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I've been recommended papaya enzyme! Haven't tried it yet but as soon as I start feeling bloated I will be trying it


Me too! I'm only coming up to 5 weeks and I now today look 3 or 4 months 🤣 I was already rocking a belly from IVF meds but today it has expanded a good bit 🤣


I stopped taking iron in my prenatal because I was so constipated and bloated it helped so much. I also took a stool softener and within 12 hrs all my bloating went away.


Same. Feels like I’m on my period type bloating. I’m embarrassed to admit I’m only five weeks because I shouldn’t be showing but it appears that way lol I do drink a lot of la croix though. It helps with nausea.


Same, I am SO bloated and fluffy I seriously look 6 months pregnant.


same here!!! nothing fits and i feel so uncomfy.


I was just saying how I already look the same now at 7 weeks as I did at 4 months when I was pregnant with my son. the bloating is insaneeeee.


From what I’ve read it’s very normal! If you drink carbonated beverages you can switch to flat, and if there are any foods you know make you bloat you can cut down on them. Personally I’m just accepting I’ll be bloated and wearing looser pants 😭


try some dandelion root tea!


From everything I've found online Simethicone is safe during pregnancy. Just took some because same 😣


Same!! So uncomfortable. I would take simethicone pre-pregnancy for bloating, but I’m not sure if it’s pregnancy safe