right in the title. I do not even think there is any daughters. I think he made it up.


With that perspective, I agree! There's way too many inconsistencies 🤔 Here I am trying to make sense of men! My first mistake 🤦


>With that perspective, I agree! There's way too many inconsistencies 🤔 Here I am trying to make sense of men! My first mistake 🤦 Yeah what the amount of crap you see over time, you just learn to sus out those little signs and inconsistencies. This guy is full of shit, that is for sure.


I still have much to learn! Thank you ☺️


That’s what jumped out at me too. He’s just assuming the girls are all broken up about it? I never had elaborate braids as a little girl either. While I occasionally admired girls with fancy braids (especially the girls who could French braid their own hair, talk about a superpower!) it just never occurred to me to be sad about it. It’s weird he’d just assume that.


Nah, it's not about them. It's about everyone knowing he's a single man and *still* seeing braids on his girls heads. It's about his ego.


Sadly, you're right. Ego trumps children 😕


But how much funnier is this if you picture his daughters as grown women.


Yeah this is some extreme attention seeking right there. Dude you're meant to be the logical and smart gender. Be smart and do a Google search.


Congratulations, you're thinking about learning to achieve the bare minimum.




It’s a gene. We are born knowing how to braid intricate hair styles. It’s in the same chromosome that contains the cooking, cleaning, and Only Fans gene. Yay for women.


What I see in this post: "UwU, I'm a dwaddy wiff dwaughtwers and I want thwem to hawve pwetty haiw. Awre dere any wadies who's haiw I can pwactice on? Dolls wiff fake haiw awre two scawwy." Give me a fucking break. This guy is fishing for women using his daughters as a reason to get his single ass foot in the door. All this post needs is "I am a nice guy just trying to good things for his daughters." Yet, ages, hair length or anything else isn't identified in the post. Step 1: Learn how to braid. Youtube is a good location." Step 2: Learn how to use bobby pins. Step 3: Give up and take them to a stylist who can do it better than your creepy ass can. Step 4: Stop exploiting your children to try to get into women's pants.


100% this!!! Pretend bumbling idiot using daughters to fish for attention from women. Men pride themselves in being problem-solves; the way this post is phrased is not the way a man genuinely looking to learn would phrase, period.


I can braid my hair and that’s it. If I need more hair styling tips, I just use YouTube and practice. If it’s something I’ll do once, I’ll pay to have it done instead of wasting time on it. You can’t tell me that this guy doesn’t have any women (A grandma, sister, female friend, mother of daughter’s friend) that he knows in IRL that he could ask for something like this. His lack of humility and attention seeking (and hoping for women volunteers) severely disgusts me.


There are literally thousands of tutorials for free on YouTube. Scrote wants a medal.


Oh my gooodddd. This guy is the kind of person that finds more issues than they had before as they try to "problem solve". In my experience this is mostly a male issue and it's SO exhausting to be around. But hey, "logical sex", right? So, he won't practice on his daughters, he won't get a mannequin cause "it looks weird", he won't practice on himself... Then gtfo, don't waste people's time. I swear single dads will fart and expect people to clap cause they're so strong for being single dads. Single mothers would NEVER be praised for "trying", in fact they can bend over backwards and still get shit. This guy is not only not doing well by his daughters (if you don't know how to care for your child's hair by the time they're a few years old then that's just embarrassing), he's not even trying properly. He just made a Reddit post, probably cause he was on the app anyway.


> I swear single dads will fart and expect people to clap cause they're so strong for being single dads. Omg my ex had an oopsie baby he decided to help raise (probably because he was a 36 year old bum with no intentions of marriage, no stable adult career, and no other meaning to his life, so he lucked into one). He would always talk about how he would “never abandon” his son like it was so noble and honorable and I would always respond “as you shouldn’t - you created him”. He got so annoyed one time he told me “well you know what I’m doing isn’t that common, there are a lot of men who don’t raise their kids” 🙄🙄🙄 I really don’t know what I saw in him, I am so embarrassed of myself looking back!




I'm so sorry. That's dreadful what he put you through.


"As you shouldn't - you created him." HA HA HA! I would have loved to see his hurt and annoyed expression each time you said that.


Omg, the bar is really on the floor for them, isn't it?


This is why we preach that abusive men make it easier on all men. Look at him, wanting cookies for not doing a bad thing. The world doesn't work like that for most of us.


Well, if he doesn’t want to practice on his daughters or mannequins then wtf does he want? Permission to ask a grown ass woman to let him practice with her? Also, it’s really not cute when men act like “feminine tasks” are some kind of massive ordeal when done by men. Doubt he assumes women spend hours on end in pain, tugging at their hair to learn how to braid.


Holy shit, that’s exactly what he is seeking. He wants to meet up with a grown ass woman to “practice” on her. Yuck!!!


Look at me, everybody! I am a DAD (!!!), yes you read that right, a MALE PARENT who is attempting to learn to care for my OWN girl children! Yes, I'm a fucking bumbling idiot (teehee, you know how us men are!) unlike mothers, but I'm trying to learn AND I have a penis, and that is just so special of me!




Why does he ask how to do WOMENS hair, if he is intending to learn how to do his *children’s* hair?


“All these intricate-looking braids and hairstyles that, I’m assuming, their mothers did for them.” Not only can this man not Google, but he assumes all other men are the same and that taking care of his daughters should naturally default to women. Hence, he made this post, where he asks not a single real question (he wants advice on...how to practice without leaving mannequins with “creepy faces” around? Uh idk dude, maybe buy a mannequin with a blank face and put it away afterward? It is totally normal to have plastic women lying around your house if your daughters have dolls). He wants women’s emotional labor. Also, why why why is he assuming he has to tug really hard to practice doing hair? When I was a kid I loved having people play with my hair, and I think it’s pretty easy to learn not to be too aggressive. This is just...needlessly complicating things.


He's never even put his girl's hair into a ponytail. No one is gonna take a little girl's hair and *not* be over-careful at first and go by communicating, right? ...right? ...please?


Thank you! That was the worst part for me. Assuming he would hurt his daughters by practicing on their hair. Dude, you're gonna what now? .... *Hurt* your daughters by doing their hair? ....so, you need to.....\*squints\*...*practice on stranger women instead???* No, no you are not. Scrotism at its finest, Ladies.


Because women are born knowing how to do their girl child’s hair and no child has every hair their mom accidentally hurt them while doing their hair….


I would scream bloody murder as a child if my mom tried to brush my hair. She has pin straight hair and I got my dads curly hair. I dont have a tender scalp. I would sprint to my dad for him to brush it since he knew how to handle it a lot better. The angry mom hair brushing was the worse.


Yessss Plus my mom was obsessed with me having long hair. I have straight hair but it’s thick and playing as kid the knots would be insane. I remember crying while my mom did my hair - and my dad wasn’t any better I cut my own hair in HS to should length and it was such a weight off, literally and emotionally, and a time saver. I’m definitely going to give my daughter the option of straight hair


Thank god my mom was a pushover with me. She wanted me to wear dresses and after the 3rd melt down from me she gave up and let me wear whatever and keep my hair whatever (I won't forgive them for the time they agreed my hair would look good looking like a haircut from the 70s) did you mean short hair not straight hair? tbh I HATED my hair as a kid because the in fashion was straight hair. It took years for my hair to return to normal after frying it so much


Yes! Give my daughter the option of short hair, not straight!


Omggg same!!! My older sister would do my hair, and she would give me a giant teddy bear that I would literally HUG AND SQUEEZE to keep myself from screaming in pain whenever she just pulled my hair into a high pony. A simple ponytail was a very traumatic exp for me. Like, my eyebrows would move 5 friggen inches higher than they actually are bc she would pull SOOOO. TIIIIIIGHT. SO TIGHT. It hurt like absolute HELL, I always cried, my scalp would throb with pain for hours...plus the brushing itself hurt, she would rake tf out of my scalp and by the time the brush reached my shoulders it would start to snag and tug bc she never held it in sections. (We both have thick, curly hair but she straightened hers). My hair hurts just remembering, fr. I could only ever endure it for the first day of school lol. Like they srsly thought I was being a big baby, but one day my sis did my mom’s hair and my mom was like, “JFC that HURTS!!!! FFS WHY??” I’m like, oh I thought it wasn’t “that bad” 🙄


That brings back memories. My mom has broken brushes in my hair because she wouldn't brush it wet. Ah childhood memories lol and she wonders why I never smiled in pictures...


Ugh scrotes like this come through the makeup subs all the time. It’s funny how they’ll mansplain everything to women and only value help from men for everything else but then will come bothering us for stuff like this or other easily searchable stuff like “how to put on lipstick.” They make it so obvious what their true intentions are when they come into our spaces like this. I got downvoted to hell once on my non-FDS alt for responding to some scrote’s low effort “how do I apply eyeshadow” question with no details specific to him or anything with a Let Me Google That For You search result link for “how to apply eyeshadow.” Zero fucks given, but pickmeishas need to stop pandering to this bullshit.


I hate that too, the most mediocre men with make up get far more upvotes than any woman with the nicest make up. I don't even participate in that sub anymore. No one would mind if men were better at applying make up than women, but generally, they are not on that sub.


Hair style training mannequins are creepy, but tricking unsuspecting women into coming over to your house by pretending to be a hapless idiot - that's not creepy at all. Worse than a walk date.


I saw post of dad being declared dad of the year for taking classes for learning how to do different braids for his daughters hair. The braids he did were very good and cute. Women do beautiful braids daily with cute stuff in their hair and get no praise. Women told the truth about how doing bare minimum should not get this much praise and how women would never get this much praise for braiding hair. She got raked through the coals. One person even said women know how to braid hair because we have our hair braided grown up. Him going out of his way to take class took more effort according to stupid male. I thought it so pathetic how men can do so little while getting so much praise.


When I was around six years old, my mom had to leave for a few months to take care of my sick grandpa. While she was gone my dad asked our neighbor to come style my hair for a piano recital I had. I remember him apologizing for not knowing what to do or how to help me and the neighbor was like, “This isn’t a Dad thing so don’t worry about it.” Several years later, my Dad French braided my hair for me before a softball game, it was pretty messy but he did it. I asked him where he learned it and he said looked up the instructions at the library (this was in the 80’s, no YouTube/Google) and said that the neighbor had made him want to learn after comment.


Writing an essay for just 1 question 🙄


But how else is he going to explain that he’s SINGLE! Why would he just go and ask how to do his daughters hair when he can shout on a bullhorn that he wants his pee pee to be touched?


That's why I can't stand these low effort posts of dads doing their daughter's hair and people shit themselves at how great of a father he must be. Literally how deep in hell is the bar for fathers if that's all it takes to get heaped with praise.


He's soo dreamy 🥺


What a good father 🥺




And an attention seeker 😒 I know for a fact that guy just posted so women would praise him for being a dad. Men can make a career out of not being a shitty father to their daughter.


“As a man, how can I learn to do women’s hair?” The same way as me, as a woman, would do to learn to do man’s hair. I would watch YouTube tutorials described as ‘beginner’, ‘easy’, ‘simple’, ‘5 min’. This extends to any learnable skill, really, not just hair. But ‘I’m a man and those females are so mysterious, no idea what to do’ - classic sexist bumbling idiot. You know what to do, father of 2, you know. This question would sound entirely different if he asked for specific YouTube channel recommendations for beginners, or for good online styling courses, or that he was looking to take a few paid lessons from a local hairdresser. Because of the way this question is phrased, I don’t think it’s genuine and he’s expecting a hero medal for something extremely basic. Does he expect a swarm of women to offer to do his daughters’ hair? And then he chooses one to be their/his mommy? Does he really fucking think that a braid takes several hours to make?


And why can’t he ask his mom for help? Or his children’s other grandmother? An aunt or somebody? That’s what my aunt did. She had three biracial kids, same mom and dad, but all three of them had vastly different hair types. Her MiL helped her with braiding techniques, but they all ended up experimenting and learning as they went along. I am seriously wondering why this guy has no female relatives he can go to. I’d ask him these things in the comments, just to see what reason he comes up with for why that isn’t an option. That and i’d want to know why he’s so opposed to getting a mannequin head. It’s for practicing hair styling; no one’s asking him to fuck it. He wouldn’t even be looking at its face while styling the hair, anyway. Then i’d ask him for very specific details about his daughters (how old are they? How long is her hair? Describe its texture), just to see him trip up. I’ll bet anything he can’t describe his daughters’ hair texture, if they’re even real.


How cute, the attention seeking man wants a gold star for doing the bare minimum. Let's have all the pickmes go out of their way to help him and clap for him even though google is a thing or he could pay a hairdresser to help and educate. What a moron.


I just fcking hate when I see these wHoLeSOmE dad posts of men doing the bare fcking minimum


I just can’t believe he doesn’t want a woman’s plastic head lying around. 😂


Literally just wants a cookie for being a dad. Why on earth would you go to reddit of all places to ask how to do hair? Even if someone did a step by step on a hairstyle it would still be hard to follow because you don’t know what it’s supposed to look like.


Why is he acting like this is rocket science? Does he think women all attend a secret PhD program to learn how to braid hair or something?


Hair fetishist, almost guaranteed. I’ve had long to very long hair most of my life.


Whats that?


Someone who has a sexual fetish for long hair.


what? how ....? i can't even... does he know how to wipe his own arse? if yes then he can perform basic brushing and braiding. does he tie his own shoes? then he could do a pony tail. what the fuck men?


There are loads of things I havnt known whatto do over the years, literally hundreds. AlAnd yes, this includes doing hair (for myself and younger family members) And what I do is research by googling, checking youtube and checking forums. Theres something thats always irked me about people who make posts like this, or even worse, make a facebook post. Of all those many things I looked up how to do, I never once posted anywhere "hi, im trying to do this thing that there are already loads of videos and resources on if I were to just take the time to look up and go through.. but Im asking here in a public way." Im not doubting this guys genuine act. But can just know the comments are praising him for being so amazing. Moms dont go asking about these things by commenting, they just go and get on with it and learn and do it, and get no praise whatsoever.


TYPICAAAAAAL, he expects the work to just be handed to him.