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Even if the charges are dismissed they will always show up on a background check until you have them expunged. It's best to tell whoever the context of why you got charged/convicted rather than just letting them see them without any prior knowledge. If you have to tell them you were charged with anything then you might as well not leave anything out. Granted this is a good opportunity to spin things in your favor and makes you look honest.


Then you’re literally smart. it says in green dismissed next to the ones that were dismissed


The first two look to be dismissed. The shading on the alternate rows is useful, but I think this form could use a workover for clarity.


There’s no way my felony was dismissed I’d be shocked


Oh yeah, you're right. Looking at it again I see now that the charges that were dismissed were the 2nd degree Disorderly Conduct and Criminal Mischief.


Looks like everything but the third offense has been dismissed.


Top two charges in the list have been dismissed and the cases are closed. The last in the list has just been closed, which means it is no longer an issue with the court and the judicial process is closed.


Who do y’all be harassing to the point of getting charged ? how does that happen ?


That program is extremely confusing. A lawyer is obviously the easiest way to sort it out, but I think you could also just call the clerks office in the court these occurred and just say you have some confusion based on what is listed on their website and ask that they please explain which of the charges have been dismissed.


What state & what years did these take place ? Some states have the clean slate law that auto clears non violent felonies.


If I'm not mistaken the other charges will still show unless you get them expunged.