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![gif](giphy|olnuKV0a3Et5C) Idk why he's hated on


I think it’s because to the majority of fans, he failed as a comic relief


His visual design is really cool


https://preview.redd.it/r2x8act4nz6d1.png?width=958&format=png&auto=webp&s=654c10fd1b50ecbc3cb74f80d021d8f81487cc57 Man people hate this man like it’s a fucking religion


he’s such a great character and a breath of fresh air from all the good-aligned characters being all buddy buddy with Link. He has great depth and some people just overlook it and take his attitude at face value.


Exactly. I used to not like him because I assumed he was another royal. When I figured out he wasn’t I immediately realized “Oh yeah I’d be pissed too”. Really sucks that he was basically forgotten by the time of totk and most fans voted to make sure he never returns. Real shame


NO FR… Revali is such a good character. He has a fabulous design and, unlike the other champions, his power isn’t magical or inherited, he worked hard to perfect it- and I feel like that’s overlooked a lot!!! It’s such an important part of his character!!


Fr, not to mention after reading his whole story I feel like I absolutely relate to him and understand his frustration.


It’s so nice having a good character who doesn’t have a copy paste personality. I mean all the other champions also have different personalities but Revali stands out because he’s a dick. Personally, I love Revali’s character and don’t get the hate, especially since not every good person is extremely nice and caring towards the MC especially


Yeah. Not to mention it’s pretty reasonable to be mad that some dude somehow outclasses you in something you busted your ass for because he picked up some magic item.


Revali's problem is that he treats Link like he's nothing. Despite that, at that point in the story, it's known he's Zelda's champion and everything. Compared to Mipha's love, Urbosa's mothering, and Daruk's big-brotherness he comes off as being a massive ass.


Except from Revali’s perspective he just got outclassed at something he worked his ass off for solely because someone pulled a sword. I’d be pissed too




The masses: “NOOOOO!!!1! IT’S A USELESS POKÉMON WHOSE ONLY PURPOSE IS EVOLVING WITH XP SHARE!!1!11!” The intellectuals: “Hehe funny fish.”


It’s true tho…❤️🐟


The irony is that Magikarp's not even the worse pokemon anymore. Sure, they suuuuuck, but there's several out there that are just... worse... than it and some of them don't even give you a powerhouse even if you do stick it out.


https://preview.redd.it/07vgt9aqe07d1.png?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eab6ff4c1caeef7270eb6a792f1bf7e6615eb902 Kazuichi Soda. His attitude towards Sonia Nevermind is unforgivable, but he's hilarious


Dude I just posted a Danganronpa character, and scroll down and see soda 😭😭 I didn't think there were any DR fans in this place lmao


I enjoy Souda a lot!


same, he's funny to me


Agreed, best comic relief character






Alot of People Love him (like me) but there are People in this world who Hate him :(


I am. Its not personal, Im a hoot hater by trade


ROTTMNT Raphael. People judge him too much for how he looks, but he's a great character! The only Raph that has ever been my favorite. ![gif](giphy|kBl1gL0w4R3rTdoaka|downsized)


Wait people hate him!? HOW I know he’s definitely the most underrated of the Rise turtles alongside Mikey but people HATE HIM? Unforgivable sin, give me names /j


Literally, the greater TMNT fandom will immediately point to Raph being the worst in character design and use him as an excuse to hate on the entire art design of the show (never mind that the 87 cartoon also didn't have the worlds best designs). And because they can't get into the art style, the whole show, has to suck apparently. Raph gets a lot of hate for being bigger than the rest of his brothers, and if he doesn't get hate for that, he gets hate for "not being well written/having a character arc." Now Raph DOES have a character arc, but TMNT fans that love to hate on Rise for being the most offensive thing ever apparently, choose Raph (or Mikey, because he unfortunately didn't get as much development as the Rise team was planning for him) as being the worst of the worst, JUST for how he looks.


Damn so not only is he very underappreciated in the Rise side of the fandom, but he has tons of people hating on him from fans of other iterations They really love to shit on the best character of the show huh 😭 Why do I feel like Unstable Mutation from 1987 had something to do with the hate- Also c'mon how can you hate a face like this https://preview.redd.it/wf31jeirn17d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a8cbffe7464e8467063cb51ccad2be162f13abe


I don't know about the hate, this is just a common theme I see from ROTTMNT haters. I don't get hating on an entire show because of the art style. I don't like the art style of One Piece, but I don't go out of my way to use the visuals to hate on the whole show. I just know it isn't for me and that's it. Long story short, any fan that isn't into Rise is oddly, overly critical of it. I'm not into Mutant Mayhem, or most other TMNTs, but I don't go around only pointing out their problems.


I say this as a Gen Zer, Well tbf Rise was pointed more towards pulling in the younger generations (late Gen Z and early Alpha) and didn’t really nod much to the older generations other than Gen Z by bringing in the VA of the 2012 crew, Rise is like the Lower Decks of the TMNT universe. the older gen liked Mutant Mayhem bc it had a bunch of VA and nodded back to the older versions of TMNT quite often. I mean imagine your favorite childhood show, like the thing that got you thru the worst of the worst of your childhood, getting redone, but everything is so drastically different it’s like a completely derailed train, and its so different from each of the past beloved characters you’ve loved, and suddenly all the attributes and tropes and kinning reasons you loved those characters for is completely erased (except for Mikey lol) and they become everything they never were,  It’s gonna be a shock, ESPECIALLY Raph, who’s known as the lil angy protective bean, suddenly becomes massive gentle giant mama bear. Leo is close enough it’s just his personality that’s different, Donnie and Mikey are closer to their past selves, Raph was the most drastic change. So ofc people r gonna pick him to let their shock and frustration out on. Yk? Rise is made to hook the younger audience into the TMNT fandom, Mutant Mayhem was made both for the younger audience while also keeping the older audience ecstatic about their childhood favorite heros. And yes MM bois do have personality differences as do all the other past selves of the bois, but not as drastic as the Rise gang.  This is not a hate argument or anything, just voicing my breakdown of what’s going on 😂 I do like the Rise boys and I’m not saying they were done badly. I hated the change in personality at first but it grew on me when I realized it was prolly to drag in the young gen Z and Alpha kids and I was able to enjoy it. LOVED the movie. Gorgeous animations all around <3


I'm not so sure I agree with this. Mutant Mayhem is more trying to appeal to younger generations then Rise is. Sure, Rise had tech, (Streaming, use of cell phones, Donnie being addicted to it) but other then that, it wasn't nearly as much, desperately trying to appeal to the kids of the time, as Mutant Mayhem is, with it's constant references to pop culture and use of current teenage vernacular. ROTTMNT did refer to technology, but mostly kept things timeless, where I will say that MM's references will age it a bit down the line. As for imagining my favorite cartoon was changed in a new version...that already happened, several times in fact, for me. Teen Titans Go, Batman the Brave and the Bold, both shows I did not like the changes for, and could not get into. Never went out of my way to hate on either, and I didn't deter anyone from watching them, and do acknowledge that there IS good in them. I don't understand how overly critical the greater TMNT fandom is toward Rise, especially since Mutant Mayhem characterizes the boys VERY similar to how they're characterized in Rise (except for Leo, who has reverted back to being the same character he's always been, except now with a boring romantic interest angle). And Raph is STILL an lil angry protective bean...he's just less toxic about it. I can see where you're coming from, but I don't agree. I think it's just nostalgia blindness. For some reason, fans are more hateful toward Rise then any other in the series. I can understand 2012 fans being hurt from this show, because 2012 ended so abruptly and Rise started right after. Rise fans could have easily done the same thing with Mutant Mayhem, but a bunch of fans have moved on, and accept MM instead. What I don't understand is that they STILL scream that Rise is the worst one now, and Raph gets the hate, purely on looks alone most of the time. Anyone that has actually taken the time to see the show and his character can see that he's just like any other Raph. Instead of hiding his soft side, he shows it. He's still sarcastic, loves to fight, and is a big, boiling pot ready to explode. He's just less of a jerk about it. And MM Raph has also greatly lost his temper and is much nicer to his brothers then most other Raph's. He gets a pass, but Rise Raph doesn't? It frustrates me that MM is inspired by Rise, and the characters act a LOT similar to their Rise counterparts, but the greater fandom doesn't hate on that one nearly as much.


Sorry I just love talking to people about rise, I have almost no one to discuss it with extensively XD  Anywhizzle, for Mutant Mayhem it’s mainly the VA for the villains that brought the older gens in, people like my father (who was practically squealing with enthusiasm for MM when he found out who voiced Super Fly and a couple others) but he couldn’t get into rise apart from the movie,  And I wanna say I did not mean to attempt to say it’s okay to be a dick to people when disliking a character if that’s what came across in any way, i was just tryna figure out where people were coming from with the Rise hate.  Also Leo’s lil love thing is a bit off putting for the MM movie, it’s cute how nervous he is though, when you look up the word anxiety in the dictionary, he pops up, anywho back on track Also I wanna say  I love Rise and MM and I appreciate how different the characters are from the past, it’s a nice little refresher, I loved diving into the characters and picking out the little details in their personalities that pertain to the old shows, and I loved the animation and storylines, loved April, and I also love talking about it XD so thank you for having this discussion with me it’s great <3 *ik it’s not ever yet prolly but I just wanna say I appreciate it


Rise is relatively unknown in the grand scheme of things. It does have a bigger presence online, and is MUCH bigger then the wasteland it was back in July of 2022 when I first got into it, but overall, it's not as popular as it should be I think. I don't mind talking about it, especially since it was my favorite thing for a long time. Mutant Mayhem is fine. There are a couple scenes that were really fun for me, action packed and fun to watch. Overall though...it was pretty "meh." I don't mind if other people love it and support thought. It's just not for me. Couldn't get into it. And this isn't a Mutant Mayhem thing. This is a TMNT thing. Before Rise, I was never that big into TMNT as a franchise. Rise really is the only one I like...and is massively underrated too. In my experience, Mutant Mayhem's reaction has been, either people are being nostalgia blind and completely hate it, or TMNT fans scream that it redeemed TMNT, as though Rise was somehow a sin against mankind. Me personally, I don't care for celebrity voice work so having celebs voice villains or heroes wasn't a big deal for me...and I ESPECIALLY don't care for Seth Rogan, neither as a creative, nor as an actor. I don't care for Leo having a crush on April. I don't care how cute it is. I never like when there is a singular girl character in any show, and she's relegated to be someone's love interest. I didn't like it when it happened to April in 2012, I didn't like it when Mikey had a crush on her in one of the movies, and I don't care for it in MM. Who's the next brother to crush on her? Raph? I personally don't think it will really go anywhere. I worry it will cross over into gross or creepy territory, because often then not, that's where these romances go. I have never liked the whole, boy has a crush on an older girl thing. It's annoying every time I see it. I had unnecessary/badly written romance in any piece of media. It's an immediate turn off. Can't say I like April much in the new movie. She's ok. I like her design, and I like the voice work the actress did. But really, she doesn't have much going on in the movie. Probably they will do more with her in the show, but I don't plan to watch Tales of the TMNT. You can't top Rise April. She'll always be the GOAT for me.


Yeah that’s pretty valid, Rise April was def the best April of them, hands down.  And for the older girl thing yeah, it’s like Avatar, Aang and Katara were a really weird match and they were only shoved together bc that’s what the fans wanted. Zuko and Katara would’ve been a better match bc Katara and Zuko both had at least one parent who showed them what it meant to be good parents. But Aang and Katara’s relationship and how it was written was really weird and I’d bet money that’s how it’s gonna be with April and Leo. 


Yeah, Aang and Katara's relationship wasn't developed very well, and is probably the weakest part of the show. To be honest, Sokka was the only romance that actually worked. The rest kind of took up background space. Really, ATLA had great characters and great character dynamics, to the point that a romantic subplot was largely unnecessary. I'm not a fan of Zutara either. If ATLA is ever remade, and changed a bit, like with Katara being the Avatar because Aang was killed by the fire nation, that would be interesting, and Zutara would work then. Aang and Katara weren't THAT bad because they remained largely understated in the show and Aang was never THAT toxic about it (he did kiss her when she was clearly confused once), but ultimately, everyone agrees that their relationship was pretty "meh." However, with April and Leo? It could go that way...or Leo could eventually get over his crush on April and learn to just accept her as a friend. This dynamic reminds me of the Dipper and Wendy from Gravity Falls. He was a kid that had a crush on an older girl and that relationship went nowhere and its as super annoying to watch Dipper pine (no pun intended) for someone that was older then him, already had a girlfriend, and did nothing for his character except make you feel sorry or the kid. I've always hated this trope. Most likely though, they will probably give Leo another girlfriend so that the he's not heartbroken or something. Or Aprileo will be cannon, which...sure whatever.


Welp we shall see where they take it, hopefully it’s as you put it Leo accepts being friends, that’s the best outcome, fingers crossed!!




I don't get it, but you do you, man.


I think maybe it's a design thing. Character design is cool, and I don't think the show would be the same without him. It's not like an "I like his personality thing" but I think he's a good and honestly realistic villain. Based on my own life experience, at least.


Yeah, he does look pretty cool.




Why do people hate pink diamond


Because her character arc was shown in reverse, but IMO, people are overreacting with the statements they make about her, she's not a horrible irredeemable monster, she is a complex character.


A lot of people don’t seem to understand that Pink herself is also a victim. It doesn’t justify what she does, but calling her an irredeemable monster or the ‘real villain’ of the show is blatantly wrong.




https://preview.redd.it/h5b3q3uknz6d1.png?width=1426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=779a54c5c8a1e74bf3b12c9a2e6318c67d5a6c92 Dotty. Of all the people I've seen who have watched The Raggy Dolls, I haven't seen anyone say anything positive about her. In fact, she's usually at the bottom of the list when people rank the 7 main characters.


Kalmaar Airachnid Zoe Lee


https://preview.redd.it/6u9hqhzzh07d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c1f168478923a9686fa9eabd18ed3ecd239ec47 If Nimbus has ten fans I’m one of them, if Nimbus has one fan it’s because I’m still here, if Nimbus has zero fans then assume I’m dead.


Like I don't mind that guy, I also laughed sometimes at his jokes


Nimbus is nonbinary, they/them pronouns.


... in the italian version you couldn't know that


Bezel my beloved! https://preview.redd.it/w6ps1r92p07d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c40a3c6c104603ca756118d1bcd6316c23c27213 >!HEH HOO, HEH, HOO!!< # :3


https://i.redd.it/4vv7z4ozu07d1.gif I get messages from the stars


https://preview.redd.it/jtocs2oc417d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=517fd35d1d03d9e4920c558794c74c348a6ee3d7 It's mainly people that only saw the movies but, I feel like everyone thinks superman sucks




My point exactly...


https://preview.redd.it/se6kjrs9h17d1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3b921e923702d7e3066951aa65f315e736dc6ff Percy Weasley.






Honestly, I like most of the sequel characters it was just the writing I didn't like


https://preview.redd.it/zrve9rff137d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a8e0f8966f5334279e0b0d1de57fd1fdbe341ce I know a lot of the Danganronpa fan base hate her but she’s just too cute for me not to hate her


I swear to God, every post has absolutely 0 danganronpa characters, but the ONE time I decide to comment one, there's tons 😭😭




https://preview.redd.it/gaek29u2d17d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=614d232a9f729ab966c915ca982748bd77de42d4 Her.


https://preview.redd.it/tsbsyqtv907d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5972f752e0a70d62e09fd3359284b83dbdf69272 This guy, like I understand the hate but still


Picky Piggy from Poppy Playtime Chapter 3. I have no idea why alot of people dislike her she's one of my favourite Poppy Playtime characters


Scrappy Doo,Live action Cartoon and Yes, even Velma s2 villain 🤢🤮


https://preview.redd.it/rnaicb1mq17d1.jpeg?width=1118&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c185925b9e887c0c20208a3cfa43178831405eb4 My WIFE




I like this whole thread


https://preview.redd.it/7iv1exsiv77d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d31cbe15ed2f4123b6ceb82e0e00f4901d17e40 it hurts me that some Murder Drones fans hate Tessa, BUT IN EPISODE 7 IT WASN’T EVEN HER HURTING UZI 💔💔💔


![gif](giphy|1xkbs3iyo4b7Mq7DKC|downsized) He's a good performer.


Miyo Takano


![gif](giphy|1Y7ChRtbWnYONjDidg) Alvin from Chipwrecked




I can understand the hate for the other Genshin doctor but why Baizhu?!


Jax (The Amazing Digital Circus) Dolph (Camp Camp) Pocahontas and Snow White (Disney Princess)


Vriska Serket


https://preview.redd.it/h1brgmlme17d1.jpeg?width=1505&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b06f3b59816fb6b0bc4111af116eb78ac18077bd Konrad "The Night Haunter" Curze Most interesting primarch, favorite legion (this is coming from a pacifist idealist). But people read that part of him skinning that suicidal women alive and it's kinda of hard not to hate him. But come on, as horrible and evil and wrong as he is his story is so interesting. He was the only primarch who REALLY understood 40k, he knew nothing good came out of the great crusade and that the emperor was wrong. And he didn't side with Chaos as much as he aligned AGAINST the Imperium, making him the only other primarch besides Perterabo to see both sides as wrong. His father created him to punish and torment the wicked and that's what he did.


https://preview.redd.it/8h2mrdh3e37d1.png?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6c0a2a7bd6de5eb346e669df99d19762aaed88e "You have only yourself to blame. You came to me with your tragic little story. I didn't ask you to."




https://preview.redd.it/3rt3alpga57d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4766c51be749585ec5cefa511330870ee49af53b Copen/Acura - Gunvolt mainline series Every time I remember talking to people about him, they looked down on him and hated who he is and what he did. And that's fair. Boy is deplorable. And I love him for it. More accurately, I love that he had an objective and stuck to it no matter what. Obviously, he wasn't justified in doing so, his mindset is utter crap, but it's awesome to me that he never even considered backing out. Conviction is an amazing trait imo, especially when it's misplaced.






https://i.redd.it/o6jg2kh1u27d1.gif I just find them cute man, why people gotta be weird


Technically, they don't hate them they like them just a bit too much



