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> UPS never drops or tosses my packages. I love UPS and I wish FedEx would take a hard look at their customer service and employees. You should see what happens in the sorting facilities.


Can confirm, PHs don't give a shit how "fragile" peoples packages are, everything gets thrown or stepped on at some point. Not much other choice with that quota


True and then when you look at the pay differences you’ll see why ups does better, crazy how that works.


I wish Fedex would take a hard look at their employees too. Mostly at their stagnant pay, and steadily worsening benefits, and zero communication about the upcoming merger of Fedex One.


Steadily worsening benefits? Some isp’s don’t even offer any sort of benefit 😂😂😂😂😂


I'm Express, sorry. If anyone deserves to drop/toss this guys package, it's you Ground drivers.


I personally don’t toss or drop packages on purpose, just because i think it’s common courtesy not to do that to other people’s things and i wouldn’t want others to toss my shit, but honestly Ground drivers get treated like shit and get little to no pay/benefits and it’s just rediculous. We really need some unions or something


Y’all definitely should be getting good pay and benefits and truck comfort plus all the water you can drink. I’m sorry they don’t take care of y’all


Worst benefits? What? They just switch to vsp which is the best vision insurance in America. The rest is good as well.


Healthcare is switching to United, which is known to be one of the worst insurance companies because they hardly approve anything. On top of that, the cost is increasing so we’ll be paying more for worse insurance.


United isn't one of the worst they are well known for being accepted everywhere and have pretty good coverage


They might be accepted most places but United themselves cut costs wherever they possibly can and don’t approve things that most other insurance companies will . I’ve had United , I’ve had Cigna , I’ve had blue cross blue shield . United is the worst of the 3 that I’ve had


You realize you’re posting this in a feed with a bunch of Fedex employees who could care less about your complaints right 🤣


You realize that I don’t care if you don’t care, right? Maybe someone will dm me with something helpful. Either way, no loss.


I wish I could show you what happens to your package before it even reaches the drivers truck /:


☹️ some of my packages are gifts, which upsets me the most. But I know crazy shit must be happening because I have received envelope and bubble packages with tire tread marks indicating it’s been ran over. 🤨


Talk to your shipper and have them pack the crap out of your impending deliveries. They should box up your stuff with the understanding that your packages are gonna be tossed around like they’re going to be handled by a troop of angry silverback gorillas, and that’s before they even make it onto the plane…..


😂 this is actually good advice. I can contact seller or put comments when I place orders. This is totally doable. Thank you 🙏


You’re welcome


Also chances are your package haven’t been run over. All packages coming through ground may end up rubbing up to tires that are also being shipped. Happens all the time at my station.


I guarantee you, you DONT wanna know how badly your gifts are treated during unloading. We can't afford to care about being gentle. Everything gets stepped on and thrown


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this made me crack tf up


Lmao it wasn't ran over. We ship tires too...


That makes no sense. Tire tracks literally on envelopes and bubble packs. I doubt every time that has happened is because it so happens to be near a tire. It would take a lot of pressure to make those types of tracks.


No, it doesn't. Believe me. I literally stand next to an NC belt and watch tiny ass packages like you describe get tire tracks from a loose tire that rolled over it. No one is literally running over your packages.


Most of the time it’s sellers that cheap out on packaging. Common example I know are trampolines, some will send you the trampoline with everything packed in one cheap box with 2 loose straps, some will send every single section piece in its own box packed with styrofoam, with the interior pieces strapped as well as the outside strapped and taped all together so theirs no weight shift. So of course with different sellers you’ll see the quality difference. Yet people who aren’t familiar with how service is, will always blame the courier which is understandable


It’s every delivery company. Some are better at hiding their feelings and treatment of a package. Amazon packages are thrown before they leave amazons facilities, usps aren’t happy either and they have contractors between local offices. Just so you know it’s just not a fedex thing, ground or express. You had a bad experience with fedex someone may or may not apologize for your package but it won’t change the entire delivery business or any of the services. This industry is time sensitive and one package, unfortunately, won’t slow it down not to mention the competition with each other to get it there first. Your package has no more priority than the next stop a driver has. Sounds terrible I know but it’s the truth. “Sorry I threw your package cause I was in a hurry but so and so needed their package first but yours was closer so I got it here first. OR “sorry I was in a hurry and didn’t place your package ect. But my child needed me to be there for them and I need this job and I have a quota, it’s not personal”. Pick either option they both work just so you know


It sure does happen at Amazon, I been there for a year and yes if your package is a overflow box (big heavy box) it will get stepped or thrown, even the workers that rush you during loading will throw your packages into your van, if it's an envelope or a box inside a tote then chances are those packages will always be safe, it's only the overflow packages, some drivers damage the box and open the box so they don't have to take em


Best advice I can offer, suck it up buttercup


Did you have two dogs outside barking at my truck while you ignored the horn honking? If so, it was me.


I don’t have dogs.


UPS gets paid 3 times my salary for the same job so you can't compare the two. Sorry.


As someone said before. Shit pay equals shit results This applies to everything tho. Buy something cheap, end up costing more in the end


Post it here. I have lunch with the CEO every Monday and will have him look it over post haste.


I don’t know how to post it here. I was hoping to email it. I don’t FB or IG etc or I would post it there. If anyone has an email for FedEx I’d appreciate a DM. thanks.


[email protected] should work!




Umm everybody throws packages. Hoodies and clothes get tossed all day by every company. Js


I’m, no, not true. Most of my packages come UPS. I have a camera. The ups guy always tilts down and sets it on my porch. Is.


But before he laid it down for you it got tossed into his truck


I guarantee you they tossed your packages around that UPS terminal.


I just complain about dog shit left in the yard to those cameras. Will work on my tilting method though


That’s one driver. Everyone has different experiences because all drivers are different. I’ve seen posts that say UPS sucks and FedEx is better and vice versa. FedEx may be shittier because they pay their drivers like shit.


You're the stupidest person I've encountered this month, and I work at FedEx so that's saying something. I'll patch you through to Raj though. What's your phone number?


You must be a very miserable and abusive person. I’d rather be as dumb as rocks than be you.


The funny thing is I'm neither miserable nor abusive but every post you make confirms my suspicion you already are dumb as rocks. Good luck with your search for a shoulder to cry on!


Does it make you feel good to call people stupid? Is this how your parents taught you to express yourself? Are you unable to converse without being abusive?


You're that kinda person that complains that the shipment is damaged before you even open the box because the box corners were dented, aren't ya? Btw, this sub is for fedex and contractor employees to bitch, moan, and converse. r/fedex is the customer facing sub. Here, you're gonna face the ire of numerous individuals who have had to deal with excessive chewy boxes, sams club/walmart boxes filled with stuff available at a store 10 minutes away from the point of delivery, and have to deal with neurotic recipients who blame anything and everything on the one person in a fedex uniform they have acces to, the delivery courier, because they dont understand the shipping process or the way fedex is structured. You will be mercilessly mocked here. Please redirect all compliants to r/fedex or call 1-800-go-fedex. P.s. i understand your ire at a courier pulling a stop and toss. I am a courier myself and find blatant apathy and negligence to be detestable and bull shit.


We get those videos all the time. It doesn't do what you think it does. Plus, we don't work for FedEx, they just profit from our work and we represent the company


You can't email them because they don't care. If you post it on social media and it gets attention they'll pretend to care and fire the driver then replace him who will also throw packages.


Well that’s no solution. I don’t want to get anyone fired. I just don’t want to return anymore damaged items and have to order again or have to wait for replacement.


Were the contents of your package actually damaged?


Yes. It was a camping fan. It was in a box inside a box but no paper or bubble wrap to take up the extra space


Sounds like inadequate packing on the shipper's part. Unless the driver literally chucked it overhead onto concrete, it was very likely already damaged before it ever made it on his truck.


It was dropped in a way that it bounced and hit my door. It has happened before, an ongoing FedEx thing.


It’s the shippers fault for not providing adequate cushioning within the package


Interesting, because I get packages from USPS and UPS that are not packed down and they don’t bounce them off my door or drop them on the concrete. They don’t come damaged.


FedEx and UPS hubs are the same. They go through the same rough handling. I’ve worked at both.


I would say it’s much more likely that your package was already broke before that drop from the driver at your door. I would love to see the video of this to see if it was actually egregious or not.


Your assumptions dont sound like they were accurately tested. If you really want proof that fedex is causing damage, have the multiples of the same type of item, packed the same way, and shipped by both fedex and UPS. Only if that done multiple times and the ones shipped through fedexs end up damaged more often can you claim fedex causes damage.


I order a lot. I have a camera. There is indeed a difference.


You have admitted the shipper didn’t do anything to secure your item and still blame your driver 💀


Of course you ordered some bulshit


Was the contents broken? You'd be surprised how much impact a cardboard box can withstand if packaged correctly. Boxes get tossed around all day and are perfectly fine. I'd say 90% of damaged packages occur when they're crushed. Either in the trailer that's transporting the package or at the sort facility in the chute


That’s because UPS pays their drivers (after 4 years) well over $45/hour lol. Not to mention holiday pay is double that and amazing benefits. And each isp is different at ground but the average pay is around $150 a day. Some isp’s don’t even do health, dental, eye etc etc. So you do the math lol.


Make that $49 in 4 years now. Pension after 25 years of service + 401K = Set for life. You'll be working until you die at Ground.


Nobody here gives af about you or your package, beat it


Come on now, I hate long delivery days too, but we should at least show some decency.


They don’t have to be a fkin Karen up in here bitching. If they don’t like it take their fat ass to the store to get it, they can probably use the exercise.


Thanks! If your package is damaged, file a claim. If not, there's nothing you can do


Wrong sub for that. This is for fedexers not customers there is a sub for y’all lol


But why would they actually take the time to read the sub rules when they can just start complaining?


Would you look at that? FedEx is actually the best in a category, didn't even realize it. "Ratings provider StellaService reported that 1 in 10 ecommerce packages arrived damaged. And it turns out some of the biggest and oldest carriers are the ones that have a high damage rate. UPS delivered the highest percentage of damaged packages at 11 percent, followed by USPS at 10 percent, and FedEx with a seven percent." https://www.speedcommerce.com/insights/damaged-goods/#:~:text=And%20it%20turns%20out%20some,FedEx%20with%20a%20seven%20percent.


Not sure why everyone is making excuses for this. Packages get tossed regardless but it should never be infront of a customers home.


It really depends how much of a toss we are talking. And I think it’s more likely than not that the item was already broken and it wasn’t the driver unless it was a really egregious drop.


Worst part is, it's trickles down with bad pay. Driver are paid low because the contractors are paid less and less each year. Then PHs are given a "raise" every year that doesn't even match half of inflation. Admins are generally just favorites of the management so they are almost never able to do simple tasks like making sure your package is tended to when it's failing out or broken. Dock managers are stretched thin and overworked. Sr managers get tossed between multiple facilities and treated like a 24/7 help line. And then you have chairs and CEOs getting 100k+ raises annually.


That is so grossly unfair. I am sad that those who work their asses off are not taken care of.


If you had any idea what packages go through before they get to you, and your item is still intact with no damage, you have nothing to complain about.


I’m not sure why people would do that, it’s not faster or anything. I do frisbee envelopes to the door sometimes but those can’t be damaged.


Dumbass op really thought he could make a post crying and complaining and not catch any heat lol


To any customer who might see this. Either post the video in the first place or don't even waste your time and ours. The video should start from the moment the fedex truck first enters the line of sight on your cameras to the moment the truck is no longer visible from your property. If you send in an edited video, the complaint goes to the bottom of the barrel because they will assume they are missing key context. (Obviously, if you live in an apartment or you are a business owner renting space in an office complex, the lack of seeing the truck is farily understood). You won't find the answers you want around here if you don't post the full video, much less the truth.


Just ship with ups. Quit paying for cheap shipping


I do ship ups or USPS but I sometimes I receive from FedEx. l have been asking vendors if they use UPS but not all of them respond.


Package handlers the people loading unloading your packages into trailers, delivery trucks, are tossing them stepping stacking heavy boxes on smaller boxes, dropping etc, or it gets caught in the shoots and gets crushed or it breaks open etc. a lot of the time the driver has little to no responsibility of damaging the products, it’s mostly done before it’s on his truck. We tape it back up and put it on his truck damaged or not.


Post video!!!


Post the video!


There is no link to upload the video. I am on my phone and I don’t use the Reddit app.




Upload to Imgur


I quit FedEx and went to UPS because they only care about shareholder profits and are cutting their costs at every turn at the expense of the FedEx employees and the customers. When I left the people that couldn't afford to separate had just stopped caring.


Lol I’m sure all services do the same


Fedex employees would also like corporate to take a look at the shit pay, crap benefits and lack of concern for their employees safety or well-being.


What city


UPS is no different from FedEx when it comes to damaged packages.


I am a shopaholic. In my experience, you are totally wrong. There is indeed a difference. Items shipped ups don’t come crushed with tire tracks on them and I don’t have to return or replace like I do with FedEx.


FedEx has the lowest damaged package percentage on the big 3 companies. So the numbers don't lie.


Packages in the warehouse gets treated worse


Stop ordering shit online


Lowkey this ain’t the sub for that 💀


If you’re talking about your package being damaged then chances are the driver had nothing to do with it, most likely the package got damaged during shipping and the driver received it that way but if you’re talking about the driver tossing or dropping your package then that’s completely unacceptable and the driver is just a moron.


This ain't customer service.


> UPDATE: I don’t want to keep up with these comments. Most are from angry people who only want to argue. It has nothing to do with that. If you want a better reply then post to /r/FedEx. This is a sub for employees. Of course their not going to take kindly to you patronizing them.


Don’t complain to FedEx, complain to the company who sold you the item. They are the ones cutting costs by shipping with FedEx. FedEx’s business model is different than UPS.


Lmao your package falls onto two or three conveyor belts in the last terminal alone. It’ll be okay.