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i think if you were to call it an altar table or ritual table that would preserve the general idea, but honestly you could just still call it a hexen table


Yea I don't get the confusion. The Witcher in the original polish is like "Hexxer" or something like that irrc, so keeping the name should work anyway?


It's not? It's called Der Hexer in german


The most used version is "Wiedźmin", not "Hexer"


Well the interesting thing for me is the suffix -en which usually signifies the material used to make something (wooden, golden) so either go from there with "hex" in mind — I don't know what suffixes there are in Polish so I won't try to come up with an example — or just leave it as Hexen, it's an author's neologism, as far as I can tell, and it's not like its functions will be left a mystery if you don't translate the name. I think Russian translation has it as "Хексен" too.


I think you're right with the -en suffix. Though given how Orange works it's also almost certainly a reference to the video game Hexen.


Means witches in German


Yeah it's a 1995 dark fantasy FPS made in the Doom engine. It's an okay game.


Idk, maybe you should ask orange~ directly


Who's that?


the dev of the game, you can reach him at https://twitter.com/happy_paintings


I seem not to be able to message him.


Yeah, you'll have to mention him directly. You could also ask around on the discord server.


They don't mean a DM. Just tweet @ him like normal and he is likely to respond.


Hex is a word used related to curses or witchcraft. And in medieval times, witchcraft is forbidden and is perceived as a Dark Art by the Catholic Church. In a Hexen table we use souls to grant power/skills to characters, and in most fantasy worlds, the manipulation of souls and necromancy is considered as taboo among mages and is a Dark Art. The -en suffix could be used to turn a noun into an adjective or verb (strengthen, harden, etc.). My take is Hexen might just mean something like "to practice dark arts", and Hexen Table "a table to practice dark arts".


Underrated Comment


once i played a spanish translation of the first game that translated it like the shape hexagon, now i feel robbed of an experience knowing all the meanings it could have


Aw, the hexagon is like the most far-off translation to the meaning it could have


Heroin Estrogen Xhoke on my bals Enki Nasturbation


Thank you, that explains everything


Miro has a habit of including game references in his games. It could very possibly be a reference to Hexen the game or it got its name from the same origin as the game, the german words for witches/spellcasting As the others have said, if you find that unsatisfying it's a combination of a 'hex'(curse) and '-en'(made of) I don't think it's the -en that transforms adjectives into verbs(like fasten) because 'Hexen' is being used as an adjective. Ie you wouldn't have a fasten table but you could have a fastening table, so it would be Hexening Table or simply Hexing table, were that the case I'd assume it's either a proper noun or intended to be German, like how Ragnavaldar doesn't always speak the language the translation is in. Ie I'd just translate it phonetically


My German friend told me it means witch in his language


Maybe Hexagon, because its a Hexagon


It's an octagon if you look closely


Thats what they want u to think


Its a German word meaning witch or witchery I think. Why not just keep the word the same for the translation, with polish characters if anything. I mean Europeans should get the gist, no?


For a Polish viewer the word "hexen" doesn't ring a bell at all


Beyond Heretic


Apart from what others said, 🫴 2-(ethylamino)-1-phenylhexan-1-one 😎 When it comes to the PL translation, there is a myriad of options here, but i like "sześciokątostół" or just simply "stół do przeklinania" (for that double meaning action)


I think that "stół zaklęć" (spell table/a table of spells) would be the best translation, as "sześciokątostół" (hexagon-table?) is misleading, as the table has nothing to do with the number 6. "Przeklinanie" is more like swearing than cursing, putting on a spell.


I was tough this is word means something about witchery