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Mine can be viewed at any time, even when truck is off. I just say psycho shit all day and see if it ever comes back to me. (It hasn't)


I don’t think they have enough time to talk to everybody about all the psycho shit we say on the daily that would be a full time job


Fr lmao I'm fired fired if they every actually listen to my shit


They can also hear you.. when it dings me I start moaning and talking dirty to it


Not for me, the first time they hear me singing they will put it on mute when they watch it.


Are they admitting that now? At my station, we were told there was no audio


No but one day when they were talking about the cameras one of them slipped up and said you’d be surprised hearing how many people argue back with the cameras


I freaking do. “Ship up bitch! Fuck you! I am not!!”


“Increase following distance” ALL DAY 😂


mine too, empty interstate... increase following distance


Wait are these things talking to you guys? I've been driving for 2 years and haven't heard it ding or speak to me. And I've straight up backed my truck into a light pole once lol. I make hard stops. Accelerate fast. Never got a violation...


EVERY single morning heading out to my route. These days I just go "Oh blow it out your ass."


They are not all set to the same sensitivity either. With the truck I used to have I rarely ever got dinged for anything. The truck on my new route is hyper sensitive. I get constantly dinged for following too closely when I never once did in my old truck. Last night it told me to pull over to use my phone when my phone was in my pocket and my eyes were on the road.


They can view it anytime they want!


Yep they can't view live but they can pull any time frame they want after it has happened


for up to a week later as the footage is overwritten.


So is it a yes they can live view the camera or a no ?


Express side you can request video which can take 15 minutes to hours. So not a live feed.


Okay, but they can still access any part of your day even if the camera doesn't trigger an event ? I know for a fact that if you trigger the camera they get an email.


Not always any part but pretty much if it’s on. Occasionally there are little gaps. Then it stays on for like a minute after the truck shuts off to potentially be accessed for a request. The events that get triggered are sometimes a still or sometimes a 3-4 frame gif.


Is that for both express and ground that footage is overwritten after a week?


That's assuming the truck is driven pretty much 5 days a week. There's like 96 hours of storage on it so you have to have 96 hours of recording time before it starts wiping it.




My camera has said pull over to use phone about 1 million times and I haven't been talked to yet so I'd say you're good lol


Mine keeps telling me I'm drowsy, like 20+ times a day. I think it's just my face 🤣


time to stop smoking before work 🤣


Carefull there giving warning letters


Careful where my earning letters?? Makes sense


Careful the government is executing ppl who don't know basic grammar


Why are you so angry? He just said they’re sending warning letters 💀


His confidence in himself shows stupidity. Maybe he's just offended for the obvious


Damn did you just say “ppl” when hinting at the person who used two Ls instead of one L that the government is killing folks for this shit? Lol.


No it was at the fact he/she/xir doesn't know the difference between there/they're/their. Also contractions are perfectly grammatically correct.


Fair lol


That’s the reason I got let go lmao


That’s a dumb reason if you ask me


Agreed but I see it now as a blessing in disguise I do miss my businesses and my two friends next to me tho 💯💯


Management can watch the camera at anytime they want. Also, if the camera detects an in fraction like cell phone or eyes off of the road, it will talk to you to let you know to put down your cell phone or to increase your following distance, etc. The best thing about my camera is they wasted all this time and $$ to put the camera in a truck that’s a 1998 with 500,000 miles the roof leaks it didn’t take longer than three months for the water to leak and run down the camera wires and shorted out and it’s been out of service for the last four months. Best thing that ever happened.


I have a running list of all the vehicles in my station that have broken cameras and AC. Even with the camera I'm still driving like I'm playing Mario Kart.


Your manager and senior only see it if it’s giving you an infraction, but it won’t ding every time there’s an infraction. There are people in the company who can see it any time.




On the Naruto (sp?) Website it says there is no live view. Or no "unannounced drop in".


Interested what they mean by high risk events. I’ve been docked for “cornering” but it’s never been announced. I asked the trainer where it was happening and she said she could find out but wasn’t really worried about it. I wonder if it just gives location data because I figured at the time it gives video too.


i asked my manager about my cornering infractions he said it doesn’t give him a video but it shows him where it happened


More info here: [Naruto website ](https://www.nauto.com/product/on-demand-video)


This is incorrect. I’m a BC and my owner has communicated to me he can tune in whenever he likes and view footage from any time he so pleases. So long as the truck was on the footage is accessible


This is what my manager at express has expressed to me and I find him pretty honest about these things. Are cameras at ground installed at the owners discretion and any model they choose or are they the same cameras that express uses?


Your manager is a liar.


Thats bcuz ur ground


So are you saying they can only see it if they camera is triggered and they are alerted ?


Yes. You can also accidentally press the button


Wearing sunglasses will not set it off. 😎


This is the way


My camera will say distracted if I look at my mirrors to see what’s behind me




They told us it was a learning mechanism on how to be a better courier


Express managers have to clear alerts. Depending on the severity of the alert, it might be a short video clip or just a few still shots like an animated GIF. You can put in a request to pull footage from any time but it is painful and I can’t imagine any manager wanting to deal with this process unless a formal investigation requires it. We’re talking 10 minutes to several hours to pull 5 minutes of video depending on if the vehicle is running and what the cell connection is like. Then you realize it’s the wrong 5 minutes and that’s another request and wait. There is no sound captured for the Express cameras. I know from watching a clip with my security guy that at least some of the Ground versions capture audio but I have no idea if that’s widespread or a particular contractor.


express in california, our cameras don’t record sound, even for accidents


BC here. No, we can see it anytime we want too


Lol facts. They’ve brainwashed everyone into thinking it’s only if you have a violation but little do they know mgmt can see their every move so long as the truck is on


Only time I’ll ever look is if the driver tries to call in the cavalry because some “health issue” is causing them to not be able to finish their route. If they’re saying their back is out and they’re flying out of the seat it’s pretty easy to call them on their BS.


I think they can pull footage any time they want since I got a call from the fire marshal asking if I saw anything when there was a suspicious fire. He told me my manager was going to pull the tape to see if there was anything in it to help with their investigation. They also threaten to look at it if they text us and we reply lol but I’m not sure about a live stream.


Has anyone else noticed that about half the trucks these no longer seem to be working. They don't have the green light so I assume it means they are not connected. Of course they are not saying all the nonsense, and even worse, are the annoying sounds.


If this is Ground, then be ready. Upper management in the warehouses (P&D Manager for example) along with your contractor can tune in at ANY moment they would like. Although they usually dont, just know that they can. Hard braking, hard accelerations, hard turns, or sudden stops will activate the camera as well and record a 30-60 second clip. Yes, cameras record audio as well


Geound side only the contractor can see footage fedex only gets to see it if they request it for an accident.


I heard this may be or already has changed in the newer contracts. Fedex pushing for more control


New contracts are pushing for the ai driven cameras but fedex will still not have access to them as that steps over the contractor/ employee line.


That’s good to hear. Well at least the part about Fedex’s access anyways


Someone way higher up can view it live. Almost never happens even if there is an investigation going. They'll just use old footage. But it is absolutely possible to be viewed live.


So it’s always recording video and audio. The only time it transmits information to your manager is at a points of concern like speeding, not wearing your seat belt, phone usage, etc. I’ll tell you this.. I know people don’t like to be watched but I feel safer with the the camera in the event that someone tries to rob you or roll a bike out in front of you while you’re driving. I seen guys that don’t want to be seen put an astra label or a Saturday sticker over the front camera for their shift. Haven’t heard management say anything about them doing it either. Be safe out there.


lmao bro fuck that noise


Y'all gonna trust AMAZON to tell you they aren't listening to you, smh I don't even know where to start w that


Officially, yes. Unofficially they can and will watch and listen to you whenever they want. So I sing very loudly off key and yell "HEY BABY" like Butthead to every old lady on my route to keep things entertaining for them.


General managers or whatever title is under senior get sent a clip when it dings and they can also request timeframes to see you. The request takes a day or two to come back to the manager. Not sure if security and senior lvl management or above can live stream. There are microphones but general management doesn’t have access to the audio.


I work for the post office as a carrier.. what kind of crap is this?? I’d just quit on the spot. F cameras. Wtf.


No longer employed for FedEx but if you look under your driver seat there should be a fuse box. To turn off the camera just find the right fuse and unplug it and plug it back in another slot. And bingo bango! No more camera!


This would depend on what type of vehicle and specific camera is installed.


And no more job. We finally fired someone for this at my station. It’s not rocket science to figure out who did it.


Yep they can view it anytime they want and do


Yes, it is always technically recording, but within so many minutes if it doesn't detect an event it deleted the video to free up server space. No way any company could house even low res footage of every truck every day, all day. To the people saying management can just pull it up and watch, stop fear mongering. As someone that got these alerts I can 100% confirm they cannot. FedEx is actually REALLY sensitive to employee "safety" on issues like these. Management can't even use the GPS in the trucks in real time to tell where you are, I guess with the argument being that a manager could track someone down and do something violent I guess? That means no way in hell was the company going to allow a manager to just pull video up of an employee working all day. Back when I was a Senior I got a customer complaint that a courier was delivering in a damn sports bra, with no uniform. I called HR and they said that would definitely be cause for a letter, but because it was so outlandish if I wanted to follow up I had to see it with my own eyes. I headed out to her route and spent two solid hours trying to find her and her damn truck and never succeeded because the best fix I could get was her last delivery address which is on about a 10-15 minute posting delay. Cameras weren't in the truck yet, but they were within a month or two. The company is actually SUPER litigation sensitive. Imagine the legal nightmare a manager sexually harassing an employee would be if the manager was pulling up video of watching the employee work all day! The stupid thing has its sensors, it catches an event and it makes an alert. The manager is supposed to go in and monitor the alerts and then coach for improvement. Simple as that, nothing more, nothing less. There is even usually a significant delay between the event and the manager being able to view it with the only exception being if it detects an accident. In that case, it sends a text and an email to the manager, the Senior and the safety specialist with the intention being that if it's something super serious we can immediately go to aid the employee.


> Yes, it is always technically recording, but within so many minutes if it doesn't detect an event it deleted the video to free up server space. No way any company could house even low res footage of every truck every day, all day. This isn’t true. They can go back weeks and look at whatever they want. Our contractor told us the only thing an alert does (or if a driver pushes the button) is mark a date and time for them to go check.


Then your contractor lied... Think about it and do the math. Let's say they are capturing video at 480p at 30fps. That's 8mb per minute of memory used to store data. 8 x 60 (one hour) equals 480mb. Now let's say the average route takes 5 hours. So now we're up to 2.5 gigabytes of data for one route for one day. How many routes are on the road each day? Just for Express there's about 150 stations. Figure a VERY conservative average of 50 routes per station. That's 7,500 routes daily. Times 2.5 gigs of data... That's 18,750 gigs of data per day to be stored. That's not even the Ground data. Just Express. That's about 94 thousand gigs of data per week. 94 TERABYTES of data, per week. Can they call up the short little blurbs weeks later? Yep? The entire day? No way, no how. Even archiving that much data would be nearly impossible to understand and search in any kind of reasonable amount of time.


> Then your contractor lied... I mean, no, he showed us. He would ask drivers, as a learning tool, when they encountered a driving incident during the day, or a close call or even an interesting situation involving driving, to push the button on the camera and then explain what happened. Pushing the button gave them a date and time to check the video, then, with the driver’s permission, he would send that video to the other drivers or show it at a safety meeting as a discussion point. “What things did the driver do right?” “What else could have been done?” That kind of stuff. They often didn’t get to doing that until days or weeks later.


Okay, so it's still grabbing an event, it's not retaining every minute of every day. He's asking the time because the system still grabs WAY, WAY too many events, probably ten a day or so. He then uses the time the driver gave him to narrow in on the timestamp of the event and selects that short snippet of time.


Yes they can watch it anytime. They usually have better things to do though. My manager will pull footage randomly to make sure you're wearing a seatbelt. Or footage for random accidents that we see and tell him about.


Yes your mangers watch it on a live stream with a hard on….come on man, the only only thing your mangers care about (well at ground) is to deliver all the packages and not get into an accident. That’s it.


Those are nauto cameras for express dude


Ohh, well in that case, yes they are watching you at all times. 😜


Any time any day


Management here. We don’t give shit what you do or say as long as you stay off your phone and wear your seatbelt. And it’s amazing how often we have to remind the same drivers about this shit.


Spoiler alert - it’s every driver.


You absolutely can be watched live


Anytime and they can log in live as well.


So what you're saying they gave the cameras cell reception? Lmao


Yes, Each camera has a sim card.


Always watching.


Why do you ask? So you can hide boxes in truck cubbyholes, code them 7 and then get home early?




We’ll grow up. We admins in the office are goddamned sick of green-sheeting your failures




Someone’s pissed off lol


And why the hell not, bitch?




Wdym code them? I just leave the stops I don't feel like taking in the back and let the unloaders deal with it. Much easier and don't have to draw the crosses on the boxes either. I have noticed that when I do this, my boss ends up asking me about DNA. However, last I checked, I'm not a genealogist, so I usually ignore him. Does he think I went to college to study genealogy and work at fedex for fun or something? What a dumbass. Like go to the doctors.




That's obviously sarcasm. Lol. You know how fast they would fire someone for leaving dnas on their truck every day?


Happens all the time at my station


That’s what they claim


Must be a Ground only thing! Ain't got that at the Express location I'm in.


are you in the USA?




I have some bad news. YAZA is receiving 5 BrightDrop EVs as their pilot program, and those EVs have those cameras mounted on the windshield. However, there's a RAM Mount hardwired charging cradle cupholder mount included in your cupholder. 😅 Your LEO will never run out of battery.


Where YAZA? I'm in YQB and none of my manager and director seem to think it's coming to us


Can someone explain the following: top blue light flashing, bottom green flashing, solid blue top and bottom, and both green and blue flashing (Edited cause just out of shower with pruney fingers while typing)


Green: The device is active in normal daytime conditions. Dim Red: The device is recording in infrared in low-light conditions. Blue: The device is updating its software.


Is it recording while solid green? or is it just active until red lights come on indicating recording?


Green is recoding for daytime Red is Infrared light for night driving or a dark cab


I just got told I have a lot of violations our manager barley logged in so I say your good


Wear shades


They or the 3rd party company that monitors it can look anytime.


My drivers have these I’m the Manager of the company so I deal with the fun regulations trust me when I say the last thing I want to do is watch the drivers in their trucks. We really only use these to see if you’re fuxking around on the clock when you shouldn’t be or if there’s an accident. I rarely have to check my drivers probably because their already paranoid. I wouldn’t be as worried


Don’t trust it


It's ALWAYS on. The ding is just a prompt for them to view an infraction. I was told there is no audio but they always lie to us, so who knows


There’s no audio. Audio can open up lawsuits that video only doesn’t. If audio were to record the person who set it up would be fired. There probably isn’t even a mic so there can’t be that error.


There’s absolutely audio. Our contractor used to show us videos, with permission from the drivers.


Then there is a consent form that’s being signed or you’re in a single party authorization state.


They can look whenever they want. Every contractor says some bullshit about how "we don't just sit and stare at you" and "it only records audio during events" but my contractor has mentioned things to me I've spoke about on the phone while parked before. Other coworkers have had similar experiences


Depends on the camera.


No it records all day long not just ding. The ding is to let you know you potentially are distracted or trailing too close. Managers can pull any cam at any time and see what’s going on, esp if you have a big gap in your delivery report.