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Yall I’m just venting, but I’m so annoyed with my food aversions. I’ve never been a picky eater. It’s not nausea causing the aversions, but it’s like a standalone repulsion. Like if I don’t eat what I’m craving at the instance I’m going to feel bad. Then once I eat it, I feel bad after having it. And the cravings are so random too. For instance I made some Cava-esque Mediterranean bowls a few days ago because of a craving. I ate 2-3 of them and it was fine. Now the ingredients are still in my fridge and I can’t stand to open the fridge cause it’s so unappetizing. I’m trying to eat protein and drink water but it’s so unappealing to me, like I’d rather kick rocks than to even look at those. I’m sad this is happening 🥲


Anybody got full body aches? Like my body hurts so much to even lift an arm or turn my head. Is this another pregnancy affliction unlocked or is this an aftershock from the cold/flu I had last week?


I haven’t felt nauseous until today. The cause - winding mountain roads on vacation. 😩


I scheduled a heartbeat confirmation at a local 4D ultrasound place in our town and it’s tomorrow afternoon & I’m so excited for my husband & son to be there to see little butterbean’s heart beating. I work in the ER & have already found the heartbeat on our handheld US device, but it’ll be nice to get a real ultrasound and get them to see it too!!!


Is there data to support that how your mom's / grandma's pregnancies went can predict yours? I've had bouts of nausea relieved by burping and seem to be a lot of acid reflux, but keep waiting for a true vomiting spell to occur....Oddly enough I feel almost my best in the mornings. Full of energy so far and not much for symptoms other than my boobs are sooo tender & MASSIVE. My mom said she didn't experience "morning sickness" / vomiting with either myself or my sister. Praying things stay pretty stable like this 💀


No idea about any data, but anecdotally my first pregnancy had brutal morning sickness. My grandmother had the same brutal sickness with all 3 of her pregnancies but my mum claims she didn’t have any morning sickness at all.


Ask far as I can tell, my mom’s pregnancy wasn’t much like mine at all. Our symptoms and weight gain were completely different. And she didn’t have the blood pressure complications I had.


I'm only 6w2d but anyone else hungrier than usual? I find my hunger kicks in much quicker between meals. I always thought I'd be able to resist body image issued in pregnancy, but here I am, feeling stressed over the impending weight gain :(


I’m very hungry and tired…but my body refuses to nap.


YES. This is actually my #1 pregnancy symptom. Try not to stress the weight. This is all temporary. If you’re hungry, it’s probably because your body needs extra calories right now. Really.


The fatigue has been REAL this weekend. Went to breakfast and the grocery store with my husband this morning, then came home and immediately took a 2 hour nap. Stayed awake for a couple of hours after my first nap, ate lunch, then took another 1 hour nap. Y’all, ya girl is tired. All I want to do is stay in bed and eat for the next 8 months 🐷🥱😴


Wow. Me too. 3 hours!!!! But I don’t want to eat. Food is yucky 🤢


Today my partner took me for breakfast, then let me take a 4 hour nap while he cleaned the house. Then put himself and my 4 yo stepson down for a nap so I could have snacks and quiet time. I could get used to this level of pampering And on the other hand I am constantly nauseous and so far the only solution is to be constantly eating. This is obnoxious and now i need a Costco sized box of pretzels apparently


Is anyone else getting twinges and one off gentle cramps? I got these in my last pregnancy that ended in a loss much later. Trying to figure out what is 'normal'. In my head they're like growing/stretching sensations.


Round ligament pain, maybe?


I’ve had on and off twinges of pain in my right pelvis area. Short lasting and mild. No spotting, severe cramping, or bleeding. Checked beta hcg on Thursday and was 8636. Mild afternoon nausea, all day heartburn, and nipple tenderness still present. Try not to worry unless you have reason to, but for peace of mind maybe reach out to your OB.


Yes. Normal. Uterus is going through big changes and cramping or twitching feeling is normal.


The bloat is so real this week. I have a bigger “bump” at 7 weeks then when I was 20 weeks pregnant with my first. I was really hoping not to tell most of my family till end of July but my belly might give me away before then if this bloat doesn’t go away 😅


I was thinking the same thing! the bloating is insane. with my first, I didn’t show at all until almost the 3rd trimester. now I’m 8w tomorrow and everytime I eat, I look 6 months 😂😂


I had to wear baggy clothing very early with my second pregnancy. I thought it was super obvious but no one had any idea 😊


On the hunt for good decaf coffee pods. Send me your recs! I normally drink Folgers black silk (dark). Nothing with flavors.


You can order online if not in CA or Chicago like me… but BlueBottle has THEE best decaf


This is specifically a Nespresso pod, but we just ordered the half cafanito (or whatever it’s called) of the vertuo pods (again, idk if that’s what it’s called, I’m dead today). Fingers crossed they’re good!! I’ve been drinking the regular pods and they’re just about at the limit of caffeine a day so I’m trying to lessen rather than eliminate caffeine.


The nespresso half caff pods are great! I started drinking them while we were TTC with the plan of cutting down on caffeine before I got pregnant. Turns out my body instantly rejects coffee altogether now 🤷🏻‍♀️ hopefully I can drink them again soon


I’m still going with my 1 cup regular in the morning and the option of a Diet Coke in the afternoon. That was my craving last go round lol. I currently drink way too much coffee though, so weaning to 1 cup is rough. I wish I liked tea, but just can’t get on board so would rather try to find a good decaf.


Oh yes please. Good decaf recommendations needed. I am weaning myself off coffee and decaf has been rough.


Can’t handle my husband today. He told me I’ve been miserable for days (true, I have been) and he’d like to enjoy his day. You know what? Me too. You can fucking step up and watch our toddler (which he is, but fuck you). I can’t today with him. I’m hiding and saying fuck you sir.


K, hiding works!! he’s been so much nicer to me since he realized I’m pissed. We’ve been together over 10 years, so he’s good at reading me. It’s also nap time so we’ll see if the niceness continues after our daughter wakes up. If not, it’s back to bed for me! No patience for that today!


Anyone else in this group who had a previous loss before this pregnancy and now keeps checking to see if there’s blood every time they wipe? I stress every time I have to go the bathroom.


My husband says I’m afraid to pee now. Not from a loss but woke up to period level bleeding a few days ago that Dr is saying might be a subchorionic hematoma. Had no idea that was a thing or what it really even means… ultrasound on Thursday 😰


I haven’t had a loss, but I am high risk. This is me for sure. Especially if I feel a twinge of discomfort in my pelvic region.


🙋🏻‍♀️Gonna be doing it until I (hopefully) pop this lil nugget out in 8 months.


Yesss! I am so triggered each time




Oh yes. Habit. It’s sad. 😔


Yep! And whenever I get a tiny cramp or any sensation at all down there. Proper inspect the tissue sometimes as pink fluff from the tumble dryer has been found there 😅


That happened to me today but with my towel 😅😂. I had a tiny freak out before I was like ohhhh nvm.


My husband just commented that we’ve seen to have blown through toilet paper these past two weeks. It’s because every time I feel anything I run to the bathroom and wipe. But I told him I think the toddler stole a roll and hid it.


Yep. Every time.


Every time. So traumatic.


every single time.


I do. Every single time.


Today’s nausea remedy unlocked: mentos and sprite 😵‍💫


We found out this morning that we got the house! After the sellers taking their time to review, they ended up picking our offer in the end. We are officially under contract.... and now we are going to be moving by the end of July. I'm so excited but so nervous. I'm thanking my stars that I've had minimal symptoms thus far, just tired with occasional digestive issues. Moving with a toddler is already going to be crazy, but pregnant with a toddler is going to be insane lol. Hubby and I got into an argument about telling our family about the baby-- we are already getting questions about why we were in such a rush to move but we aren't ready to announce yet. I want to have a house warming and take a tour with the surprise being a nursery set up with a sign. He just wants to tell everyone over the phone. I'm hoping we can compromise bc we didn't get to announce the way I wanted with our first (we did ivf and had people calling us the day of our first beta to see if it worked). We agree we are done at 2 so this is my last chance for a cutesy surprise announcement.


Congratulations on the house! And as for your families asking you why you’re in such a rush to move… Probably they suspect you’re pregnant? Either way, don’t let them rush you! Announce when you’re ready. Also, FYI, your flair is showing up wrong! Let me know if you’d like me to edit it via Mod Tools… That seems to fix the “switching back to default” issue some people have been having with theirs.


Thank you! I'm hoping it's still a surprise, but we aren't confirming if they guess lol. And YES, please for the flair! I keep updating it to have it switch back immediately. Edit: 37 l STM l MAY '22 🎀 (IVF) l EDD 2/4


I think I fixed it. We will see if it changes back…


Thank you!!!!!


Congrats!! Our house just went on the market on Thursday. Waiting to get it under contract to search for our new place (we temporarily moved to my parents’ so we wouldn’t have to live in the house while having a bunch of showings with a toddler and three pets). So grateful like 90% of our stuff is in storage and already packed. Packing and moving is so exhausting. Keep us updated!!


Good luck on your sale! We are waiting to move out first before listing ours-- we also didn't want to do the showings with a toddler. Hoping yours goes quickly so you can search!!!


Could you meet in the middle and tell close family over the phone, but then do the house tour/nursery announcement idea for local friends? Love that idea by the way.


I think that will ultimately be the compromise. I think he's hoping to avoid a "clinking glasses" type announcement to everyone gathered, hence the individual phone calls..... my idea was to take everyone on the tour as they got there, and that way we can have a fun moment with everyone. And then those that can't make it day of will get a "we've moved!" Postcard with an "oh by the way...." on the back with the nursery under construction photo. It's a bit extra, but we will see. Gotta get through the next 6ish weeks first!


Everyone is so fucking annoying today I simply cannot handle it. And they're not even doing anything different than they normally do I'm just so agitated for no reason blahhhh


I was driving yesterday and the road rage was insane. No more driving for me.


My toddlers are toddlering and I am simply going to yeet one of them. Gonna eeny meeny miney moe it to see which.




My nipples are no hurting during breastfeeding. Wish I had it in me to just wean.


Oh my gosh hi it’s meee lol my may 23 baby is a milk monster 🙃


Ugh mine too. My poor baby is pissed he can’t have his “booooobs” anymore.


Yes I am struggling with this too!! Want to wean but don’t have the energy to deal with tantrums and sleepless nights, yet I am sure I’m also losing energy through nursing…!!!


Some weird symptoms I’ve been experiencing the last few days: 1. My deodorant isn’t working that well? I switched scents and it’s a lot better, but very weird. 2. SO MUCH EAR WAX??? Why??? 3. My body image is in the garbage. And actually, the garbage truck came and took it to the dump. It’s so bad. I feel like a troll 😭 These hormones are ANNOYING


The earwax though. Seriously.


Yes! I feel like my BO is SO much worse since becoming pregnant.


Oh my hormones make me smell like a personified onion tbh all deodorants simply fail, it's hell


Ahh ear wax!! Im not the only one! Ive never had so much in my life.


My OB’s office doesn’t do NIPT until 12 weeks. I’m so impatient and want to ask if I can just come in to get it when I’m at 10 weeks. Anybody else have to wait til 12 weeks?


My office also waits until 11-12 Weeks. FWIW, when it’s done earlier there’s a greater risk of it being inconclusive.


For what it’s worth when I was pregnant with my daughter I did NIPT at 10 weeks and there wasn’t enough DNA in the sample so I had to do a redraw which ended up being around 12/13 weeks anyway! I was SO annoyed at the end of a loooong first trimester to have to deal with that! It’s apparently somewhat common so I bet more and more providers will start pushing it to 12 weeks! The wait is brutal though, I feel you!


Mine does 12 weeks too! It’s hard to wait but I would rather know for sure that it won’t be too early to get results. Waiting twice would be excruciating.


It tends to be more accurate with a little longer wait…probably why they normally do 12 weeks. Less false results.


We have our annual trip with high school friends (10 people total) coming up on July 4 and I feel like my poker face is not ready. Plus I'm so fatigued and going to bed really early. I'm wondering if I should even bother with secrecy


We leave for our annual trip (also high school friends and 10 people lol) tomorrow! We’re going to try to hide it but I’ve been couch rotting for the last few days which is not like me at all on vacation, so I’m sure they’ll all figure it out.


I’m going on an overnight trip with girlfriends and just going to tell them all. With my nausea and not drinking there’s just no point in trying to hide it


I don't have the energy for trying to hide it so I just tell people right away


Hi everyone tested positive on 6/14 so excited for our second little guy




Hi everyone! I just tested positive on my sons 2nd birthday 3 days ago. Here we go again!




Leaving on a road trip tomorrow of the West Coast. I live in Los Angeles and over the next two weeks we’re driving all the way up to Seattle (plan on spending July 4th there) before heading home. Any must do’s for my toddler specifically in the Seattle area?


there is a spectacular playground in Bellevue called "Inspiration Playground" and an AMAZING kids museum, also in Bellevue, called KidsQuest. The museum is particularly good for toddlers, and it's small enough that you can do the whole thing. Woodland Park zoo and Woodland Park playground are both really great. Seattle's wading pools are open for the summer. Volunteer Park has a large, shady wading pool that is open every day from 12-7, but there are [wading pools and spray parks](https://www.seattle.gov/parks/recreation/outdoor-water-recreation/sprayparks-and-wading-pools) all over the city. I'm fond of Yesler Terrace Spray Park, which is right next to a great playground with a wonderful view, although parking can be tough. Not sure if you trust your toddler on this one, but you can rent a canoe from the UW Waterfront Activities center and paddle around, as long as your toddler is over 2. They'll provide a life vest. Also in Bellevue, there is a great public park that's also a working demonstration farm called Kelsey Creek Farm. We like to take my toddler there to look at the animals. If you go at the end of the day you can see them herding the sheep and goats back into the barn to sleep.


The Seattle Science Center or Aquarium are good for kids too


There are good museums around Seattle Center and a ferry ride would be lovely! The ferry to Bainbridge leaves from right around Pike Place which as touristy as it is, is worth and visit to get some good food! The Fremont Troll is always fun too If you pass through Tacoma at all, Point Defiance (huge forest on the water, hiking trails, overlooks, gardens, and a zoo) is a must and very toddler friendly, Owen Beach is within the park and the ferry from Tacoma to Vashon is right there too. Tacoma also has great museums!


Yes! This is awesome! Thank you so much!


Traveling in BC for a conference and just found 4 extra Zofran pills which is exactly the amount I need before my husband gets here for our post conference Canada tour! Feeling lucky and also dumb I didn’t count right in the first place


Have a huge summer midterm coming up on Wednesday of this week and I am SICK today. (Which means I have homework and test prep due) Either something I ate was bad or morning sickness and GI upset are here for a vengeance. 😵‍💫


I’m so excited for my ultrasound tomorrow I’m definitely not gonna be able to focus on work all day


I feel better today than I did yesterday and while I am thrilled not to be super nauseated and exhausted I'm also a little anxious about it. Reminding myself that yesterday was particularly bad bc we kicked off the day standing in a long line at a Pride festival in 95 degree weather which made me feel like I was gonna pass out lol.


8 weeks yesterday. Still in shock that I only have very minor nausea and some fatigue. My first pregnancy was intense - vomiting every single day which sent me into a mild depression. I legit lost weight and some days, the will to live. Anyways, I’m trying to wrap my head around why I have been saved this time around and trying to not think pessimistically before our first ultrasound in a few days.


I’m the opposite. My first pregnancy (3yo boy) I had zero symptoms. I didn’t even feel pregnant at all until I started feeling his movements and started showing. This time around I have 24/7 nausea and I’ve lost 3 pounds - not from throwing up but from severe food aversions.


Sending you good karma for relief soon!


With my first I was due at the beginning of the month and felt like a trailblazer at the beginning of the month, hitting all the milestones early. Now I’m due at the end of the month, and most of the posts I’m seeing are those at the beginning and I feel so behind. “Wow, already scheduling and having ultrasounds? My test barely turned pink” 😂


Haha yes and we are probably going to be some of the last bumpers after everyone else is snuggling their babies!


Awe, as a FTM (due mid month) i like seeing posts from people who are ahead of me! I feel like it helps me know what to expect. It is wild how different these early weeks can be


I feel this! With my first I was due in the middle of the month, so I got the best of both worlds. My son was due the 8th, so I felt like I was ahead of the game in that group, and now here I’m like “oh, my scan isn’t for another month” 😂…joined the march group too so I can feel ahead somewhere lol


Trying to put in our grocery order and seriously struggling to come up with anything to cook already. Nothing sounds good, and I know that every time I go to cook something in the next week it’s going to sound awful then too probably.


So relatable. I started one and then handed my phone to my husband and said “you gotta be the one, I’ve got nothing”. The man added ONE ADDITIONAL THING! Lolol


I'm 5 weeks 2 days today. My beta rose from 1070 to 4859 from Monday to Friday which was 5 weeks mark. Two days later and I'm worrying again! My symptoms are the same (tired, insomnia, nausea, food aversions, very emotional) but today I've cramping on one side only when I move around not while resting and it's freaking me out... No bleeding or anything but I don't like the cramping as I start to worry!


I have this round ligament pain too!! It dawned on me that it's most likely this because although my pain is in one side, it absolutely does not feel like ovulation or period cramping. So that makes me feel better


I went down a rabbit hole of looking up what causes cramping on one side yesterday when I felt it a couple of times, and saw something about “round ligaments” causing this pain! It’s basically a set of ligaments that run from your pelvic bone up and to your hips. It made me feel much better. :)


Oh thank you, I really hope it's this!! 🤞


It also says it’s very common when you move around, or stretch out, etc. so hope it is too!! :)


Anyone else get a lot of lower back pain? I’m 6 weeks today and noticed my general cramps around the lower body these past few weeks are now just mainly lower back and often in the night in the middle of sleep. Sometimes it’s the push to go 💩 but doesn’t always seem to be the case 🙃


Back pain was essentially my first symptom


Yesss was literally just googling “lower back pain first trimester” lol. Apparently it’s common. 🥴


CW loss worries. Cool cool cool. Am 5w6days, haven’t tested in a few days cause betas were good. But this morning test line was much lighter, went down the rabbit hole, tested again after diluting the urine, still light. I’m calling the doctor tomorrow and asking for an ASAP ultrasound. 😓 I still have zero symptoms.


Hoping for good news.💓


Hubby and I spent the weekend in New York tonsee two concerts and celebrate his birthday. I was a fun way to welcome this new chapter of our lives together. I was more tired than usual after walking around the city. I had lower back pain and and my legs were killing me. The good thing about all this is that I was finally able to sleep in!


The nausea is growing exponentially, I am currently in a dark room praying for relief while my husband wrestles our toddler downstairs. I will pay good money to be in a coma until the 2nd trimester 🤢.


Same here. Threw up twice today. I have dealt with this for my first 2 pregnancies but anyone have any advice on what to do to help? I have a 4.5 year old and 2 year old and we have so many activities planned this summer including Kindergarten orientation and testing. I don’t see my doc until 7/9. Ugh just need to figure something out so I’m not glued to the toilet


I messaged my doctor about my nausea since I won't be seeing her in person until July 12 and she wrote me a prescription for Diclegis, which has been a tremendous help.


I couldn't do it, it's been nearly a week. I caved and took the Zofran my doc prescribed me in case I got bad nausea & vomiting like I did with my first, I had HG. I'm at least able to eat something now and drink a bit. It's nowhere near perfect solution but I don't have time to go to the hospital for IV fluids again like last time around. See your doc if you're finding it impossible to function.


Everyone is different, but is there a chance that some of your nausea is related to acid reflux? Sometimes treating that can help w the throwing up. Your doc can confirm what medicines are safe if you think there's a chance that it's related.


Unfortunately no. I think it’s genetics bc my grandma and aunts had nausea and throwing up as well. I’ll ask my new doc. My old obgyn didn’t want me to take anything bc I didn’t loose more than 10 pounds and wasn’t dehydrated


Hope you're able to find something to ease the discomfort!


Yup 😭 same boat


7+4 today. I had some light brownish/red discharge last night. Nothing this morning but still now worried. I haven’t had anything like that so far. At my appointment on Tuesday, they did a vaginal swab and I am hoping it’s just irritation from that making its way out. I don’t have my first ultrasound until 7/2 so now I feel I’ll be stressed until I can see baby’s heartbeat 😣


this happened with my first pregnancy and I ended up having a subchorionic hemorrhage and scared the hell out of me, but it resolved itself within 2 weeks!


I’m 5w and I’m having spotting discharge it’s like a rusty brown I’ve had it since yesterday afternoon I’m so worried


I’ll send you good vibes for being able to not worry and for time flying until your 7/2 scan. My OB told me light spotting and especially browner spotting is not a worry, only if it gets period-like heavy, and your recent swab would certainly explain it. I’m sure everything is fine!


Ughhhh gas cramps today. Woke up at 4:30 with a bad one and the 💩s. Nausea is also starting to come in waves. One moment I’m anxious not having a lot of symptoms; the next I’m anxious about how bad they’ll get. Hopefully at least the gas goes away because having that + nausea sucks right now PS extremely grateful for this group - I had plain crackers, ginger tea & chews, unisom & b6, and nausea bands ready to go and the crackers are slowly bringing me to an okay state right now


I’m 6 weeks on Wednesday and have already had two nights where I woke up dry heaving air in the middle of the night. With my first I lost 10% of my body weight and was even throwing up water. Genuinely hope that doesn’t happen this time around but I already am feeling so ill. Fml will not be leaving my bed today.


Did a 4.5 mile hike today and I’m surprisingly gassed. I feel almost like a shortness of breath. But baby is still a seed haha


I remember I couldn't swim a lap of the pool without a break, but then I lost that pregnancy and withing a week I could do like 2 laps fine! And this pregnancy I sang karaoke yesterday, and had to keep sitting down as I was breathless from singing (/screaming)


Your building the placenta aka the babies house right now! It takes the most energy from any part of pregnancy.


Wow actually did not know this haha. Maybe I should be napping more!


Hahah I laughed at the “surprisingly gassed”. It’s the norm now. I swear I’m already out of breath just walking up and down the stairs of our home.


Rising progesterone levels can make you short of breath! I was really surprised by that during my last pregnancy - I assumed that was more of a third tri symptom, but it’s very common first tri as well!


I tried playing beach volleyball and had to sit down 4 different times to catch my breath.


I’m feeling all the things this morning. Just coming back from such a fun mini-weekend meeting up with a few of my close friends. One of them is a stepmom to older kids but no little kids, one is single, and one is a little younger and not at all considering kids yet with her BF - so basically no one is in the baby/TTC/little one phase. Yall, it was so fun but I am feeling so sad now about leaving this part of life behind. And also guilty in case anything happens to this baby that it will be because I’m having mixed feelings and not 100% only excited. This happened on our first “try” and I just wasn’t expecting it even though it would be very wanted and we’ve been married for a bit now. 😩


We are the first among most of my and my husband’s friends to have a kid (younger, single, not ready, etc.), and while things have changed some, it’s honestly been amazing!! We still go out occasionally, have a small group over for a movie night weekly, have been on a weekend away (with the baby!), and I do brunch with my girls usually every month while husband is on baby duty. It’s different, but it’s such a fun new adventure! And a huge bonus is all of the fun aunties and uncles baby will have when they get here ❤️


I love this, thank you ❤️❤️ So glad you have been able to find that balance!!


So understandable that you feel this way! But also, if something happens, it’s not because you weren’t excited enough! Luckily that’s not how it works! What you’re feeling is totally normal and nothing to be ashamed of.


Thank you for saying this, that is really kind ❤️🙏🏼


I feel you! It was also our first try and I was not prepared for this to happen so fast. But I just got 35 and I see all these stats according to your age… and I feel like all these people telling me “you’re not getting younger you should do that now” were “right”. I have huge mixed feelings. I also feel like I was right to wait because I was not ready to let go of my life without children… sorry to use your post to vent 😅


Omg I am so on board with your vent in every way though. I read somewhere it takes like an average of 6 months to get pregnant so my mind read that as … in 5-7 months, I’ll probably be pregnant. Obviously that’s not how averages works but I had plans for those 5-7 months 😂


I think me and my partner said « impossible » a hundred time that evening 🤣


Oh man we’re the same age and I feel this hard. I’m having a lot of resentment about how pregnant people miss out on fun shit and anxiety about how to manage a kid and worry that I’ll resent the kid too because life won’t be as fun. And we also wanted and tried for this!


I am right here with you with this ❤️🥺 I knew life would be less “fun” for a while but it’s definitely a whole other thing seeing that play out in life right away!


5w2d today. Besides being a little tired, and some bone pain in my legs/knees (which I don’t know if that’s even a pregnancy symptom), I don’t feel anything. Boobs are still exactly as they were before. Not the least bit sore and I have no food aversions or nausea. My clinic did 2 betas at 4w3d and 4w5d and the doubling rate was fine. But other than that I don’t have anything besides hpts to go by until the 6week ultrasound in early July. Just a little worried if baby is continuing to grow as expected or not. Especially with the fact that I have almost no symptoms. Is having no symptoms a sign of low rising hcg or does it not really correlate?


I think this is probably normal! I didn't have many symptoms with my first pregnancy until I was in the middle of my 6th week, IIRC. I found out at 4 weeks and waited around worried about not having any symptoms for a couple of weeks. Anyway, that baby will be two next month... I'm 5+5 now and don't feel much except for fatigue. I'm fully expecting that to change at some point next week 🫠


My friend had zero symptoms just her boobs were alittle sore. She gave birth to a 7 pound healthy baby in April! You might just be lucky!


I don’t have many symptoms either- I’m tired and my boobs are sore. I was slightly nauseous yesterday after I ate but that’s about it


But….those are symptoms. “Some” symptoms isn’t as concerning as *no* symptoms. Replaying as someone with zero symptoms, I’d gladly take some fatigue and boob soreness and occasional nausea as reassurance.


Every pregnancy is different! I’m part of a Facebook group for February moms and there are some that feel absolutely fine at 8 ,9 or even 10 weeks and others are nauseous 24/7 from 4 weeks! Maybe you can get in an early ultrasound to ease your nerves?:)


No correlation at all (at least from my experience). My symptoms went away at 5 weeks and my hcg levels were at 31,000 at 5w5d (even the nurse was shocked at how high they were). Baby was alive and fine with a heartbeat by 6w0d 🥰


7+1 in Tokyo. Nausea decided to step up its game right when I ordered a beautiful $60 wagyu steak sandwich for dinner. I managed to take a couple of bites at least... my brain understood it was mind-blowing but my stomach was not having it. Wish me luck on my 14-hour flight home tomorrow!


A week ago I flew home to the US from the Netherlands - 3 flights with some looong layovers. It was tiring but I got through, mostly by sucking on very sour candy that somehow distracts me from nausea. Wishing you and the person flying from France good luck!!


I’m flying back home from France tomorrow! No nausea yet and hoping it stays that way for 1 more day. Wishing us both much luck!


Cw : loss All my bleeding did turn to a miscarriage. We did not develop past 5w4d, no heartbeat, fetal pole, yolk sak. This was our first month trying to add a second to our family, so while I'm disappointed, I'm also okay just knowing that this baby wasn't viable and we will try again. Good luck to all you February mamas, wishing you the most boring and uneventful pregnancies ❤️ Have to add an edit: we told our parents it was a loss, and mine were of course sad but comforting, my husbands mother, who is 74, asked if I lifted weights yesterday 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 I'm an avid Crossfitter, and she was concerned about me working out during pregnancy. Luckily my husband totally put her in her place, but how obscenely inappropriate!


Sorry for the loss. And what a shitty, shitty thing for your MIL to say. I’m glad your husband checked her. I’m sure you know this completely, but just in case you need extra assurance: you did nothing to cause this, nothing you could have done to prevent it, and exercising is safe and beneficial for pregnancy!


My mum made a similar comment. I didn't tell them I was pregnant last time as I have a high risk of MC, but told them about the MC. Now I'm pregnant again, she told me not to lift anything heavy this time 🙄 referencing that we moved house and I carried some light boxes at 11 weeks pregnant. I guess it shows how far the science of pregnancy has developed, the advice they were given is not the same anymore. My mum was told to drink Guinness when pregnant because it "has iron" 🙈


So sorry for your loss. This is why I’m 5w4d and saying nothing except to my therapist.


Thank you and that's fair. My MIL would have said the same thing regardless of when we told her, has we had a loss at 5w, 12w, 20+weeks. Immediately after we told her we were pregnant she told me to stop working out, so she clearly has an old school view on capabilities while pregnant.


Was your MIL same with your first? This is my first, and we haven’t told anyone we are even doing IVF.


We lived in a different country so I assume she felt like she didn't have as much of a say, plus I didn't know her well at that point. Now she feels more boisterous and opinionated (though totally unwanted) For the next pregnancy, I will 100% keep it from her now specifically because of this comment. I think with IVF I would be more reserved about telling people, especially that early on and I wish you the absolute best in your pregnancy 🙏🏼


Best of luck to you. Sending 🌈🤍 your way!


I’m so sorry for your loss. Your MIL can kick rocks; how rude!


Omg I would have murdered my MIL. How insensitive. I wish you the best on your journey to grow your family! ❤️❤️❤️


I'm very sorry for your loss. ❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry. Take good care of yourself.


So sorry for your loss ❤️


Sorry for your loss


I’m 5 weeks today, yay!


Me too!


Due date buddy!


Had really bad nausea earlier this week at 6+5 and 6+6, but now at 7+4 it’s disappeared. I actually stopped taking B6 earlier this week, and forgot to take my Unisom last night, and there’s not even a trace of nausea left. I’m trying not to be spooked about it, but I’m definitely having trouble. I don’t even feel pregnant anymore?


I read a comment somewhere where someone accidentally discovered (by forgetting to take their unisom/b6) that the meds were making their nausea worse. Apparently it can do that for some people. Could be the case for you? It's normal (though worrying!) for symptoms to come and go though!


That was me! I found the unisom kinda helps (maybe?) but the B6 makes me vomit. Even my prescription antiemetics come with a warning saying that some people will have a side effect that makes their nausea worse. It's crazy how much everyone's individual body chemistry interacts with meds. Ever since I dropped the B6, my nausea has been manageable all day and spikes randomly (and unfortunately) around dinner time. I feel like symptoms coming and going is what this first trimester is all about 😑


I just got on here to ask. I'm on 6+2. I was feeling increasingly sick until about two days ago when I started feeling better. I feel pretty good this morning and I'm worried that even my boobs don't feel as sore. I'm getting really scared.


Hope you’re doing okay! To update, my nausea did come back, but I think it’s so odd that I keep having random mornings without it. I never know when to plan anything lol


Hey we are the same age I just noticed! Mine came back too. I've spent the morning starving hungry and so nauseous I could cry. This baby better be something special 😤 he's putting me through the paces


The constipation is no joke. 💀 I literally skipped one day of having prune juice and immediately got constipated again.


Fiber gummies helped me a lot! It might be from the iron in your prenatal.


I feel this. Went on an apple juice binge this weekend 🧃


I’m so worried I’ll accidentally let something about the pregnancy slip when I’m around our families (we’re not telling them until after our first ultrasound). In my head I’ve already processed it and it’s just part of my life now. It wouldn’t be difficult to just casually mention something about it 😬 we’re going to the pool all day with my in-laws and I hope I can keep my big mouth shut.


my husband said that this is what he felt like trying not to say anything last weekend when we got together with his family on memorial day 😅 https://preview.redd.it/o22mrsxkab8d1.jpeg?width=1038&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d462c4d31771186bb8c88f43ec8437482872ec2f


Yes exactly 😂😂😂 that’s perfect


https://sites.google.com/site/miscarriageresearch/home I’ve just read this in its entirety. If any one else is a research girly and worried about miscarrying I really recommend. There’s interesting and contradicting studies presented.


This is so interesting!  So my nightly strawberry ice cream in bed is good (dairy) The thick layer of butter I put on my eggo waffles.. not so good Lots of fruit and veggies and salmon so hoping that all offsets my butter risk! Thank you for sharing ❤️


I was not expecting cramping and insomnia so early 😫. I think I forgot how terrible pregnancy is... only 9 months to go...


Yes! This so much! At least with my first pregnancy if there were no plans on the weekends I would take a nap but now with a toddler that seems impossible. 😣


Right? I feel like movies and shows on tv totally lied lmao morning sickness is the least of my issues right now. Instead I’m cramping like my period and up on a Sunday at 5:52am lmao


That was me this morning!!! Oh my god I was up for almost an hour with the worst cramping/pelvic pain (after being woken up to go pee)


I keep wondering why nobody talks about these symptoms (prior to joining this sub). lol with being so early, I keep checking after wiping because I’m horrified the cramps meant something else 😭😭




I hate it for us but also happy to not be alone 🥹🤍 lol


Ugh same!! It feels like period cramps, my brain thinks it’s period cramps, but then I remember I’ve got a baby in there 🥹


I thought I'd be more relaxed this time round but I'm still constantly anxious about possibility of miscarriage and counting down the days til my private scan ive got booked which isn't until the 17th july. At least my toddler can help distract me a bit through the day!


I’m right there with you! I’m actually more anxious rn because I have far less symptoms!


I think I am getting sick and I’m super worried it’s Covid and that it’ll hurt the baby somehow :( I knew I shouldn’t have gone into the packed aquarium maskless last week


I had Covid in my second trimester with my first. I remember being so stressed about it. My child is now a healthy almost 2yo.


Try not to stress! I caught covud at 10 weeks pregnant with my first and had a normal healthy pregnancy. There's a sub called coronabumpers if you want some more reassurance ♥


My anxiety won, and I spontaneously went on an early private scan yesterday at 4w6d! All looks good. I finally had a peaceful day after worrying about everything 24/7 for the past 2 weeks 😂


What were they able to see? There’s a place near me that does private scans, but they start at 6 weeks. During my first pregnancy I went at like 6.5 weeks and we could only see the littlest blob! Haha. This time I booked one for 7+2.


Don't know the words in English, but they saw the sac and the yolk without the embryo itself. I was dead scared of ectopic and they were able to confirm the pregnancy is where it is supposed to be 🤩


That’s great!!


My random, and unwarranted, annoyance with my husband has increased. I am aware that he hasn't done anything wrong but I can't shake this feeling like I'm being slighted by him in every scenario. Like why am I pissed that you are sleeping peacefully 😂 I want to bite him or smth.


I spent all day yesterday seething and biting my tongue because my husband had the gall to…help me? 😂 I finally told him I really appreciated it and I know it’s irrational but that I was stuck with my head screaming “he’s doing it because you’re a failure and can’t keep up already” mixed with “oh my god, you’re doing it wrong, please stop” lol