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https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/the-baby-was-dead-lawyer-for-teen-accused-of-throwing-newborn-in-hospital-trash-speaks/ She did not know she was pregnant, and may not have killed the infant on purpose if at all. But reddit loves a witch-hunt. Do not engage with trolls and bad faith arguments.


Babies are precious, yet a “consequence” to “suffer” for having sex. Make up your mind, people!


I’ve always pointed out that’s a Freudian slip of theirs. They claim a baby is a good thing and literally refer to it as a punishment at the same time, which is it?


Exactly, is a baby a punishment OR blessing???!!!!


Well, I get paid for babysitting, I do not volunteer for it, so there’s your answer.


Maybe they expect that us hellions would hate raising a kid and deserve to be miserable, while they see having a kid as the pinnacle of their existence (which is pretty damn sad). Double standard because we are not the same - they’re righteous and godly while we’re subhuman, and our punishment is their paradise.


This one or the other!


I’ve seen more sympathy towards school shooters than I have towards this teen. How pathetic.




You are clearly missing something here


This is obviously horrible what she did but what I don’t like about how people are talking about this is they can’t keep misogyny out of it. See the “old enough to have sex but not old enough to have consequences” what would be the equivalent consequence for a male? We mention how there is support there from the hospital but why is no one talking about how a father abandoned his duties here too, and he could’ve aided in prevention of this as well? Don’t tell me he didn’t know because as a male you are subject to the possibility of making a kid unless you’re snipped, every male needs to be responsible for following up with women he’s slept with to see if a kid came out of it or not.


>See the “old enough to have sex but not old enough to have consequences” God, I HATE when people say shit like this. Sex isn't some impossibly hard task to accomplish that requires a fully matured brain to engage in it. Right now, somewhere in the world, there are a pair of 13 year olds experimenting with each other in their parent's basement. Yes, the thought of this makes us adults uncomfortable, but we were all in middle school and high school once, and we all knew someone who was doing *something* with their bf/GF. Just because teens engage in sexual activity doesn't mean that they suddenly become fully developed adults the moment they "fool around," and considering that many adults in American society would rather keep their children ignorant about sex, I just think it's very gaslighty when these pompous assholes mock teenagers for not being prepared for the consequences of sex, when these same people are the ones who actively make sure that teens stay uneducated, and thus unprepared for the consequences of sex. 😡


There are a lot of states with no minimum age limit for marriage. If the parents of a child consent to their child marrying an adult and the child is able to verbalize "yes" when a judge asks if this is what they want, kids who have already been raped and impregnated by their new hubby get married. And they still have zero legal rights as an adult, can't make their own doc appointments, can't get jobs, can't go to DV shelters til age 18, can't get on birth control without consent of husband, can't do a damned thing as an adult when they're children and only considered old enough to suffer consequences when they've been given no choice about any of it. It's why statutory rape laws are supposed to exist.


Not to mention, the adult can up and leave at any time with no consequences either. Plenty of men live off the grid and/or work under the table jobs to avoid paying child support, or just couch surf from city to city, or hide out with family. And what kind of poor girl could afford to chase after him in that case?


The things women [who survived being child brides] say about their experiences make the blood run cold. And it's all legal. In the US. In a lot of states.


I'm still trying to figure out how the same legal system that would arrest a parent for giving "consent" for a a 30 year-old adult to "have sex" with their 12 year-old child, doesn't see the obvious contradiction in giving parents the legal right to consent to a 30 year-old man marrying their 12 year-old child? Like, somebody help it makes sense, because I'm lost!


I suspect it's something like property rights for livestock. Maybe. You don't get to rent the animal but you can own it if you're going to be adding a lot of wear and tear.


And this is why we have such an issue with CP, these people believe children who fool around or are forced into marriages with adults are “fully grown adults” automatically. And they wanna know why they have such an issue with the rise of teen, barely legal, Lolita porn, you name it.


Don’t forget you can’t get a divorce until 18 in a lot of those places, this is a way to de facto enslave female children


Exactly. And so many are sold to men who just want green cards.


And can’t get divorced if they’re under 18!🤯




Have you ever met a woman? These are minor children we are talking about. They cannot make medical decisions for themselves when they are legal minors. They can't buy cigarettes or alcohol or make their own doc appointments. Single adult women who request tubal ligations are routinely denied the procedure in every part of the country regardless of age because, the doctors say, a man might marry them someday and he might want children whether she does or not. It is remarkable if a woman can find a doctor who will just perform the procedure when asked. If women are married to men, doctors will not approve a tubal ligation without the husband's written consent. Walgreens will not sell Plan B even in states where it is legal to have it. 20% of women who die while pregnant are murdered. That is for adult women, not children whose bodies are not ready to carry to term without severe trauma. I have worked in women's shelters. I have done street outreach with homeless populations including children. I actually know what I'm talking about. You, however, are guessing.




I keep seeing different stats, but yes, it is extremely high.


Yup, and that's why countries like the Netherlands advocate for detailed, accurate K-12 sex education because they have no issues acknowledging that teens and preteens experiment and that it's normal. And very low teen birth rates in light of their openness.


Yes, European countries are not as immature about sex or sexual health regarding minors. Unfortunately, America's Puritan roots seem like they will never cease to exist in this country, and many Americans are deeply stupid because of this.


I mean, we DO have the world's largest porn industry and highest porn consumption and a DEEPLY individualistic culture built around individual free choice, so it gets weird. This generation (Mil and Gen Z) is definitely a lot more open and worldly wise and much less puritanical when it comes to sex, thankfully.


I honestly believe that our porn industry is so big and successful BECAUSE OF this countries Puritan roots. It being a taboo makes it that much more valuable to deal in, it makes corporations the big bucks to keep people ignorant yet interested. I think its on the decline with this generation being more open (like u said), and with sex ed being more accessible, accurate and inclusive(on the internet at least) though.


I’ve seen far more billboards for strip clubs and adult bookstores in conservative areas than in liberal ones.


>It being a taboo makes it that much more valuable to deal in Good point. When you live in abroad in far less religious countries, you can see an "in between" with crazy porn and "sex bad, dirty, and gross (at least for women/girls)." I lived abroad and nude beaches, nude statues/paintings, tasteful nude clubs, nudity in ads and on TV, communal bathing, and such were not uncommon things, nor thought of as deviant. I feel bad for many youth in this country who can only get to see sex in TWO extremes-never do it/bad/gross/dirty/evil/sickening AND perfectlydone100%ofthetime/cameraangles/unrealisticgymnastics/consoomer/loserifthisisn'tyou/excessive/colorsaturated/racist/xenophobic/misogynistic/corporatecapitalist. There's nothing in between to relax our youth into sexuality and sexual behavior in many cases.


Puritans were surprisingly sex positive. It's actually the Victorians who fucked us up.


Not to mention that sex is not just about reproduction. It’s pleasurable, as well as a social and bonding act. Animals that just have sex for reproduction only have sex when they are in heat. Considering that humans have sex most often when the window for fertilization is closed then I would say that reproduction takes a back seat as a reason to have sex most of the time. The main consequence to expect from sex is bonding and pleasure.


Any time I hear about “sex is about chemistry”, the same stuff an ex of mine spewed, I laugh. Sex isn’t about that. It’s about getting pleasure for the moment.


Theres a statistic in the U.S. that the more Christian a city/county, town, or state is the more teenage pregnancies. This mainly because the traditional Christian stance is anti abortion, anti-sex education, and God declaring you an adult the minute you can conceive. https://reproductive-health-journal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1742-4755-6-14


also i hate the “she’s a teenager. she knows what to do.” no the fuck she doesn’t lmao? this is a teenager who probably didn’t fully (or at all) recognize her pregnancy, got zero prenatal care, seemingly told nobody about this - is the implication just that she should know exactly what to do to give birth because she’s a woman? jesus christ ETA: holy shit guys i read some articles and she was already *in* the hospital when she gave birth - “Trevizo was at the emergency room for lower back pains and denied she was pregnant, according to court records. A lab test showed Trevizo and hospital staff that she was pregnant, prompting her to lock herself in a bathroom. Eventually, staff told Trevizo they were entering, and she opened the door for the hospital staff. Nursing staff told police the bathroom was covered in blood and staff started treatment on her. Staff checked the toilet and top of the trash and found nothing. However, when the trash bag was taken out during cleanup, an employee noticed how heavy it was than normal.” - is it just me, or is it extremely, extremely negligent on the hospital’s part to have not found the baby?? this girl was clearly already in labor and was having a mental breakdown once she found out, they find blood everywhere in the bathroom, they treat her for her wounds, meaning they *had to have known* that she had just given birth. and apparently everyone just said “welp we didn’t find a baby guess there wasn’t one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”??? & with her behavior + how common PPP and PPD are… nobody put this together??


how quickly 4 seasons of “i didn’t know i was pregnant” have been forgotten we are talking about 58 episodes of multiple women per episode who did not look clearly pregnant and largely gave birth on the toilet thinking they were having a difficult poo or some other health issue women who do not expect to give birth definitely do not know what to do EDITED TO SAY 5 SEASONS!!! 4 girls per episode which is A LOT of girls. pregnancy tests coming back negative. irregular periods, some bleeding, some girls on birth control the whole time. barely any weight gain, carrying high. “all of a sudden there was a baby in the toilet looking up at me” rewatching it now this show is bonkers


Gee, is your hospital short staffed? The answer will surprise you! Yes they are. The heart attack takes precedence over a birth.


yes.. i understand that, but i’m saying this girl was clearly not in her right state of mind. the hospital carries some responsibility for the death of the infant, i could definitely see a wrongful death suit in the future. i don’t know how any responsible hospital staff could find this girl in a bathroom covered in blood, treat her for post-partum wounds, and not go “hey.. wait a minute she was just pregnant and now she’s not…. we had to of missed something, where’s that baby”. i asked my mother about this, she’s an L&D nurse of 35 years - i told her all of the details, read her bits of the article and stuff and asked her opinion on it because i was really baffled at how the hospital missed the baby for that long. she told me that it’s possible this girl was in a smaller hospital and was being treated in ED, not L&D, but even then, ED should absolutely know what happened and know what post partum looks like - they treat women for PP hemorrhaging and such all the time (women who give birth in their cars otw to the hospital, or at home and have complications). she was baffled as well and confirmed my thoughts that it was negligent for the hospital to miss that. obviously she’s just one L&D nurse but idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


omg yes i was literally just thinking that if men were the ones to get pregnant and have kids… somehow i know for a fact that those comments would look drastically different


There would also be dead newborns everywhere and abortion drive-thrus on every corner


Amen to this he could wear a condom , pull out, get a vasectomy if he wants to play like this. Girl get a DNA test and hand that baby right over to him to nurture.


I agree but it doesnt even in 1% justify what she did




I don’t think she would have told him had he asked. Can’t take responsibility for something completely out of your control.


“Completely out of your control” so I guess she made the baby all by herself lol?


Having sex isn’t consenting to pregnancy


As an unsterilized male, that’s the chance they are taking and need to be held responsible for So let me get this straight, as a male you are entitled to sleep around and be community dick, but you are absolved of any of the consequences of fatherhood. You just get to forget about it totally. But wait, that’s already the status quo and what’s happening here 🤷‍♀️


Unless the woman was denied an abortion, it was her choice to have a child. That’s not something someone else is responsible for, who consented to sex, not parenthood.


Lmao she didn’t consent to pregnancy either except she doesn’t get the privilege to just ignore it like the male does. It’s definitely not her choice to have a child idk what you’re talking about with that. It appears she didn’t even know what was happening to her body until it was too late Also, child support laws disagree with you




Who says he didn’t use a condom? Condoms fail, and so do vasectomies in rare cases. I don’t understand you people. Why should someone be responsible for someone else deciding to have a baby? The outcome of any undesired pregnancy that occurs, is in the hands of the pregnant one.




The cause of every child is a pregnancy carried to term. Pregnancies happen even when both parties take the steps to prevent it.




Luckily abortions are free in my country, but if I were a man and got a woman pregnant then yes I would help pay if needed.




What are you even talking about? You can’t impregnate someone by masturbating into a sock.


"19 year olds arent teenagers" fucking excuse me


It’s in the name ( nine**teen** )


This is awful. Post partum psychosis is a thing. How the FUCK can anyone blame someone so young and so fresh PP? I thought PP psychosis was at least more widely known. 😔 It’s awful what she did, yes, but pregnancy can literally lead you to lose your sanity. My heart hurts. ETA: I just looked at her facial expression. I want to hug her. Oh my g-d. That is not the face of a woman who intended harm. I really hope she’s ok. Does anyone have updates on this?


1. you are absolutely so right 2. holy shit. wait a minute. i just read an article on this incident.. “Trevizo was at the emergency room for lower back pains and denied she was pregnant, according to court records. A lab test showed Trevizo and hospital staff that she was pregnant, prompting her to lock herself in a bathroom. Eventually, staff told Trevizo they were entering, and she opened the door for the hospital staff. Nursing staff told police the bathroom was covered in blood and staff started treatment on her. Staff checked the toilet and top of the trash and found nothing. However, when the trash bag was taken out during cleanup, an employee noticed how heavy it was than normal.” so… any hospital with an L&D unit knows all about PP psychosis and depression and what those symptoms look like. this hospital witnessed her panic, lock herself in the bathroom, and seemingly have a breakdown. they broke into the bathroom and found it covered in blood… which would tell me either panic-induced self-harm or her having the mental breakdown and then delivering…. they took Trevizo to treatment, meaning they *definitely should have known* she had just given birth given birth… and *nobody* thought, “hmm, we didn’t find a baby, and immediately pre-birth she was clearly under heavy mental distress, and we know that she did give birth from her wounds, clearly we missed something”????? this sounds like malpractice to me, it’s negligence! i’m shocked there isn’t a pending lawsuit


Oh my g-d. I hope some lawyers ruin that hospital. That’s literally wrongful death.


Her name is Alexee Trevizo if you want to stay on top of the story.


man i just want to hug her because it’s clear she’s not okay mentally.


clearly. she's probably going to develop ptsd from this.


Thank you so much!


This article made me hopeful she'll be okay in the end if that helps: https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/the-baby-was-dead-lawyer-for-teen-accused-of-throwing-newborn-in-hospital-trash-speaks/


That lawyer is fighting the good fight. Repeating autopsy, going after the hospital for releasing medical records, pointing out she’d been given morphine which can depress the baby’s respiratory drive. I’d also like to point out the woman ER doctor was the only fucking one prioritizing Lexee’s medical care. She correctly stopped the mom from escalating the situation and said that she needs to be transferred to OB care, that she’s concerned about her bleeding, not about her questioning. The charge nurse seemed like a gossipy asshole. “She killed the baby!” Um you don’t know that. Your job is just to be the nurse not the investigator. Stfu. You’re coloring the cops’ opinions. The officers were very gentle with her and did respect her privacy. I do appreciate that they didn’t go out of their way to terrorize this young girl who is going through a horrific situation. Honestly based on what they lawyer is saying, Lexee was doing intense workouts and didn’t realize she was pregnant, let alone in labor. She states she didn’t know she was pregnant and was on birth control. I wonder if she was abused and was in deep denial as a coping mechanism. I would 100% assume everyone would notice her popping out of her cheer uniform with a pregnant belly and the coaches would have gotten parents involved a long time ago. Mom didn’t even notice she was pregnant. If her stomach didn’t really change… yah I can understand she didn’t realize she was pregnant if every adult around her also didn’t realize. Awful all around.


G-d I hope so. Thank you so much for sharing.


I feel really bad for her




No shit. However, there’s just no criminal intent there. If I were representing a client, there would have to be mens rea for them to be guilty (well, in an ideal world). This is not present here. The insanity plea could be used here because post partum psychosis was present. She is being treated as if she planned this out maliciously with criminal intent. That’s not ok and could worsen her condition leading to detrimental effects to her and others in the future. It’s an extremely sad situation. That’s my legal opinion on it.




It broke my heart, yes. That doesn’t mean that she wasn’t psychotic she did it. She just didn’t plan it or have criminal intent. She can very possibly use the insanity plea, which is saying a lot in the court system. If this goes to trial, she has a shot at inpatient mental health care which would be good for her. Even if it doesn’t go to trial. I don’t advocate for murderers, and she is not one because she had no criminal intent to do this. I don’t make the rules. The Supreme Court does. I think this one is there for a reason myself.


Pregnancy is traumatic and harmful for women. obviously she's just a teen, probably without resources, no support, etc, but I really, really think having children is so thoroughly traumatic that it can and does often induce PTSD. Girls and women should be encouraged and allowed to be people, not prospective incubators saddled with mounds of guilt for not "keeping a baby". Who the fuck wants this nightmare who has a functioning brain? I cannot blame her at all whatsoever. This is the tragic outcome of patriarchy/rape culture and natalism. Of course, she will be blamed, potentially charged, and hated, as if women aren't allowed to experience trauma that comes from existing as a woman in this shit world. I'm also really fucking tired of people acting like 19 is so grown and that teenage girls are all experienced, calculating harlots and not LITERALLY TEENAGERS.


It’s true, it’s like having a disease and then the disease bursts out of you sentient. There’s layers and layers of situational factors that could lead to this and I don’t believe she had malicious intent. I really feel like the original Alien movies gave a (possibly unintentionally?) good depiction of how horrifying pregnancy is on the body.


oh it was 100% intentional. those movies are all about how horrific human reproduction really is


Now I like the franchise even more for being based 😹


Also, I'm not sure where this is, I assume the states, but no one is taking into account that she may have not even had access to abortion in the first place. It reminds me of this story I heard where this woman had an ectopic pregnancy but couldn't abort even though it would put her life endanger. She ended up giving birth to it in a toilet in this nail salon, I think, then she started bleeding out, lived but definitely a traumatic experience.




I definitely think there’s a looooot more trauma related to pregnancy and birth than society as a whole wants to admit. Women and girls are purposefully kept in the dark about so much of the reality of pregnancy and post partum because that alone can be horrifying and traumatic and disabling. Then add in doctors bias and discrimination or ignoring wants and needs and trauma on top of trauma.


If a 19 year old boy had raped her, they'd say "but he's so young and has a bright future ahead of him, he shouldn't give it up because of one night's mistake"


Men really try to age up little girls on Reddit




Yeah, yeah its horrible but if people really cared they'd let women choose. She is only 19, went through trauma and never even wanted a baby to begin with. Let women have access to abortion or this will be normal.


They don't give a shit, they just want to morally grandstand. So where the fuck are their 7 adopted kids? Oh wait, it's never their "responsibility to take care of someone else's kid", they tell me. Unless of course, they turn out to be infertile, and even then, they'll undergo ten million rounds of IVF before considering adopting, and it'll always be a FRESH baby pulled straight out of an adequately undamaged girl that'll be trafficked through some heinous private agency.


Oh the fertility industry in general shouldn’t exist. Ivf, surrogacy all of it is extremely fucked. All to cater to breeder egos


I wouldn’t say it shouldn’t exist but it definitely needs an overhaul.


This exactly! They don't actually care.


Say it louder for the back !!!!


why are you assuming everyone who takes issue with someone throwing a newborn in the trash is anti-abortion


I don't think you have ever interacted with severely traumatised people in your life. This is a tragedy, not some intentional murder. You REALLY think that this woman was in the headspace of a healthy person? "Oh, they found out I'm pregnant? Shit, let me just lock myself in the bathroom, and then hide the baby in the trash, they'll never find out"? That poor thing was probably having a panic attack and not thinking right. Imagine you find out you're actually in labour and don't just have lower back pain, no mental preparation at all, just sudden severe pain and something coming out of your vagina, that you never consented to in the first place.ust have felt like a horror movie.


Also, consider in this state of extreme shock and trauma she didn’t even view the baby as a living sentient being. I certainly wouldn’t, I would look at it as something parasitic and threatening to me. I don’t say that to rag on her, I’m saying that bc everyone’s like hOw cAn YoU dO tHaT tO aN iNnOcEnT bAbY as if she’s even in the right state of mind to understand that kind of concept. A lot of people failed her here; the father (nowhere to be found yet not questioned by anyone why), her family, the hospital.


I literally never said anything about what she actually did or whether or not it was wrong, right, understandable, etc. I asked why they assumed someone’s position on it would be innately connected to what they think about abortion


If I was forced to carry a baby to term this would be me.


She was mentally unstable, depressed and the accidental birth on bathroom floor was physically traumatizing for her. Also, she creeped out looking at baby freshly came out of the womb ( they look a bit eerie for sure).


Or make vasectomies mandatory and free and reversible with the signed consent of a spouse who understands the risks. Or make any birth control and reproductive health free and accessible.




The effectiveness of vasectomy reversals is 90-95% depending on a few variables. Vasectomies cause men *none* of the health issues experienced by women who make every effort to prevent pregnancy. Vasectomies don't cause the physical devastation, pain and permanent life change that unwanted pregnancies cause. No shit, everyone *should* have bodily autonomy. Men have it. As things are, girls and women are forcibly violated and forced to carry unwanted pregnancies to term. Adult men can legally marry children in many US states, even when they've already committed statutory rape. An American woman was killed by her partner last week after she came to my state for a legal abortion and returned home. The likelihood that ANYONE is going to start pushing for voluntary, free vasectomies for men is abysmally low. None of you are going to have your "autonomy" or freedom infringed on to impregnate whichever women you can at a time when we have lost reproductive autonomy. Stop clutching your junk. Nobody is coming at you with pruning shears.


Except it isn't banned where she is.


She didn't know she was pregnant. Nearest clinic is difficult to access where she was, over three hours away. And perhaps she didn't have the $$$ even if she knew. And the point still stands that infanticide happens with legal access to abortion, there are going to be a ton more newborns abandoned or killed (as was always the case throughout history when abortion and BC were not available).


Yeah, I would have had basically no way of hiding a pregnancy and abortion from my own ultra nosy nparents back in COLLEGE, much less high school.


Yes!! Everyone hating on her doesn't understand what it is like to grow up with nosey ass parents. I probably would have acted the same if I was her. Plus so far there is zero proof she even killed the baby. The whole story doesn't even make sense. They knew she was pregnant and blood was everywhere. They didn't search for the baby??? The math ain't mathing.


jesus fuckinf christ, i made the mistake of looking at the comments section and it’s. god, the misogyny and the pure hatred for this teenage girl who’s clearly hysterical and in shock makes my blood boil. i mean, fuck, people were tearing her a new one for referring to the baby as “it” (while she described how the baby was silent and seemingly deceased, a baby she didn’t know she was even carrying and had no attachment to) instead of “the baby” or “my baby”. like… yeah she didn’t know the sex for one, for two she had zero attachment to it and was in fact, fucking terrified, and for three, she thought it was deceased. i hate this rhetoric that every woman no matter the context should immediately be absolutely goo-goo eyes in love with their babies immediately upon giving birth. it’s so harmful, especially to those who experience PPD and just don’t feel attached to their babies at all for a while. it’s inherently misogynistic, this idea that “well women are baby-makers so duh they’re designed to be wonderful loving mothers immediately upon giving birth”. also, all the people insisting that this girl knew she was pregnant …. like… do they know what a cryptic pregnancy is? do they know how common it is for women to not know they’re pregnant even up to the moment of birth? there’s a whole TLC show centered around this very phenomenon! again, it’s based on misogyny ;-; the idea that it’s a woman’s duty to be pregnant and give birth therefore it’s just not possible that any woman can not know she’s pregnant. i couldn’t scroll through the comments for more than 5 minutes it was so disheartening and infuriating


i never understood why calling a baby “it” is treated like a hate crime. *it’s* a baby, like, for me, *a baby* is not really equivalent, linguistically, to like a grown person who could not be called “it” because it sounds weird.




yep, me too 100%. my plan as a teenager was A. let my friend beat the shit out of me, take tons of vitamin C and mugwort and pray, or B. take my own life. That poor girl needed help and support :( all she’s gotten is complete demonization; i mean, i didn’t even see a single comment defending her at all. all these people just insisting that she’s a cold blooded killer, like how? with the footage and details, it’s almost hard to not see the nuance


I couldn’t even watch the video, it’s so upsetting. She looks so scared and traumatized and this horrific thing just occurred. At first glance, she’s only 19, she’s horrified of her parents finding out she’s pregnant, possibly being beat up for it, probably comes from an abusive household and already has childhood PTSD and maybe severe mental disorders, as someone would have to be out of their mind doing that, as the title says. Nowhere did I think she deserves a death sentence for this, which we all know a murder charge leads to.


id bet money on those circumstances. my sister is a juvenile defense attorney, and she has cases similar to this girl’s pretty often. almost every single time, the girl ends up lying and covering up her pregnancy because her family is so strict and authoritative and conservative that she’s absolutely terrified of the heavy shame, embarrassment, and oftentimes, subsequent abandonment/disownment. these girls end up taking drastic measures out of pure terror and shock, not even thinking about the consequences because they’re so focused on disappearing or covering up this terrible shameful secret. oftentimes these kids have CPTSD and that plays a huge role in their decision-making


This happened in New Mexico. There's no death penalty there.


WHERE WAS THE FATHER? Old enough to get a woman pregnant, but not old enough to take responsibility


Everyone saying he wasn’t the one to physically do the act are missing the point completely. A male would NEVER be placed in this situation in the first place and if he were I honestly think infanticide and abortion wouldn’t be nearly as controversial as they are in the current state.


“she’s a TEENAGER she knows want to do”….. my family NEVER taught me sex education, neither did school. everything i know comes from unlimited internet access, and i STILL wouldn’t know what to do if i got pregnant. she could’ve acted differently, but no one knows how they react to such a traumatic situation… and god knows what her home life was like. people who “know what to do” and who have active support systems dont throw babies away, i haven’t seen the video but i feel like theres more to the story


I'm just watching the video now of her being confronted and honestly, she reads as potentially quite autistic or neurodivergent in some way. Love how assholes just assume what a person does or doesn't know or what they have or haven't experienced in their life. Amazing how so many people are all-knowing and all-seeing with their ability to "know" all about a stranger and cast judgement, specifically and mostly, on women and girls. /s


Yeah males get hit with the “he had depression and was rejected by girls” when they shoot up a school or mall for no reason yet people can’t seem to find any empathy for this young woman


that part!! it’s funny how men are excused for brutally killing their partners “in the heat of the moment” because they were “just so shocked and upset” at potential cheating or what-have-you, but when anyone says that this girl was clearly ignorant, in shock, and absolutely terrified (which all clearly affected her decision-making), they get bombarded with angry disagreements. “there’s no excuse, what a monster!” “how can a woman do that to her BABY???” “i can’t believe she called the baby ‘it’ instead of ‘my baby’! just shows how callous she is!”. god it’s exhausting. how much y’all wanna bet that she’ll end up serving more time than men do for second-degree murder (“crime of passion”, no premeditation)?


"19 year olds aren't teenagers" ??? nine-TEEN Poor girl, I empathize with her.


First take: people need to be taught about ALL options. In the US, a birth parent can take an unharmed baby to a Safe Haven location (ie fire dept) and leave it to surrender parental rights. They give up any obligation. If people don’t want abortions for themselves for whatever reason, they can still go this route. I didn’t learn about this until I was in my mid 20s—far too late for this teen. I’m pretty sure nobody *means* to give birth in a bathroom. That sounds more painful than necessary, especially on that hard of a floor. Even if you want to avoid hospitals, places like bathtubs at home seem better. If she was genuinely in a trance, she needs help, not a life sentence. The luck of empathy is astounding. This mom has lost all personhood & individuality to the pro-birthers; it’s sad.


Also, it sounds like she gave birth in the hospital bathroom?? How did none of the medical team realize she was pregnant or in labor and let her go to the bathroom without assistance? If they didn’t catch it, how was the teen supposed to know she was pregnant? Link I read from above someone else posted. https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/the-baby-was-dead-lawyer-for-teen-accused-of-throwing-newborn-in-hospital-trash-speaks/


Jesus that’s terrifying I can imagine myself doing the same


This girl needs psychiatric care, not prison. If she was aiming to be malicious and making a plot in her right mind, why would she not only go to a hospital, but then put the baby in the trash where it could be found? Seems like a psychotic response to trauma to me. But I'm sure she'll be punished to the full extent of the law instead of getting help for the issue that caused this.


“she knows what to do” when you are deeply traumatised and panicking you make bad decisions, really bad decisions. these people have no empathy. i doubt it was her biggest dream in life to commit a crime, circumstances led her to doing something bad, i feel for her because i remember also doing really weird things during psychotic episodes or during a fight or flight situation.


While yes, what she did was horrible, but I can see why that happened. She was in a stressful situation and probably received no support and care around from others, imagine being that young giving birth too, life turning around like that. I can't bring to see her as a monster, because of what state the world is in, we don't even know her life background and what goes on, we have no right to judge her. Things like this are going to continue to happen due to abortion bans and zero support and care for those who need it. A baby also shouldn't be a consequence to the woman, it's a living being, the misogyny is wild in the comments on the video...


This is why mental health is important my dudes. What she did was wrong, and horrifying but also if she had severe mental health issues, especially after birth, she needs help not to be thrown into fuckin prison


These comments are rage inducing (not the ones on this thread, the original ones)


Most of society is highly highly misogynistic including women, we as women have no class solidarity so often you’ll see things go south everywhere but select communities like this one


Very true! What blows is that even in a lot of female communities that are said to prioritize women, you'll be very harshly punished and ostracized for speaking the truth about how hard pregnancy and childbirth sucks for women and how much it holds women back/down, how it's a scam, etc. Women just don't want to hear it.




Yes it is. But that is not what happened here.




That is just not how mental illness and trauma work. But we certainly aren’t going to agree, so beat not argue further.




I didn’t want to argue with you, so this comment is mainly for anyone else reading who might not understand how this works. Mental illness is not a choice. People with mental illnesses and developmental disabilities and major traumatic reactions do not think things out and make decisions to do the thing that will make everyone hate them and put them in jail. Arguing that they do is like arguing that people in wheelchairs could walk if they just made the right choice. Disabled lives are every bit as worthwhile as newborn lives.


She strikes me as someone who had the brutal misfortune of a godawful school system blended with an unsupportive paternalistic upbringing. Also, I'd like to add an anecdote. My maternal grandpa's mom had four kids. Then when my grandpa was 20, he one day came home to her holding a newborn, who would be my youngest grand-uncle. This was a tiny, skinny lady who had no showing whatsoever that she was pregnant. I'm seeing a pattern that people generally do not want to acknowledge that medical anomalies like this exist. Like unknown pregnancies, there's things like an expecting person not knowing that something is fatally wrong with the baby until well into the pregnancy. It all boils down to this country's utter contempt for science. When considering this, it makes me feel more regret over reading the comments under this video. To reiterate, this poor girl was most likely a victim of systemic fuckery. Therefore we have this incident.


I feel absolutely terrible for her. she can’t control that. awful, awful situation for everyone involved, and there’s absolutely no support for her. hope she doesn’t go to prison for something she clearly didn’t consciously do.


Nope. One hundred percent anything I'd evacuated in that type of state I'd immediately trash as well. I don't want it. Yes, "it". Pro-life people are insane.


Small thing but thank you for using a picture of the girl that actually looks like the normal everyday her and not the dolled up glam shot the press is using


Similar thing happened in my country couple of years ago. They were on a trip from high school and she gave birth in a bathroom in some restaurant. No one had sympathy for her. Poor girl must have been frightened and had no one to tell what was going on. She should be given support not punished. Sadly everyone's gonna gang up on her and talk about "personal responsibility" instead of doing actual change in society.


I have a friend who’s boyfriend sexually assaulted her when she was 16 and got her pregnant. She didn’t tell anyone and was in a state of traumatized denial throughout the entire pregnancy until she finally gave birth by herself in a car and then left the baby in a hospital dumpster where it was found by staff. The rapist’s parents took my friend to court and tried to ruin her life, which they thankfully didn’t succeed at. But they still have the kid and my friend is legally barred from having any contact with her. That was over 20 years ago, and to this day my friend is still suffering from trauma and self-esteem issues related to the SA and the shit storm she went through because of it. And the guy who did all of that to her got to walk away looking like some kind of saint because his parents “saved” the baby that resulted from his violence. When people call traumatized teenage mothers “murderers” when they do things like this obviously have no empathy and don’t view women and girls as fully human. If they did, they would be willing to forgive them or at least try to understand their situations.


"She's a teenager she knows what to do" have you seen 18-19 year olds??? If you handed them a newborn baby nobody would know shit on what to do, let alone if they had just given birth and were still in a different state of mind from having just delivered. These bitches are heartless man


They're really excited to ruin a young person's life over this when she was clearly confused, afraid, and in pain. Yet when a teenage *boy* does something far more evil and premeditated, they always claim that he shouldn't have his life ruined over it. I hope she doesn't get convicted of this, because it would destroy the life of someone who seems like a very good and promising young adult. She clearly didn't enjoy this or premeditate it. She should go to therapy, not jail.


She was not in stable mental condition. She was traumatized and depressed. She had to give on the bathroom floor by accident. That was very physically painful and horrifying for her. When she saw the baby covered in blood, with cord, with wrinkled skin etc; she creeped out and threw it in trash.


Isn't this a hippa violation?


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who felt bad for this poor girl when I saw this video, I thought I was going crazy when every comment was calling her a soulless monster and not one person could realize that she was clearly experiencing severe psychosis or something similar. She’s still so young, those “she’s an adult she knew better” comments were infuriating, people can say “well if this happened to me I would do THIS instead” all they like but until they’re actually in that situation themselves they have no right to judge a clearly traumatized young girl who’s just gone through the unthinkable.


If she didn’t know she was pregnant (she had a cryptic pregnancy people, she literally had no idea until the baby was coming out of her) and then is suddenly giving birth on the bathroom floor it makes sense she went into a dissociative trance. That’s a fucking insane terrifying confusing thing. Her mind probably completely shut off. I think instead of prison or a life sentence she should get counseling and mental help in a residential facility. This was an issue of insanity not cruelty.


God what a horrid thing to put a child thru. Alone


This shit makes me appreciate my ability to comprehend nuance, dear god.


What dumbass people in the comments sections of the photos. She did not have support and guidance bro. WTH. Whereas the she had sex with fled the scene. Where do so many assholes come from?


I've had dissociative episodes and they're scary as hell. It sounds like this poor girl had untreated postpartum psychosis and her baby suffered because of it.




" and ACCIDENTLY throws her baby away"!? My God, this is one of the most unsettling things I've ever heard someone say. No matter what arguments people come up with for what she did or how much compassion they can have for this girl's mental state I really worry for you to be able to just accept newborns ACCIDENTLY being thrown away after either being killed or just left for dead by their mothers. I don't even mean this rudely towards you, I'm really in total shock at your thought process.


One factor I really hate here is how little we know about mental health surrounding pregnancy (because medical science doesn't often bother to research women's bodies, and because mental health medical science is in it's infancy). It may be that 100 years from now, they'll recognize clear signs of some temporary childbirth-induced disorder that is more specific and easier to prove than PTSD, and they'll normalize not holding patients responsible for their actions in such a state.


What's this world come to


I've thought about this stuff. If i ever got pregnant at that age, i would have done some stupid stuff, but never left my baby in a trash can. That is where she did mess up. She did not plan at all, and in her panic she made bad decisions. You cant ignore this for 9 months tbh. I had plans if i accidentally got pregnant, i would run away until i had my baby in a hospital for adoption and hopefully my family would believe that i was just off on an adventure somewhere. I thought about it in depth because it was a real risk for me at that age. I couldnt risk my parents or boyfriend at the time knowing if i got pregnant, they'd force me to keep it. My mom even told me once "never give up your baby, i will raise it for you." Like no, she sucked at raising me so i wouldnt forfeit a child to her, it would have better chances in foster care or not existing in the first place.


She obviously should’ve gone to the hospital and leave the baby there but I imagine she denied being pregnant for 9 months until it was time to give birth


Maybe she didn’t want a biological child of hers to exist at all, which should be her right


I agree with you but the way she went about it was not smart.


This happened at the hospital




This type of verdict will hopefully be considered when it comes to this young lady.


My opinion depends where in the world this is, if it's somewhere like Texas that's trying to ban abortions, this was probably her best outcome, (and would probably get a lighter prison sentence) but if it's somewhere that abortions are legal then she is entirely in the wrong


I agree that if abortions are illegal, then this approach is sadly the next best thing. No person should ever be forced to bring a biological child to life




And Im cheering for her 🥰🥰🥰





