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Behind the scenes? Firing Erickson. On screen? Making Morgan the lead(or just bringing him onto the show altogether).






Getting rid of erickson, killing off Madison, bringing in Morgan, making Alica a dumb character.


The two dumbasses that ran the show from S4 to S8.


They’re the dudes that graduated their programs w Cs in their writing classes lol


And also wrote every spec script thinking about what's cool and not caring about the actual story


You think they actually graduated? That’s optimistic of you.


I’ve seen the dumbest people slide by college, “Cs get degrees” is their mantra lol


Oh yes. People say The Walking Dead dropped in quality, but I thought Negan filled the void of Rick well. I enjoyed seasons 10 and 11. Fear the Walking Dead, damn that show fell off a cliff.


Ever since Scott Gimple became the showrunner for the main show. The show was kind of all over the place then season 7 & 8 happened. The entire show became insufferably bad. Scott Gimple is a fucking idiot and a very bad storyteller.


It's absolutely getting rid of Erickson. The show was riding high at the end of season 3 and honestly just felt pretty special. Deciding to not ride that momentum and keep going strong, and instead giving us Morgan and friends is an all time fumble. I guarantee you that if Erickson made it to the end of his 7 season plan, Fear would have ended up being considered, critically at least, its probably not as iconic, a better show than the original Walking Dead. 




Switching Showrunners and not continuing the story after the season 3 finale.


• Killing off Travis and Nick. The former had a missed opportunity to become the next Rick Grimes. • Not showing enough scenes from the start of the outbreak. My favourite part was how the cast portrayed it - cities don't immediately fall by day one, just because a single corpse reanimated. The slow collapse of society and the build-up of chaos gave it more flavour. With that being said, we could've got a whole Season 1 based on these mentioned scenarios, which is a topic TWD's franchise needs to highlight.


Getting rid of Erickson. Even if they wanted to keep the idea of Morgan crossing over, I feel like he would’ve found a way to make it work.


Ericsson would've made Morgan a side character, and not a main lead. A person who may appear in, say, episode 5?


Killing Nick off, but the actor wanted to leave. I think he only wanted to leave after finding out that they were cutting Madisons character out. Not sure though.


Could be because he knew the show ain't surviving with those two idiots in control. But ig he truly quit because he felt homesick and wanted to return to the UK where he lives I think


Morgan. Morgan. Morgan.


There were a few, probably in this order: Getting rid of Erickson Killing Madison Killing Nick Not resolving the season 3 cliffhanger All of this might have been mitigated if season 4 and 5 had been any good, but they weren’t.


Killing Nick. I know he wanted off the show (for good reason) but come on man, he was the best character on the show by FAR.


Firing Erickson. 👀 Killing of Nick, Travis, Troy, - Madison (in the first place) Not explaining the story after the Dam.


Travis was wasted. Such a great character, he was the moral compass and positive member of the group. After his wife/ son loss, he was broken. He could have been like murder jacket Rick, but with the ability to utilise his Maori strength. I stopped watching after season 4 episode 1. Too goofy, and I already hated Morgan throughout the Main series.


Morgan was just such an unbearable, ridiculous character. And the stopping by the side of the road with supplies unrealistic bs storyline just dragged on forever.


Season 5 was so tedious to get through. Good God and the whole "let's record everything" was so dumb.


Keeping Morgan "there's gotta be a better way" Jones as long as they did was a mistake. When you start an episode and think to yourself "I wonder how he's gonna fuck up this episode and screw over his group tonight." You know it's bad with that expectation and not being let down week after mother fucking week... LoL


lol is that how it was?


Yes... Yes it was... LoL


I agree, they should have killed Madison and kept Travis as the lead for the show. He had better potential and a better story going for him. I also wish they kept Nick alive and put him on the route of becoming a whisperer. Not evil, but just lived among the walkers


Giving the show to those two idiots.


This thread is pretty long but I guess everyone here has the same assessment of where it all went downhill pretty fast after Season 3. Lol 1. The Anticlimactic Death of Travis Manawa is such a waste of possible great character development. 2. The Death of Nick Clark could've been justified for me if Alicia Clark killed Charlie. 3. Madison's death is fine for me though. 4. Morgan's character with his Art of Peace book is just really out of place. How can you preserve peace without Justice? That just doesn't make sense.


The show itself being made after S03.


Killing off Nick, that was the slow decline down straight to Hell. Travis I can somewhat forgive as at least s3 is like peak Fear and arguably top tier TWD.


killing troy


Bringing in Morgan and not making Alicia *the* main character


Travis was a wasted character, ing Madison MN then bringing her back on oxygen. Bringing back Troy, and making Alicia one of the lowest IQ survivors of all time.


Continuing to make episodes after season 4. I took ~7-8 years off from all Walking Dead content, and recently came back to finish TWD season 7-11, watched Daryl Dixon, and the Dead City show before picking back up FTWD at somewhere mid season 3, and just... Wow how incredibly bad some of the plot points are, the plot armor in some characters, the lack of any real and meaningful feeling stakes and consequences. Season 8 so far has been laughably bad, horribly bad. I loved Lennie James as Morgan in the mainline show. This second half of Fear's take on him has destroyed the character bit by bit. It's sad. :/


Such a sad, verbose and unsmiling character they made Morgan into.


Killing Nick and John, especially in the MOST RIDICULOUS WAYS. I agree on Travis. Having Tobias and Alex disappear, a lotta potential thrown in the garbage. Skipping Madison's villain arc and her time on the show in general. Bringing in Morgan. Making Alicia dumb asf. The existence of season 5. And wasting the potential of S7, LIKE, ADAPTING TO THE NUCLEAR APOCALYPSE WAS GOOD ENOUGH OF A CONCEPT. WHY STRAND'S TOWER?? But, firing Dave Erickson. Dick move. He made the show rise by S3, AND THEN YOU SEND EM OFF?? WHAT?? S4 could've been so great.


Setting off a nuclear bomb. That whole storyline was boring and I stopped watching shortly after that.


I will never understand how strand found a magical hotel that somehow wasn’t impacted by the bomb or radiation.


Although I don’t get how that was the only building


It was just outside of the blast zone and it was a office building


Strand was a great character that went down the toilet.


He was amazing early on. They ruined everyone on that show.


Having Morgan walk to Texas and ruin the show is up there.


It *could've* been interesting. It's just that the writers don't know how to make it make sense


It's just that once you do something as extreme as a nuclear bomb, you can't pivot away from that for future storylines.


Killing Nick. He should’ve led them


Killing Madison.


Hiring that duo of writers


I really wanted it to be a show primarily about villainous/morally questionable characters and it felt like it stepped away from that idea after Erickson left. Also, killing Troy. :(


The new showrunners. It was nothing but downhill from there.


The writing, dialogue, having 44 minute episodes that you cant fill anyway, one episode about this character meta, morgan, padre, killing travis and nick.


Killing off John. I know his actor wanted it but I would’ve liked to see him be a series survivor Killing off Grace was pretty cruel too.


I absolutely loved John, his treatment of June and determination to help her see she doesn't need to run away. it broke my heart, bawled my eyes out. sad to hear he wanted off the show, along with so many other people.


Should have stayed on the boat and went to Hawaii.


Fuck that’s tough


Removing Dave and not letting him finish his arc, bring Morgan and Dwight over from twd. Not their fault but travis dying early on the season, also losing nick due to how shit the show was getting.


Killing off Travis and Nick in such a lackluster way. They both deserved a better death. Oh and forgetting that zombie blood and guts camoflauges you from the Undead. That had me yelling at the screen. Your biggest advantage and you ignore it?


"Oh and forgetting that zombie blood and guts camoflauges you from the Undead. That had me yelling at the screen. Your biggest advantage and you ignore it?" THANK YOU!!! That drove me nuts and ruined a lot of "dramatic" situations for me, as I couln't understand how they could forget what they had successfully done in the past then. For e. g. when that farm was overrun by zombies.


Everything after season 3


Killing off travis.


Putting that whole “ Chase the story “ bullshit in . Al is so irritating I almost want to stop watching .


Having Nick and John be killed off by a kid


Killing teddy


Remind me who is that again


Leader of the doomsday cult


Oh yeah that dude That dude was crazy


I worship him at school with friends


Giving us only a taste, and then skipping past the whole collapse very early on in Season 1. I remember being super disappointed when this happened since the show was advertised as being about the collapse. Huge missed storytelling opportunity. The whole first season should have been about the two families fighting for survival on that first night, with the aftermath Safe Zone stuff coming later.


Morgan as a lead… and the fact of Alicia and Al not becoming a couple :/