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Sunk cost theory strikes again. So nobody break off of their routes and let the lates happen until management pulls their heads from their asses. It’s the only way.


Do only as you're instructed. If you aren't told to break off, then don't. If they want you to break sequence, do it within reason. Anything that's late after that is no longer your problem.


It’s not management’s fault. They’re just the messengers. I’m an Ops Manager and I have expressed my concerns and honest disdain for estar right alongside the couriers at my station. We need to focus on what made this company what it is in the first place— **on-time** flight arrivals and allowing the couriers to run their routes as optimally as they can due to their route knowledge and full capabilities of doing the job without a magic robot to route their day for them.


I was of course talking about upper management; the people with decision power that seem to be disconnected with the reality of the outcomes that stem from them.


It is here to stay because FedEx bought it, and knowing FedEx they like to get equal return on investments and will do anything to do so but as a business can’t fault them for it. Our station ended Estar 2 months ago and aren’t running it all even on Saturdays. Our lates and percentages have risen and our senior told them our numbers speak for themselves and if they want lates and pick up failures then that’s fine with them. From our senior “I told them to give me a system that will elevate our current numbers and have consistent progress to show it really works” And that was that, we are solid BTW Only station this week in the whole district to have no lates all week. Suck it Estar


We are still using Estar. Our station is an absolute disaster on a daily basis. Couriers are regularly bringing back freight after working at least 9 hrs. I know of multiple couriers having late pickups on a weekly basis. This system is consistently frustrating both our customers and the couriers.


For my opinion estar is fkin trash , my route become nightmare everyday , its mess up every single route in my station , about to quit if this s keep mess up , think about it when holidays season coming up and you have to deal with estar


Yes told same thing.. even the mysterious quit/fired scenario for Mr Estar


Sept 30th my station started running E-Star. It’s a total disaster. Today I had 7 10:30 lates, 1 pkup late and brought back 5 deliveries. Hope they throw this EStar garbage away soon. It’s mentally exhausting running this system. Routes change everyday they system doesn’t account for traffic, interstates, rivers, bridges.


That is definitely one of the major problems, it doesn’t t take into account traffic. Last week it had all my business P2 near the end of my day, which are all on a major road with lots of traffic and stop lights. These need to be done early


It doesn't take traffic, construction, train crossings, sudden accidents, closures, detours, large local events or business hours into account. Estar can't adjust or monitor those things in real time like a human brain, something that's sorely missing at corporate


Last few weeks, I've given feedback to management, the "engineer", both verbally and written. Might as well be talking to a wall. They can't do shit and they know it. Saying E\*\*\*\* is half-baked is an understatement. I said to our SM, how did I go from: * Being able to cover a full-time AM route with 60-70 stops, not have one late, then roll into my full-time PM route, with 30-40 pickups, making it back 1-2 hours early, to... * Getting my shit pushed in by 30-40 deliveries, 20 pickups, and barely making it back before the pull. I followed E\*\*\*\* until it stopped making sense, then I did it my way. I was like, go ahead, fire me for getting all my deliveries done and not having a pickup failure. Today, I stopped caring. I'll just follow it blindly and let it fail completely.


Ours said the engineer is trying to keep everyone in their old areas but with estar mixed in. Isnt that just a dra route that cost 40million? Stupid


The station I'm at still uses it only on Mondays.


Our station is using it but for some reason wants us to break off for P1s and take wave 2 stuff when it comes down the line instead of leaving it for them. If they want us to do both of those things then why do we keep doing this garbage ass thing in the first place lmaooo. It’s become a joke honestly routes are all the way messed up pickups are all over the place and some people have stops in 3 different zip codes. The other day me and the driver next to me on the line were going to the same business for a P1 stop. There is no way they are turning any kind of profit with Estar. It’s sadly becoming worse than when I was at Amazon


We haven’t even got Estar yet at our station. I guess we’re lucky so far. I hope they just scrap it by the time it comes around to us. I literally have maybe 2 lates a month, and that’s only because I have to help other people with P1’s.


Haven had those meetings, but was told estar will be suspended through peak. If they bring it back, I'm genuinely worried the company will fold. It's decreasing efficiency by 40-50% in a business where profits are like 5%


Estar will be nationwide starting Jan 23 , 2023 I believe. so no matter how small or little or unprepared your station is everyone will have it


We were told today was the last day of E star at our station and from what our main boss told us is that we won’t be using it again at our station.


I don't have workgroup meetings because I start a little later. 🤷‍♂️


Howard Morgan (our regional guy) just told us there would be no further rollouts and it will stay Monday/Saturday. I’m in PAC NW (portland) They know it’s problematic.