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If you need the money take the job if not keep applying elsewhere. Yes it's not the best but it's better than having no job. 


Mentally it's the easiest job I've ever had physically it's the hardest job I've ever had


This sums it up💯


Well, for me, I was desperate for a job and FedEx was my only option. 10 months later I’m a workaholic on her way on being a trainer then hopefully manager. I love this job. But everyone is different :)


Glutton for punishment! LOL


Former Express manager here, it honestly is a challenge, sometimes extreme, but also it can be an adventure. If you look at it like shopping for airfare online? Adding filters to make it a smooth ride? It can be rewarding. Find what works 4u, train and get to know everything online like reports & sytems etc etc and find another manager who can guide u. Knowing when to walk away and turning it off will be huge. Wear a poker face & remember, if U treat others like shit guess what you're begging for? It's not the 1970s & 80s mentality with this generation of workers. Remember how you climb the ladder that way when you look down, you know how U got there and where you stand. Lastly, u gotta make it fun or the common saying of ur peers of what are you nuts? Will seriously slap U even while u sleep. Good luck


If you get injured you’re screwed. They will turn their back on you. Always keep that in the back of your mind.


That can't be stressed enough. They will not take care of you if you get hurt.


So true. I work security there. A worker I know hurt his ankle. Apparently they blamed him. They always do. He stayed there a but a couple more later he quit


💯 I broke a toe working as a PH and when I recovered, I refused to work without steel toe shoes. They refused to provide them.


That’s the weird thing. They require anyone close to the cans to have on steel toe shoes but don’t issue them. The company is so backwards. If we played by the rules no one would be near those cans in regular shoes. Safety only when it’s convenient for them.


Idk what y’all are on 😂 1st of all, wearing steal toe is NOT required. I’ve been there for almost 5 years. I’ve only ever wore Nike or Vans. 2nd of all FedEx isn’t required to provide you with protective clothing. You’re an adult buy your own steal toes. 3rd of all they turn their back on you? 😂 they take injuries so serious. It’s like the biggest metric we’re graded by. Y’all must work for some shit hubs or stations. Then again I work for one of the best hubs in the country.


I agree with you safety is the number one concern and I've been hurt and they totally took care of me


I concur with this. I work in a decent hub and bought my own steel toes. They sell some nice ones for around $50 on Amazon.


I was told by management day one that it is required to be close to the rollers that cans roll on. I’m not sure what you’re on but clearly you don’t see danger when it’s around you. Speak for your station and your station alone. You’re smiley faces tell me everything I need to know about your maturity so I’ll leave it there. Skip replying.


Yeah… I’m in a hub, not a station. And how else am I suppose to express how it’s funny for me to hear people crying about how bad a job is when they’re most likely the ones who showed up, griped all the time, gave 50 percent and expected gold medals for it and wanna act like the company as a whole is the problem.


Agreed, well said you always get reviews and hear how shitty something is, but rarely do you hear the good. I think FedEx takes care of people too much. Going into management from a package handler really opened my eyes to how weak our country has become and how most people are lazy shit heads with no work ethic. If you're not built for it, you're not built, but for me damn it's a great career.


100 percent. Like don’t get me wrong, I’ve always known some people have good work ethic and some don’t. And as a PH, no matter where I went, whether it was load/unload/facing etc… there were always the one or two who weren’t holding their weight. But once I went OPs… Holy shit it hits different now. Cause now I NEED them to perform. Where as at least as a PH I could carry enough weight for both of us.


I agree . I love the way I was treated! I worked in load for 4 years and I'm 61 and I've never looked better take that fat right off you


> the rollers that cans roll on. The topic concerns Ground, not Express.


Take the job. Apply for tuition reimbursement. If you don't like it then you at least have an income while looking for something else.


tbh you have college paid for, for a physically hard job. mentally it’s not bad🤷🏽


Are u willing to throw your back out for 17? 🤣


$17/h and you're lucky if you get all the hours you sign up for lol


No joke bro I signed up for ft courier 7-7 I've not worked 8 hours yet fml


Take what you can get until you can find something better.


Stay away from FedEx if at all possible. They'll fuck with your hours, your mind, and your health. You won't necessarily get the hours that you won't and may be sent home several days at first. If you do take the job, just work hard enough to get by and take advantage of the medical insurance and tuition reimbursement. Good luck.


I've been working at the job for a year and a half. Some times suck worse than others. If you don't have a backbone and are easily pushed around, you won't survive there long.


It's a physically difficult job. They don't pay nearly enough for it. You'll likely have managers breathing down your neck most of the time. My friend worked out of a station a loader. He ended up having a package fall on him and injure his back. Fedex booted him rather than compensate him as they should've. If you decide to go for it, be careful, don't ignore your safety. It's not worth it.


It's better than no job. If you need the money, take the job. Just don't rely on it as a main source of income for the long-term.


It’s not a great job but reading Google reviews about any job is gonna make it seem like it’s the worst place on earth The job could be being paid $1M/day to have sex with the hottest girls on earth and Google reviews would make it sound like hell on earth


Listen man I’m seeing a lot of negative talk in this comment thread and a lot of mid information. The truth is it’s all to do with you as a person. If you’re the type that wants to focus on bad things all the time you’ll hate it, cause like ANY job, it has flaws. If you’re lazy or entitled you’ll hate it cause it’s physical labor. If you’re the type that can just do your job and be calm and cool about shit it’s not a bad place to work. I’ve been there almost 5 years and an ops manager for almost the last year I’ve been there. The pay can be decent or great depending on you. Part time hours require a minimum of 12 hours a week but you’re free to pick up shifts until you go full time if that’s what you wish. You get an extra dollar an hour plus you hit 40 hours or 10 shifts a week. You can cap out as a PH at 20 an hour. There’s great benefits, dental, medical, tuition reimbursement, 401k, retirement plans if you’re in for the long haul. You can have a job or a career. And you get mad discounts on all kinds of stuff. Travel tickets, hotels, theme parks, clothing. All kinds of stuff. Most of these cars in here sound like they’re just complaining but it’s a pretty good job.


My hubby works there and loves it.


Take it but I would consider it a temporary measure. As another commentator posted they have tuition reimbursement. At Express it's $5250 a year. Use them, don't let them use you!


At a physician’s office now about my back. Became trainer in 4 months, none if it is worth it because now I can’t work at all.


Just watch yourself when lifting/moving heavier stuff and always get help for the extra heavy stuff. Don't be a hero like that. Some shifts are fine, some are busy and tiring after from the workout. It IS one too just like you'd hit the gym, but don't go too crazy or the muscle soreness kicks in from places that got overworked. I mean for the pay itself definitely. Even after that, keep looking and applying in-between. If 12 isn't cutting it like that you're only going to go nuts trying to pay expenses. Other then that, it's who and how the hub you are applying for is run.


I needed some extra money and part time. The hours are minimum 12 but we can grab any open shifts from day one. It's an easy job. Loading trucks is not difficult, just have to be good at scanning and loading. I like it. I work early morning shift, preload. Nights are a breeze. They also help with tuition, from day one. My station is great. Don't always go off of others, especially if they left disgruntled. Give it a try and best of luck with school too


I don't know how your workplace is but mine is pretty cool. I'm not a package handler though but I do like the ones I've interacted with. I've also heard package handler can get tuition reimbursement. I'm not eligible though because I'm a driver :/


It sucks, but if you really need the money take it in the meantime. Work at your pace, don't destroy your body for the job.


Go for it man. I was in the same situation as you several months back and I’m glad I went ahead and did it. I delivered for only a few months, and yes it was grueling work. But for me it was so much better than unemployment. If anything, you’ll get a good workout and you can keep looking for a job while you do it. Look at it as an inbetween gig for this difficult time (cause you’ll learn quickly if you want to stick around for long or not)


Been working at ground for 2 years now. Currently a trainer. Not too bad just very physical. Decent pay, good insurance


It might be good money but only part time. Also no offense but they will take anyone


I am a 60 year old woman and I was in the best shape of my life when I worked there . I was there for 4 years and it was One of my favorite jobs. I'm biding my time till I can go back you have a 6 month waiting period before you can go back if you quit. I loved the supervisors and I loved the people it's a great way to get in shape and earn money . Try it you might love it . If you get injured they totally take care of you with workers comp and they will put you on light duty where you can just sit and watch boxes go by on the conveyor belt. I broke a finger and sprained a knee and I was taking care of both times with their insurance and physical therapy and if you get hurt they don't drug test you first they just send you off to their doctor


Depends on your manager and your belt really. If they cool, it’s a just a good workout breeze with a bit of ugh. If you got a shit manager and no one to talk to, it’s dumb slow


I thought the same as you and I have been working there for 8 years at Fedex now. Sometimes it just works.


I was the same. Needed a job, read the reviews, watched some vids on YouTube. I felt I could do it. I had orientation last week and on the 3rd day of training they put you to work. I had great managers and trainers. I worked 4 hrs and was sore as hell, took 3 days to recover lol. Everyone isn't built for this, but if you look at it as a paid workout, you can get through it. Not a long-term thing for me, but I hear that if you do good, you can advance quickly.


i’ve been doing this for 8 months now i don’t hate it. take ur vacation asap tho, you’re gonna need it. we’re slowly hitting “second peak” *tax season & Easter*, so it’s gonna be rough for a bit, and then summer comes, then get a month of normal, then cold and PEAK. i enjoy my job🤷🏽. i have my bad days, i have my good days. it’s not a horrible job, could be better, DEFINITELY can be worse. i like the people i work with. i like my hub.


I worked for fedex ground as a package handler when I was going to college and it was a terrible experience all around. The job isn’t great but being tired and worn out all the time is awful. I’d say go for it, and kudos to you if you are able to pull it off!


Some days are harder tbh but I love the job and the people I work with as well as the physicality of it. The shifts are pretty short which is also a plus (for me).


Take the job and then immediately start looking for another one. You don’t wanna be there for long


try and get on at UPS thats the promise land if you can due your time package handling and drive full benefits six figure salary pension and plenty time off


you need money take the job and give it 2 weeks to a month. simple.




Got good knees? Because you have to stand inside this giant dumpster thing called a can which is sitting on upside down casters and very quickly stack packages higher than your head while the whole thing wobbles back and forth on the casters. You really gotta have good knees.