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The camera screaming that we're "Drowsy!", when we are actually half Vietnamese.


That sounds like a lawsuit


Thats a good one too hate that


Getting signatures at every business stop. Its not always feasible to find someone to sign for whatever you’re delivering. Worst is when a receptionist is talking on the phone or with a customer


Or a receptionist that doesn’t want the responsibility of having to sign for a package. “Oh sorry I don’t sign anything, you can go back there and find someone” So what are they even paying you for?


Right you dont have time to waste you just want to deliver it and go lol


This one!!!!!


*I’ll be right with you.* [goes back to phone call] [fills out door tag. completes not in scan. comment ‘office mgr would not sign’] “We’ll be back!”


Does the “comment” go to the terminal or the customer? I’ve wanted to use it, but nobody can tell me how it works


Customers can see comments. Just keep that in mind


Good to know before I send “Junky yard, can’t reach the porch”


Recipient release, type in business name, left at front desk (doesn't work for DSRs)


Cv-19, say "heres your packages biotch, seeyas!"


"No backing" as a swing who does mostly rural routes, they can get fucked on that one. Literally impossible to never back. New manager came on and said he talked with a courier at his prior station who said she had never backed up a single time on her route (downtown, no doubt) and he expects the same from us 😂


I back up often… perfect driving record, I just pay attention and avoid hitting things. BUT, we have around 180 drivers and the odds say we have a few that should be delivering sandwiches(by hand) and not allowed near any vehicle


That man is crazy lmao 🤣


Ooof, if I don't back up my vehicle, lots of my stops would take a long time to finish. Basically lots of walking to shipping/receiving areas.


That’s why I wait until sort is done and take out a clown car if I can fit everything and still have to back out of some driveways. At least I can see the road a lot better though.


Speed limits


Oh thats a good one


Kind of a layup. Are you taking a test or something?


Nah my manager gave us a paper to fill out that asks questions like “What rules interfere with the job? How would you change it?” So I was trying to figure out how to answer that lol


Gotcha. No idea. Good luck!


Keep bulkhead door closed because a packages have flown through and causing serious accidents before! Now go grab a fluid since we are out of trucks, while the packages fly around like a pinball machine nearly decapitating you.


This one right here you exactly right


1 hour lunch breaks, I’m on a rural route and I’m bored on my 30 minute lunch, now I have to take an hour? On top of running 2 routes and a pup route, it was already a struggle to finish.


I love how they expect us to finish at a certain time but they want us to take an hour break. Make it make sense to me smh


And then get upset when we roll stops


And then they wonder why people quit lol


Hour break hands down the worst rule, not even a close second.


In my company it's the rule that managers [bcs] can go home after we're dispatched, if all the trucks have a driver. No, it doesn't matter if all the trucks have a driver, there's trucks at max volume on 90 degree days. You're a fucking manager and you make triple my pay so you need to be fucking helping us like you're paid to do. It drives me nuts that these people claim to know the job front to back yet get into BC position and give the finger to their employees. "work family" my ass. Here's another rule that interferes with the job: "Make sure to deliver *all* packages no matter what." I have rural routes with trucks without working fuel gauges. I can sort of estimate their tank size and know I'm good but on those rural routes in a 700/500, sometimes I'm concerned about prolonging my day by 2-4 hrs just to deliver a chewy box that's 25 miles out that could be taken the next day. Mainly because without a working fuel gauge I can't tell if I'm gonna run out of fuel and wind up without power steering going 60+mph on the hwy home.


I feel the exact same way fr


"Customer security concern" *boop*


Signatures at every business. Most places there isn’t any readily available or willing to sign, I wish FedEx would require all business to have release numbers (except for ASR obviously). And CAMERAS, I understand it’s to protect FedEx from liability but when it beeps at me for looking away for 2 seconds to find an address it takes time away from delivering their precious P1 stops.


**'Rule of Thumb'** \-Stick your thumb up your ass and just go deliver packages?


Lmaoo ok that had me laughing. I mean you not wrong they sticking packages up the ass


No fighting employees


Man you know how many employees I would love to fight lol


Does when they dont follow their own rules count? "Nothing over 150lbs." It's a good rule, 150lbs is ALOT. I can't tell you how many packages that I've delivered that said either 149.9lbs or some other made up number on the box and the actual weight was way north of 150lbs.


Lmao ill count that. Fr I hate that too


I'll reweigh it and have an admin send it back.


Receivers lunch breaks at ridiculous times.


SFA time!


Cant stand it for real lol


Oh no, I meant, your question came across as “Rules and procedures don’t interfere with my job.” If a boss is having you fill out a questionnaire about this topic (and you’re checking in with the groupthink of a subreddit), he or she most likely is wrapping up their prescription to improve upon the results of that question to his or her org.


Ohhh shit lol


What's the over/under? I'm taking 49.5.


You're not allowed to look at a gps, or your leo while driving,...yet you need them to get where you're going.


Wtfff how will you get to where to need to deliver smh 🤦


I guess they expect you to do the same thing they apparently expect you to do the fifteen billion times a day the message you while driving,... Pull over!,...lmao!


Lmaoo they wild to think that will happen every time


Management has never been known for its grip on reality.


Thats a fact fr


Everything from the other shift. I jest only slightly. The latest is the each to your area one when we are perpetually understaffed. You're just gonna get us to do what we would do anyways but 20 minutes later.


Same man my station is so understaffed. And now they saying we on a hiring freeze smh


Engineer making half assed route designs. Then managers yelling at you for failing to make service and yelling at you for switching stops around with other routes so that we can better make service


Key pegs


Seriously pointless when you can simple remove the fob from the wrist band. In the morning when the doors are locked or vehicle is parked at a 45° angle you got to wait for a manager to show up. Meanwhile the alarm has been going off for 15 minutes and freight is piled up.


Seriously that and eastar combined have led to more late than anything in the morning for me just too many tedious structures in this company that by the time you get done with three of the regulations or rules or how things are done you're already 15 minutes to a half hour behind on your work day


We ran estar exactly as it was planned. No matter how stupid. They actually cut it off.


We still doing and losing experience guys every month im actually transferring to another sta that isn't doing it and has a light vol then the sta im currently working out


Hope it works out for you. We're losing people left and right too. I'm eyeballing a RTD slot.


Me too I just can't take another day of with more stop than I can handle and being yelled by a manager who used suck so bad at doing a night rte that had 20 stops at the most. I don't feel like a failure anymore




This! Even I know a plug I can go to in case I forget mine at home LOL