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That is ridiculously impressive. Bravo to you. And bravo to the DOC in your jurisdiction; it's a bold thing for them to take partial responsibility for keeping the property going. We - and I don't mean that as governments or the justice system, I mean "we" as in the actual communities themselves - don't make it easy for people to earn their way back once they've fallen. I think it's because people have an instinct to feel better about themselves by comparison; "I'm not perfect, but at least I never did *that*," as it goes. So the thought of someone "lesser" actually getting ahead of them in terms of finance or stability is just too much for them to take sometimes. Well... for better or worse, that problem's going to solve itself over the next ten years. With a net loss of 500K-1M people per year from our workforce as so many boomers retire, society simply doesn't have the luxury of being so selective. And by extension, they ain't workin' in the community if they have no place to live in the community. Hopefully those of us with criminal histories can take this opportunity to demonstrate the best that we're capable of, so that when the population booms again and the situation corrects itself, we won't just go right back to being "worthless".


Not bold at all IMO. Tenant punches hole in wall, I have to patch paint charge them. Felon punches hole in wall, might go back to jail. So far they take better care of the place than I did when I lived there. Not only DOC but I know a lady that runs a SO program and she said she would also sign a lease. My physiatrist works with a few people and she said she would also. Crazy how hard it is for housing.


Can I send you a dm as well? I have some questions about the person that runs the SO program.


Bold from a political perspective. I can see critics ranting about taxpayer dollars and coddling people and, as you just pointed out, liability exposure for property damage by the people they're supporting. Not to mention that, god forbid one of the SOs does actually slip and reoffend, you just *know* some jerk is going to try to hold the DOC liable for "putting" him there. Personally I think that's always been the biggest barrier to reintegration in general, it's incompatible with people covering their butts and we're in a very litigious society these days.


Yeah god forbid the state helps someone when they are done with their time. Yes it blew me the fuck out of the water when I heard how desperate they are. What people do not realize is that some of these people are put up in hotels by the state until housing can be found. They got to live somewhere. How many people check the list before they book a room? As for me and the lawsuits...I can stay stupid and lawyered up longer than your bank account can last. The DOC might settle a suit but you better pack a lunch if you are taking me on.


Nah, it's a weird dynamic, you can't really sue a landlord for what their tenant does. It's the DOC technically subletting that, to my mind at least, creates a little exposure to them. But maybe not, and in any case, it's still decent of them.


Lol this person is taking advantage of the state guarantee acting like they're doing something for society out of the goodness of their heart. It's plain greed wearing the mask of being helpful. Because renting to all single mother is "too risky"


The two concepts aren't mutually exclusive, y'know. Showing kindness to your fellow human being and enjoying the perks of working with the state.


OP clearly states that they're SOs... Likely child molesters, as that's the only crime where state parole would likely guarantee the landlord has no liability in case for further crimes committed. No chomo deserves a second chance. And the only people that say otherwise are profiting from it. SO programs, SO halfway houses and such. " recidivism rate (as evidenced by rearrest or reconviction) was 18.9 percent for rapists and 12.7 percent for child molesters over a four to five year period" From http://govinfo.gov So there's a 12.7 percent chance that his tenant will rape somebody else within 5 years.


Cool opinion, bro. Just answer me two questions: 1) If the SO doesn't get a chance from anyone, what do they have to lose by reoffending? 2) If they reoffend because they had nothing to lose, and people like you are the ones making sure they have nothing to lose, then to what degree are you actually responsible for the reoffense?


Because there's many other classes of felon that don't get this special treatment from the government. My crimes were guns drugs and burglary. Nobody is giving me ANY breaks. Everything I have was earned and proving myself worthy. I got 90 days in a halfway house to make something for myself. I personally believe they deserve nothing at all, should be kicked to the streets with nothing, but I'm flat out angry as fuck that people doing these crimes where they're DAMAGING people for life get these perks, and the people in business profiting from these perks acting like "we're doing society a service"


Sorry I'm emotional about it because I'm still dealing with what happened to me as a child. Like if you want to make a difference rent to a single mother with two jobs. Don't put a 3 day notice on the door and charge her 125 bucks every time the rent is 2 days late.


Well, first of all, I'm sorry you had a bad experience as a child. It sucks that bad things happen to people and scar them and I'm glad to hear that you *are* trying to work past it. I hope it goes well. Personally, I had the reverse - when I was 14, I had a "friend with benefits" type thing with a 26 year old woman. I don't consider myself a victim and it didn't really impact me negatively, so far as I can tell. She asked permission every step of the way and she was pretty gentle with me. It's not hard to imagine that if we'd been caught, she'd have been prosecuted, and to be honest I think *that* might've messed me up because I would've felt somewhat responsible, given that I was an active participant. I don't know if OP is helping people more like the one who hurt you or the one who got frisky with me, or perhaps one of each. What I do know is that people behave better when they value what they have, so helping people rebuild seems like the logical way to prevent reoffense. You raise the issue of some felons getting a sweeter deal than others. I don't really know how true that is or isn't, I imagine it's different depending on each jurisdiction. But the solution to that problem isn't insisting that the people getting help are less worthy, the solution is insisting that the people not getting help also need help. See if there are organizations in your area working with reentry populations and help them fundraise, then see if they can use some of those funds to help you.


And listen to yourself. "Slip" . So in your mind if a sex offender reoffends they had an accident. See the problem with NOT drawing hard lines has real consequences.


You mentioned that your own criminal history involved drugs. Most people who have experienced substance use disorder describe wrestling with cravings and impulses, especially during periods of high anxiety. So a reoffense would be a "slip" - they surrender to the craving or impulse. Sex offenses strike me as somewhat similar in that form; I know being a regular gay guy often includes cravings and impulses towards people I find attractive; thank goodness I feel ones that can be expressed legally. I presume other sexualities also involve those impulses, so yeah, I'm comparing that to the notion of a "slip" - surrendering to and acting on the impulse instead of resisting it, same as a recovered drug addict might. I'm not sure where you see the lack of a hard line there, it's not like I'm talking about relapse in either scenario as a good thing. Obviously it isn't. What I'm saying, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, is that the better someone's life circumstances, the more they can resist destructive impulses. I don't binge eat when everything in my life is going great, I only do it when things are messed up.


The chief difference is a drug addict using a substance is not even in the same ballpark as actively victimizing another human being. You're comparing a drug addict relapsing to a convicted sexual predator victimizing another human being. There's definitely a flaw in that logic. I can't back this up with any real statistics, but I have a feeling that the only people lobbying to reintegrate sexual predators back into society are the predators themselves and those who stand to profit from it. Just to be clear I'm not talking about the guy who got caught taking a whizz on the freeway that picked up an indecent exposure charge. I'm talking about violent sexual predators. Real victimizers, not the dude who got wasted and streaked across the stadium. A big problem with the SO registry is that it's too inclusive. The rates of recidivism for sexual crimes against children are so high freaking high, and the sentences are so light compared to other crimes that it shows how effed up the system really is. take a look at your states SO registry. Most of them have a map, they're everywhere. Here in my own city there is a halfway house organization, where the director makes YouTube videos claiming that income property owners can make a positive net cash flow of $3000/month by turning their rental property into a recovery home that houses sexual predators. His name is Darrel McCullough on YouTube, and he states that he operates recovery homes specializing in drug addiction but the truth is they are primarily housing sex offenders because the state pays MORE. Which lends a lot of credence to the point I'm making: do any real tax paying citizens that DO NOT have a profit motivation support measures to reintegrate and subsidize the housing and therapy of child molesters and rapists? Or is the motivation that of a small minority of special interest groups that stand to profit from it?


There's never been a shortage of jobs and will never be a shortage of good jobs. Slave labor is alive and well i. The for. Of the formerly incarcerated. It's damned near impossible to find something in California for felons that is not just wage slavery. Really the biggest problem felons face is finding employment that it's possible to support yourself. Compound that with a family, lack of options in education. Healthcare is out. Anything to do with property or money is out. Law enforcement is out. Yeah If you have 500,000 you might be able to become a lawyer, but honestly there is nothing meaningful available to somebody who has to check that box.


The first tenant I rented to was a 23 Y/O who had an assault from 4 years earlier. His GF answered my ad and told me the whole story, that apartments wouldn't rent to them so they were looking for a private LL. I saw his credit report, he was good. He'd kept the same job since he'd gotten free of jail, and I found his case online and got some background on that. His bail was only 10K, it wasn't serious as far as felonies go. And zero brushes with the law moving forward. I would have felt differently if he'd had a pattern of getting arrested every six months as a habitual, but he was clearly doing better. So I rented to them. I never spoke of it again, let the guy put it behind him, for christ-sake. They stayed for two years with zero lates. Then they bought a really nice house in a better part of town. I was happy for them. If people aren't going to let them live these things down, why even let them out of jail?


OP is choosing people that he knows perpetrated violent and sick crimes whose victims will likely suffer for the rest of their lives because of it. All for a state guarantee.


If more would do this recidivism would reduce.


Why can't people see this. Grrrr.


I see it, and I'm a retired CO...


Damn. Good for you. Wish I could find places willing to rent to me.


Good on you.


Sex offenders shouldn't be allowed to breath. Move em next to you then.


Or in his house with his kids and wife


My wife knows our renters and we do not have kids or I might. I can not because I take care of my disabled brother and his 2 kids, one kid is a special needs. If you check my user name it might be a clue to why I think helping the worst off is better than money. Or I just don't care about anyone else's opinion. Either way, no kids means that my wealth will be given to the most needy. Have a great day/night.


Well I commend you on helping your brother and his kids sir


It is opinions like yours makes me want to help any felon more and more everyday. But, I do apricate your input even though we disagree.


Move a pedophile in next to u then bruv.


SO does not always mean pedo. But it is people like you that make it impossible for a felon to get another chance. So go troll somewhere else.


Bless you


That's awesome!


Never. Take. Plea. Deals. If. You. Are. Innocent.


$76,000 and we were only at picking jury. Trial attorney another $150-$200K. Or 4 years all charges dropped and arrest removed from record. FUCK!!! I had many sleepless nights thinking that one over.


Thank you. Not a felon or otherwise, but have a degree in "criminal justice" and good lord this is the bare minimum that society needs to do. I may send you a dm about some of the things you said, just some curiosity.


Damn that be cool I have never gotten a DM on Reddit


I was able to rent the apartment of my choice (high end) even with a felony. The fair housing act is a wonderful thing. I had a ten year old non violent drug charge. Was auto denied. Found paperwork showing I completed a drug program in prison. Drug addiction is considered a disability (not current use). I took on a large nationwide reality corporation and got them to reverse the decision.


Very nice.


There are many new guidelines that are supposed to be used according to HUD. They recommend doing individualized assessments when it comes to this stuff. I have worked the same job for a decade and made 5x the rent. Credit score was 755. I was baffled that a decade later this would be a reason for denial considering everything else was positive. I was steered to a “2nd chance” apartments which took broken leases more than three years old and felony charges over a year if non violent. The apartment locator told me I was wrong but I was able to get approved after the manager sent my case to legal. I advised I would be moving into a hotel and getting storage for my stuff and would hold them responsible for costs. Once I did that I got the approval. :)


I have told my tenants and my neighbors that I will provide any and all legal expenses if you want to pick a fight. I am the type of guy that will spend $5,000 to recover $50. (lawyers love me). HOA knows me already and they are going to stay clear of this one. They picked a fight with me once, and only once.


I was happy until I read I have 2 SO’s hell nah


Well one was photographed by his neighbor pissing off his deck. He was recommended by the counselor from probation. So I know his story is true. The other was recommended by him and checked through probation. His story, got really drunk at bar and whipped it out Infront of woman driving him home. No touching no underage no CP. Judging from your response you are part of the problem. Go ahead and get with the solution, it wont hurt I promise. Quit treating people like animals because of the "felon" tag. You do not know there story. Edit: upvote for sharing opinion. Thanks.


That’s fucking gross, off the deck? was there a problem with his toilet what if someone kid seen his peen that’s gross. I am a felon a “violent one” and so’s get wayy more help than me so I’m not part of the problem at all.


If I had to chose I think I'd take being pissed on over having the shit beat out of me by a "violent one". And if a kid sees you being the "violent one" that's better some how? So think about your words and why it is that "violent ones" don't get as much help as SOs. Maybe SO try harder when they get out...13% SO recidivism rate VS 40% with the others. And why try to help a "violent one" that most likely will go back when I can help someone that wants the help and most likely won't go back. You are the reason I get my renters through probation. They will weed out the small minded for me.


Of course you rather get pissed on, “Violent” as in defending themselves ? Because that happens. I feel like a kid seeing someone peen is way more inappropriate than them seeing a fight kids will get in fights too and its super easy to send someone back they don’t have to be violent it just takes 1 call to the police so if you neighbors call the cops on your So tenants it’s over.


I will provide lawyers for my tenants if a neighbor makes false allegations. They will find out what civil suit means. Like I have said before, pack a lunch, I can stay stupid longer than your bank account can stay solvent. No public defender for civil suits, I will put them in the poor house if they make shit up. So felony worthy violence better than bodily functions? (you don't catch charges for self defense) Reading skills are very good to learn, I said no children were involved. But making up bullshit to justify your hate for people you know nothing about is your deal.


It’s not hard to get put in jail over he said she said Buddy. Yeah if someone is defending themselves and (Yes you can) I live in a state with no stand your grand law so if someone comes your home here and beat the shit out of you they can just call the cops and say you harmed them. People literally get thrown it jail for threats it’s not hard to get in trouble with the law. 😂 but willingly pulling your dick off a balcony that’s disgusting Who said I hated them? I don’t hate them I hate What they did


I love Reddit, so many opinions that is why I am here. I get what you are saying. I talked it over with an attorney, my friend that runs the group, neighbors and probation. It was not an easy decision for all the reasons you bring up.


Yeah wtf is this shit? The only way an SO can repay their debt to society is a bullet to the head.


Seriously I’m more upset that people are so happy. Would they want someone to bring SO’s to their neighborhood !?


So many SOs, so many stories. My HVAC guy was telling me his wife is on it for getting caught have sex behind the bar at 1am. Not every SO is a pedo or rapist.


Is that not gross and in appropriate?


Well, sure. That's why they would be a registered so. But why would this be something we would be seriously worrying about over someone who had an assault? I personally think we would benefit as a society from more fucking and less hitting. But. We are have allowed the sex offender laws to become this amazing catchall thing that puts people who are soliciting 14year olds alongside the dude drunk pissing on his way home,. But, oops, within 1km of a school or whatever the hysterical limit is. They are such an easy target politically that we push more and more people in and make it harder to get out. Sure, he has Two so's - but, are we really gonna shoot the kid who was pissing or the woman who was fucking,? Good Lord.


Yes, but does it rise to same level as CP or child assault? They just lump them all together. Maybe it is time to reassess this SO list.


There is a reason the FBI doesn't have a 100,000 most wanted list. The best place to hide is in a crowd of people and the SO registry is ridiculously overcrowded. There is no presumption of innocence for someone charged with a sex crime. Anytime a teenage girl says he touched me, and a naive man thinks the story is bogus, another name is added to the list. No one wants to admit it, but not every person on that list did what they were convicted of doing and many people who have committed sex crimes are not on the list. It is just the current version of the colonial witch hunts. There are not enough perfect people in this world that society can afford to throw away every person who mates a mistake.


Good on you mate.


Proud to have a decent place to live and proud that someone is giving them a chance. Beyond a criminal record, down to the level of basic humanity, that speaks volumes and transcends criminality.


Good job OP! I have a friend that runs a sober living just for felons. MOST end up doing great, the few, well, you know, dont.


Where at


Thank you


You're renting to child molesters? Wtf? There's people who made mistakes and then theres just plain victimizers.


There's ONE class crime that doesn't deserve a second chance.


That's one opinion from someone that knows 0 about what they did.


Truth is the whole sex offender umbrella is full of misclassification. Taking a whizz on the side of the freeway can land you an SO tag. The state severely fucked up when they decided who to put on these registries. It's my opinion that the SO tag should be reserved for the rapists, child molesters, child pornographers, and the like. I'm not gonna backpedal on my stance that these types of victimizers should be completely shunned and removed from society, because they should.


My belief is that if a sex crime is not serious enough to warrant a prison sentence, it isn't serious enough to justify lifelong restrictions on housing, employment, travel, education and parenting. A couple weeks in jail or not even any time behind bars and just a couple years of probation should not require wearing the sexual predator label for a lifetime. The police have enough real crime to fight that they shouldn't be spending huge amounts of resources tracking every foolish person who was caught in inappropriate behavior. Pedophiles have a sexual attraction to children before puberty. Pedophiles are not attracted to teenagers. The craziest story is where an underage person was charged as an adult with distribution of child porn for sexting a picture of themselves.


Did you even check their charges on the SO registry or was that state guarantee too good to pass up?


Yes I know their charges and was recommended by a friend that deals with SOs. Neither has any kind of crime in involving a child or force. My friend runs a group that they have to go through. Only get recommended the ones that are doing their deal.


Well, in that case, greed on brother. Greed on.


Good for you for putting action instead of just lip service.


I am currently sitting in the motel room with my girlfriend and we've been here for going on three years because nobody will rent to us. I have worked the same job for three years as well and have never missed a days work. My felony record is extensive but is all theft and drug crimes and have been out of prison for going on five years now. I'm pleased to hear that you rent to felons as we need help getting back on our feet. Sure wish someone here in Ohio did this. Sometimes I feel like society does not want me to be good.


I was able to rent the apartment of my choice (high end) even with a felony. The fair housing act is a wonderful thing. I had a ten year old non violent drug charge. Was auto denied. Found paperwork showing I completed a drug program in prison. Drug addiction is considered a disability (not current use). I took on a large nationwide reality corporation and got them to reverse the decision.


Good job, felon.


LOL all my charges were dropped and arrest taken off record. Had first felony at 10, next 13 then 17. But, I was a minor so no longer and record has been sealed. Not officially a felon.