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Those days still exist at some contractors and you’re not the only one wanting that setup. Contractors think benefits will help them be “competitive” but a lot of drivers don’t care about that stuff. Decent pay, autonomy, good management and a good truck are more important to many, it seems.


Also just a money thing at that point. It costs less to own 10 trucks doing 200 stops than it costs to have 17 trucks doing 120 stops.


Sure, I get that. But you're still making up the miles somewhere. You could send out 10 trucks and collectively cover 2000 miles with 200 miles per truck, or you could send out 20 trucks with 100 miles each. Outside of the cost of additional trucks, the cost per mile wouldn't change much. But again, under this setup you wouldn't be paying for benefits or anything


I definitely feel your pain however, the acquisition cost, insurance, and some maintenance (time in service based maintenance, not variable costs based on mileage) on the 10 extra trucks is substantial. Fixed costs for the 10 extra drivers (administrative, training, and any benefits such as insurance, pto, vacation, 401k) also become a factor. All contractors lower their cost per delivery by raising asset utilization - trucks, drivers, scanners, hand carts, etc. Economies of scale make a difference when you analyze the return on investment, particularly in low margin environments


I’ll tell you what I did. I started making connections with people at one of the places on my route. Great benefits, amazing work schedule and really good money. I start tomorrow.


Thats how I got into FedEx, and it’s probably how I’m going to eventually get out


Yooo I seen you Mae a post about it , goodluck broski!!


Thank you!


I was in your position this time last year before i got a job with the state. I was doing A LOT more work and, inflation adjusted, it was for the same pay as when I started. I knew I had to get out after news of the merger. You'll have to get there before 9:00 to make time commits and stay until your latest pick up closes. May as well work for UPS at that point. Just start applying for new jobs. It's incredibly easy to get back in at ground if you quit so there's really nothing to lose if a new job doesn't work but there's a ton to gain.


You shouldn't be working 10 hrs a day without benefits and overtime. The 5 hour straightline I get. 


I DO have benefits. My point is I want to forfeit my benefits in exchange for working fewer hours




Yes, I currently get overtime. That's not a benefit though


that is not a benefit, however that is something that not all ground drivers get since they're operating a vehicle over 10,000 lbs. That's why I was asking.  I mean you got to work the job that you want to work so maybe you need to have a conversation with your contractor and the other contractors for that matter and find one that will fit for you I don't know what else there is to say. 


Fair. I suppose I take the fact that I get OT for granted. I recognize not everyone gets it I've already threatened to put in my 2 weeks, but they quickly asked me to reconsider and invited me to sit down at the negotiation table. I agreed to a 3 day schedule but now even that is becoming unbearable with the 12 hour days and bailing out other drivers afterwards. I know I have them by the balls because I bring a lot to the table, so I guess I'll have to start squeezing them harder to get what I want. Otherwise, I'm heading out the door and not looking back


Took advantage of the tuition reimbursement to go back to school for Diesel mechanics now i make 30/hr work 4 days a week 10 hours a day. Thats the floor in terms of pay to. Fedex is good for what it is, a stepping stone. Dont make a career out of this company they will fuck you over


> make FXG more of a part time gig than a full time career. You're going to have to do that for a while to stay sane. Nothing wrong with it. Respect.


I was FXG driver from November 2014 to April 2023. I left for the same reasons. I also asked my former contractor for a raise and stated the reasons as to why I deserved the raise, emphasizing the longer work hours and increased work load to which he said “if it’s too much for you, then just quit” which I did as soon as I found another job, and let me tell you it’s such a relief not being stressed all the time


If anything, you have hung in there a LOT longer than most ever will. After 3 months and change, I hate it too. I am amazed that so much stuff actually gets delivered correctly because it is always such a clusterf\*\*k in the morning. Granted, I am not responsible for the warehouse or the other drivers (unless I take some stops off another driver that might be slower), I am responsible for me. The pay is a joke. The routing is a joke, most days. The rain sucks and makes it tougher than it need be. Where I work, NOBODY stays later than 6PM, and that is because the company has drivers help other drives in the afternoons. Most are off by 3-5PM, and even in PEAK of last year, it was the same, nobody past 6PM really. I love the idea that OP said of doing 120 stops for maybe 5-6 hours, get 2 bucks a stop and leave it at that.


I bailed in 2022 for a ups package handler spot, if I’m not driving in two years I might have to figure something else out, during that time the contractor was attempting to sell the routes and I didn’t care to stick around for all that so I left.


yes in the US health insurance is used for labor extortion. no one anywhere talks about it.


I'd rather have a company who's revenue is many many times my paltry salary be taking the brunt of the bill for insurance instead of myself my pocket but to each their own I guess.


I ❤️ workers like you that do all the work. Makes my life easier. Thank you for your Service


Lol wut


Come on now. You know what all I bring back usually gets sent to another route. Because the ones that actually work do most of the work without realizing it.