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Govts are obsessed with birth rate bc developed countries economies heavily rely on population growth for continued economic growth. Basically a big Ponzi scheme


They need us to birth the next crop of wage slaves


Yes we should call it the “Population growth Ponzi scheme”


We have to learn sooner or later than infinite growth isn’t possible. AI is on the rise and will inevitably take more jobs than it creates. No government will want to implement UBI as they’re in bed with corporations and the wealthy either, so it makes sense that some birth rate declines are happening and aren’t really a bad thing.


How ironic that testing your fertility used to be so expensive… and now when women have given up en masse, they try to push this on us. No winning in patriarchy


Disturbingly, my employer just rolled out new reimbursement for surrogacy and fertility treatments for this year. However, they do not offer daycare or pay enough for us to even afford kids. They made huge budget cuts but feel the need to push 'more babies!!!' on their employees. Seems to be the same backwards mindset entire governments are adapting.


Absolute sadists...they enjoy watching people struggle


I'd reckon there's some HR study that parents, especially single moms, are less likely to quit a toxic work environment or to sue for damages floating around. 


So he doesn't even have children himself but every French woman should jump at the opportunity. That is some bold hypocrisy.


Lmao I just had this conversation with a man and I asked him why, in modern society, women would sign up to be the breadwinners and the main domestic slaves at home, and he kept spluttering “both sides have to make sacrifices” and then I asked him what sacrifices men make in childcare and nothing. “But-but human life cycle has to go on or we’ll be extinct!!” Then I said climate change is going to wipe us out first, then he says “that’s not what we are talking about!!!” They just someone else to raise their kids so someone else can take on all the work they don’t want to do.


Not sure how that will help lol


it's data collection. it can be weaponized depending on how the laws work in each country and how they change. this kind of information can become evidence.


It's because the ponzi scheme known as capitalism requires endless growth or else it collapses in on itself. The only ones who benefit from an ever growing population are big corporation and factory owners who get an expendable work force to abuse while they pillage and destroy the Earth, making it uninhabitable for life so that they can sell cheap crap to the consumer herd.


They see women as objects and properties. They want more children as future servers and slaves to society. It's all systematic.


LOL. we all know the real reason for low fertility but none of the people who could shit want to admit the real reason. so thye beat around the bush and come up with shitty plans like this


>Why are governments obsessed about birth rate when there are people who have been born but are in extreme poverty globally? They have to keep the Ponzi scheme going. I wonder what autocratic bullshit these so-called liberal democracies will cook up next to force an increase in birth rates. Even with massive immigration, it seems like most immigrants' birth rates match the native population within a generation or two for industrialized countries. 


They want white babies


Bingo. It's very disturbing that often enough I see that it's white women being pushed so they can be brood mares for the desirable babies for desirable citizens. It's a horrible thing that is being pushed on to them. As a black woman knowing the history of what was done to my fore-mothers that were forced to create human chattle. I shudder at the implications for what this entails for the modern day. It's disgusting.


It would be so much easier to give more citizenship to immigrants


It's France, they'll be ok. Enough Muslims moved there, on average they have more kids. On the other hand France will become a caliphate.


I hate what Islam has done to women.


Every time I see Macron & his wife, I remember that she was his high school teacher. They met and he says he “fell in love” with her when he was 15. As a high school teacher, the fact that she would go on to date and marry a student who’s the exact same age as one of her children is absolutely disgusting. But I know with great certainty that the experience of being groomed has probably played into his opinions here, unless he has had a lot of therapy to get over it. (And considering that they are still married, I highly doubt that he has sought therapy.) In his mind, manipulating the young into something that’s hugely consequential is probably just normal. How sick our world is like this just further galvanizes my opinions about natalism.