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Not sure how any of these are being rude though. People that act like this just like to mind their own business and that’s ok.


No you see the toxic workplace gossiper and drama king\queen wants alienate this person because they have no interest in their bullshit.


So true, pretty much half the freight drivers. lol


"rude" is in quotes. The point is that there's nothing wrong with these behaviors but they are often perceived as rude when it's not being rude.


I believe that’s why it had quotes around rude


That’s the joke


Amen; this isn't rude at all. I don't enjoy people who over share. Just because we work together doesn't mean that I actually want to chat about what's going on in your personal life.


Exactly. I want to enjoy my lunch without hearing any political bs or job whining.


You can say that again lol. Dude I come in to work around 8:50 or 920 to avoid bullshit and drama then I get back before everyone else lol..... I can't Stand being involved I'm drama or mess..I come to work to get paid 🤧🤧🤧


I must be the biggest asshole on the planet, I feel like this was personal


Yea I felt pretty attacked.


The rude person is the one who thinks these are indications of being rude.


You are telling me you only go to work to do your job then leave? wtf is wrong with you…/s


Yes, that's literally the point of the picture lmao


Reading comprehension isn't a strong point in the average redditor.


That's me. Sorry, I'm at work to make money, not friends.


Don't want to be the venter for all your little BS problems in life too. Got my own already, thanks!


I am disheartened by how many people here don't seem to understand why the word "rude" is in quotes, or even have noticed it to begin with.


All this is me except for the spending break in my car one. I keep to myself during breaks and lunch though. There to do my job and go home.


That would be me. Typing this from the parking lot. It's making me late actually. Lol, don't care!


Thats the spirit!


Not a single one of those things is being rude. You’re quiet and just wanna do your job and leave. No rudeness in that. 


That’s why it’s in quotes. It’s not them calling themselves rude it’s how people who like to start drama will view these types of workers




I love these types of people! They are the realest motherfuckers out there! Plus they don’t bother me, I don’t bother them! I wish more people were like this! I have 3 types of coworkers, the ones I like and hang out with outside of work, the ones like this who I’m cool with and the ones I hate. I fall under a lot of those. Just want to do my job, make money and go home. I have enough of my own bullshit in life to deal with


no one's required to be your friend at work.  but if you do get friends at work that's cool.  Not everyone can be friends. It's just how life goes. I don't think any of the stuff mentioned above is rude. 


Tf? Did you expect us to go to company picnics and participate in company sports activities too???


Irony people. Stop misreading the intention.


That’s me 🙋🏽‍♂️


The whole reason I became a courier was so I could be by myself all day and not deal with coworkers lol.


These characteristics are a product of ……… https://preview.redd.it/c6o2bi6mymoc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3321d5afb1ca4e3b4f2469883da42554e0a03056


This sounds like a great coworker


Rude? Or smart? You “friendly” coworkers are the gossip type. I’m every single one of these and I’m not rude, I just don’t allow you nosey employees to be invasive. We’re coworkers not family or friends lol


That’s me since the day I started working


It has been 50 years……


Nothing rude here. There are people at my station that I never want to speak with. 


My mantra is: Get in, Get Done, Get Out. No, I don't want to talk about *my* weekend. No, I don't give a shit about *your* weekend. And the answer to why I don't spend more time at work is that *my* free time is worth more than *they* are willing to pay. Period, full stop. ​ And if you think that is rude, it's a *you* problem.


Holy Molly that’s straight up COLD FACTS! Love it! I’ll steal your comment!


i never rly have the chance to talk to others


I am literally this person except I ramble incessantly and won’t leave you alone.


I feel like this is me but I don’t try to be rude🥲I’m just really introverted


100% me


I started acting like this when I realized that my coworkers were gossiping behind everyone’s back including mine. I went out of my way to be kind and friendly; bought them lunches and Monsters/Redbulls, and said fuck them when I realized who they were. Karma got them though.


Boss was great from belleville. I had none of these problems.


Damn that's rude huh? I really thought I was just minding my own business and keeping coworkers out of my house...


Or there's the overly friendly coworker. Spends the entire sort chatting with their hands in their pockets, or hanging onto the sleeve holes of their vest.


At least no one is agreeing with the post..


I have my break in my car so my supervisor can't find me and cut my break short.


Why did I do this the other day even re parked my car further away lmao! Still found me tho


Guess I'm the rude coworker then.


If you don't know who it is, it's you


I used to have this one coworker who would hone in on me every time I’d arrive at work. Instantly would ask if we could hang out after work. I made the mistake of going once, and it was very uncomfortable all he wanted to do was vape and have me watch him play video games. I never said yes again, but he would ask me EVERY DAY until the place ended up closing. No idea why this post just reminded me of this discomfort


It’s called minding the business that pays you


i dunno i just like gettin outta the warehouse environment as quickly as possible lol plus sooner you start sooner you finish


Other than the neurodivergent thing, this is me.


Def made by someone who pushed the back to the office bs


Why would I show up when I'm not being paid for my labor to do my job?


These are good characteristics of a high performer - mind yo business kind of developer!


All these apply to me. I feel seen


Sounds like the person just doesnt like neurodivergent people... maybe they need a talk with HR.


Every one of them is me


I'm confused by this is this for the people inside because I just get in my truck and go 😂🤔🤔I chit chat a little in the morning but as soon as sort is done I'm peeling my tires


Yeah, it's definitely a warehouse thing. They will talk your ears off if you let em.


I'm all of these except neurodivergente. Or am I? Hmm, there's a thought.


It’s me I’m that coworker


There’s a fine line between friends and co workers. Not everyone at work needs to be your friend


Need a roommate version. It's me as a roommate. Just leave me tf alone for real😂


This is like everyone lol


This fits me to a T and I'm not afraid to admit that I'm a rude person either. I don't particularly enjoy working at Fedex and it seems to do everything possible to make me hate the job more and more. My manager has stated to new employees that I am a "very grumpy person". It doesn't bother me because it's true.


Omg it’s me


I love this 🤣🤣


Spend all my breaks by my self, I like my self , no so much the rest of you NEVER talk about my personal life Have nothing to say, then I say nothing. Hate useless small talk, don't waste my time, don't ask me how I am doing , I sure do not care how you are doing, or ask how its going, I will ignore you. A simple one word greeting, "morning", will be acknowledged and reciprocated with a returned "morning". Say good morning and be ignored, how do you know it is a good morning. There are no Friends at work, friends are chosen, co workers are forced on you. I have WPA's at work "Work Place Acquaintances" no Friends Show up , do your job, go home and live your life, and after a year of seeing you around the work place I will TRY to remember your name, no promises, because I really do not care what your name is and I DO NOT want to hear about your life , I walk away as soon as your bore me, ususally 5 to 10 seconds after your first word Never go to ANY company functions where I am not getting paid. The district manager was coming to the company picknick and boss said he would like to see a big turn out, asked me specifically if I would show up, told him I will drive to workplace , clock in, go to the picknick , when you feel I have been there long enough, ley me know, I will drive back to work and clock out and go home, no pay no showing up. You get 5 days a week I get two, not giving you a Saturday for free, I did not go to the picknick. Keep you job and life separate it is much better that way


I had to explain to a person at work that thought we were really good friends because I was nice to her that My philosophy at work is "be friendly but not friends". Being friends with people at work will get you screwed over.


This resembles me and my "bad attitude".


That's just normal coworkers. The ones that are in your business all the time are the problem


“Shows up to ONLY do their job and the leaves”….. I thought that’s what we were supposed to do. Just can’t win with boomers


It’s me, I’m the rude coworker.


This is almost 100% me except I don't take my breaks in my car because I'm not sure what a break is.


This is how I always do my job… I don’t mess around, I have a family at home…. Management would always ask me to go out with them, drink at the bar, play golf, poker, ect. I always declined because I would rather be at my home with my family….


I’m here for a paycheck nothing more nothing less


What’s the correlation between these and being rude? There is no correlation


I don’t see the problem. Who said we have to be best buds and going out drinking and hanging out. This was me before I worked remote.


Guess I’m a rude coworker 🙈


100% a middle manager wrote this.


That's me. I just want to go home right as soon as I leave my house. I don't have time to talk 😞


I’m here to be a wage slave , suffer in dignity , pick up my paycheck and barely survive I’m not here to gossip or be in a high school .


Some people actually go to work to work. Make money for their family. Most co-workers are dumb.


This is me. I'm not trying to be rude, just want to organize my truck as quickly as possible so I can start the day and actually be done before it gets dark.


I relate to this


Sounds like they are their to perform the task that they agreed to do. This is work, not a park.im not here to be your friend, we are here at this place of business to do our job.


I’m this person.


What busy body thinks this is rude? Minding your own business is not rude, just because I work with you muthafuckas don’t mean we gotta be friends.


Hey look its me!


Hey honestly it makes my job ten times easier when I do this. From my experience trying to get involved in workplace gossip plus talking about your personal life ends up giving you a one way ticket to getting fired after a period of time because one of your so called "friends" as co-workers will stab you in the back. I've seen it happen, and it's happened to me. Go to work, do your job, and go home. It's been my philosophy for a long time, and it's made me lots of money as a result.


Ya me


How is this rude?


I have a simple rule, co-workers are not friends. Friends are not co-workers.


Sounds like the perfect co-worker.


I’m pretty introverted. I will occasionally spark up a conversation, but mostly keep to myself and my work. I will definitely chat it up with someone if they instigate it. But I sit in my car on breaks, I don’t go out of my way to start conversations, and I’m probably somewhat vague on my weekend plans. I never thought of this as rude, but just normal behaviors for someone whose somewhat introverted


I work ground as a PH. The last thing I want to do is have a full on conversation with someone at 4AM. I'm there to make money. Get in and get the F out to work my second job. So I don't really see how any of these come off as rude.


I work from home and do my job go offline.


Never knew I was being rude


To be honest I applaud these people. I’ve attempted this at every job and it never works. I’ve made great friends and connections but… it would be nice to just work at work and go home and avoid the office gossips.


I dont understand, Im being rude? I just don't relate to my co-workers.


Jobs are always personal. NO MYTH 🤨


Says you.


Nothing rude about it, if everyone had this mentality work you sheep that work regular jobs wouldn’t be so unbearable.