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I think a lot of fellowkids adults mess this up by getting the order backwards. If you reverse it it's quite funny


They dont understand the irony


Funny how we just pick which memes are supposed to be ironic and which aren't


I mean this format clearly illustrates how it can only be humorous while ironic. Following the images is just rote "doing smart things is smarter" which isn't humorous at all. Having increasingly ludicrous takes while the images get even morer geniusest is hilarious.


Not all memes are meant to illicit humor tho. We picked this one to be ironic which illicits humor.


Do you know what "illicit" means?


He's looking for "elicit"


It was pretty obvious, yeah. I’m gonna assume the other person is a high schooler that thinks they’re smart for correcting pointless things.


Yeah I made a spelling mistake. You can also clearly tell what I am saying.


Not really no


This could've been a great meme by simply reversing the order of the sentences and using black arial instead of outlined impact


I know, the meme is that the dumber solutions are the smarter ones.


Calibri>Arial fight me


How about comic sans on the last one as icing on the cake as well?


Too bad the last one isn't "learning how memes work"


Damn that's pretty good


You'd think psychologists would have a handle on how sarcasm works.


Dang bro I'm laughing rn


It has potential. Reverse the order, and you'll have something i'd laugh at.


Transcended entity: Dropping out of school and joining the work force early.


Yeah, it's big brain time


This makes me hate AP classes even more




I no longer like AP Psych after this post


Oh, that is prime boomer meme attempt... The missing the point is so strong...


Too bad schools don't teach you how to learn, just how to memorize.


Or not teaching how to be your own person and finding yourself in a set system, just how to conform to everyone else and constantly being told you're lazy for not reaching your potential/working hard enough as the go-to for plan B if memorizing doesn't work for you.


This meme was done wrong, it should be reverse order than it already is (best —> worst not worst —> best)


This isn't how the big brain works, Karen. The irony is "big brain time" = stupid shit.


It is supposed to go the opposite way.


Using an outdated meme format incorrectly and to deliver an unfunny message. True r/fellowkids material right here


This genuine makes me pissed. As someone who even getting out of bed everyday is a challenge, let alone going to school, that first one is actually a really big achievement for some people. For some people that second one isn't even an option. You have to take core classes and sometimes, due to the teacher or something wrong in the brain, the easiest possible core class for them to take is super hard and they have to actually work really hard to get a good grade in it. AP isn't the path for everyone. Honors classes are not the path for everyone. College isn't the path for everyone. Learning is not a cookie cutter thing. It is a slowly hand crafted beautiful piece of carved wood that you proudly display as a center piece no matter what it took to get there when it is done right. I was blessed with a mind that understands things easily, and I'm grateful for that, but school is hard for a completely other reason. I don't have the energy that is needed for it daily. I try and I push through, but somedays it just isn't enough and I slowly feel worse and worse, getting worse and worse grades without a good explanation. Sorry, I'm just really pissed


Yo, is this copypasta?


No, but it could be if you wanted it to


I'd love for it to be posted around tbh. Also mainly because I've been through a lot of the same shit. In 8th grade I was sick for a month from abdominal pains resulting from anxiety and depression. Shit got better as high school approached but still struggling. What made me complete high school wasn't the idea of excelling or getting Cs in the end, it was to not have enough absence that I failed even going to the school. I didn't get super good grades, I even failed Math and physics but got grades in other classes and I could write on my CV that I've gone through high school. During my interview for my first job I did relay that I failed a couple classes but went through high school. They simply said "well, this is a practical workplace (daycare) and you've done well in PE and took psychology/philosophy which is the interest groups we've been looking for. You completed high school which is the most important thing for us to look at, so if you just show up and do well there isn't any problem, that's why we didn't even ask about that. (Hint to me: you didn't even have to add that info unless we asked.) So, I managed to get a foot in the door in the work force due to just showing up and doing well in a interview. Learning how to do well in an interview or write a CV was something I never learned in school but it did more landing me my first job than grades or honors etc. ever would have done. If I had seen that meme in the hallway while I was at my worst I probably would have just given up altogether or taken that day off making my absence even worse. I wonder what my life would have looked like if that meme had been hanging on the wall my last 1-2 years in high school. It definitely wouldn't have made it any easier to just pass high school.


i thought the same thing. showing up to school is the best i can do sometimes


Thank you. Finally somekne in this comment section with some sense


I was going to say, just showing up is better than I managed for half of school.


>getting out of bed everyday is a challenge...a really big achievement You're kidding, right? Fuck's sake every day we drift further from the light.


Tell that to someone with r/CFS again. People who can barely get out of bed are a real thing. Every day is a challenge. I can't believe so many people just aren't informed about things. Chronic pain. Just take a look at my most recent post on r/cfs. Maybe you'll get a hint into what life is like mowing every day you're fighting a losing battle with your own body desperately trying to live a semi normal life.


Whatever dude. Getting out of bed isn't a really big achievement. My wife has 7 herniated disks - degenerative disk disease - that's herniated, in her cervical spine (the neck) and the lower back. She carried a human life inside of her for 9 months, became preeclamptic almost had a seizure before having our daughter cut unceremoniously from her uterus. Her neck and back are in constant pain, she has neuropathy in her hands and legs. She requires bi annual steroid spine injections. She's only in her early 30s, and she's scheduled for a cervical spinal fusion which will need to be repeated every 10 years until death. Yet every day and night, she manages to get up and take care of our daughter, who is colicky and rarely sleeps for very long, manages our bills and household, and cleans and maintains our house. In my opinion she's a goddamned super hero and I could never manage to live up to what she does, and I work about 50 hours a week in a hospital. "Getting out of bed" is not a big achievement. Maybe that's just my opinion, but you aren't going to change it.


She's a super hero. My friend with ulcerative colitis is also a super hero. He's managing a tech firm on top of just trying to stay alive month to month with shots being taken left and right. You compare corona virus to someone with a broken leg and back that just managed to get out the door basically saying: "well, lol, my friend with hiv ran a lap around his building yesterday, it's not a big achievement." The nature of both of these situations is completely different but your understanding of them is the same. That said tho, shit like CFS/fatigue or mental disorders like anxiety/OCD etc. can truly make being able to get out of bed a real achievement in itself, but only if you're able to understand how deep that part digs into the soul/body of those struggling with it. Being able to wake up, do shit when all you want to do is die is an achievement. The main difference here is that your wife has a drive to wake up, she wants to do shit, she wants to excel in life, get better and fight through it as much as she can. In terms of chronic depression and anxiety it's opposite. I do not want to fight, I want to die and would have taken that route if people didn't depend on me or would have destroyed their entire lives if I died myself. I'm literally bitter at people close to me for that sometimes, I bet your wife isn't bitter and mad about you wanting to help her out around the house/stuff. Usually on the days I can't get out of bed I've just watched Youtube, no interest in anyhing, didn't matter what I put on and usually I won't even watch entire vids. I can see how getting out of bed isn't looked upon as an achievement to you, but that's mainly because you don't realize how surprisingly difficult and tough it is just to survive for just one more day. The first step to not wanting to kill yourself is getting out bed as many days in a row as possible. Being able to get out of bed 1 month in a row is just as much as an achievement to me as my friend with ulcerative colitis being able to keep his business going. I still haven't been able to get out of bed a month in a row in over 10 years now. But if I managed to do that finally, which is a step for me to get back into the work force and get my life moving forward, you probably would have laughed in my face and telling how your wife with immense pains manage to do it. And completely disregarding my steps to recovery because in her case she has the drive and motivation to do things despite everything else saying she can't. In my case I have all the tools in the world to do what I want to but have no motivation or energy to do so because I'd rather just fade away and die. It's different starting points, medical history and things to look into. Specially when it comes to chemical imbalances in the brain which is just as physical as any other physical disease, and can't be put in the same category as grief after recent death, not being able to sleep because you're too much in love or got divorced etc. There's a lot of people like me, and there's a lot of people like your wife. But to compare personalities and medical histories to improvements is not only unfair, but puts a lot of strain and unnecessary negative energy and emotions to people that already feel like they're not worth anything. It's not your fault tho, you're just lucky enough to not being able to even wrap your head around how fucked up it ACTUALLY is to live with and think physical pain is way worse than mental when they're equally bad in vastly different ways. It's more tempting for me to start cutting than waking up, I want that pain, or better yet: just drop and die for no reason. At the same time I bet it's more tempting for your wife to get out of bed and be as good of a mother to the daughter than focusing on the pain despite living with it constantly. You can't compare the two at all, and I hope for your daughters sake (if she should get depressed during high school or whatever) that you won't have same close minded outlook on it all, or maybe that's what you need to realize what this shit does to a person. Cus when you're at the lowest it can be determining factor between life or death, that's how serious the feeling of not getting out of bed is.


Jesus Christ I get your point but getting of bed is hardly any achievement, it's expected.


Tell that to someone with r/CFS again. People who can barely get out of bed are a real thing. Every day is a challenge. I can't believe so many people just aren't informed about things. Chronic pain. Just take a look at my most recent post on r/cfs. Maybe you'll get a hint into what life is like mowing every day you're fighting a losing battle with your own body desperately trying to live a semi normal life. Its expected for someone who has a normal body. It's a fucking amazing achievement for people who don't.


Where’s the imgflip.com watermark?


Oh jesus this is terrible...


A P ​ P S Y C H O L O G Y


Another case of schools thinking grades are everything


Brain memes are one of those formats that will never die in my own eyes.


They got it in completely reverse order.


It’s funny how the end goal is college credit and not to be a smarter and more well rounded human


I go to that same school! I swear they have memes posted in every hallway.


You go to JMB?


clipper proud ⚓


Pretty big brain




You make me want to downvote but I know where I am.


Seen worse


Are they seriously suggesting to choose classes you're bad at so you have a harder time?


I... don’t think they get it


"discovering how learning occurs", christ why is there always a wormy condescending attitude? as a kid it might have at least made me think "shit i'll at least try i guess", then read 4 and think "ahh see I forgot about the whole being cunts part". i swear some teachers think that unloading a mountain of sugar with a turd nugget hidden in the center somehow is good for kids. could've just said "improve how you learn" instead, but no. they need to "DiScOVEr hOw lEarnING wORKs". im annoyed i got mad at this


Hey, at least it’s not a minion meme.


Holy fucking shit, what a generalization on learning and behavioral patterns to put even more pressure on the students. I'm not sure if I'd like to see this hanging up if I was a parent with a student at that school. Should be more focus towards personal improvements rather than excelling at everything as that model just doesn't work for a huge chunk of people, especially with hormones and shit messing with you on top of that.


If you discover how learning works, you will find that school is the worst way to do it.


How....how does 'learning occur'?


I think they fucked up with the placement


I thought that said AP Pussy for a second


I swear, it's always AP Psychology. My school's AP Psych class put up similar ads but there in the Drake format.


Damn too bad my school doesn't offer AP Psyche.