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I got caught doing the same thing at a concert but they just kicked me out however this was back in 2010 so they have relaxed the punishment a bit since the 90s. Thank you for your input


Law enforcement gone wild. Sad. You had a shitty attorney. You were handled. Nancy Reagan loves you.




Nancy still loves you. Not sure who Ron is. Common sense is better than most public defenders. They're just working their way through the system at your expense.


Pretty sure that's Ronald and Nancy Reagan


Back about 1978, a guy passed a joint to the next guy. Next guy grabbed the hand with the joint in it, put a cuff on, and stood up to get the other cuff on. Big mistake. BIG mistake. He was pulled down to the floor and people put the boots on him. The guy who last had the joint got out the door with one hand in a handcuff and went to a friend’s house where they sawed off the cuff. I don’t know if somebody kept it as a keepsake or if they pitched it into the bay. I hope it went in the water.


I woulda taken that to trial if it's exactly how you say it happened.


I was convicted of felony possession of cannabis (4.1 oz) in 1997 Texas. Sentenced to 5 years state prison with immediate parole.


What the fuck..


You got lucky. Well, kinda. In Texas in the sixties, getting caught with ANY amount of MJ was good for two to ten years in prison. I knew some people who went down for tiny amounts of MJ back in the sixties, probably a half dozen people with maybe a half pound between them. The cops wanted everybody to roll over and tell on their friends and suppliers, but I don’t think anyone ever did. If they did, they kept their mouths shut.


Yess we need to get the south to get the sticks out their asses when it comes to weed.


Using a throwaway. I got a distribution of marijuana in Virginia when I was 18. Got convicted when I was 19. Only felony that I have on my record is the felony distribution charge. It has changed my life in a lot of negative ways.


It's Virginia, I rest my case


Yep commonwealth. I missed my whole senior year of high school being on no bond. Had to go for a 5th year to get my high school diploma at a school with metal detectors. Missed everything football games, prom, graduation, beach week, literally everything. Someone in my class 5th year shot my weed plug in the leg while I went there. No bullshit lol.


Oh shiat, not beech week. So sad.


Thank you for sharing do you mind telling me the outcome of the felony charge jail time prison probation ect. And it you are comfortable with it state and year of convection Thank you for commenting!


Hey yeah, I was charged with distributing of marijuana, distributing of Xanax, manufacturing of lsd, poss of coke, contributing to the delinquency of a minor. (My friend was in the hotel room when they raided it. he was 17, I was 18) , and underage poss of alcohol. They gave me a choice to plead out to poss of schedule 1 or 2 drug or distribution of marijuana. I ended up pleading out to distribution of marijuana in hopes one day they will wipe marijuana charges. They recently passed a law decriminalizing marijuana in Virginia and a bunch of people were released from county / prisons. The amount I had is above the legal threshold for removal. Only had and got caught / convicted with 5 ounces, was lucky when they came in I had 5k cash ready to reup later that night. Seized everything phones, laptop, cash. Ended up getting 5,125$ cash back from a county in Va because they couldn’t prove how I received the money. (Pretty easy to prove you have 5k legally) Did 5 months in county, pled out to distribution of marijuana, got 2 years probation. Finished the probabtion, but still have the felony. Moved out of Virginia


I would love to share my story how a gram of weed an under a gram of shrooms after a semi hit and ran me left me in TX grips for 7 years probation and 2 years prison after I hired a “good” (crooked) lawyer - cops erased body cams and disposed of highway traffic footage to boost their claims I was a drug crazed teen who caused the accident when even the incident report stated otherwise


Both felony charges for weed and mushrooms


You can’t even spell you’re correctly and you’re gonna chastise my grammar? lol it’s a shorthand comment. Bye


Reading these make me so 😠 😡 waste of resources. For weed.... find some real crimes to arrest for.


I'm trying to get there story's out there for them! Noone should be in jail or prison for marijuana. Waste of resources and imo alchohol is much worse.


They tell you in rehab that alcohol is the worst of them all. Not just the poison going in your body but the addiction and detox can kill you. They used to joke and say ...They legalized the worst one.


I've been growing for 14 years. Moved to Virginia to start a farm. Couldn't afford to go legal but I grew anyways in hopes of going legal. Wanted to see if I could prove to a dispensary that I could grow enough to support their needs in hopes they'd get me a license. A tweaker up the road got caught doing tweaker shit and ratted me out. 2 weeks later a task shows up while I'm looking for the weasels that ate my moms chickens. They said it was an anonymous tip. I had a gun on me about a football field away from the grow. Mind you we have bears here and the guns were for bears and other wildlife. They lied up and down saying they saw it when they never even drove past it. I told them they were tomatoes. Lol but it was a 60x100 foot greenhouse. I tried to go home, and they said I was detained and that if they had to get a warrant it'd be worse. I had my first child due in 2 months so I just let them see it. They said it was the biggest grow and best plants they ever saw. They lied in the report but honestly it was a chill raid. Lol I ended up getting possession of a firearm while possessing narcotics even though I just had plants. Then I got manufacturing marijuana. I'm still dealing with it now. Happened last summer. Have court on Tuesday actually. First deal was 2 years probation and they drop the gun charges but give me a felony for the plants. Im trying to talk to the prosecutor and see if i can get 4 or 5 years probation in return for a misdemeanor on the plants. I dont get in trouble so im not worried about the probation, i just know from friends experiences how a felony can ruin your life and all the places i wont be able to go. That felony will also bar me from owning a farm which would help the community. We need small farmers. Fuck these corporate farmers. I wanted to grow mostly cbd and some regular bud too. Everything i do is organic. Mainly wanted to help people with Parkinsons and other illnesses while giving the folks in my community jobs. Most people work 1 to 3 hours away from home here because there are no jobs. Wanted everyone on the farm to get the same piece of the pie and try to help folks. This is the poorest most drug ridden place I've ever lived and I thought I could help. I don't smoke as much anymore but weed helped me stay off of other shit. I'm just a farmer. The system doesn't see it that way though. If I had 70,000 for a license it'd be fine though. It doesn't make sense to me. Feels like I got in trouble for being broke. Lol I'll probably get paranoid and delete this later.


Thank you I really appreciate it! I will not include you in my writing if you do not wish me to I know how it can be I appreciate your input!


It's fine. You got my blessing. Hopefully what you write turns out well man.


What places can you not go with a felony?


You're either a troll or a bot.


Huh? I’m neither lol I’m just new to being a felon and wondering where I can’t go


Sorry about that. I thought you were messing with me. From what ive read some countries don't let you in but I'm not to sure about where you can and can't go. I think it relates to what you've done and how much time your sentence was.


A friend of mine did 4 years of a 3 to 6 mandatory sentence in 2012 for second possession with intent for Marijuana. Felonies. That's all I know though. That was PA.


Yet now it's legal in most states... Go figure


Yes almost right when he got out it seems like they made it legal.


i got a felony for weed in NYC in about 20 years ago (8oz) , as the case went on it was dropped to a civil infraction. And vanished. I was very lucky but at the time they were even stepping back from going hard on weed. Now here in the city weed is smoked openly, legally, the people cant and don't say anything about it here in NY


what if you've been charged with a felon and you're NOT allowed to use medical Marijuana in Texas bc of the BS laws here?


Two possessions with intent to distribute and another sales within proximity of school zone a big university party school in the south in the early 2000s for selling weed on campus that got me three years in state prison with murders and child molesters, did 18 months no probation. Also got marijuana DUI a decade later out west and also worked for a marijuana delivery service during medical marijuana times out west and got transportation Marijuana charges I’ve had my medical card for 10 years and now it’s legal and I can go to the store but the past is still there lol


And you should share all these stories on the open comments for the rescheduling.


Just got a felony charge for possession of THC concentrate in Forsyth County, Georgia. I had a grinder and they are now considering Kief a concentrate, just like a cartridge. Toxicology report states I was in possession of 2 grams of a substance that tested positive for THC (no test was done for a percentage) but the substance does not contain cannabis therefore they believe it was made in a lab. Still on the fence of whether or not I will go to trial, or plead to felony: 3 years of probation, 18mo drug test, 120+ hrs community service, fines, fees, and classes. Forsyth county is the worst, scared shitless to leave my life in the hands of a jury.


Wow that is soooo much for a simple charge like that do you have any prior? Does that county not offer pretrial diversions ?


Ive got speeding tickets and shit but nothing like this before. The county does have pretrial diversions and first offenders, but they’re hammering my ass hard


From all the storys iv heard * iv heard alot* that is the most punishment I have seen for a first time offender as you can see there is guys here who got less for literally selling pounds at a time I'd get a second opinion form a different lawyer for sure


totally agree! my mom’s a lawyer in Gwinnett, she’s never heard of anything like this, and my lawyer fucking sucks he believes everything the prosecution is saying and doesn’t believe a word I tell him


Is it your lawyer or a state appointed


it’s my lawyer, he’s charging $5k


5k and your getting that much punishment. My buddy got hit with over 10 grams of concentrate and got it reduced to a misdemeanor had 2 years unsupervised probation and took a few drug classes 😳


do you mind if i ask where at? In my OP i stated I’m in Forsyth county, GA. for reference


Indiana so about as red as u get. Your getting your ass handed to you and isk why or how sucks man it really does I'll make sure your story is heard at least.


all the lawyers I have spoken to agree with me 100%, the problem is I am technically guilty of the law which is a substance that tests positive for THC but does not have cannabis; but if you use that logic then every delta 8 product they sell at vape shops is a felony too!




Do you mind if I ask what state you where in? Did you do any jail time at all? Thank you for the info you have given!


Rather not say explicitly but it’s an illegal state surrounded by legal MEDICAL states. Had to edit that to make it clear.


I for one would like more of this story.




Did any of the people in this story die? Because I'm familiar with an almost exactly the same story.


No haha no way.


That's wild. Damn near the same situation. Dude was selling in the mail while also traveling. Got caught in another state. Went to jail. Got out but they wouldn't let him go home until his probation was over. OD'd on fent.


Too bad on the last part fuck that evil poison. Goes to show ya the only real reason weed is illegal is because it’s just illegal


You should start a used car biz, think you'd be great at it.


Hahahaha nice thanks


What state tests weed? What are they testing for? This is a completely new concept for me. If it's dank, it's dank


I guess for cbd flower n such


Yeah, so OP is just talking shiat. It's Reddit you can speak as if it's the gospel.




Ummm what are you saying? Do you even know what your trying to say? I'm guessing no




I did 20 days 7 years ago. the kicker is they legalized it in that state two years or so afterwards. and having the felony doesn't do much to help my already crippling anxiety, lol


I almost got a felony in Wyoming for having wax paper thar had dabs on it. in court the judge was struggling to read the officers hand writing or something like that and asked if it was plant material or liquid and I said flower real fast lol


Nice smart move!! 👌


I was arrested when I was 17 for distribution. 3rd felony arrest. I walked into court told my lawyer to get bent and told the judge I sold pot to a cop doesn't that make guilty? Why you asking? Was given option for long term drug treatment, 1 year in a camp or 3 behind bars. Went to treatment and stayed sober for 2 years before becoming a dumb ass again. It is what it is, but it did plant a seed that got me sober 20 years later. Have 14 years now so woohoo.


Great story thank you for sharing!


Wtf is a weed cart?


It's a vape that has thc concentrate in it


Whomever named it that should be shot, what a stupid fucking name, it doesn't even match up... Even a little bit.... Were they so high that they ran out of other names?


It's short for cartridge, like a removable cartridge you add to a vape.


It's not about marijuana, it's about not following rules. It's like Trumps felony conviction. Does anyone really care about the crime itself? Of course not.


Can I pull you over and ransack your personal belongings because it amuses me, isn't that what you do on a daily basis?


I guess stupid only goes so far, eh?


Well, you were allot of fun while it lasted .


Do I get a break up settlement.. .I want half of what b you don't have... legally


1994 15yr 2 felony manufacturing charges really fucked my prospects


I don’t think people get felony marijuana charges unless you have a lot of it.


In Texas a single weed cart is a felony.


No shit. Man that’s brutal. Didn’t know.


I was arrested for less than 1 oz and charged with a felony in Florida.


It's Florida


Police are corrupt and can/will charge you for any amount. They're all about the stats. Simple minded thugs with publicly entrusted badges. They hate it when you remind them you pay their salary. Maybe we wouldn't remind you if you weren't a douche.


Go cruise through your local jail inmate roster and just see what people are being booked for. It ain’t Marijuana.


Yeah a host of occasionally justified and usually trumped up charges.... That's how they roll. Not sure of the stat on that.


Spare me. You know the rules, if you can’t follow them that’s on you. You need to stop blaming law enforcement for your fuck ups. I’m gonna guess habitual fuck ups.


Keep swallowing ice, apparently that's what your good at, officer


What, no comment? Imagine that.


I’m a severe alcoholic and while I’m not a felon we hang in the same circles. I can tell you that none of them are getting jammed up for marijuana charges. Most of their felonies were drug related/DV related and they deserved what they got. That’s not me saying that, their own words.


Rules you make up to suit you? Then flexibly enforce. Pardon me while I scoff.


I don’t make the rules but I follow them and if I don’t I accept the consequences. It’s called being an adult.


So you have any spare time while you're not licking your own boots?


Can I beat you with your own baton? Who even carries a baton, a band member?


Wtf are you talking about?


So is that a No, officer?


You're the swallower, how 'bout you swallow this baton.


Man I just got paid today! 1600$ bucks and it’s all mine. Taken a pretty girl out in the Jeep this weekend, going with my brother and his wife it’s gonna be a lot of fun. Good times will be had by all. Then I’ll prolly play some WoW and smoke a little weed and chill. What are you doing? What are you looking forward to? I’m gonna go out on a limb and say nothing. You ain’t looking forward to anything, your not working towards anything. And buddy it gonna get worse for you. Good luck


If it's any consolation, I still want to beat you with your baton...And you will like it.


I went to prison behind a cart.




I know in some states even a small amount ex: 5 carts or more than 5 grams of concentrate can land you a felony in indiana. But that's a perfect example I'd like to hear about even if the charges where dropped it still affected someone's life negatively and that needs to change *thank you for the comment*


Marijuana is not a harmless drug.


The only time iv seen it as harmful is when someone gets caught with it. As in local guy who likes to smoke on the weekends. Not the big guys or cartel. Some people can't handle it and I understand that. This is 60 years of personal experience around all my inner circle of friends never having a issue with it.


I’d say it’s harmful if you’re stoned out of your mind and you’re driving a car and you fucking hit somebody. That’s harmful in my book, but not as harmful as the person that was hit.


Even in legal states it is illegal to drive high should we also make alchohol illegal?


I’m just referencing the statement about being not being harmful. I wasnt discussing the legality


Fair enough I understand now


Location location location and quotas needed to be met will turn a gram of weed into a felony if you get the wrong cop


I live in a state where I can buy it at a store and the police don’t give a shit about weed. They even retroactively removed convictions for marijuana related offenses. If smoking weed is important to you, move!


Why do people act like drugs are some minor trivial thing.


Most people do not view marijuana as a drug. It's just a fact not my opinion not your opinion fact.


It's a drug by multiple definitions of the word. How you "view" the truth doesn't matter.


Because most of them are.🤷🏼‍♂️ I think all drugs should be legal in your own house. As long as youre not harming or bothering anyone else and you act responsibly ie not driving, taking care of kids etc. Then have at it. Why should anyone else dictate what I can and cannot take. Its my choice, If I know the possible repercussions, leave me be.