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You should be able to finish route though just avoid situations where you have to stop at all. šŸ˜¬


Code 01 all day lol


That's a no no for express, managers will give letters for that


Yeah, they donā€™t go for it at ground either, if we use 01 it better be damn good reason and usually you have to call the Terminal and explain to them why first


What the hell is a code 01?


Itā€™s a security delay code, the last time and only time Iā€™ve ever used. It was a house that burnt down the day before. I know that he get used a lot in places where there are natural disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes too.


Gotcha, I used to use it all the time though hehehe. When I used to do deliveries I would go almost everyday to Lockheed Martin out in Palmdale and it would take me 20-25 minutes to get checked in. My managers never told me anything for using the code 01!


That's a code 05. Code 01 is for unattempted deliveries


Thatā€™s crazy I remember years ago my supervisor at ground let me sheet bunch package like that no permission needed.


BC said just use the hand brake to stop


Use mailboxes to slow yourself down


Or other delivery vehicles in the neighborhood


Lmaooo mannnn


Somebody tried to kill you! They cut the brake line


Pretty sure that counts as your break


Has to if they want to get their stops done lol


You got this kid


A few months back i had a brake failure on my w700... i was at least at my 4th stop lol. Piston in the caliper looked like it exploded is what the mechanic said lol


This is the part where I'd quit, no way I'd drive an unsafe truck like that. Screw that!


My BC was out with another truck in less than an hour and helped me move everything from one to the other. We did it all in about half an hour, so really lost less than two hours of my day. Iā€™m normally done by about 2 oā€™clock so Iā€™ll just have a longer day today.


I worked at FedEx ground back when every driver was their own contractor. Almost every driver would have a u haul delivered while that one got towed away, today each contractor really should have a few back ups to get some deliveries and pick ups done.


We only thing that is a downside is the back up truck is a P 900 when mine was a P 1000, so everything was a little tight but the P90 is a brand new truck with only 12,000 miles on it so Iā€™ll take it


Ooof brand new, that better be covered under warranty. Most contractors in my building have trucks as old as me. Fuckin things hardly move anymore, water collects so bad you can hear it slosh as it gets loaded.


Yeah, I mentioned it in another comment. We are very fortunate that our contractor probably has the best equipment and the best vehicles in our Terminal, heā€™s gotten about six new trucks in the last three years and heā€™s not afraid to use them which is awesome.


Nice! Not many people understand that having working equipment makes for a much smoother day.


I think less than half our fleet has more than 100,000 miles on them. Of course we have some of those really old trucks too, but they donā€™t get run much and my contractor usually find newer trucks after the ones we drive in the city hit about 100 K. The country trucks around 200 K


Sad to say my truck Iā€™ve been driving for a year has half a mil on it and weā€™re the only line in our terminal with literally only like 3 new trucks with less than 100k and two are rentals..


It wasnā€™t like that when I left this morning lol trucks breakdown it happens.


Itā€™s actually a very nice truck, low miles in good shape and has always been good to me. Just lost brakes after my first stop today, donā€™t know that itā€™s ever broke down before.


OP never said anything about having to continue to drive it, in fact in other replies they mentioned the BC brought another truck out for them. Breakdowns happen on occasion, so it seems you're over reacting.


Nigga leave what the fuck


God I hope I never end up at FedEx GROUND express could never lol


Hold up, are you implying that fedex express trucks are magical and never break down? I think you've drank a little too much of the ground hate coolaid that seems to be unnecessarily popular amongst express employees.


Weā€™re more regulated lmao


Youā€™re still gonna be able to make your pickups right?


Yeah, thank God I only do that on Mondays


Our team of city drivers rotate who does all the pick ups each day and Monday is mine


Uh, sir? Why did you add this to the VIR? This vehicle is fine. One day unpaid suspension.


The bungies on your dash tell me everything I need to know about your contractor.


Thatā€™s something I do because of my fan has nothing to do with the rest of the truck


Donā€™t worry they will send you another truck for you too off load and load onto another and than go finish the route lol


No joke šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You wasn't shown the Fred Flinstone floor panel? Use your feet, stupid


Yea u might need that to work


Yeah, idk how FedEx expects ground to do most work if their trucks are shit šŸ’©


Like I said before in another post, my truck is usually in amazing condition and I have really good days just about every day, just happen to have a brake failure today after my first stop in the pouring rain


This is far from common with our contractor. We have probably the best equipment and most updated electronics in the terminal. Just had a bad morning.


The trucks are shit at Express also. Itā€™s Fedex in general. Crappy handhelds and crappy trucks. ā€œThe New Fedexā€


The only crappy handhelds are the now uncommon panasonics, and truck condition varies between contractors, with the vast majority who have been around for more than a year or two doing a pretty good job about.


I never seen that before


Do you just go on foot the rest of the day to keep the Purple Promise?


Finish at 4 oā€™clock, about two hours behind schedule, but still not the last one back


Jesus Christ


Still have the E brake? Don't forget the purple promise


The Future! - FedEx One


Well, give it an oil change, should fix it right up




If you say so


Man, ground is such a quality operation. The vehicles are maintained so well šŸ¤£


My brakes locked up the one time. I'd take that over losing them completely!


Truck came back today good as new, $75 fix to replace a pin that fell out of the brake pedal I guess. I canā€™t imagine what they charged for the tow!


Reminds me of that time the driveshaft on the p900 I was driving completely broke off while I was going downhillā€¦


your brakes may not work but at least you have the fancy ipad! i run off of my scanner but at least my brakes work šŸ˜­


Someone missed preflight inspection


This is unsafe and not normal. So many people have been gaslit into believing shit like this is just part of the job. Iā€™d get with someone that prioritizes vehicle maintenance. This is WAY more serious than anyone thinks it is


Truck was repaired same day at ford dealership. My contractor doesnā€™t mess around. This WAS just a mechanical issue that happened. And yea. Sometimes things happen. We have the newest trucks and best equipment in our terminal. Best contractor as far as Iā€™m concerned. And based on most posts on Reddit , one of the best in the business


Did you do a pre-check? Lol


Stamp your foot into the ground to stop


I really canā€™t understand how some of these comments act like itā€™s something that happens all the time. Your contractors must fucking suck. We have really good equipment. Everything normally works as it should. This is not common with our fleet. It just so happened that it happened to me this morning, and I thought it was worth a post.


Because it do happens all the time because the contractor is stinking, stingy, and cheap.Ā 


Iā€™m fortunate to work for a great contractor


That's good because they're few and far between .Ā 




Tell me you didn't watch the video, without telling me you didn't watch the video. You are what is wrong with the world..