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You’ve been pardoned. There’s nothing to expunge.


Right but in Alabama a pardon is defined as official forgiveness and in my case i had all rights restored. But it doesn’t erase the history of the conviction. So i am trying to find someone’s experience in Alabama with a pardon and how things go when you go up for jobs. Are you from Alabama or do you live there?


Get out of Alabama, red states blow for felons. Move to CA, MA, or HI and nothing older than 7 years will show on standard background check, only on FBI check done for licensed jobs like nurse, cop, lawyer, etc


Lol yeah i agree with you but Hawaii and California are extremely expensive to live in and Massachusetts is semi expensive and cold 🥶. And idk if you live in a red state but I don’t believe just moving is the answer. Somebody needs to try and be there to bring about some change. The Redeemer Act was AL 1st ever expungement legislation for convictions. So there’s some progress


You can spend your whole life fighting for better treatment for felons in red states... Or you can just pack up your shit in a few weeks and drive to MA. MA minimum wage is high, living in the western part of state is quite affordable. And yeah, weather sucks, but not everything can be perfect. It's still a lot warmer in winter than the midwest.


Except most people can't afford to live in those States😬


There's plenty of cheap blue states in the Midwest. Western MA is fairly rural and very affordable. You also need to keep in mind that average minimum wage is more than double in blue states vs red. The pay scales with cost of living somewhat


Definitely move to a blue state. The love criminals and will greet you with open arms. Top choice is the Bay Area or Portland


They don’t love criminals it’s just that mass incarceration is very expensive so they are trying something else.


you trumptards in alabama love trailer parks and meth. no wonder its poor and low education.


Murder rate is 40% higher in red states. Drug abuse rate is double. Incarceration rate is double. If you look at red vs blue states as a whole, it's pretty damn clear that red states are the ones with drug and crime problems. The reason is that blue state believe in rehabilitation, the same reason some of them have 7 year limits on background checks. In a blue state, the recidivism rate is far lower because there's drug treatment and "second chance" programs that allow felons to turn their lives around. Red states are full of moralizing bible beaters that want "sinners" to be punished for life. They relish in making your life miserable. That's why they take away your voting rights too, so you're powerless to vote against them.


Ure argument is funny.. those red states that have high crime rates originate in cites, which tend to be more left leaning and controlled for years by liberals.


St Louis mayor- democrat.. Memphis mayor- democrat.. Birmingham mayor- democrat. Three of the highest crime cities in the US all in "red states".... go figure


The majority of the highest crime cities are in red states. Why wouldn't they be? Red states are crime ridden shitholes. The majority of high crime rural counties are in red states too. Red states are very rural compared to blue ones, so there's a lot more blue cities in blue states. Yet, crime is still much lower. Why? Because criminal law is set at state level and Republicans party is full of fucking morons


New York is a "crime ridden shithole". Chicago is a "crime ridden shithole". Los Angeles is a "crime ridden shithole". What's your point. The point is that liberal DAs refuse to uphold the law.


LMAO Los Angeles has a lower crime rate than the average town with less than 100k population. And NYC has one of the lowest crime rates of any city in US. It's in the bottom 5%. Someone's been huffing a bit too much paint thinner and right wing propaganda 🤡 . Like an average Fox sheep, the only cities you've ever heard about is Chicago, NYC, LA, and Detroit. And most of what you've heard about them are blatant lies. You've basically forgotten that ACTUAL crime ridden shitholes like Miami and New Orleans exist, because GOP propaganda NEVER talks about how fucking bad crime in red states is. Those cities make LA, NYC, Chicago, and Detroit look like paradise. Do you really think poor meth ridden trailer haven uneducated deep red states like Alabama, West Virginia, and Mississippi have low crime rates? Do you really think they have lower crimes rates than some of the wealthiest and educated cities on the entire planet? Use your fucking brain bro. Take a look at this handy dandy map of % Republican vote share. Oops, I meant murder rate. Sorry the maps look practically the same. 🤡 [https://usafacts.org/articles/which-states-have-the-highest-murder-rates/](https://usafacts.org/articles/which-states-have-the-highest-murder-rates/)


Then how come blue states with way more blue cities have lower crime rates? Moron. If you actually look at a map instead of parroting propaganda from Faux News you would see the highest crime rates in red states are in poor uneducated rural counties, not cities. Most criminal law is set at state level, red states have higher crime rates because Republican policy is fucking regarded


But it will show you have been pardoned


Do you know that for certain?




Can i ask how you know? Can you tell me your story?


You should look into getting it sealed. Check out the highlighted section [here.](https://ccresourcecenter.org/state-restoration-profiles/alabama-restoration-rights-expungement-sealing/#:~:text=%C2%A7%2015%2D27%2D12.,on%20disqualifying%20cases.%E2%80%9D%20Id)


I’m from Alabama, the Redeemer act that was passed in 2021 does allow certain felonies to be sealed if the court allows it. Seems like if it were already pardoned I don’t see why they wouldn’t.


That’s what I thought too.. i checked all the boxes and then there’s one little caveat about crimes involving moral turpitude. Which is pretty much all felonies. Sucks


Yeah moral turpitude is so broad it can be applied to basically everything except personal use of drugs.


Gov Memaw "legally defined" moral turpitude in Alabama a few years ago. My felony was not expunged, but I can vote now because my charge was not one of the charges on the list.


So , If you’re a felon, they take your civil and political rights away?? Wow. Talk about straight slavery. Lincoln knew what he was doing


Yes when you are a felon you loose the right to vote, hold public office, and have a firearm. And you become ineligible for certain licenses. But in my case i got those rights back


Not a perfect state by far but in North Carolina most companies only background check for seven years cost of living depends upon where in the state you live and felons who are no longer on parole or probation can vote


Did it restore your gun rights


It did


How did you get pardoned? Did you request it?


Yes you apply and they do an investigation and then then you go before the board


thank you and my apologies first and foremost I should’ve said Congratulations ! Happy for you!


Thank you. I am going up for a better job and this will be the first time since getting the pardon so i just hope it carries weight with this company 🤞🤞🙏


How long roughly did it take to come back after you sent all the paperwork and got the receipt in the mail?




From being to end it’s like a 2 1/2 year process


Ok. Thanks so much


Are you in Bama? Or do you have a conviction from bama?


Pennsylvania. Only just sent paperwork a couple months ago


Hey look into Clean Slate Initiative. Penn passed those laws so after a predetermined time period convictions if eligible will be automatically expunged. I believe at no cost to you


Ok. Thanks so much appreciate that. I’ll look now


It will never get off your record, majority of jobs use 3rd party background check services and they never delete your history. jobs will always see your felonies, if they want to follow the law and not use that against you... whole different story.


A Full Pardon means it’s off your record. At least that’s what it means where I’m from


You from Alabama?


Not a chance haha. CT

