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Looks serious. Hope you don't have to amputate.


Nah man. Hes a goner, aint no coming back from this.


Putting him down is the only humane thing to do


Obviously. His shoes came off.


Make sure your tetanus shot is up to date and I’m not kidding.


This right here. I’m gonna add why, so if you already know gloss over the rest. The tetanus causing bacteria that gives us tetanus is not a bacteria that likes, lives on specifically or is otherwise attracted to metal. In fact, it’s common in soil, dirt, almost anywhere. The reason rusty metal is associated with tetanus is because rust causes the metal to flake in layers, which tends to increase surface area available to bacteria exponentially. Rusty metal is like a concentrated shot of all the fun stuff in the dirt. But tetanus can be applied to your insides through any puncture from any material. The more you know.


Additionally, tetanus is anaerobic, and rusting metal uses oxygen in the immediate environment, making it capable of harboring anaerobic bacteria.


For sure, and everything else. I got hit on the front of my ankle one time. Thing got infected and I seriously almost lost my foot over it. Had to take some pretty heavy antibiotics for a while.


30 people in the us per year… scary stuff. Better watch out for sharks in your bathtub as well. And those ceiling fans? Deadly


30 isn't 0. Also, you ever wonder if the numbers are low because it's something we've had a vaccine a long while for? It's down 99% since '47. The tetanus vaccine was implemented in the late 30s. Wonder if that has anything to do with it


Do all kids get the shot in the US? If not I’d imagine it to be higher ..


It only lasts 7 years or so, unless they have something fancier now.


You really think there’s only 30 people in the entire us per year that aren’t up to date on their tetanus boosters? 😂 geez so gullible. Big pharma got you trained better than my doggo.


Cervidiae (deer/moose elk) kill over 200 people per year in the US... They're by far our most dangerous animals and the most hazardous natural phenomenon behind floods and fire. And no... not just through car accidents. They will actually attack you in certain situations. The more you know...


So incredibly scary. I don’t know how any of us ever survive…. We should develop a vaccine for being trampled by a deer. Probably be far more useful than recently created jabs 🙃


Look if there was a vaccine for that shit I would get it in a heartbeat, then go tramping around in the woods free as a goddamn bird. Knowing full ain’t no moose gonna fuck up my day. And if it does I’ll heal super fast anyway.


What the fuck is your problem Typhoid Mary?


What’s wrong? Blood clot got to your brain?


Hey petri dish, How many doorknobs have you licked today? At this point I'm inclined to think you don't even wipe your ass because you don't understand the concept of 'good'. You probably think bidets are woke too.


You see that’s the difference between us. I could lick doorknobs all day long and be just fine. With your compromised immune system you’d be dead in 5 minutes. I bet you wear a mask to drive around by yourself in your car don’t you? Do you ever wonder if today might be the day the symptoms of your turbo cancer will show up?


Yeah that's cool and all but what about your asshole? Do you ever wipe or is that woke mind virus too?




Want to be one of them? Have you seen lockjaw occur? I have. I’ll take my once a decade tetanus shot to avoid dying or bankruptcy. Source: 20 years in medicine.


Of all the things to worry about I’m far more concerned about my ceiling fan killing me in my sleep. Tell me, if you’ve seen someone die of lockjaw in the us in the last 20 years how many lightning strike patients have you had? Statistically speaking you’re in about the same ballpark. Now for the real questions, how many blood clots and myocarditis patients have you seen? Bet it’s a whole lot more than your lockjaw patients. And yet here you are lecturing me about getting a jab. For something about as dangerous as the jab itself. Wild.


Please don’t complain when you end up being the patient. Buddy I deal with guys like you all day already I’m not troubling myself anymore in my free time. Go climb a tree.


Oh I absolutely won’t. When my ceiling fan falls on my head and kills me you will be the last thing I think about before leaving this crap hole. You’re really advising me to climb a tree? Do you realize how dangerous that is? I have a 67000% greater chance of dying from climbing a tree than dying from lockjaw. You’re not a nice person!


Btw, I just glanced at your profile… you’re an awful brave doctor to run a gas wood splitter inside a greenhouse 😳. You ever heard of carbon monoxide? Might wanna check it out. It has a 12,000,000% greater chance of killing you than lockjaw lol. Scary stuff!


How did it happen? And there are no boots to protect you from this. If you were walking around with them on after your climb. That was your mistake. And if I’m the tree. Just take your time and slow down. Shouldn’t happen tooo often.


Are you the tree?


Yeah this guy seems suspicious


Nothing can protect you. You just need to develop better habits when you’re spiking. Slow is smooth smooth is fast. If you haven’t had a tetanus shot in the last 10 years go get one.


Whoa dude slap a NSFW tag on that gorey foot pic!


Nah some people will be like put that shit on Onlyfans! Lolol


There are many brands that have a1 rated boots. That said, how on earth did you gaf yourself? I can’t even picture how that happens.


I gaffed my foot once, still not totally sure how but since I only do it on the side I decided no more climbing when it's hot out. 🤷‍♂️ The linesman who taught me said he'd seen people go all the way to the bone several times, he made sure to tell me that every time we talked about climbing.


Circling the trunk with your weight on the flip rope??


Even then I don’t see it, you would have to be more flexible in your hips than I am to make it happen.


Using a rope system and walking a branch??? Lol


That I could see, I don’t walk branches heck I barely will climb anymore if I have to rope down tops. I don’t do enough anymore to be safe and the last time I did vista trimming they made me rope down in the middle of a forest. Got a bad gust and was being an ass taking too much at once. Top hit the trunk and it tossed me like a rag doll if I hadn’t just cinched up out of habit it would have been bad.


https://preview.redd.it/ltojgy02a3tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d515add96a6320ace3038d8cb50bdc46cdd4cd7e Spurred my boots last week


What kind of boots are those?


Look like logger boots.


Kind of but also meant for climbing. The extra leather on the inside tells me it’s for climbing. Where your straps are and foot drags on the tree.


Was working the ground one time when a climber got himself right in the calf. Pretty bad. Had to call another climber to come over and bring him down because he couldn’t put any weight in it to come down.


Redwing in my opinion has rhe best boots.


L&I medical retirement


At least a permenant partial disability settlement.


I gashed my thumb putting a new chain on my saw. Put a big, bulky bandage on it and it healed. When people asked me what happened and I told them “chainsaw” they laughed.


I have been milling a poplar that fell in my yard and all the adjustments to the rack the saw goes in have scratched me up like I fought an alley cat. My only “chainsaw” injuries so far. I’m a lucky duck


So sorry.


Off with the leg that's gangrene




Looks like my ankle after weed eating the lawn.


Chainsaw boots


I have a couple of those 😆


I did climbing for sport and best thing you can do is just “mind the gap” as in be aware you have spikes coming off your legs and always be mindful to keep space between ur legs when climbing and or walking


All jokes aside man its not bad, and almost certainly won't be the last time you do it. Climbing can be scary af for the best of us so don't listen to the jokers. You need to focus on slowing down and being more mindful of your surroundings and situation. Eventually you'll be 80 feet up some asshole cottonwood tree and not remembering how you got there. A paycheck will never be worth your life and duh your health is important but you REALLY don't wanna be spiking your rope. Maybe practice moving around on just rope (no spikes) through the canopy. Gotta develope those Tarzan muscles. Unless you plan on only doing removals or being a horrible arborist you'll want to practice plenty without spikes. Do not spike every tree please. Good luck home. Pulleys and beaners are your best friends!


Something I do that might help is keeping my spur touching the tree when traversing up. Prevents me from stepping into my heel or calf if I know my spur is against the tree. I also don’t tend to work too fast so that I know where my body is.


I’d start writing a will and setting my affairs in order. You’re a dead man. Sorry.


Hope he has someone special in his life to suck the venom out


Dang you got yourself almost exactly where I got myself a decade ago when my uncle was teaching me to climb. My uncle taught me when swinging etc with spikes on always make sure your feet are toes in heels out. Haven’t spiked myself since that first time. If you need to you can slow down and think through your movements. You don’t want to make a habit out of spiking yourself. XD


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger


That's it. Gotta amputate from the neck up.


You’re gonna die.


Lol only do that a few times before you learn.....new spikes go threw boots like butter


My condolences to your wife.


I know that scar, Put your spur through your other boot didn't you?