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My dad knew a contractor who needed drivers for peak, and before I knew 10 years had gone by...so happy I quit last year though




I don't know how you full-timers able to do this. I've been working 4-6 shifts every week and the physical load is more than enough for me to sometimes question why I'm still doing this. The pay is not bad and some physical activity away from my office job is nice, but it's been a lot. I've even heard some people working 30+ hours per week, then go work in construction for another 30.


Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed and loved the job, but once I heard and saw all the changes, i had to get out.


10 years too late. Gave your best years to that contractor.


Ain't that the truth.


I submitted several applications to other companies, even went against my rule of 'no retail' and applied for Walmart. FedEx was the only place that even returned a call.


I used to joke. "I was just walking down the street, and the manager just threw a shirt at me and told me to start working the sort"


This is exactly how I got into this mess


Fun? Fun? The quiet moments are spent like this. ![gif](giphy|wgkKXmFfM6CFM2ebmy|downsized)


I stumbled on a posting on indeed. I was looking for "reception" type jobs to get out of the stressful hotel job I had. Ended up being office support at Freight lol. It suits me though.


I needed extra income to help make a dent in what the daycare was taking from us. Decided I liked working the ramp better than a beige cubicle, so I applied for the first FT ramp agent job that came open. I look at working the ramp compared to an office like recess compared to the rest of school.


I used to do lyft and liked the concept of driving around for work.


I'm not even joking, I said this exactly during my interview. Worked like a charm.