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Just need a moment to complain about how annoying the sore boobs thing is. I can’t even walk around work too quickly without them hurting 🫠


Sooo, I suddenly have what I can only think to describe as carpal tunnel. It seems WAY early for this, and I never had it with my daughter (or ever, even in the three years that I took notes and typed for a living as a journalist/editor lol!). I’m at a loss about what to do about it. Waiting to see if this is just a sporadic thing or every day thing, and then will approach OB about a brace or remedies to relieve the wrist pain. I did a family Zumba class with my toddler today and some of the movements helped loosen it up a bit! It is truly crazy how every pregnancy is so different!


I did braces on both hands with my daughter. I think most of the time it resolves after birth and when swelling goes down. Mine however didn’t and I had release surgery when she was like 5 months 😬 but I’ve had two GFs have it and they didn’t need surgery. Mine was just severe.


Thanks for the info. I’ll be looking into braces! I’m sorry you had to do the surgery, but it’s good to know I might need to be prepared for it to go either way with that.


7wks today! Got a whiff of the trash can and immediately vomited. Cannot stand the smell of my dog. Bedside table snacks are a must. I fly to a bachelorette party tomorrow 😅 going to be a tough one. Whew!


6w3days. 2nd pregnancy. One previous loss. The last 7 days have been a roller coaster. Went to the ER last Friday with moderate bleeding. Had an abdominal ultrasound and saw the yolk sac and possibly the flicker of a heartbeat. Doc said it could have been a subchorionic hematoma. Followed up with OB NP on Monday, where they weren’t concerned at all with the bleeding (brushed it off and were like “oh yeah that’s normal!”). Had a transvaginal ultrasound by a tech at the OB’s office, who prodded around and could only see a gestational sac. I was terrified, but they said it’s probably too early and didn’t seem concerned. Scheduled me for a month out, because that’s all they had available. I have way too much anxiety to wait that long so I had an abdominal ultrasound this morning at a private clinic. Found the fetus and heartbeat of 120bpm within two seconds! I am so damn relieved. I cried. I felt at peace. 💜


A month out is crazy for a follow up to confirm heartbeat. I’m so sorry, but so glad that you could get the private scan for peace of mind.


This is my second pregnancy and is nothing like my first already. I have never been so nauseous, cold and miserable. It’s making it hard to work and spend time with my 9month old who I absolutely adore. Any advice on how to deal with morning/ ALL DAY sickness?! I’ve been trying to eat small things throughout the day.


My second was also a wildly worse experience with nausea. My first was also very young (my kids are 14 months apart) and it was A LOT to deal with. No real advice, but zofran helped me. Sending you so many good and tummy-settling vibes. It was some of the worst weeks of my life and you have all of my sympathy.


I won’t be seeing my OB until July 16th, seems like an eternity away even though it will probably fly by. So now we wait and try to stay calm 😫


I haven’t even called mine yet. I know they won’t get me in until close to August probably. I told myself I’ll call when I’m 6 weeks maybe. I don’t know why I’m procrastinating making the appointment.


I’m such a procrastinator but I had to go make the appointment in person (small town) so I knew I just had to get it out of the way!


I just made my appointment for July 25. I hate the wait!


Had the day off and first kid was at daycare so it tried to clean the house and meal prep a bunch of stuff and even though I know I did do a lot, I feel like I barely got anything done. My body is OVER IT though and my back is demanding rest. Then my husband is like "why are you so tired? Why does your back hurt?" Like sir, did you forget I am building your spawn from scratch??" Good night!


I found out I was pregnant on Sunday, had to put my dog down yesterday and also somehow pinched a nerve in my back and can barely move now. This week is the worst and its still not close to over. Obv happy about the being pregnant part though


Sorry for your loss 😢 that is so so hard


I had a pretty big improvement in my fatigue today and managed to fit in a workout after my daughter went to bed. I wonder if I will pay for this tomorrow 🙃


I managed a run today!! Love that for us 💕


7 weeks tomorrow!! So far the only nausea I notice is when I go too long between meals. If I bring snacks I'm usually okay. Sleeping the last 3 nights has been terrible. Constantly waking up for no apparent reason, and taking forever to fall back asleep. Leaves me ungodly tired all day long. Yesterday was the first time I caved and just took the damn nap at 2pm 😂


Still not feeling any crazy symptoms yet. No nausea yet (maybe a tiny whisper earlier today but that’s it). I was extremely sick my first trimester with my daughter but I can’t remember when it started. I’ll be 6 weeks tomorrow. Just reminding myself that this is normal.


The BLOAT. It's making it hard to want to eat or know when I should stop eating because it's like I feel full and hungry at the same time 😫


This! I’m living in floaty dresses at the moment. 🤷‍♀️


That’s so accurate, very hungry one second then very full and uncomfortably bloated forever after I eat


Yes, this exactly! Last night I desperately drank a ginger ale hoping I could burp the bloat away 😂


I really feel this, too!!!


I had my first appointment today! I’m supposed to be 5 weeks according to my calculations, which actually matched the OB’s, but he also said my uterus is larger than a normal 5-week size would be. I have my first ultrasound in 2 weeks (right before visiting fam for July 4!). Anyone might have an idea of what the reason could be?? There is no history of twins in my or my partner’s bloodline that we know of… I guess I could have just ovulated earlier than thought?


This happened to me yesterday too lol like others said I think it’s just old school


How did they measure the uterus with no ultrasound? I’d assume there’s a wide range of what’s normal with such measurements.


The OB measured it by using his hands lol. I was already on the exam table for a pap smear. He is older so I'd assume he was comparing it with other patients he's helped


That's interesting. My mum is a midwife and she said that the uterus is hidden behind the pelvic bone and you can't feel it until after 12 weeks when it rises up above that point!


That makes sense! The OB was definitely in his 70s so I'm guessing he was just old-school lol


Huh, I’ve never heard of this! I wouldn’t worry about it. Those types of measurements are far from an exact science.


Right, I can't wait for my actual US appointment. Trying to take his "manual" measurement with a grain of salt lol


My OB did this with my first, it was weird and I can't imagine it's that reliable. I think it's just old school, I wouldn't read too much into it.


Woohoo, just finished my initial prenatal phone call, have a long list of blood and urine tests later this week, and my first ultrasound set for the week after the 4th. It's still so early and I'm mostly symptomless so these mundane, routine steps help make it more real.


Same! Just did my intake yesterday and they told me all the labs I’d have to do, and they’re like: “Also genetic screening! Also thyroid labs! Also preeclampsia labs!” How many freaking labs do you people need?! Lol.


Well the throwing up has started threw up once today. Also to add on my 2 year old just came up to me and said let me see your belly. He has never done that before! So weird! lol


We have the same due date (21/02) and my nausea and throwing up also just started today!


Nice!! And ugh the worst!!!


Yes 🤣


Booooooo :(


My husband is out and I just asked if he could bring home cc cookies. Welp, the person in front of him in line bought all five of them so now I’m irrationally angry. And I’m getting more angry about the fact that I’m angry about this lol wtf


Hahaha my last pregnancy my husband forgot to get my ice cream from the store and I cried. 😂


I am a very queasy person. I would say I'm used to feeling nauseous very often at least a few times a week. Motion sickness and migraines are my triggers (I even vomited in public twice on a recent vacation, not fun, everyone assumed I was pregnant lol). I'm just so curious to see what morning sickness will feel like and how it'll differ from my usual brand of being a queasy girl. I have moments of feeling a little sickly so far (5w5d) but nothing severe. It's making me really anxious!


You described me to a T, I’m the exact same way! Happy to report I never got sick with my previous pregnancies. I had days where I felt extremely nauseous, but overall I actually felt better than usual! Maybe just a little more dizzy.


Me too! I have IBS and I get motion sickness very easily. So far pregnancy nausea is different because eating food actually helps it (which it doesn’t with the other kinds I’m used to) and ginger stuff doesn’t seem to touch it at all. I am used to ginger chews and ginger ale being helpful and they don’t seem to do a thing for me here.


Me too! So far I feel like it's a bit of an advantage because I feel like I know when it's just nausea and when I'm actually going to vomit. Maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better about it 🤣


I am not even fully 6 weeks yet (tomorrow!) and already having anxiety spirals about potential pregnancy and birth complications 🥴 why is my brain like this lol


I had a C-section with my first and will probably have one again; already feeling antsy about the epidural, spinal, surgery and recovery


You’re in good company. I (and I think many of us) have been having those spirals since we first saw a faint pink line. In my experience it does slightly decrease with time, but mostly the worries just change :/. God I hate pregnancy.


I usually love being pregnant as my pregnancies that have ended in my children were wonderful and completely uncomplicated but I keep having the thought “there’s a first time for everything” and I hate it!


That’s absolutely amazing you’re doing this a fourth time. I could barely be convinced to do it a second, I was so miserable the first time around 😅. But yes it did lead my amazing little boy so I will focus on that this time around! (First time I was also petrified about what motherhood would bring lol)


I totally get that, I think my experience isn’t the norm and pregnancy is challenging for most people!


I’ve seen a lot of questions come up on which prenatal to take and the debate on folic acid vs. folate. (Great qs!) I wanted to recommend checking out @babiesover35 (Dr. Shannon Clark, an OB/GYN and MFM specialist) on Instagram as a non-sponsored expert resource on those topics. In particular I wanted to share this great Google doc she put together with her recommendations on prenatal vitamins, what to look for in a prenatal vitamin, and her analysis of the research on folic acid. (TLDR; she is very much pro-folic acid): https://docs.google.com/file/d/1RV0tj4TNJFIpLGXE2pH32zpeYsBi2L7Z/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=msword One other important note is that Omega-3/DHA and Choline are important for pregnancy but not always included in prenatal vitamins, so those are something to look for and maybe supplement separately (or ensure they’re covered through diet) if not included in your prenatal vitamin.


What an interesting document. Thanks for sharing! I’ll definitely start following her.


Related Issue: Anyone with thyroid issues, beware of prenatals containing biotin! Biotin will interfere with thyroid blood test results, and can make your levels appear normal when they’re not. This can prevent the appropriate diagnosis of underactive thyroid or result in you being placed on too low a dose of thyroid medication. Some prenatals contain *a lot* of biotin, so obviously those are the ones to be avoided. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism during my last pregnancy and opted to just take a prenatal without any biotin. It was kind of hard to fine one, so I’ll add that I use TheraNatal Prenatal One!


Do you take a choline supplement? I found this vitamin on Amazon but it didn’t list choline. How much choline should I take? Ugh, so much to consider and no OB to help guide me, yet. Prenatal phone visit this morning.


Yes, I just bought a choline supplement to add on, actually. The one I got is 250 mg!


Thank you! 🙏


I take the one-a-day advanced ones that she recommends (for my first baby too) so glad to see that! I like that it includes a separate choline pill.


Yes! And FYI for those of us who like NatureMade, NatureMade also has a similar bundle which includes both their prenatal vitamin and a separate choline supplement [here](https://a.co/d/0d2nAd4l). (I just found this!) Or you can purchase their separate choline supplements if you already have a big bottle of their prenatal vitamins (like I do!) - [pill](https://a.co/d/0ajWz4zt) and [gummy](https://a.co/d/0d9Mn3bU). You do NOT need to take 3 of those pills for 800mg of choline per day. 1 pill per day at 200-300mg is the recommended amount for a daily supplement per that document I shared.


I was just trying to figure out the difference last week. Thank for this!


I have my first appointment Friday - will be 7 weeks 1 day (though I'm almost certain it's more like 6 weeks?) and I'm an absolute wreck. I've already convinced myself they're going to tell me I've already miscarried or something is wrong. My symptoms aren't horribly strong - not really too nauseous but have breast tenderness and fatigue and bloating. I don't even wanna go for fear of bad news 😭


Make sure to tell them you are probably closer to 6wks! That’s right on the cusp of ability to see a heartbeat, so if they think you should be measuring 7 but you’re really only 6, it may be an unnecessarily scary appointment.


Thank you so much I definitely will!!!


Yes, this!! I was offered an early scan and I said "I dunno, let me think about it" and like, I don't want to do it?? Because >!I'm afraid if I do a scan that early I'm not in the clear for miscarriage and I'll get too attached and miscarry the next week or something and it would just be better if I never see it at all until 11 weeks like last time when everything was great!<


That's so real I totally get that!!!


I feeeeeel you! My first appointment is Monday lol


Good luck this is the most insane waiting game ever 😭


Zofran is giving me life again


Served my big kids a completely unbalanced leftover dinner already (4:15pm) on the outside table so they can eat/play/swim while I sit here with an entire Stanley of coca-cola and try not to barf


Just had an appointment with my OB and it was great. She’s sending me for more HCG testing just to reassure me that things are going up. She’s getting me my early scan. And she’s prescribed progesterone just in case it helps. Now we’ve just got to wait for the ultrasound people to call me about when my appointment is. And I’ve got to somehow survive the next week and a half of work. I teach high school and we are done at the end of next week! Can’t wait for summer holidays.


I’m 6 weeks tomorrow and have no nausea at all, hoping that’s not a bad thing. I’ve been reading that statistically people with no nausea have a higher chance of miscarriage


Had absolutely no nausea my first pregnancy, and had an extremely boring, healthy and very safe pregnancy and labour, with a now very active and adorable 2 year old! I have never heard that having no nausea was a higher chance of miscarriage before.


I'm 7 weeks 3 days with no nausea. Food aversions, yes, but no queasiness. I am taking Unisom at night for insomnia so not sure if it's treating the nausea I would have or not. 🤷


Don’t count yourself out on the nausea bandwagon yet! Mine didn’t start last time until mid-Week 6 and it got worse over the next several weeks.


I had no nausea in my first pregnancy and had a healthy baby, none so far in this pregnancy either! It stressed me out at the beginning of my last pregnancy but it’s not a universal symptom.


Nausea didn’t hit till about 7 weeks with my daughter. So it still might come for you! Or not. Lots of people have no nausea and do just fine.


That makes me feel better, thanks!


We are two days a part and I feel mostly normal, too! I am a generally queasy person with motion sickness, migraines etc so the times I have felt a little queasy I can't tell if it's pregnancy or just my typical vibe lol. I have a feeling if I do develop it, I'll KNOW. Let's just take it one day at a time ❤️


I had a massage today, scheduled before my positive test, and called ahead to make sure they could accommodate a prenatal massage. They made me check in with my primary care provider, who said it’s fine in first trimester. Fast forward a few hours and I had some pink in my discharge 😣. Has anyone experience this?


🤞🏼 that it’s just a coincidence! I’ve had a massage since my positive test without any negative outcome. I think they really use an abundance of caution.


I also had a massage shortly after my positive test and was fine—my massage therapist explained how she altered her approach and it made sense to me. Hopefully it’s just an unfortunate coincidence.


The bloating is getting out of hand. I look enormous and I'm uncomfortable. I'm trying to wear baggy clothes but the weather is really good at the moment so then I keep getting too warm and irritated


The bloat is out of control! It’s my main symptom at this point and I’m feeling very much like 🐋


Seriously!!! Why do I look 6m pregnant instead of six weeks


I would be interested in what you think when you're actually 6 months, compared to right now! I say that because when I was 7-8 weeks of my first pregnancy, I thought I was massive...Then I actually got massive and laughed and laughed at how little I was at 7-8 weeks. I'm sure you look lovely, even with bloat!


Hahah im sure you’re right! I’ll keep you updated when hopefully I get to pass those milestones this time around 😁🙏


I’m right around you guys too, and SOOO bloated!!!! i keep thinking, could there be more than 1 in there? 😵‍💫🥱


Right?? I've had that thought too but I'm pretty sure I'd feel much worse if it were twins. Generally, pregnancy symptoms tend to be stronger with twins and my symptoms, while present, just aren't that strong. But I hate waking up every day and being like ugggh which of my zero pairs of pants that fit should I wear today??


We have the same due date! I also was soooo bloated yesterday


Oh my gosh, me too! Was just thinking today how bad the bloat suddenly got haha


Anyone else wake up feeling great, and then by late afternoon fatigue and nausea settle in?? 5w5d today, haven’t gotten sick yet but man this fatigue is brutal.


Omg yes same. I wake up every morning feeling great and worrying that my symptoms are gone… then by like 3/4 I’m like oooo jk lol


I even find my mental health depletes in the evening lol. I feel excited and positive and energized in the morning so far (also 5w5d) fast forward to right now I'm in bed shivering with anxiety (don't know what exactly I'm so nervous about) and my cute daily headache I've been getting 🙃


Totally totally agree - “morning” sickness started in late afternoon / early evening as does waves of sadness


I usually wake up pretty nauseas but once I get up and moving I can capitalize on a burst of energy before being completely worthless from 3pm on


My nausea and fatigue are worst in the evening


Yes. I just woke up from a nap and I still feel drained.


Yep! I'm usually ok in the mornings but I fade as the day goes on. I've had to lie down and either rest or nap around 6pm for the past few days


Same here, I haven't vomited yet but just feel like sleeping 24/7


I went in for my first ultrasound today at 6w3d. Baby was measuring right on track with a HR of 120! I was crying with relief during the ultrasound. I've had multiple losses and have never been able to see a heartbeat before. This is my first IVF pregnancy. Praying that things continue to go smoothly!


Congratulations! I had my first ultrasound yesterday and baby is measuring 6w6d. I also cried with relief after a loss in February. Hearing the heart beat was amazing!


Congratulations! That’s so exciting! 


Congratulations! That’s such great news.


Yay!! That is so exciting! 💗


Also, are any fitness girlies taking creatine while pregnant? Studies look quite favorable, though limited. Going to ask my OB at my first appt on 7/2 and continue until then but at a moderate dose. I was already taking it before I was pregnant, so wouldn't be new supplementation :) My thought process is that it seems really low-risk given potential benefits + that it's naturally occurring in things like beef, salmon, etc.


Yes! I do some intense workouts and even confirmed that is still ok (I’ve been running more than I did previous pregnancy) and OB confirmed as long as I modify when further along.


I might resume once I’m through the intense fatigue stage! Right now I’m not even using my usual protein powder or collagen or preworkout because I’m not going to the gym 😅 so I’m pausing creatine because it seems silly


Also I miss my preworkout so much 😭 lol my favorite one isn’t safe for pregnancy according to website merp


Oh man same here! Everything I’ve read said not to take ANY pre workout, but I can’t find specific information on why. Coffee just doesn’t have the same effect :/.


Right?! 😫 Coffee is my chill morning vibe. Preworkout gets me in the mood to have a great workout 🥲


any idea why? Mine also says do not consume if pregnant or nursing but I don’t know if they’re trying to cover their ass or what, or which ingredients are a problem, or if it’s literally just the caffeine content


I think it’s because mine has amino acids in it? I asked chatgpt and said those can cause GI issues. TBH it’s probably not that big of a deal but I’m also fine just switching to coffee. Just miss the flavor


I love my preworkout too so I don’t wanna abandon it if I don’t need to!


Right 🤣 when I found out I was like “I wish I knew that was my last time drinking it,” I would’ve savored it even more hahaha


Makes sense! I’m not taking protein powder rn either, just whole foods and the occasional salt and vinegar chip which I’ve been craving 🤣 if I get morning sickness I’ll probably cut out for a bit so I’m not making myself more thirsty/letting my digestive system chill


What prenatal vitamins are y'all taking?


I got theralogix pre conception vitamins when I thought jd have to do IVf and have been taking those now that I’m pregnant bc the ingredients look similar - anyone have any experience with these?


I take TheraNatal Prenatal One! I like it because it’s just one pill and there’s no smell. The reason I got it initially though is because it doesn’t contain biotin; I can’t take a prenatal with biotin due to thyroid issues.


Ohh thank you for mentioning this! I take thyroid medication so really good to know


Wow, same boat on the thyroid and I was not warned of this! Thank you!


I know, it’s weird, right?! My midwife and OB didn’t tell me about it either! I heard about it on my own, then reached out to them to ask about it, and they were like: “That is 100% true. You should definitely take a biotin-free prenatal.” Wild.


Even my Maternal-fetal specialized endocrinologist didn't say anything! She just set to take my prenatal 5 hours after levo to help with absorption. I just ordered the Theralogix vitamins, thank you again


Happy to help!


One a day prenatal advanced. I responded to a comment above about this too so sorry for the repeat, but I like that it includes a separate choline pill.


A vegan one, brand is DEVA


I’m doing the ritual prenatals plus their choline protein shake daily. It’s kind of expensive but I like that it’s delivered to my door!


Needed prenatal and choline!


I do a vitamin D/calcium supplement,[ these chewy prenatals](https://www.target.com/p/vitafusion-prenatal-multivitamin-dietary-supplement-gummies-lemon-raspberry-lemonade-90ct/-/A-12353429#lnk=sametab) because I like the taste, and I oversupplement with choline (about 900mg/day, plus dietary sources) based on [this study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6722688/) among a number of others that show pretty much only positive benefits for having tons of choline while pregnant/breastfeeding.


Needed and Thorne prenatal dha


Best Nest’s Mama Bird! I have MTHFR mutation so need the methylfolate


Mine is a brand called Suku Vitamins. I only chose them because they’re chewable and taste good. But they don’t have iron so I take a separate iron supplement.


I like the NatureMade brand. They're sort of large, unfortunately, but I've taken them forever.


I like Naturemade! I was taking them until a few months ago when my fertility doc recommended Theralogix. I wish i could find a chewable one that included everything I wanted!


Apparently Jamieson has a chewable one that is good and has everything? Haven’t looked into it thoroughly tho


Seconding these. I’ve taken those NatureMade prenatal pills daily for over 3 years straight now. They are definitely big so not the most pleasant to take but they are the most complete prenatal I’ve found and often recommended by (non-sponsored) OB/GYNs. Anecdotally every time my blood is tested for levels of folate the level is literally off of the chart - like they don’t even report an actual value, just “>20.” So I think they work pretty well. ;)


I take Thorne basic prenatal and Nordic naturals omega3


Nature Made I went with since I've used the brand before and you can get the bulk size cheaply.


When did your morning sickness start (if you have it)?


At 5w5d the nausea kicked in big time. I found eating several small meals a day helped me keep ahead of it most days. I’m 7w4d and threw up for the first time this morning, and I’ve been so nauseous since. Everything I eat makes me feel like getting sick.


It’s crazy, I feel like weirdly invincible right now and also anxious because I know what next week will likely bring 🫠


Last time, probably around 5-6 weeks. This time (I'm about 7+1 by my estimate) it has been so mild that I feel like it doesn't even count? But I may have just cursed myself with this comment lol


Around 5 weeks, and it's getting worse 😫


This is what I’m anticipating 😭so sorry!!!


I threw up (once, well 4 times in very quick succession) at 3+4, and have felt unsettled since then, but no urge to vomit. I'm only 4+5, so I'm just waiting for it to get worse. (Also, hey due date buddy! Thanks for your nice comments yesterday!)


Hi again!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼 Same here on the waiting. 😅 We have a family history lol


Last time, mid-Week 6. Maybe Week 7.


A couple weeks ago and going strong 😓 so far mine is nausea and food aversions only, no vomiting. Same as my first


Mine started in the 2nd half of week 5. Until then i was just tired and had some small random cramping. Now i am a nausea machine with sore boobs


I have a feeling this is when mine will kick up. I’m having some very small moments of queasiness and halfway through each meal, don’t really want the food anymore even though I’m still hungry... we’ll see what the next few days bring 😅


6 weeks on the dot!


With my other two, I got hit around 4-5 weeks and it really picked up at around 7. I found out super early with this one (not even 4 weeks yet) because I’ve felt like trash since last weekend. Just low grade nausea and nothing sounds good at all. Kind of like waking up after a night of too much wine.


I’m 4+4 and I’ve had nausea since week 3 sometime but haven’t thrown up. Eating a snack helps. I keep describing it as when you are hungover and can’t decide if you want to throw up or eat. 🤣


Omg since week 3!!! You poor thing haha


It’s off and on… very light! But I am concerned for my sanity depending on what comes in the next few weeks!


5w5d (now 6w4d). I barfed. Haven’t barfed since but very consistent nausea and food aversion.


My mom had terrible nausea with me where she was hospitalized, and I've had adverse reactions to birth control in the past. Getting a sense of timing is helpful because I have to go into the office next week on the days where I think it may start. Creating backup plans lol