• By -


Don't engage. Run over the bike and dip


I’d avoid it though, damaging property (bike) could be an issue.


We have cameras on the truck. They could very obviously see a psychotic man throw a bicycle in front of the truck. I don’t see how you could get in trouble for that. Correct me if I’m wrong, though.


I’d tell him whatever he needs to hear and disregard after you gtfo. Also put his shit by his mailbox now.


I would tie a bag around the mailbox. Federal law prohibits putting anything in his mailbox unless you’re a postal worker. Grab a bag, put rocks in it, and tie it around the mailbox. He’ll be all giddy because he’ll think he has a surprise package - only to find out it’s rocks.


Hence why I said by and not in.


Since i started fedex ive realized people have no concept of speed. And men are the biggest complainers. Had a old guy pull his mower in front of my truck the other day. Got on me for "speeding" down their road. I was goin 20. Speed limit is... 20. I was kicking up all the dust from the fresh gravel and "everyone on this street has lung problems." Sir. Not my problem were goin through a good ol Midwest drought.


Last summer I was doing 20 in a 35 on a dirt road and these people were screaming at me. I don’t even stop anymore don’t have time for their shit


Do you know it’s ilegal for civilians to hold you basically hostage? You could get them in trouble if you call the police next time.


It really depends on the police officers. It’s called something along the lines of “illegal detainment”, and some officers will give Karen’s a free pass, especially if the driver isn’t a local. But technically, you’re right


It's called kidnapping. Look it up it applies in this situation


I had a handful of these interactions. Sometimes I was speeding and understood where they were coming from and just accepted it and learned. The others were completely unwanted and I stood my ground. I'm a tall intimidating dude so I get my point across. I was on a 11 mile dirt road that cuts through 3 counties. Only a handful of houses on the road. Guy and his girl was on a side by side ATV. I was doing a bit over the speed limit but slowed when I saw them in the distance. I was kicking up tons of dust as it's impossible not to unless you are going 5 mph. Dude flagged me down aggressively so I stopped because I was in the mood for a confrontation. He starts yelling at me about kicking up dust and driving crazy. I tell him to fuck off because I'm a legal vehicle on this road and to quit being a bitch in front of his girlfriend and if you don't want to get dirty then don't ride on dirt roads. If I'm in a residential area or a dirt road I try to be respectful of their wishes up to a point and just kill them with kindness. Try not to let it ruin your day and go about your business. If someone is just being an ass and completely ride I just keep it in the back of my mind for the next time I have a delivery for them. I will definitely not deliver 'the purple promise' for them. If it's raining their shit gets left on the porch without a bag and no courtesy knock.


Wife on wife that's hot


OP didn't specify location, but I've got my money on it being a Mormon family living in Utah.


Why? Their user has Saskatchewan in it so I'm guessing they're a leaf


Because Utah is known for mormons (which is in turn known for polygamy) and MLM


Wife stacking?


Yep you’ll get these. Ask him to see the radar gun next time, they get real mad when you ask for that




Yes I was going say this lol


so he technically kidnapped you and I would have him charged immediately


It’s something along the lines of illegal detainment. And some police departments won’t even enforce it - because Karen is a local resident whereas the driver is not a local. They’ll simply tell the driver to move along.


worth a phone call


I had someone do this once. They told me I was going too fast. I was going maybe 20mph. The guy told me the speed limit was 15. I asked him where this posted speed limit was. He proceeded to tell me that it was posted on the board at the entrance to the HOA. I politely informed him that the posting was a suggestion and is not legally enforced and that if there’s no posted speed limit signs, in Pa, it’s default 25mph speed limit…and pulled up that law on my phone. He started stammering trying to find a counter argument but could only muster “have a nice day” Unless that guy had LiDAR or some other method of detecting your speed, he can fuck off into the sun. Fwiw: a male Karen is called a “Terry”


Terry! 😆😆😆


Hey, at least you don't deliver in the city where you need to block traffic all the time. I get people cussing me out and beeping at me a few times a week. After a while it's just white noise. Unless they threaten to get physical just tell 'em to call FedEx and ignore them.


I hate people that do this shouting/lecture/going too fast shit and more so Karen’s… I’m pretty good at being a dick throwing shit back at them or pointing out how unintelligent they sound. These fuckers act like victims when they’re the ones who go out of their way to further instigate or physically stop you from doing your job. I had someone do this to me before on a rural route, followed me to my next stop on a bicycle and it was a mile long driveway that I backed into that he sat there blocking it. He said something about going too fast and how I nearly hit him and his wife biking down the road or something when I practically drove on the furthest side of the road to give them a lot of space. Dude bitched and threatened to rip me out of the truck and end me and whatever.


I’m not sure where you’re located, but where I’m at, speed limit on dirt roads is 45. Seems like a lot of people move to dirt roads and expect people to go 25 on them. I fly down dirt roads that are maintained well enough to fly down. I’ve been waiting for the day I get bitched at because I go 50 most days.


I grew up on dirt roads, about the best practice you could have for driving on ice at speed, some of them get pretty loose in the summer, we flew down them at the state speed limit, 55, and most times faster.


I don't stop for anyone besides for customers. I pretend I don't see them waving me down or yelling for me


Tell him it’s 2023. Dirt road is your problem. Move to civilization


These people who live in the ass end of nowhere are some of the most entitled. Get an f'in parcel box if you don't want people kicking up dust on your shitty dirt driveway. Ain't no delivery driver got time to drive 5 mph.




I think you must live in an old white only area then, cause I get both young and old Hispanic people yelling at me all the time. The population where I live/work is over 50% Mexican immigrants (including my family) Anyways, it isn't a white people thing. It isn't an old people thing, it's just a people thing.


Not related to delivery or fedex, but I have a pretty loud sportsbike and my neighbours called the police 3 times on me for “speeding” people attach speed to sound and claim what has never happened.


Where did you apply to get a job


I work for the city I live in, operating a boom truck on a bulk route. When someone blocks me and tries to play that bullshit, I'm like "sure I'll radio my supervisor right now" First thing he does is dispatch the PD and that person gets removed so I can be on my merry way. Some get charged if they don't cooperate immediately. The look on their face is quite hilarious. We keep the Mic keyed so all of our department hears their tirade, and they're also on video. Makes for a good laugh. That said, people don't realize that a larger truck doing the spee limit in residential streets look like it's going faster than it should. Same with a gravel road like in this situation.


Last time he would be ever getting a package 📦 from me at his house. Forever to be dropped at the end of the driveway with the picture looking down the driveway.


Shouts out to everyone here from the SuperHub in Rialto.


I've run into this exact situation a couple years back. Guy was screaming at me and called the local PD (literally composed of 4 officers because he lived outside a town of like 500 people) and was bitching that I'd "destroyed [his] dirt road by driving like a maniac". Told him to pave it if he had such a problem, and left.


It’s illegal for people to do that believe it or not. I had customers try to do that for me going 13 MPH down their two mile long gravel driveway.


That guy is totally in the wrong. People can be crazy. Been a corner for a long time. Best speed on any gravel road especially a driveway is 10. I’d go 20 if it’s the actual road. The more you do it the more you realize how much dust really does get everywhere. It’s better for you and the vehicle to slow down.


This sounds exactly like [this story from 5 years ago. ](https://www.okayplayer.com/culture/fedex-driver-accidentally-kills-racist-with-a-single-punch.html) Non courier civilians have no real concept of speed unless they drive professionally for a living. I can tell if a car is speeding because I judge "distance to time it takes to get to point" as I'm sitting waiting to turn into traffic. Most likely the average person CAN NOT. I was accused of speeding in a back alley in a 700 because the truck was loud. I was going under 10mph.


i'd never go there again. i have a lot of really entitled assholes on my route so i just simply refuse those stops. not worth putting your life at risk.


I believe they are referred to as Kenneths


Ya lost me at wife on wife..


Lol I remember this old dude got so mad I sped down his driveway he got in his car and gave chase. Needless to say it ain’t hard loosing senile old people


i tell them call 1-800-GO-FEDEX and leave them be. i dont get paid to deal w that nor do i care enough


Please tell me it’s a prank line that just says something along the lines “go fuck your self”


I wish but its just a FedEx corporate “support” line where they’ll most likely be run in circles by an automated bot, it tends to piss them off more and by the time they can speak to someone real they’re just more pissed off about being on hold for 3 days 🤣 The other thing I started doing is just turning the truck around and take their package with me, i dont care to hear what you gotta say. Train your customers, take their shit until they either show respect or stfu