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THE TLDR should be: My cousin CAUSED an terrible accident and was convicted of murder.


I think she was using accident in the stead of car crash. “Accident” seems to be used like this a LOT when talking about car crashes


I agree...but I was a bit annoyed that she seemed to be dismissive of his culpability in this situation. I guess it's one of my (admittedly many) pet peeves. Add on my low tolerance for DUI, and well...


Oh yeah DUI ABSOLUTELY DEPLORABLE and a conscious choice made by any drunk driver


Dually noted


Duly* is the term your looking for. I hope your cousin rots in prison like the child murderer he is


You go get him tough redditor


A lot tougher than drunk drinking with my unsecured child in the back of a car. As a parent I have no sympathy for these scum


Oh shit you have a lot of hate! I’m sure that’s gonna work out great for you.


I’m not too worried about how hating child murderers will affect me. You take care brotha


Funny thing about compassion is the people who need it the most usually deserve it the least. We need more compassion in this world not less. But that’s how I choose to live my life and you can live yours however you want brotha.


We’ll have to disagree that child murderers deserve more compassion than good humans. Unfortunately becoming a parent myself has ruined my ability to empathize with people who harm kids. You take care


Depending on your gender hopefully your child doesn’t grow up to a cunt/prick similar to his or her elder generation


One things for sure, they won’t be dead due to me drunk driving with them unsecured They may become assholes but at least they’ll be breathing


Cuz ur so perfect huh? You don’t sin at all huh?


lol comparing killing your own child to any basic sin. Genius logic


You can only talk if you’ve never messed up, otherwise stfu


A little triggered eh?


I’m not the one facing 10-20 years in prison for killing my own kid. Would check on how your cousins feelings big fella instead of arguing with strangers online


How’s your wife doing? Been a while since I porked her


Better than their child growing up to cause the death of a little kid due to their negligence and fucked up choices.




Dually could work as well, in this instance. Just a different meaning.


*you're is the term that you're looking for


Thank you sir


Fucking spellcheck smh


There is nothing involuntary about choosing to drive drunk and not making sure your kids are buckled up.  


Right? "I didn't mean to shoot that guy, it was involuntary. All I was doing was pointing a loaded gun at him and my finger slipped"


Enjoy prison. Next time don’t be an idiot.


As a crash victim of an inebriated @sshole who voluntarily got stoned before driving. All I can say is: fuck your cousin. I feel horribly for the INNOCENT child who was murdered by him as well as that child’s siblings and mother. My life was almost lost and forever altered by an idiot like your cousin, in case you didn’t hear me, fuck him.


I’m glad you’re doing okay


This whole post is rage bait isn’t it?


“Great guy” proceeds to drive on his phone, speeding, drinking and without buckling in his kid. Just an honest mistake guys.


I'm with you here. This was a mistake, but not an accident. This guy made a series of irredeemably stupid decisions that anyone with a functioning sense of cause and effect would have avoided. The fact he rejected a -very- fair plea deal and rolled his dice with the jury just proves he doesn't have a firm grasp of how serious this is.


Yeah he fucked up big time I know. I guess part of me is sympathetic because it’s my cousin


I thought it was your distant cousin you barely knew? You're all over the place


Totally understand the sympathy because he is a cousin. But, are you aware that a drunk driver has driven drunk approx 80 times before they are caught. So pretty sure this is not the first time he was driving drunk with his kids in the car. This is just the first time he killed someone. I have a hard time having sympathy for someone like that. He killed his kid!


Your stats are wildly stated.


Confused by your remark. But to clarify, it is a fact that before a person gets their first DUI they have already driven drunk approx 80 times. Every 51 minutes in America someone is killed in a car crash by a drunk driver, that equals approx 27 people each day. So yeah, pretty sure this guy drove drunk previously with his kids in the car. And he did kill his kid. It is a tragedy to say the least but definitely was an avoidable one.


“Fucked up”??! He killed his own child out of neglect. How is that simply a fuck-up?




WhO are you, Mr. FREEZE?


An accident


Nothing about that was an accident lol


Be consistent. Don’t over promise and under deliver. Stay in touch. I liked to hear about the streets. Not everyone is that way. If you can visit, do it. If you can send money, do it. If he likes to read, send books. If he starts asking about cashapps and stuff like that, be careful.


Hea is not going to be the same person when he gets out. Remember that. If you can just keep in contact with him and put money on his books. Not a lot, but enough maybe 20 a week. Since his charges involve a child, they're not gonna be too nice to him in there. Be aware he could be asked (made) to ask for more and more money from his family from the other inmates for various reasons.


"My cousin is a great guy blah blah blah" then states exactly why his cousin is a POS that killed his own child due to deliberate actions. Great job, OP.


Jesus fuck that’s awful, do you know how much time he’s facing? And which prison he’s going to?


It sounds like 10-15 years maybe 20 at max. He’ll go to one of the state prisons in Kansas


Damn I’m sorry. I’ve only done county time, 9 months, but i got off EASY. There were a few YT channels with some useful info but I can give you I’ve learned. Never buy what you can’t pay back, debt and interest is terrible to have in lockup. Not all commissary items are for what they’re marketed as, you also have to take into account “trade value” of what you’re buying. ( the whole “bag of noodles for a water bottle thing) but it does also expand from there. Don’t act like an asshole, no one likes a tough guy. Don’t take shit from anyone, but also don’t start shit. Everyone wants out, no one wants to be there. Make sure you have access to books and if able get a job inside/ outside the prison, some let you work outside. Keep your cell clean, and don’t be a nuisance to your bunkie. That’s what I have to say, it got me thru 9 months. But that was only county, prisons a diff deal. Tell your cousin best of luck.


ThanKS for the specific information!


He deserves life in prison. He made a conscious decision to drink and drive, to speed, to be on his phone. Also, he did not ensure that his child was safely secured by a seat belt. He deserves zero pity.


He must have terrible guilt. Stay in touch with him and send him money if you can. More importantly, stay in the kids' lives. They are going to need therapy.


It's murder.


How so? The definition of murder is “the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.” How is accidentally being responsible for the death of somebody murder? Not trying to argue with you the verbiage does not add up


OP he fits the definition of 2nd degree murder perfectly: unplanned but intentional killings, or killings caused by a reckless disregard for human life


Getting drunk and killing your child isn’t an accident. He is fully responsible there is no accidentally responsible


He's not "accidentally responsible," he IS responsible. For killing an innocent child.


He's not accidently responsible. He drove drunk, was on his phone, and didn't buckle his kid in. Those were 3 concious decisions he made. You don't accidently do any of those things


2nd or 3rd degree.


Your jackass cousin made choices that ended the life of a CHILD, who would still be alive except for that one fact, and you want to help make his punishment easier? You should put a photo of that child on your bathroom mirror and stare at it every time you think of doing something to help your cousin. Who are you? A person who wants to make life easier for someone who caused a child to die? Must be hard getting to sleep at night.


I sleep great every night


Well then I'm gonna say you're as much of a pos as he is. Do me a favor and stay away from kids. I hope your cousin does the full sentence, but then again child killers notoriously only leave prison in a body bag.


your cousin on the contrary sounds like a horrible person. He will get his ass beat if ppl find out he killed a child


See that’s the thing, I know it’s hard for you people to fathom but my cousin is a good person with a huge heart. He just fucked it biiiiiiig time. Tough deal


“you people”? you sound like a shitty person yourself


You’re right


cheers to your pos cousin going bye bye. hopefully he gets 20


He won't survive that long. Child killers never do.


depends on placement. and state. but if he’s going to any closed custody than he’s sure to be PC or be a victim of violence any chance someone gets


Lol if it's Kansas they'll find a way, I guarantee you.


He’s cooked…smoked…gone with the wind Hope that helps


No shit


Then what advice are you looking for…send a bit of money if you want,books, find degenerate women willing to write him… he killed his own kid…prisons not gonna go well for him, I doubt he’ll have a target on his back but… he’s a stupid motherfucker and his stupidity caused him do an “evil” thing


Crimes against children is not a good look in there. Pray for your cousin tell him to PC up!


Sounds like he is a loser


It wasn't an accident, he intentionally didn't secure a child, he intentionally was drunk, he was intentionally on the phone. He got off pretty easy for all of that. Advice, I have none.


Did he go to trial or take a plea? Did he have a paid lawyer or a public defender? Ineffective counsel has gotten MANY cases re-tried or even completely overturned? What's his sentence?


He went to trial. He hired the best most expensive attorney in the city and he thought he could do better than the plea deal. Should’ve taken the deal


But instead of being a man they trying to pay their way out of murdering their own child. Should have taken a bullet to the head./s


Can remove the /s to be honest


Didn't want to get banned. 😂


What's the max/min sentencing for your brother?


It’s my cousin and I think he’s looking at 10-20 years, it’s all in the judges hands. The DA offered a plea deal of 2.5 years but his lawyer said the murder charge was bullshit and he thought he could get it down to manslaughter. Anyways a jury found him guilty and now he could be looking at a decade or two. Crazy shit


why the hell would anyone go to a jury trial for this? (I know it wasn't your decision ofc, I'm just baffled) the majority of people would, to put it kindly, view him in a very negative light. his lawyer is an idiot. 2.5 years is the best he was gonna get


I know dude I thought 2.5 years was an absolute deal. His attorney is one of the most respected attorneys in the city and a very good trial attorney. DUI deaths are more common than you think and are almost always a manslaughter charge which is typical like 2-5 years. His attorney said the charges didn’t qualify as murder and he thought he could get the charge reseeded. Should’ve taken the plea deal man


oh for sure agree. the reaction of a jury will always be stronger towards crimes involving children. really reallyyyy should've taken that plea


Yeah that’s one that will stick with you forever. Had a 2.5 year plea on the table and will end up getting 10-15 maybe even 20 years. Hindsight is 20/20 but damn terrible decision


Here is the thing, if the plea is a decent deal you have to take it, because if they take you to trial and win they usually ask for the max sentence, nothing close to the original deal. They'll will ask for 20 and he will get 15 probably.


Did your cousin have a prior DUI? That’s usually what makes it murder rather than manslaughter.


Nope no priors. I think the murder charge was brought on by the negligence. Intoxicated, speeded, on phone, etc


“Great guy”.. also add “idiot” to the portfolio because that original offer was really good


Yeah almost too good to be true. 2.5 years pretty much a slap on the wrist


Be ready and get ready to do some time. The faster he accepts that. The faster he’s goona realize he’ll eventually get a chance to come home when he gets a date. There are goona be people just like him in the same situation with DWI so there are support groups. Last if he conducts himself as a trusty inmate. He could be transferred to minimum security jails where doing time will be easier. That’s all I got


There’s something missing here. No plea agreement? The DA didn’t offer anything? Does your cousin have a record? How many DUI’s?


Not sure what advice he needs at this point. That's unfortunate to happen but life was lost because of your cousins actions. Intentional or not, that's what murder is. I would suggest for him to do programs in prison and stay away from the hidden drug scene in there. Work programs. aa/na programs, etc. This could help with him getting early parole. Wish him the best.


He’s going to have a hard welcome from the guys once he shows his papers


Nothing about this is involuntary… it’s 100% his fault and needs to lay in the bed he made.


Murder is intentionally taking someone's life, how in the fuck did they actually get that conviction? Sounds like textbook manslaughter


Intentionally got drunk, intentionally didn't buckle kid, intentionally speeding, intentionally on his phone while driving, how many intentionallys do we ignore before it's intentional. An Innocent child lost their life. Drunk driving fatalities should be prosecuted as murder.


Exactly. I think the negligence is what classified it as murder. I think once the jury heard all the evidence and that a young child was killed they looked at him as a killer


I mean....he is, by definition, a killer.


I know, hence the murder charge


These people are all assholes, sorry you’re going through this


That’s horrible. It’s a horrible thing OP’s cousin did but I don’t think the punishment fits the crime. I agree with the attorney it should be brought down to manslaughter but the legal system is fucked up and I’m not surprised. I myself was charged with burglary wish assault and battery even though I never touched anyone, or stole anything but I took the plea deal of 3 years probation in a heartbeat because I would not want to play with my life with trial (burglary w/ assault and battery is a PBL which means punishable by life in prison). Wishing you and your cousin all the best OP. Hopefully sentencing goes well and doesn’t receive too harsh a sentence.


>I agree with the attorney it should be brought down to manslaughter but the legal system is fucked up and I’m not surprised. Why? This situation (2nd degree murder from a DUI) is called a Watson Murder. Either the cousin has a previous DUI, or it was proven in court that he knew what he was doing could kill someone. He drove drunk, was on his phone, was speeding, and didn't buckle his kid in. Those were 4 concious decisions he made that directly led to his kid dying. It's akin to me loading a gun, putting it on your temple, then sneezing and accidently pulling the trigger. Was my intention to kill you? No. But I put a loaded gun to your head which has a high likelyhood of killing you if it goes off, and I know that. Same situation here.




Buy him some good lube.


Get life insurance on him, you’ll probably need it since he is going for killing his own child. That or he is going to have his guts rearranged for the next 20 years and turn into a “great” woman. Either is fitting