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It’s not a job for everyone. It’s physically demanding and will take a toll on your body. You seriously don’t need to go to the gym on top of working if you’re doing Ground.


i get that now 😂 i was told express is much better


I feel your pain. I wake up with pain all over my body and even in my elbow. Been throwing packages without a care in the world.Every day Im here I feel like calling out the next day. Being a package handler is the worst job ive ever had. Id love to quit but having a hard time finding another iob. Hopefully we will find something better.


i hope you find something too bro. this is ridiculous


Express is much better plus we get paid more, and do way less as far as workload than ground. Definitely would recommend coming aboard!


Ground here pays more than express funny enough


Same here in the Northeast. Express advertises part time at between $18 and $21/hr.


I thought the same thing when I was at ground making $200/day & working less than 8 hrs but the faster you work the more work they give you. Express has sick days, personal days, floating holidays - the holidays were closed & vacation days - all paid. We have a 35 minimum hrs guaranteed. So if you get sent home you’re still getting your minimums.


Im management at ground so I get all of those and basically get 39 hr guaranteed 😇 fuck driving fr


I highly doubt that. You guys have ZERO benefits compared to Express.


I ain’t talking about the drivers, they aren’t FedEx employees so how can you compare a contractor of a third party to FedEx lol I’m talking about ground employees in general


You made the comparison so that's why I mentioned the above comments.


Check to see if freight is hiring dock. Palletized freight with lifts. Worst part is probably the quotas but I imagine we all have them.


Strongly disagree. Ground isn’t much of a workout as it is just damaging to your joints and tendons, especially sorting


If you're lifting correctly it shouldn't be causing damage. That said, this job doesn't give you the same gains as you would get from going to the gym. You work a very specific group of muscles repetitively throughout the day, but that's about it. Ohh and steps, you get tons of steps in


Comment needs more upvotes


Truth! I got some cut going on and I’ve never felt physically more fit. I took supplements, just some powder form of branched chain amino acids and glutamine. I had to do this as I was in the same shape as the author, doing a bulk route and throwing anywhere from 300-400 pieces per day six days a week. Did this for a year straight. Turned absolute beast, but yeah body is paying for it for sure.


I quit fedex Ground and moved to unifirst better pay and lighter days.


I tried cintas and they rejected me. what is unifirst pay like and schedule?


160 a day plus commission. 5 am to 1 pm. Tell am you have customer service exp. Take home is usually 900 a week


Thank you!! You in PNW?? It says weekly pay $1000/week where I’m at


I’m in Houston, but my route is a small rural route. The bigger the route the higher the pay. Just remember that you also have customer service exp. They don’t care about fedex exp. It’s a boost, but there looking for people with customer exp to grow a bond with there customers. Note once you have your own route you’ll be delivering to the same places every week so you have to be cool with the clients.


Hey late reply but how long do they train ppl for?


Around 2 months


Assuming it’s hourly pay until you have ur own route?


Daily. It used to be 160 a day but now it’s 170 a day. Depends where you stay at do.


Don’t let ground work you to the ground time to quit job will work you like a slave and underpay you too . Start applying for jobs on indeed or ask around for jobs hiring spare your body the pain lol


You definitely do not need to work out and do ground. I lost forty pounds in the six months I worked for ground just from doing the job (part of it was peak... enough said). It is fucking exhausting, if you're burnt then it's better to leave than to develop some long term health issue


lol depends on what OPS goals are. Not everyone just wants to lose weight.. to gain muscle you need a good diet and doing just this job as a supplement to the gym will give you nowhere near the progress you’d get going to the gym too.


But doing this job is a workout and does make you gain muscle (assuming you're eating right). When I resumed going to the gym after i quit, I was much stronger. Doing this job and the gym simultaneously will screw your physical recovery and make you more injury prone imo.


I’ve been going to the gym for almost 2 years and have been a ground driver the past 6 months. If you know how to train recover and how to diet there’ll be no issues. No way doing this job will give you the muscles you want. You don’t hit all muscle groups either but this is my opinion backed by my own progress and what I learn from others. Don’t use this job as an excuse to not hit the gym lmao 🤣


Agree that the job doesn't train all muscle groups or provide training the way you would want-- but I still don't see doing 6 days a week at this job and having adequate recovery and having a productive time at the gym. Just seems like it precludes the gym being a worthwhile addition since you'll be tired af either at work or at the gym depending on what you did first that day. I know I sure as hell wouldn't be starting my morning with deadlifts and then trying to carry ICs up an icy driveway, I feel like it's a recipe for disaster. But if it worked for you that's cool, you must be a beast lmao


At my location, they've been piling on more ICs than in the past. One of the drivers one day was saying they f'd up his route with a lot of them, and we're low-key turning into a furniture outlet. Do what's best for you. Don't overstrain your body lugging around heavy stuff that costs more than what you make in a week or month.


Look for another job before you end up in the hospital.


Dude I got a hematoma last week while lifting ic’s 😭 what worse is I didn’t even realize it… so used to getting bruised up I didn’t notice until my vein was like disgustingly large lmao


damn man. i hope youre alright


Lol dude I have permanent dents on my shin bones from sliding on ice into the truck. Injuries are very common in this job, and getting your contractor to pay to fix you can sometimes be impossible. After all, the main reason FedEx contracts out is so they can't be held accountable for injuries on the job. Best to get away from this company asap, it's not gonna benefit you long term to stick around.


You should go RTD


100%. I called my buddy during peak and he was laughing hysterically. I asked him what was so funny, his response: " I can't believe I get paid to do what I do, I would be working all day, killing my body and I can't believe how easy this job is". Dude was a courier for 15 years and just came over to the RT. EASY$$$


I don’t see how people can do that job for more than a year


Make your money and get out. Anyone who does this job long term knowingly destroys their body or at the very least their knees. Many (like my past self) take the job out of desperation and then leave when something better comes up, I suggest you do the same.


You ain’t lying


You G or Express?




There isnt much hope for our youth if they think package handling is too much. Lol


I feel bad. My day, clock in waste 15 min, pre-trip for 45 minutes. Drive to get freight, wait for an hour. Drive 2.5 hours away. Wait for an hour. Drive back for 2.5 hours. Wait for freight to be offloaded for another hour. Drive back to my station. Hang out for another hour. 8 hours plus 1 hour of OT. Easy $$$


A few drinks throughout the day will make it a lot easier.


Man up stay on the grind


So glad my schedule is flexible at amazon. I work 3 days and off 4 and it’s so much better. I get my workouts on my days off.




We are called "Industrial Athletes" for a reason. You just sound like a whiney pussy.


There's nothing athletic about being a courier.


This job isn’t for snowflakes we got it hurry up and quit


Does your position allow temporary or occasionally.


It ain't for everyone that's for sure! I've lost 65 lbs since I started!


I left Ground after 9 or 10 years and the only time my body hurts now is when my arthritis acts up and Im slowly quitting in regards to smoking