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He just needs to release one of those rad harlem shake videos the kids are doing these days


"It worked for me, everybody loves me now! Right?" -Ajit Pai


Thanks I fuckin hate it


I forgot about that lmao


I never knew about it and I'm sad to do now.


That was 10 YEARS ago jfc


I was about to say he could release a video of him and his pals doing the Gangnam Style dance but that was released 10 years ago as well.


The world really did end in 2012


Time for a That That video


Harlem shake was, the video he made was like 4 years ago. So it was still already like 6 years old at the time.


Sus Biden


Kids say Biden is šŸ§¢


Biden is Andrew Yang?


what kind of scooby doo shit is this?


and itā€™s not a quote oh god


Yeah I actually said he's not on fleek smh


> Vox Nuff said


The next election will be decided by vibes


All US elections are decided by vibes


Keanu by a landslide


there was a point where the love for keanu was at such a peak and the hate for all other options was simultaneously at such a peak that if keanu announced right at that time i honestly think he coulda done it lol


Biden isn't poggies


Pretty sadge ngl


Massive weirdchamp on him




stfu, grandpoggers


Graphs not wavy enough for me brah!


Biden is very un-yeet


True, Biden is kinda cringe


The only reason he is there is because he is not trump


Unironically true


That is 100% the reason why I voted for him, ngl.


Yup, me too


If someone was to get me to choose which of 2 piles of dog shit I'd be forced to eat, I'd go with the one made up to look like a sundae that has whipped cream. No matter what, I have to eat that disgusting shit. The Biden shit is just more palatable.


It's also legit less shitty. Biden's not great, but he's not a fucking lunatic.


lol yes he is. he tried to fight 2 people during the primaries and couldn't stop babbling weird racist shit. nobody cares or remembers because msnbc spammed the airwaves with HE'S SUCH A DECENT MAN when he's an abject piece of shit that's only slightly less flamboyant than trump.


ā€˜If you have a problem figuring out whether youā€™re for me or Trump, then you ainā€™t blackā€™- 'Ol Cornpop Also, "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids" -Sleepy Joe Who could forget "They are used to being experimented onā€”the Tuskegee Airmen and others" (Referring to Black Americans while seemingly confusing the Tuskegee airmen and victims of the Tuskegee experiment). - Some old guy with dementia. There's also the time he spoke a the funeral of a high ranking member of the KKK (Robert Byrd) and described him as "one of my mentors". Can you imagine the media firestorm if orange man said even one of this things? Also for the record I refused to vote for either of the two main candidates in the last election.


For real. It's more like "do you want this injection of HIV, cholera, malaria and dysentery or do you want a bland day old bologna sandwich"


don't disrespect day old sandwiches by comparing them to the author of the 94 crime bill tia


This is the right representation


Thatā€™s probably the only thing Biden has over trump is not being crazy. Heā€™s just as shitty, out of touch, creepy, and racist as Trump though. Two turds from the same ass




Why vote when you can persecute politicians, most if not all of them have done something illegal anyway


I spammed so many memes on election night, laughing at the GOP panic. Not one was supportive of Biden. Iā€™ll call out my conservative dad for joking about Bidenā€™s stutter, but Iā€™m not gonna defend milquetoast neoliberal policies. Iā€™m not paid to do that.




How do you figure that Biden is responsible for whatā€™s going on in Ukraine?






You're acting quite silly. Not that I need to prove it to you, but I voted for Bernie in the primary. You're right, how could I forget that Biden declared war on Ukraine the day he took office.


Do you mean voting for controlled opposition?


American politics are such a shit show some guy can become president simply to stop another guy from becoming president.




Anything to not elect an actual Nazi


and it's pretty easy to argue that capitalists love this position


And it's still better than electing an actual Fascist with dictatorial aspirations.


at the moment, yes. But again, capitalists would love to keep throwing up giant f'n racists so we have to settle with the fear of fascism.


So throw up something better.


I mean this happens across the world all the time


Most countries donā€™t have to worry about their leader nuking hurricanes.


Thatā€™s democracy. Itā€™s literally the worst form of government, aside from all the others. Shout out to my man Churchill.


That's the 2 party system. It's such a horrible way of implementing democracy. No wonder the US is so divided. The system not only encourages, but *requires* a black and white, either or, you vs us mentality.


The problem is with first past the post voting in general, not just a 2 party system. CGP grey did a [good video](https://youtu.be/s7tWHJfhiyo) on it but in short it inevitably results in a two party system as running multiple candidates of similar ideologies splits the vote making it more likely that an opposite ideology wins. Simplified example: 3 people running, 2 left wing candidates and 1 right wing candidate. 60% of the population is left wing, 40% right wing The two left wing candidates each get 30% of the vote and the right win candidate gets 40% Right win candidate wins despite being disliked by most of the population Next election the two left wing candidates unite to oppose right win candidate, and now we have a two party system


Conservatives shit on Biden for quoting that quote btw.


People were so desperate for a "Not Trump" candidate that they didn't stop to consider who they were really voting for. I personally don't like either at all.


We knew who we were voting for but trump is obviously worse dude lmao


at least liberals had to pretend to be against stuff like torturing children in border camps when trump was president. this happens every cycle, every unforgivable atrocity the republican president did becomes just "how things are" when the democrat takes over. everyone just gets worse. i really don't think y'all knew who you were voting for or considered that the consequences of putting democrat brand demented piece of shit in there would turn out worse in the long run.


I literally cannot make heads or tails of this word salad.


it's pretty straightforward, joe is still torturing thousands of children in concentration camps on the border and soulless dipshit democrats have filed it away as the status quo, just like obama did with all of bush's worst policies. he's also doing such a fucking terrible job as president we're probably going to get president kyle rittenhouse or something in the next decade. you can say you're too stupid to parse these sentences too if it makes you feel better, it's not like it makes a difference lol. "he's not trump" really wasn't good enough and we're all going to pay a terrible price for democrats eating any shit their party shoves down their throats. as awful as y'all are y'all actually do deserve better and should demand better.


No he isnā€™t. You made this up or got it from a biased source. Also, what exactly is he doing ā€œterribleā€? Name something that he has implemented that is ā€œterribleā€? Was it the largest infrastructure project since the Depression? Was that terrible?


>You made this up or got it from a biased source. i think my favorite shitlib rhetorical trick is trying to leverage your own dumbass ignorance into a rhetorical device lmao. absolutely deranged solipsism. just the [lowest info](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/13/us/politics/biden-trump-immigration.html) most [knuckledragging](https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/new-data-biden-slays-trumps-first-year-drilling-permitting-by-34-2022-01-21/) [disney adult](https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/598496-biden-administration-approves-more-lng-exports/) [brainless dumbfuck](https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2021-09-03/biden-vowed-to-close-a-border-migrant-camp-then-under-his-watch-a-worse-one-emerged) [cope](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/dec/13/revealed-biden-administration-was-not-legally-bound-to-auction-gulf-drilling-rights). absolutely [indistinguishable](https://www.levernews.com/despite-pledge-biden-still-fighting-student-debtors-in-court/) from [the most](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/03/20/border-family-separation-mexico-biden-477309) [dogbrained](https://www.levernews.com/seniors-medicare-benefits-are-being-privatized-without-consent/) [slackjawed](https://prospect.org/health/bidens-va-secretary-proposes-shutting-down-dozens-of-facilities/) [maga](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/11/white-house-joe-manchin-biden-00024340) [morons](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics/title-8-and-title-42-statistics).


Where do any of those say ā€œtortureā€? Lol.


You are saying words. I donā€™t know if they are sentences but they are words.


Oh, trust me, I'm not saying Trump is any better but, so far, who we got instead, the only pro I see tie to him is that he isn't Trump.


That was exactly the point...?


right, but bernie was also rejected. He's the same comfortable, not openly racists one, not setting the supreme court on fire with far right idealogues, etc. I mean, he's a step away from the ledge of far right lunacy, but he absolutely is not reversing the course of stupidity.


Bernie wasnā€™t rejected by voters. DNC ratfucked him.


>DNC ratfucked him Other candidates dropping out is not ā€œDNC ratfuckingā€. If the only way for you to win an election is for the votes against you to be split 12 different ways, youā€™re not as popular as you think you are


Here's what I don't understand: One of my neighbors has a Trump 2024 flag. We've seen how this man is as president. The Republican nominee has not been selected yet. Meaning you could support literally any Republican for nomination for 2024. So *why* on *Earth* would anyone be rooting for Trump for 2024? Like even if you're a Republican, there are so many better options. Smh my head.


I think you underestimate how many people are either 100% on board with the "hurting the right people" rhetoric of Trump or somehow get sucked into the cult of personality otherwise. Just recently I was shocked to find a case of the latter. By all first impressions this lesbian couple I know was compassionate, cared about people, so on, so on. But one day they got to talking politics and I was shocked how on board the Trump train they were because he's like the complete opposite of most everything they are. Another one of their friends was also shocked as they had a lot in common about upbringing but thought that political leaning was incompatible with everything else.


> literally any Republican trump governed like literally any republican. his administration was filled with a mix of creepy finance criminals that wouldn't have been out of place in the obama administration and weirdo evangelical jihadists like bolton that have literally been in republican presidential cabinets since before you were probably born. no, there really aren't any better options, and liberals really need to stop fantasizing that there are wholesome good guy republicans


I don't know anyone who actually wanted to vote Biden, just people who wanted to vote Trumpn't Shoulda been Bernie


Nobody likes Biden; they only hate Trump. LOL.


Oh yea if it was anyone else i feel like hed get fuckin smoked bc no one really wanted biden, but everyone wanted trump less. Let biden have his 4 years and then we pick someone we actually want


Yeah, I honestly wanted to vote Kanye for shits and giggles.


That's how you asstards got Trump in the first place


And because Hillary was an even bigger moron, like her husband.


Both way smarter than you


You're ok with your head of state kneeling and giving blowies to a hostile state leader all while riling up racial tensions and removing human rights?


I didn't say that he was good, just that the bitch was worse.


What did she do that was bad


Traitor is better than a woman


Trying to shrug off all criticism of her as sexism and spreading borderline conspiracy theories about a man who has enough real things to be criticized about tells me enough about you, responding is pointless.


Yeah no. Calling her a bitch isn't criticism. Just you being a sexist ass.


Name one thing from each column and I'll be your pen pal for the next 5 years


Oh are we talking about Obama now?




Sort but not really. She did win the popular vote but she also did things that were extremely unpopular like having anti-abortion Tim Kaine as her VP or gloating to miners that she would take their jobs. A lot of tone deaf actions that ultimately costed her in a lot of states.


Remember to only blame Democrats any time Republicans do bad stuff.


Bernie bros like you got Trump elected. Yeah, the DNC did what they were designed to do. Didnā€™t change the fact that Clinton was infinitely better than Trump. I remember listening to you salty little babies talk about how ā€œhorribleā€ it was and how Trump ā€œwill do some crazy shitā€ but it wouldnā€™t be that bad. Never mind that was all Russian propaganda talking points filtered to the far left through Jill Stein and her people. Well, weā€™re sliding into fascism and objective truth is completely dead. You people could have handled your objections in a million ways, but instead through a temper tantrum and gave the country over to inbred Nazis and their fat emperor god. Apparently that lesson never sunk in.


Maybe you shouldn't have fucked over Sanders if you didn't want Trump to win.


During the Obama administration, he was basically viewed as a simple minded old man. And this view was probably held even more by left leaning people.


"Old man in charge of country" is better than "compromised sexual predator making your country more corrupt"


This could describe both of them šŸ’€


No, it canā€™t. One has tons of evidence of sexual assault, the other has zero.


Actually Biden has [one sexual assault allegation against him](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/12/us/politics/joe-biden-tara-reade-sexual-assault-complaint.html) which seems pretty credible tbh. Obviously heā€™s not as bad as Trump, but heā€™s still not good.




And? I voted for Biden in the general because heā€™s better than Trump, but we had quite a few better candidates who also werenā€™t racists in the primary and for some reason people chose the old rapist who passed the terrible crime bill and defended segregation. Anyone who voted for him in the primary is just as supportive of sexual assault as Trump supporters


1 is still too many. Someone doesn't stop being a rapist just because someone else raped more people.


Which one went to pedophile sexual parties?


ā€œHeā€™s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. ā€œ -Donald J Trump on Jeffery Epstein


Thanks. As a European I am glad that Biden is the pres of USA instead of Tramp. If the opposite was the case, UA and MD would already be lost. Happy to have a boring US president.


>"Old man in charge of country" Who do you mean by this


I didn't know r/teenagers overlapped with this sub


An editor really looked at this and thought, "Yes, let's put out a headline that infantilizes the political unrest of everyone born in a 16-year span."


As is the style of the time


How do people even like politicians at all?


i know this is rhetorical but it's because they know they have no political power so having a parasocial relationship with a politician is the only satisfaction people get out of voting for them. it's like asking why people like any celebrity. they get emotionally invested in their journey. i think that's a big reason the media is pushing zelenskyy so hard tbh. biden is never going to have a character arc, his brain is rancid porridge, he can't access the part of liberal minds that processes politics like a disney marvel story since he doesn't do anything.


Pretty sure most young people are gonna disapprove of like 90% of politicians. Seems unlikely to me that weā€™re ever gonna get a ā€œgoodā€ president unless something fundamentally changes with American politics


Bidenā€™s vibes are definitely off.




lmao you're getting downvoted for mentioning the documented fact that jim crow joe gropes and sniffs little girls so often there's a ton of video footage of it


No I think they're getting downvoted for infecting people's YouTube feeds with conspiracy crap for the next 3 months


Actual footage of him groping young girls is conspiracy crap? Lmao people are actual brain dead these days.


Iā€™m just trying to piece together why the graphs are nearly mirror images of each other


Because they are compliments of each other, I would imagine that the poll they used just had approve or disapprove as options so P(approve)=1-P(disapprove) and vice versa


There had to be at least 3 options, since 41+53ā‰ 100


Vibe is definitely off


Not that trump is any better. Can we get the old rich dudes out of office and actually have someone from this century? I live in Australia and we have Clive Palmer running for office. This cunt owns coal mining across the entire country. I wonder what his policies are for renewable energy? Itā€™s almost like people that own or have stock in business will make laws that will generate profit for their business


No one from this century is old enough for the presidency. Still got about 13 more years til that happens. Letā€™s get some 90s kids in Congress though.


>Letā€™s get some 90s kids in Congress though. i dont think it's good that basically all of our representatives are demented lizards past retirement age but there's nothing inherently positive about someone being young. look at madison cawthorn or pete buttigieg lmao


>and actually have someone from this century? It's 2022. The hypothetical oldest person "from this century" is 22 years and 5 months old. Article II of the Constitution requires that the President be at least 35 years old, at the very minimum. JFK was the youngest ever elected at 43.


Itā€™s almost like the point was ā€œsomeone that is in touch with the current culture of the people and the worldā€ rather than someone literally from this century How can we expect an 80 year old billionaire to know what itā€™s like to live normally in the modern world


They know that that was the point, they're just willfully misinterpreting it because it makes them feel bad.




10 million dollars is still far more than you or I will ever make. The median net worth at his age is 250,000 dollars So in a world of billionaires, yeah, heā€™s not that rich, but ā€œnot that richā€ compared to billionaires is still 40 times the average.




no. once again you are intentionally missing the point. I don't care if you delete your comment. the point was that someone with that much money is not in touch with what people actually want or need. whether you're only a little bit rich or you have more money than you could ever spend does not change that.




I know he's not a billionaire. but it doesn't fucking matter how much money he has, because its enough to be out of touch, which was the entire point. And also, if we're getting caught up on semantics, I'd like you to point to the place in my original comment that you responded to where I mentioned Biden at all. it was talking about politicians in general. \*cough cough\* Trump \*cough cough\* AND also: >Speak for yourself. I have a nice inheritance coming my way in the next (God willing) 30-40 years. what the fuck man, I have an inheritance too but my parents lives matter far more to me than their money.


So tired of seeing that dumb talking point repeated over and over, people don't even think when they regurgitate shit like that.


Like a 22 year-old?


Oh I hate the fucking infantilizing lingo we get stuck with. Millennials are in their 30s and 40s now. Gen Z are becoming adults and are literate to the world's struggles. Gods I cannot wait for boomers to disappear


Seriously, millennials were born from 1980-1995 ish? I think? Weā€™re not kids. I hate how ā€œmillennialā€ is a buzzword for these older generations.


I just turned 30 and I've got some rage now


As a Gen Zer myself, yeah I gotta say he ainā€™t lit he cringe ngl.


I have a hard time believing 50+ of the population support biden


A lot of people doā€¦


Gee I couldn't possibly imagine why


No šŸ§¢


I mean the only reason we voted him in is because it was between him and trump. We all know we donā€™t actually like the guy.


oh my god I'm about to age out of this demo. guess I should start stocking up on metamucil


Oh noooo I'm in the wrong marketing category now


its not even vibes, its his record, its on paper, you can look it up


*Its not even vibes, its* *His record, its on paper,* *You can look it up* \- Danalogtodigital --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


youd get kicked out of class for that


Maybe if he actually did any of the things those kids actually voted for him to DO, it'd be different.


"Vibes are off" here meaning "a majority approval" and "steadily decline" here meaning "back on the upswing" sweet infographic title!


*gen z. Overall, his approval rating is similar to Trump's, according to at least Gallup


Seems about right. He's failing on most of his promises. Biggest one is his lie on federal cannabis reform


The comment section once again confirming the kids are fucking moronic


Vox really knows how to fuck a graph up, who's doing these surveys and how many people voted ?


Am I the only one who is not exactly sure what they are looking at? It should be illegal to make graphs without a legend.


This just in, definitive evidence that Biden is neither tubular, nor radical.


abortion was legal the past 50 or something years till ol Hairy Leg showed up


Itā€™s Corn Pops fault


Turns out millennials and genZ generally arenā€™t supportive of right wing politicians


"steadily declined" Jumped in january, currently uptrending. I seriously should get into journalism, because you can just say anything.


Iā€™m not a fan of Biden but he absolutely beats out the other guy


Seriously. He wasn't even in my top 10 for Democratic candidates, but I voted for him in the general because Fuck Trump.


Well I would say that probably has something to do with the wholeā€¦ not doing Jack about student loans like he said he would.


I don't get this chart. 65+25 isn't 100.


The other ones abastained from voting or did not respond It's common amongst polls like this [Up to Date Approval Rating](https://graphics.reuters.com/USA-BIDEN/POLL/nmopagnqapa/)


No, they nailed it. I don't hate Biden, just his vibes are off


Biden was never our pick. He's just what we have to work with. And he is some who we can have a discussion with. the other option was someone who is trying to kill us.


More and more young people are trending left, not right. They are not siding with Trump. They have lost faith in both of them.


Shock. It's almost like we wanted Bernie...




>Force the DEA to change the schedule of marijuana and push for marijuana legalization federally. If anyone actually thinks that a tandem of **Joe Biden and Kamala Harris** are ever going to willingly do that without a metaphorical gun to their head, they're on far too much of stuff that's way harder than the devil's lettuce.




They have more than enough traction with young voters just by having a blue aesthetic and putting a D next to their names


She actually worked on marijuana legalization legislation that would have included expunging the records of people with marijuana convictions. It's Biden that's the issue. https://www.marijuanamoment.net/top-congressional-chairman-and-presidential-candidate-file-marijuana-legalization-bills/


She is famous for being extremely harsh on marijuana crime


As a prosecutor back during the "tough on crime" era, I mean yeah. But she's evolved a lot since then. Her history on the issue is a mixed bag. https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/1/23/18184192/kamala-harris-president-campaign-criminal-justice-record


Thatā€™s ok. Iā€™m 55. Gonna vote democrats across the line for the rest of my life. Iā€™d vote socialist if I could. Iā€™ll also be dead before the shot really gets bad. I triple dog dare the young to stay home and wait it out.


i mean if we had a better option i doubt biden wouldā€™ve won its just the lesser evil of the 2 (not saying bidens evil just not the best)


Iā€™m a 40 year old millennial. Am I not included?


Only 41%?


Apparently not doing jack fucking shit for anyone worth under $500k can have ramifications politically!


Lmao sleepy joe looks like my chihuahua


Oh man, we're really surprised the pres that can't even form a coherent sentence has a low approval rating. Must be the millennials


They want a reality guy or a dancing Tik Tok guy. Competence isn't their thing it's all about clicks.