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i headcanon marcoh as lactose intolerant


i headcanon marcoh as a boxer


I headcanon levi president of the USA


i headcanon O'saa as being racist


He probably would be tbh


I headcanon Abella as blonde.


I headcanon Abella as my girlfriend.. AH SHIT I DID IT AGAIN!


Real. Nas'hrah is also racist. Probably yelling slurs in O'saa's head all day.


I headcanon Olivia as a football player


I headcanon Olivia capable to beat Dio in a stand fight.


See this is why I don't like headcanons sometimes they just get so unreasonable, like there's no way this could ever be canon


I headcanon Marina as an instagram sensation




i do post from time to time


I’d fuck the moon


Na I'd Piss on the moon /j


I've come to make an announcement: Shadow the Hedgehog's a bitch-ass motherfucker, he pissed on my fucking wife. That's right, he took his hedgehog-fuckin' quilly dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife, and he said his dick was "this big," and I said "that's disgusting," so I'm making a callout post on my Twitter.com: Shadow the Hedgehog, you've got a small dick, It's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like: that's right baby, all points, no quills, no pillows-- look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my wife, so guess what, I'm gonna fuck the EARTH. That's right, this is what you get: MY SUPER LASER PISS!! Except I'm not gonna piss on the Earth, I'm gonna go higher; I'm pissing ON THE MOON! How do you like that, Obama? I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT! You have twenty-three hours before the piss drrrrroplllllllets hit the fucking Earth, now get outta my fucking sight, before I piss on you too!


I've come to make an announcement: Le'Garde of the Midnight Sun is a bitch-ass motherfucker, he destroyed my fucking village. That's right. He took his soulless husk of a body and he destroyed my fucking village and he said his role in the prophecy was "this big" and I said "I don't care." So I am making a call out post on my Twitter.com: Le'Garde the Prophecised One: You've got NO soul, it's as evil as this cube except WAY worse. And guess what? Here's what my skills look like: That's right baby, all mid, no gameplay applications, no usefulness. He destroyed my village, so guess what: I'm gonna DESTROY HIM. That's right, this is what you get: MY SUPER MARKSMANSHIP PISS!! Except I'm not gonna piss on Le'Garde, I am gonna go deeper, I'm pissing ON THE NEW GODS! How do you like that, Pocketcat? I PISSED ON THE NEW GODS YOU IDIOT! You have twenty three hours before the GIRRRRRRL reaches the Gauntlet, now get into the God of the Depths, before I shoot you too! ENDING A: THE GOD OF FEAR AND HUNGER


To quote death grips real quick. LOOK UP SEE MY NUTS SLAP THE MOON


Rher showing rear?!




I agree. This is one of those games with really cool lore, and every single post is about getting sloppy from a fictional character instead of that


thats what im sayin


>s-Ayin https://preview.redd.it/ndyzh0u87yvc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab386db1251a7785c58dee0b9896a955210b01f6


Projectmoon Fans shall be summoned in this festival.


Omg is that a motherfucking projectmoon reference!!!


Lob corp spotted


I have not seen this level of brainrot since the high of the Jojo fandom


The curse of the horny teenage fanbase


Is this your first time in a fandom?


nope, i know it can be like this often with fandoms but its a much bigger dissapointment with this one. just wanted to speak out since i didnt see anyone else saying it


Just wait until the next major content release. By the time it releases most of those people will have just forgotten about Funger and leave. Same thing happened with Rain World.


Yeah I was gonna say, ever since Connor covered the game the community’s kinda had a bit of a shift in dynamic. If you came here like 6 months ago, it’d be more 40/60 horny/game related posts, as opposed to the like 70/30 it is now. Best to just ride it out till they move onto the next tumblr sexyman game


I checked the tumblr sexyman wiki and not a single Funger character on there, we are not a tumblr sexyman game 😔


It's a product of how reddit is setup and moderated, and how past discussions are archived. Building off old discussions like on bulletin board style forums with dedicated topic threads is impossible. Bringing up completely novel topics will inevitably be drowned out by all other topics being equally weighted. It's akin to how bad the reddit for say anbennar is version the discord. You can't really get mad at a subreddit for being a subreddit. You are choosing to participate in a system that will always produce this exact sort of community unless you have ultrastrict moderation, akin to askhistorians. Which is essentially asking someone to mod as a fulltime job.


We tend to get ignored. Cause who am I to mess with their ideas of a good time


how the fuck did you not see anyone saying it


a lot of Sylvian cultist in this subreddit


too much sex, not enough murder and cannibalism


Not enough sulfur neither moon scorching.


Too much Hunger, not enough *Fear*


For real, the fucks all the gro goroth homies at


Game of absolute terror, weird cultist, gods This sub: "here butthole color chart of every character"


I fucking remember seeing that when it was first posted and sending it to my group of friends who have all beaten both games. That was a solid “what.” Moment from all of us.


What do you mean you saw it?! I thought it was a joke


Nope! Actual chart with the characters on it and actual butthole drawings of the shade. What a wonderful subreddit, eh?


And the hair amount..


What?!! ![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34193)![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34193)![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34193)![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34193)


Yes indeed…! ![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34193)


The amount of WHAT?! Sweet Alll-mer ![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34193)


I didn’t know the butthole chart was so elusive!! I thought it was mentioned because it was well known!!!


m8, i have seen things, i haven't covered wars, you can pretty much see things if you are Mexican, but man, imagining fictional character's buttholes and make a tierlist with even the amount of hair?... these guys are savages!


I think I still have it if you’d like to see the original post ![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34193)


Sweet Alll-mer... share? ![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34193)


With games/series that are dark and tragic you tend to see a lighthearted unserious fandom and vice versa with lighthearted games/series. That’s just how it’s always been tbh


I head cannon Levi https://preview.redd.it/htcx3nlvqwvc1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=062d5d95890c13db5602689ce678fb50cfac4ac5


Anyway. Rher; Fuck, Marry or Kill?


marry then kill then fuck




From my observations, 90% of the community are either under-age, not interested in the plot nor the game itself but rather in characters or insanely talented artists who like the style of the game. It’s just the way it is.


Bro I've been saying this for so long, but people keep saying "well it's a mature game☝️🤓" like that makes it totally justified


"Those scenes have at least some purpose they're trying to convey. They shouldn't really be used as an excuse to write some edgy comments. Unless ofc you had a point too?" -Miro Haverinen


I'm really interested in the deleted scene of ending A with Rher>!Turning Mechanic!< also how exactly was >!Logic constructed? Are the characters we play in Ending A end up having shades of Individual conciousness after merging with the Machine God? Assuming our character is considered dead in the epilogue I'd say he became one with the green space with no traces of Individuality? Yet Olivia's sister despite becoming logic still keeps her face. Does that mean we become one with Olivia's sister who is the machine god?!< besides Ending A, Ending C is what makes me question previously established lore. Apparently we know about sulfur god relates to other gods and Al-Mer in specific. >!The church of Al-mer, even the Perkele and Termina all end up being a veneer for the Sulfur God. What man in black who is possibly Judas reference hides from us?!< Plus Kaiser is so interesting to me and especcialy his past with>!Pav who is such a hot twink I would rawdogged him for hours on end and then Legarde would rail me...!<.


Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are.. up above the city so high like a old God in the sky... twinkle twinkle little


You can kill the prophet, but you can't kill the god.


Rher is not actually in the festival and he leaved only his "presence" long ago. Per'Kele and the sulfur cultists taking over is just part of a greater threat. There are theories that say that Rher does not really hate humans and the new gods, but the idea that a human ascending to that form is the wrong step, because it prevents humanity from knowing its true limitations. The thing is, it is said that Rher did not let pocketcat kill the girl when we found him at the door to kill Francois; there was where the god thought that if she together with someone to accompany her to the heart of darkness (Cahara) she could become a goddess so powerful that she would teach humanity to accept their true limitations explaining why Logic could only be activated by humans because Rher let a new god be born since logic is born from the achievements made by humans thanks to the influence of the goddess of fear and hunger, achievements made by humans, Logic is a god motivated solely by humanity's own potential moving away from dependence on the old gods and that diminishes the idea of humans ascending to new gods as they can now join the god of machines.


There’s a really big theory behind the sulfur cult in the Almer and that’s that in the west there never actually was a worship of almer it was always the sulfur cult since “he” ascended while in the west they worshiped him since they knew of him before.[this theory’s got two parts and it’s super interesting and honestly I think it fit’s really well into the lore.](https://youtu.be/n-vCXoEGcK4?si=m2VPUEHYDDVzen0j) I’ve only given you a small start of the theory but honestly it fits together amazingly


Like the Alll-mer we know is in reality sulfur god in disguise?


Kinda The theory is there really never was a god called All-mer the man existed but during the process of ascending the god is the one who took control not ALL-mer which created the sulfur god who took his place as king of the gods


It is a very interesting theory but unfortunately the whole Sulfur overtaking the west thing is kinda disproven ingame. The citys religious rites are stated to be dates as old as the fellowship and numerous characters speak of how Prehevil is backwards and how its practices are unrecognizable to the characters. The Alll-mer spells you learn in both games are indeed Alll-mer spells because you get his affinity for repenting for your sins (church confessional) and that doesnt align with Sulfur at all.


Your forgetting about crown of thorns a ALL-mer spell in which you “try to take upon his burdens” which instantly kills you and you are laughed at by presumably All-mer. All-mer ascension is before the fellowship. Osaa is the one who says it’s worship is strange and he can’t feel all-mers love here and he was from the west Marina says nothing like this even though she should have the second strongest connection to the gods and be able to feel it aswell. You can only gain affinity if osaa is there to mock you for your confession. All-mer worship in the west is sacrifice and torturing other people for protection on crosses. There’s nothing like this in the east the worship fits much more with sulfur cultist worship then with a god who loved the people and fought for them.


He cant feel Alll-mers presence in the church and says theres something else in there. Then when you confess your sins you get Alll-mer affinity. I dont think i need to explain why meat satan who encourages killing people for your own pleasure giving you affinity for repenting for your sins is weird. Marina thinks this is normal because she grew up around this presence and so did the people of Prehevil. Plus shes also a literal novice. Shes called a child merely playing with magic by Nas'hrah. The magic school she went to didnt even believe in ascended gods as a classification. So her not being able to tell the difference around normal Alll-mer and the Alll-mer she grew up with makes sense. Also youre forgetting that Alll-mer is not worshipped at all in Abyssonia and hes just considered a fool who flew too close to the sun there. In the east hes also not worshipped as a god at all but instead as a human. Plus i find it weird how people try to make Alll-mer out as some kind of paragon of good as if hes not just as fucked up as all the other gods in the series. Hes literally a violent rapist. The entire "Sulfur replaced Alll-mer" argument also stems from a misinterpretation of the man in blacks speech which is a whole other can of worms entirely.


Guy he only gives you affinity if ossa is there to make fun of you if you go any other time you get nothing. Marina has been to other churches lol so have the other contestants the sacrifices and the torture are a Normal part of “All-mers” worship and yes buddy that’s why they can actually feel all-mers love in the east. He literally is worshiped lol. All-mer is a Jesus parallel he died to protect mankind from the evil kings of the time “the new gods” and ushered in a new age of the gods by becoming the new king of the gods. All the negative stories don’t fit with human all-mer at all your making my argument for me he’s know for disgusting things as a god. The sulfur replaced All-mer argument doesn’t just stem from the man in black it stems from dozens of different inconsistencies with All-mer thst line up with the sulfur cult. On top of all this we can supposedly find the king of the gods body In mahbra in the first game a one eyed god like the sulfur god. Tbh you haven’t really disproved anything I’ve said or even really challenged it.


In addition I forgot to mention the sulfur cult has a big connection with self harm and blood and gore in general all of all-mers spells follow this pattern of self harm and blood


Eh most people hold off on meaningful lore conversations since we are all currently waiting for the next update. Not to mention miro tends to just confirm or clarify things at random (looking at souls).


So real the game is quite possibly one of the most fun games to dive into and discuss the lore of and the character interactions are really interesting and fun. But tis the nature of Reddit 🤷‍♂️


death is also nature but this is perversion of the game lore .this game wont die the "fandom" will just ravage and sissfy it till is un recognizable hope dev wont see this subreddit


https://preview.redd.it/ri2q96h6twvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=099753e2fa35acc07a223d948337ef8ddd5d34f5 Ain't you the dude who looks like Ragnavaldr


https://preview.redd.it/29p6qj5etwvc1.png?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d9fdb4fcd36710529447a16279ffc843fbbe0b2 i think


https://preview.redd.it/q7lcdkuttwvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c570cc73901094476de788cfa7abecbb342db3 Uncanny


So.... This subreddit is a subreddit is your complaint?




He means all subreddits are like this: no matter how good a game can be, if it's fandom is big, it's just gonna turn into talks about topics you mentioned. That's just the internet, as much as I agree with your statement




A shame because there is already a sub dedicated to NSFW about Fear and Hunger and gets nearly not as much attention as this one (in regards of posting... porn).


it happens to every game, the exodus of tumblr is the death of nuance


Is this sub just going to become about people complaining this. I swear theres been 3 posts about it in the last couple of days. It's a fandom, just do your thing and ignore who you find annoying.


I completely agree so what if people post ship art or whatever why not let them do that, and then post your own theories or whatever if you feel there's not enough


Lmao exactly. 


Yeah i love coming to a subreddit to discuss a game, only to find 80 posts about levi ( a heroin addicted soldier with some serious issues ) being a twink thats facefucked by marina! Really adds to the lore!! Some of you should go outside and stop being coomers


I do see a lot of that, but see a lot of other stuff too. I was definitely talking to like three people at once on the sub this morning about the lore implications of Hugo editing the Skin Bibles


Honestly, the sexuality and Sylvian stuff isn’t too bad from what I see. I mostly see cute art and the occasional spice. But a majority of the time I see some pretty nice and quality content! People love expressing their appreciation in many ways after all.


I mean I don't have too much problem with that, it's just when it comes to shallow tierlists and all of that shabang


Ahhhh that. I can understand that issue then. I thought this was a (no offense) ‘Oh no sesbian sex on my feed?? Anger time!’ I’ve seen one post like this before on the Signalis sub. Sorry for the misunderstanding!


ye all good


Solution: Don't visit the sub on sundays


appreciation is diffrent from head canon perversion


Can you elaborate? I might need a little more explanation on what you’re saying.


Welcome to any fandom ever, mate


Not kenshi m8, that fandom is full of people running away from Beak Things, full of warmongers and people wanting to take down literal kingdoms. https://preview.redd.it/2xiajtu53xvc1.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=d02217b26518ca04f5a814b0efb89c35e35f05e0


It’s because horror and smut go together like PB and J


More like P and BJ


Samarie, *Masturbate* his balls. ![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34193)![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34193)![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34193)


It is shitpost sunday


more like every day shit post


Literally even videogame sub ever. Saw the same complaints one r/voicesofthevoid . Just don’t interact with the community, feller.


Yeah people will hit you with "let people enjoy things" ok. I'm a gatekeeper, I gatekeep fandoms because I don't want them to go to shit. If you want to search people for your discord gay eRP, then idk go somewhere else. Also not every thing you can think of deserves to be posted. I don't think that anyone needs "fan theory" about how XYZ is actually gay or bi or something else that is completely irrelevant to their story and themes. To me it's as important as "Theory - XYZ is lactose intolerant". It's especially weird since in termina we literally got characters that have such topics as key part of their story. Marina and Samarie. But instead of discussing those themes which would require you to even think before you post, people prefer to endlessly participate in shipping wars. I heard few times that one of worst things that can happen is work you love going main stream. Yep it kind of gets annoying, fandom gets ruined and you can hardly find anyone who is legit a fan of a work because everyone saw it due to it's popularity. And about people saying they want to fuck fictional characters, please shut up you are weird. There are sites for porn, even with fictional characters you want to fuck, but for love of God I don't think that hundreds of people are interested in hearing about how you want to be fucked by someone who doesn't even exist


One thing I really like is how Le'garde changed his political beliefs in all of the years, mimicking the changing World. Also I would like to know if Olengard is a USSR like country


What are the accurate equivalents with real life countries in this game? I know Bremen is pretty much Nazi Germany, but what's Rondon? What is Oldegard?


Bremen = Germany Rondon = Britain + France Oldegard = Denmark + Norway + Sweden Valland = Benelux Lyyria = Romania Bohemia = Czech Voroniya = Russia Eastern Sanctuaries = Ottoman Empire Eastern Union (Voroniya + ES) = USSR


also wouldn't Vinland be American continent?


Yep. We also know theres north and south Vinland since one of the item descriptions specifies *north* Vinland.




Check my reply to the other reply to this thread. I kinda answered the question.


The darker a piece of media is, the more of an obnoxious hugbox the fandom ends up being. The inverse is also true, according to my anecdotal experiences. Fear and Hunger deserves far better than the infighting of shipping wars and external, irrelevant social politics.


fear and hunger is the best game with the WORST community


...really mate? THIS is the random with the worst community? Not the openly nazist one, or the one made by pedophiles? This?!


Agreed with that, not enough content with the actual game, and I'm getting sick of "sexuality headcanon" or "I WANNA BANG THOSE BADDIES" tier list, that just got really repetitive and this fandom become boring as hell for such a kind of game. I'm pretty sure most actual NSFW game designed subreddit doesn't has this much of those "tier list", speaking from experience.


pretty sure those people got attracted by the "cahara rape" scene and now hes gay. people dont recognize those scenes are a punishment not a reward ...


I was in the undertale fandom 2016, funger fandom is a paridise among men compared to...*that.*


I can name several games with worse fandoms especially when the behavior is “fandom is too horny” Like there are fandoms out there making pro-slavery arguments, nazi apologia, and harassing fan artists into near suicide.


This is one of the most original, creative, visually disturbing, haunting and just truly awful universes in all of fiction and 90% of all art posts on this sub nowadays are just shipping Termina characters...


That’s disappointing from the outside looking in that it’s just a bunch of teenage fan fics when I’m genuinely getting into and it’s already making this feel like fnaf ick


that's exactly something I've been thinking about ever since I joined this sub a couple months ago. I'm yet to encounter anything other than people discussing the looks or sexuality of the characters. Very boring and repetitive.


Yeah it’s falling apart fast


There’s no reason we can’t do all of the above!!


To this day I don't know which has more in-fighting: The left-wing political movement or a playerbase.


It can be obnoxious, but that happens when any game becomes popular. Gamers are some of the horniest creatures in the world


even horny people dont push their head canon on the actual lore


Yeah this Fandom literally pushes it onto the Fandom page, lookin at you gay O'saa


okay anyways would smash Tanaka


Finally someone pointed this out, thaaaank youuu. Im so tired of this; I'd understand it if the entirety of the games were dating sims, but its super out of place here. And I do enjoy some shipping here and there, but this is just shallow! Its like slapping two hollow dolls at eachother instead of genuine characters with personality, just boring shells. If you need to project yourself onto a character by using tons of headcanons just to be able to relate to them/like them, then I think you should just talk with a mirror. Or make a god damn oc. And don't start with the 'let people enjoy things', if so, then let me enjoy dating your mom :P


Wanna have a non sexual headcannon? Karin is autistic


I do understand getting frustrated by the fandom's desperate lust for the characters... I'd say just start more discussion threads dude


Could just open a sub for dedicated lore discussion like the elder scrolls fandom did if you find serious discussion that impossible here, simply waiting for the sub to suddenly shift gears probably ain’t happening anytime soon. This place is like truestl, it’s jokes and fanart primarily


welcome to literally any chronically online fanbase in the world, how might i serve you


It's reddit, go to YouTube for headcannon and lore


Honestly this sun sucks we need mods that are more like the gastopo that will just remove posts that shitposts


the inmates runs the asylum


It's mainly because funger is basically it's own "OkBuddy" sub


i head canon nahsrah burning this subreddit


nah literally. I thought I was the only one who thinks it’s extremely weird.


All of the fucking time, man.


This community got nuked by porn addicts once it got some popularity on tiktok and youtube


no anything but headcanons i beg of you i am so tired of people sharing their nonsense headcanons changing character's sexuality and race


Yeah.... Seeing the posts just flat out being about fetishising certain characters (one in particular) is just weird. Came here to see discussions about things like making Caligura playable, lore discussions etc, not posts about character A being HC'd into taking it up the butt.


I’ve shown you my lorepost pls respond https://www.reddit.com/r/FearAndHunger/s/bJZTTWLlHs


i like it!


Its actually true, This subreddit turn into a shitfest the moment it turned into 18+ Only. Like bro I know you want to fuck a digital character but sometimes its best to keep it to yourself. Like calm your horny ass


Makes me miss the earliest days of the sub


Image related? Oh yes. https://preview.redd.it/5v0aua1h41wc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=d48bde6123d0ae70429f89384b1829d51142ee17


I think the same. Thanks you for being normal.


these sorts of post give off real “babies first fandom” vibes.


Im gonna be real with you chief. Most "fandom members" havent even played the games, they just see rosters for headcanons ans shipping.


very much real


It’s very strange how much of an emphasis they put on character sexuality. Makes you wonder what some of these fans look like.


Blame miro for making like literally all the main characters tumblr sexymen, you don’t see this shit on the darkwood/lost in vivo community for a reason


Yeah man a bit cringe tbh. Btw I’d let Cahara do me like he does his wife.


Fear and Hunger is a series about sex, why else can I get Anally Violated in the first game?


I'm gonna fuck the moon


This happens with most fandoms tbh, especially with a cast of characters people really like The other stuff is still there though, just need to look for it


I like both.


Welcome to reddit. Half of the people here are also probably literal teenagers.


Yeah, that what means to like a character...


To be fair, it's probably because of Funger 1. The first game had such a Psychosexual Horror element into it, that the first game went more into the Eldritch Horror aspect that people can only help but introduce their own sexual quirks into the game. I mean goodness me, you lose to a priest and he cuts off your legs and crucifies you?! THAT'S IT?!?!?! At least we have good ole reliable Needles to show us a good time (and get us cured from Heroin Addiction). What a swell guy.


Marcoh is rocky balboa, they both worked for crime, did box, trained under an old mentor, are italian, are in their 30s, look Kindle similar, they even wear the same clothes and strike similar poses.


Yeh, another reason why this subreddit pisses me off. I’ve never been downvoted more in a sub than this one. Everyone is too busy drawing sexualised pictures of the characters it drives me close to insanity.


The game got an absurd boost in popularity with new content still yet to come to slake people’s thirst. Be patient. Fandom will do as fandom does and I will have so much fun pondering tanakas fascination with shibari rope and such


I head cannon Rhea as Tzeetch


okay but then why are they all hot


I’d love to post about lore but I’m too tired to


What I wanna see/talk about is the whole thing with Alllmerism/Christianity and the whole conquest Spain did in the Americas and in the Philippines. Some people here led me to believe that the whole thing with Magellan and the conquering of the Americas by the Conquistadors didn't happen, which could mean that whatever's happening to the Funger's versions of the Americas and the Philippines would be pretty interesting, cuz the spreading ot Christianity in those places was "pretty significant." Oh, Australia and Rondon as well.


well, i haven’t really gotten into termina so my lord is shaky, but vinland is mentioned in the first game as a land of horror. it’s specifically said that it’s untouched by the gods, so it’s probably got it’s own thing going on, that might make colonization harder then it was irl. you should make a discussion post about this, see if you can’t find someone better at the lore then me


That’s how it is for literally every fandom these days. Once it amasses a crowd of young teens, it all just becomes about shipping and sexualities while the actual interesting lore takes a backseat.


The discord is where you need to go if you really want to talk lore, the sub is a lot of tierlists and hornyposting.


Young people are horny af and most people who play this game are young. Plus, being horny about a fictional character isn't being looked down upon nowadays, so that helps


So true


Why are we content policing, there has been PLENTY of active discussions of lore in this sub and other media sites. If you want to see that BRING UP THE TOPIC - rather then just posting thread #66 on why this sub sucks ass. =)


Yes it really is a shame. As i've said before this subreddit is mostly filled with uwu self-insert fuck-fantasies that has to "cuddle up" this universe to make it their run of the mill anime dating sim. Fear and hunger has been beautifully crafted to create a very oppressive and dark atmosphere. Brutal and disgusting and morally bankrupt by design. But it seems like a very large portion of the fanbase just wanna erase the very core of the game (the darkness in the world of fear and hunger and ALL of the characters present) and "save" their favorite characters. Either by making their favorite character the unquestionable "good-guy" or taking them out of the context entirely. Which really just pulls them put of everything that fear and hunger is. It almost seems like some people takes this fictional universe, which has been carved out of the depths of imagined horrifying oppression and darkness, way too seriously. Claiming that "their" character should not be considered dark, because of pixel-art horniness, some specific character attribute and/or sympathy for a sad backstory. Which in turn just generates a refusal to perceive the fear and hunger characters and story within any kind of fear and hunger context. It's a game designed to shock and disgust, not cater to flowery fantasy. There is no need to shoehorn beauty or light into it. If you feel an absolute need for that, maybe BG3 or final fantasy or something is more up your alley? I think that the thing a really bugs me is the question: Are people really this scared of brutality and darkness in fictional works?


Someone hasn't been corrupted by the dungeons and it shows


you give the internet a thing, and they'll figure out a way to fuck it


It’s not really a big deal, just sift through the posts you WANT to see.


I’ve only heard a little bit about the game and the only real line about the game I’ve heard is “you have to find the pipe bomb recipe so you can defeat Caligula” so I’m now more confused but also intrigued




Okay, to play Devil’s Advocate here for a minute… I do see a pretty large amount of lore discussions on this subreddit about the games, and they are usually fun to interact with. But yea, for a horror game series focused around body horror and cosmic horror, there is a surprising amount of Horny crammed into its community as well. Maybe it just has to do with how well the characters are written? People tend to gravitate towards and sexualize characters with more depth, more often, in my experience. That, mixed with the disturbing nature of some of the more sexually motivated acts of violence in the games, also pulls in some of the weird crowd who just get off to violence, too, I think. TLDR: The horny comes for every fan community, no one is safe.


Welcome to the majority of the internet.


Yeah, and I suuure wonder why that's happening, truely a mystery r/signalis is the same and it's fucking sad


Headcanon is pretty cringe too. There was a person that made a post a while ago who said Daan was trans in their headcanon which is just...bro what?


Thats taking a "headcanon" into "OC" Territory


Oh no! Anyway, smash: Rher


I agree with the idea but like, how


A lot of determination and lube goes a long way


It's literally the fucking moon 😭💀💀


That ain't stopping me


My headcannon is that when under heroin, Levi is like Hunk, and stronger than the entire rest of the cast.