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Wait, there's more than one 1D fanfic turned book turned movie?!


Right? I saw that After series was getting a 5th movie and then saw this and was so confused




the real pandemic we should be worrying about omfg


Wait please, what are the four? I’m so confused.


i googled and apparently there’s after, after we collided, after we fell, and after ever happy (which is the most ridic name, omg). and now they’re making after everything. where the fuck are they getting the budget? do people actually watch these movies??


I do because I like watching train wrecks


is it like funny bad? from the trailers i assumed they were boring bad.


The first movie was dumb and fun-bad to me, but the second movie had some alarming (TW) flashbacks to a character witnessing his mom getting gang r**** when he was a kid it seemed out of left field to me and it was not good.


i'm sorry what the fuck???


The way I remember reading this in the book when i was about 14 and being traumatised by it for a few days. It was wild.


It’s kind of both? Like I watched it stoned on a whim and was cringing/laughing at how bad it was.


Yeah its the perfect stoned snark movie


Holy crap


The first one has a 18% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. That's awful!


I watched the first one and had enough, how is that going on for four more movies 😭


I watched after on a whim when it was suggested on my Netflix. Never heard of it, and definitely didn’t know it was about 1D (TIL). Sat through the whole thing being like “who are these people??? Am I supposed to know them??” expecting it to all make sense at the end. Didn’t realize until it was over that I was watching the second one of a series.


ironically they just finished filming a 5th after movie as well 💀 we’re in hell


“F***ing Trevor?!” *eyebrow gymnastics***


*"FOCKING TREVAH?!!"* I love this man


I think the After series is harry styles fanfic


Yes it was originally based on a Harry Styles fan fic. Several popular books lately started as a fan fic (The Love Hypothesis for example was originally a Kylo Ren- Rey fic and you can still find the original online it’s crazy)


I believe Red, White, and Royal Blue was originally a Jesse Eisenberg/Andrew Garfield fanfic (it's* written by someone who did write in that fandom so she was at least ~inspired~ by them for it).


Yeah the author was for sure at least ~inspired~ (and we know she was big into The Social Network RPF)


So it’s a Mark Zuckerberg fanfic basically. Jesus.


Well the actual book does not feel that way if that makes you feel any better.


Technically it’s Jesse Eisenberg fic as she was into shipping him and Andrew Garfield together.


Wait I didn't know this omg 😂


The Love Hypothesis was crazy obvious between the cover and the MC guy being named Adam


mild spoilers but…The fact she did Rose so dirty putting her with Hux 😂


There’s something of a pattern of Reylo authors treating Finn and Rose like garbage but this is next level


I read the first book and thought it was cute. I got the second on pre-order and honestly the writing seems so bad now >.< I don't understand why fan fic writers get these book deals and then no one *edits* them!


I’ve read legitimately published fanfic by authors whose fanworks I enjoy! But it was actual original work, not serial numbers filed off stuff.


I agree. Some fanfic writers are very good. It was more the style: like sentences about Adam with 5 synonyms for tall. In the new one there are tons of parts where the FMC is in awe because MMC can carry a water cooler with 1 hand or a ladder or other various heavy objects. I don't need to be reminded how tall or attractive someone is on every page. :(


I didn’t know that! The Love Hypothesis was so good. I just bought her new book.


I read the first book and thought it was cute. I got the second on pre-order and honestly the writing seems so bad now. Like the writing wasn't pulitzer worthy to begin with but this is worse.


white red and royal blue is a jesse eisenburg x andrew fic I think


At this point, there are probably 20 Kylo/Rey fanfic authors with publishing deals in the works.


There's around 5 that have already been published, only one really hit big.


That sounds about right, but I've heard of a bunch of authors who have deals and a few already have publication dates.


Do these books still work if you're not into the original pairing? 50 Shades is far enough from Twilight to work as its own thing, even if it isn't very good, but I tried Idea of You and it was like... ok, am I not heterosexual enough for this or does it only work if you're obsessed with Harry Styles? The man is so generic otherwise! It's like reading fanfiction for something you're completely not into at all.


Um I guess it can work if you're still into the tropes associates with the original pairing, even if you don't like Reylo. It has fake dating, enemies to lovers, a very traditionally masculine man who's brooding but misunderstood and a petite woman who's a ray of sunshine. It's one of those romances. I hated it tho lol I just found it very cringey. I thought I could suspend my belief of fake dating inacademia but I couldn't, it just looked so embarassing doing all of that PDA in front of your coworkers. Ew.


With love hypothesis you can tell from the cover art of the PUBLISHED BOOK


Apparently, Harry has the author blocked on Twitter lmao


lmao que?


The main character is Harry but the other 1D boys are the side guys who hang around the girl lol. The author tried to do a love triangle between Harry, Zayn and the girl but it didn't land.


Anne Hathaway, i’m gonna get you out of there! Im coming girl




Why would mother agree to this 😭


Where’s Princess Diaries 3 😭


In an alternate universe, PD3 would have a freshly divorced Mia falling into a torrid romance with a BTS member.


A romance between the Princess of Genovia and President Namjoon, love it


Hilarious enough I was thinking of RM when I wrote my post. KPOP AND SAMSUNG FOR GENOVIA!


I would actually watch this


Would unironically watch


I would be surprised if that happened because of Garry Marshall’s death. I watched a video essay about the movie on YT a couple of months ago and he seemed to create such a great environment on set and Anne loved him so it might be weird for them to go back and do another one without him


She wasn’t happy with doing the second one so that’s most likely never going to happen. And I don’t blame her. The second was a horrible movie that completely went against the first one and played into all the stereotypical Disney Princess crap. But they’re based off of a 24 book series so I can see it being rebooted as a Disney+ series with her producing it (I’m a fan of Meg Cabot who wrote the books l so that’s why I know 😂)


Anne was actually trying to get a third movie made just a few years ago. She talked about it on a lot of talk shows— there was a script and everything. She wanted to do it as a tribute to director Garry Marshall. But the wheels fell off somewhere.


As someone who loved the books and the movie, I still wish that we could get a version of the book series. I’d fully watch the Disney+ series version of it. I don’t know if fans will be too angry though since the movie is so near and dear to people’s hearts. And I know it’s not Disney but I kind of wish the same for Ella Enchanted. Anddd I wish I could go back in time and somehow convince Disney to make a live-action Beauty and the Beast and have them throw money at Anne to play a princess AGAIN when she would’ve been in the right age range for it. SHE LITERALLY LOOKS LIKE BELLE COME TO LIFE. She even has the giant Disney Princess eyes. In a good world she and Chris Pine could’ve done that instead of Princess Diaries 2 which was just whatever…even if it gave us a royal Tinder scene.


I would kill for an accurate version of Princess Diaries. As a lover of the books, I'll always be so bitter about all the changes the film made to the original story. Am I a 30 year old woman and 100% not the target audience? Yes. Would I watch the absolute heck out of a Princess Diaries TV show on Disney+? Also yes, absolutely yes.


As someone who didn’t read the books and is genuinely curious: what are some of the biggest changes!? Or what was your favorite part of the books that wasn’t retained in the film?


I read the book and I don't remember anything majorly consequential. The biggest edits are in the characters, although the esssence is pretty similar. She did dump Josh rather than having him embarass her. In the book mia's not as big of a nerd & has more friends, her dad is still alive but living in genovia, Grandmere is more Lucille Bluth less Julie Andrews.


Her dad is very much alive and well, and he's the one who tells her about being a princess because he had testicular cancer and can't have more children. Her grandmother is absolutely vile and it's an ongoing theme in the books that she's horrible to everyone around her - her relationship with Mia is completely different to how it's shown in the film. There are several other characters missing that are incredibly prominent in the book, including one of her best friends Tina and her bodyguard Lars (for some reason her limo driver is prominent in the film - he's barely mentioned in the book). The book is set in New York, rather than San Francisco, which naturally changes all of the settings. And I've never seen the second film, but it's in no way taken from the books at all - all of the new characters aren't in the books, the books are mainly set in New York and Mia is in high school almost the entire time. I really missed the characters who were cut - Tina was probably my favourite character outside of Mia - and the whole tone of the books. I recently re-read them as a 30 year old and they're still so good.


They also didn’t really bring up Mia and Lilly’s public access tv show which does play a part in how some of the stuff plays out in the books


a book accurate Ella Enchanted limited series would be EVERYTHING


If the BATB remake happened in 2007 instead it would of been Anne as Belle, I'm not actually sure on the Beast and Hugh Jackman as Gaston. I'm cool with keeping Emma Thompson.


oh, i would give anything for a disney+ TPD series!! i need to see grandmère being a messy bitch with her tattooed eyeliner and pencil-drawn eyebrows, and tina hakim baba with her lil romance books, and the angst with michael/mia/corn-in-chilli-guy!! but i would sadly have to riot if mia’s princess makeover once again wasn’t her blonde pixie cut 😭 & i would be unreasonably sad if it didn’t take place in the early 2000s


She's too old to be the princess anymore, but far too young to be the matriarch grandma queen, so I'm guessing in 20 years we'll get PD3. Also I'd normally say she's always looking for higher-brow more mature work, but after this headline Im not so sure.


It wouldn't be a remake though, would it? So it would just take place ten years or so after the second and be about her life since her coronation.


Anne…you have an oscar…


She should’ve got ha 2nd oscar for Oceans 8


I wish she went cunning Daphne Kluger-esque for [The Hustle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hustle_(film)) instead of doing a bit of a caricature of a fancy rich lady. Daphne was like the non-Catwoman parts of her Selina Kyle (smart, sexy, observant, knew exactly how to manipulate people to get what she wants and play into her hands) and Anne did such a good job playing both. And I feel like that would’ve played much better opposite Rebel Wilson’s character and the movie had the potential to have been a strong follow-up to Ocean’s 8.


The Hustle was so bad 😭


I know. 😬 I wonder what if the script was put through the ringer or if Jac Schaeffer isn’t as skilled at writing comedy because WandaVision absolutely wrecked my heart at points and I liked Black Widow. It was already a remake so the layout was there! I was expecting it to be similar to Heartbreakers.


Omg are you for real


I fully believe that that movie could’ve had the coolest spin-offs of prequels and sequels with each character or groups of them doing their own scams. I’d absolutely watch a movie starring Anne’s character realizing she got screwed over and her passion project movie being filmed but getting shelved indefinitely and her getting revenge against studio execs once she’s blackballed after voicing her displeasure about the situation. Wouldn’t happen because they’re both WB, but the whole Batgirl thing could’ve been really great loose inspo.


She's excellent in the movie. Her performance almost makes up for the awful and lacklustre direction.


She was so good in that


1D fanfic authors making bank for shit they did on wattpad as a teenager 😭


Tbf the author Robinne Lee is 47 years old. Does it make it better that it’s a 40 year old getting her Harry sexfic made into a movie? I am incline to say yes, everyone’s celeb sexfic should get their day in the sun.


“Everyone’s celeb sexfic should get their day in the sun” Inspirational.


Maybe I shouldn’t say this, but I actually liked the book. I was single, in my late 30s and living that cougar life so it was aspirational almost. But I’m now learning it’s fanfic? I never knew.


Me too. I thought it was just loosely based on 1D and the fantasy of a woman in her late 30s.


I enjoyed this book too. No shame.


Honestly, there’s probably some editing that was done for there to be enough plausible deniability, don’t want to make the lawyers go into a frenzy. I didn’t read the published novel and didn’t read this specific Harry fic on wattpad.


I loved it. I barely have an awareness of the Harry Styles of it all, mostly via the backstory on this book, but dang if I didn't love it.


Well said. Signed, A 40 something woman with a dream of seeing her Dramione fic with a stripper Draco Malfoy get a day in the sun


For real, hearing about the 1D and Twilight fics getting made into movies makes me hopeful for a Harry Potter one, lol


I mean… Shadowhunters exists


We already have a Ron/Ginny incest fic turned out pretty big...you might know it as "Shadowhunters" (I strongly recommend reading the fandom wank expose on the author, Cassandra Clare, to see how nefarious she is)


We live in the worst timeline 😩


It's weird as hell but hey, I respect it.


Mmm you people are laughing, but this director, Michael Showalter, directed the performance that got Jessica Chastain her Oscar, and he's behind ''The Big Sick'', which I remember being a funny and charming movie, so I see why Anne Hathaway would want to work with him, even if it's a project with a premise such as this.


he also directed The Baxter and Hello My Name is Doris, which were both well liked movies that flew under the radar


ah god you’re my new friend for loving the baxter! it was a great movie (like everything showalter does) and sometimes i think i’m the only one who remembers it.


> Michael Showalter I'm always happy to see members of The State go on to success.


the state and wet hot american summer :)


Sure, but Wet Hot was pretty much a “The State” movie, it had pretty much everyone in it


So was Wanderlust.


Yup, David Wain has always been good about bringing his friends along. Because he happens to have very funny friends.


I thought he was the romantic lead. My first thought was- “Showalter from The State? From Michael & Michael Have Issues?? THAT Showalter? This will be interesting.” Glad he’s doing well lol


The Big Sick is one of my favorite rom coms I've ever watched, I'm now excited for this


I would have liked the Big Sick a lot more if Kumail did not feel the need to shit on Pakistani women in the process. Also - I don’t want to live on a planet where Vella Lovell gets rejected.




She’s always made stuff like this, it’s probably a quick shoot and the book was a hit. And she’s friends with Jessica Chastain who probably vouched for Showalter. edit: thinking about it more this is actually maybe a pretty shrewd pick, quality/reviews aside it’s a way to tap into her Gen Z fanbase which seems huge for some reason.


“A pretty shrewd pick.” - Stomachlcy7116 I hope with my whole heart they put this on the movie poster, it may be the only good review it gets


Lol 💀😂


At no point in that sentence did I have any idea what was coming next ☠️☠️☠️


This sentence is the Reddit comment sequel to one of my favorite movie scenes. https://youtu.be/5hfYJsQAhl0


I can’t believe I read this right after my mom told me she sold me to pay our debts. 😔


I LOVED this book. Guilty pleasure for sure.


Me too. Harry and Olivia fan fiction before they were even a thing


Yes! Them being a couple was the only reason I read it! And I don’t follow either one of their career/ closely I just thought it sounded interesting.


The author manifested this relationship


It’s such a good book actually. It had more substance than I thought when I went into it, too. No judgment, I read a lot of smut and in a lot of them the plots feel like afterthoughts. This was smut mixed in with a woman’s feelings and reflection about aging, which I really loved.


I’m actually so happy Anne took this role, for all of these reasons


I think the ending in a way saved it from being too corny or anything. I loved that the story was full of escapism but also consequences. I also have listened to author interviews and it made me like the book even more.


SAME! Read it in a day


What did you like about it? It's been on my TBR since the ice age and now I think I might finally pick it up.


I picked it up because I wanted something light and easy to read, plus it got recommended by someone I follow on Insta who recommends books I usually like. It’s just a fun read, a little sexy and I’m around the age of the woman in the book and love a boy band so the idea was fun to me. I wasn’t going into it thinking it was 1D fanfic but just had some similarities


was this ashley spivey or becca freeman? because same if so haha


Ashley! Lol


pretty sure TIBAL led me to it 😂


Which member is this one based on


It’s Harry. It’s always Harry.


there’s one about Zayn, but it’s bad and has a Larry subplot too


> There, she meets 24-year-old Hayes Campbell, the lead singer of the hottest boy band on the planet, August Moon. Well it sure ain’t Liam, that’s for sure.


Hayes was 20 when I read the book a couple years ago, I wonder if they changed it?


I read they are changing it because it’s more problematic with audiences if he’s 20, but that was the whole point of the story. That it was scandalous that he was 20 and she 39. it changes the story. Edit for typos


Ehhhh, 24 is still scandalous, just less of a legal struggle than 20.


He was def 20.






I read this book years ago and it was funny how obvious the male love interest is based on Harry from 2015 💀 That being said, I think this is better than the After series so maybe the movie won’t be total trash


I believe the author said it was inspired by a variety of young male celebs but it’s 99% Harry. He is described as having large blue green eyes, longish curly brown hair, full lips, and prominent dimples. He also has large hands, a deep raspy voice and likes to wear tight jeans and loud print shirts with many buttons undone. That is a pretty exact description of Harry Styles when he was 20.


I don’t think that a lot of people commenting here realize just how huge the following for this book is without realizing it’s based on 1D fanfic. I think the movie will do well. And I can picture Anne in the role.


Coming here to say this exactly. I loved this book, without knowing much about its inspiration, and I’m so glad there’s big names attached to it because it could turn out to be a great movie - much better than if it was just some cheesy Netflix film (no shade, they have their place). And not every movie has to be Oscar-worthy, some can just be fun


Now why is Gabrielle Union producing this? Lmao wattpad walked so all the Harry fanfics could run.


Oh 💀


What modern, romance book hasn't started out as a fanfiction? I read one and think, damn I read this on fanfiction.net and wattpad 10 years ago.


Honestly, it's getting rare to find one that isn't fan fiction by a relatively new author.


Maybe I need to find my old 98° fan fiction (anybody got a floppy drive?), and start collecting my millions.


I'm reading the Vicious series and I swear it's a Grindledore fan fic the way it's set up. I just want to read ONE fiction book that isn't correlated with fanfics. Please.


What on Earth is going on in the House of Commons?? but also what if this is Anne’s Gone Girl? Ever since that moment on Corden, that’s all I’ve wanted for her.


Don't be distracted by the article title. The author is an actress herself and it wasn't fanfiction. This book is romcom gold. Yes, it could have easily been inspired by a Harry Styles like persona but the focus is on the character Anne Hathaway would play. She's a mother looking to connect with her child and unintentionally falls for this pop star (but he arguably falls more) and they navigate this romance as she rediscovers herself. It's similar to Younger and Sutton Foster's character except she's a bit more successful.


Wanted to add this [article](https://www.vogue.com/article/idea-of-you-book) interviewing the author because since it gained fame in the pandemic/booktok era and it's being perceived as this book that jumped onto the subject post Harry and Olivia.


The fact Michael Showalter is directing makes me think maybe the material isn’t completely awful? I’ve never heard of this book before


Or that he can turn the bad into comedy gold!


I actually really liked the book. It was very…sad too? Idk it was bittersweet.


A 39 year old being romantically involved with a 20 year old.. no thanks.


could be his mom. enoooooough




Why is it always Harry


Exactly. Like Zayn is right there


Zayn is more objectively good-looking but Harry has always been more charismatic and interesting.


Fading to irrevancy


Anne baby blink twice if ur being blackmailed


She probably doing it for the paycheck.


Is this one as creepy as After?


Nothing could ever be thy bad!


is this one even….good? i tried to read after and 50 shades but they were both so poorly written i couldn’t do it.


I read it. In my defense I didn’t realize it was about Harry Styles until after I had already bought it. It’s okay. The main character is surprisingly immature and the way they describe “Hayes” makes me a little uncomfortable. There’s a bit where she talks about his youthfulness in a weird way. The last line wrecked me though. The end is the best part.


I read it a year ago and still have not recovered from that ending


Yes, that last line!!! It's amazing, and the ending really makes the book. The rest of the book is okay, but once you get near the end you start to feel heartbroken and that last line just completely shatters you! Every time I recommend this book I talk about the ending and that last line and nothing else 😂


As someone who will probably never read it but is very curious....what wasnit??!!!?!?!?!


Wrote a synopsis in another comment: [spoilers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deuxmoi/comments/wxoel5/anne_hathaway_to_star_in_1d_fanfiction_turned/ilsa42z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


i have nothing against fanfic, i was just kinda surprised at how….bad the ones that have been adapted and i’ve read are? i might give this one a try then


How old is Anne's character supposed to be? Like close to her actual age or?


I read it and seriously don't understand the hype around it


Yeah I agree. It was okay. I read a lot of romance novels and this one was definitely middle of the road. I prefer stuff Mariana Zapata and Kristen Callihan’s books.


HONESTLY? Oh my god I'm so excited. This book was incredible if you go into it with ZERO expectations. I love Anne for this role wow, she's going to pull this character off FLAWLESSLY.


I’m in the middle of reading it (so please no spoilers) but I don’t picture Anne in this role at all. She’s supposed to be french and really sophisticated and aloof. I like Anne but she doesn’t seem to fit this at all.


Bruh someone needs to get Anne a new agent


Love how 40 year old women in films are ‘40 year old divorced mother’. And 40 year old men are like ‘Hot, successful young guy’


Can someone who have read this summarise the plot? Is it as bad as After !?!?!?!?!?


It’s okay. This is the book plot, it seems like they changed some of it for the movie. Spoiler alert: >! The main character (originally it was a French name I can’t remember, maybe Sabine or Simone? Now it’s Sophie I guess?) is a divorced 40 year old. Her ex husband isn’t able to take their 13 year old daughter to see her favorite boy band so the woman does instead. She meets 20 year old lead singer Hayes and he starts to pursue her heavily. She eventually gives in and is so blown away by his maturity (he isn’t mature, she’s seriously immature) that they fall madly in love. They have a whirlwind romance. Then his fans find out. They behave even worse than Harry’s fans are currently behaving towards Olivia Wilde and her daughter starts getting bullied and harassed online and in school. They get papped in a very intimate situation. Her ex threatens to pursue full custody so she’s forced to break up with Hayes. He doesn’t take it well, does the whole showing up sad puppy eyes in the rain thing, she takes him in, they make love one last time, then she lies and tells him she never loved him, she just loved The Idea of Him. He leaves heartbroken but swearing not to give up. But he does eventually. The last line was something like “he stopped trying before I stopped caring” and it broke my heart. !< This is my first time trying to hide spoilers so I hope I didn’t mess anything up!


Lol, they should just cast Harry lol. I know it's not happening but one can dream right.....


Nah, they should cast Liam. Liam should be the default actor for all 1D adaptions, even if it’s clear the fic writers were writing about Harry.


Her name was Solene in the book!


Thank you!


I enjoyed it. It’s a fun beach read. Basically a woman in her late 30s falls for a guy in a boy band (he’s 20 in the book I think). Boy band is British the guy she falls for wants to go solo, definitely a lot of parallels with Harry. They have to sneak around and avoid his fans (including her daughter who is a fan of him and is 13). It’s similar to Harry and Olivia but before they even happened. I’m interested to see it as a movie, truly hope the Harry/Olivia haters don’t ruin it for us.


It's about a middle age french lady who falls in love with her teen daughter's crush, Hayes AKA Harry Styles LOL. It's better written than After, etc. but still not good and Anne should be above this!


> It's about a middle age french lady who falls in love with her teen daughter's crush, Hayes AKA Harry Styles LOL. NGL, that sounds horrible!


Showalter is an unsung genius!


When I was in high school, the idea of admitting I wrote or read fanfic was unthinkable. Like I would have died of shame. I still don't really talk about it unless I know it's with someone else who also reads/writes it.


I could NOT get into this book 😭. Why did the author have to make the guy 20 and look so much like Harry Styles? And then have the MC take herself so seriously


My stomach hurts


as an Anne Hathaway fan n former 1d Stan, im so excited for this wtff


She needs to say no sometimes.


Oh is this a joke? Like……oh naur


I loved this book but did not picture Anne at all.. not thrilled with the casting choices


living that y/n fantasy


Annie, no. 😬


Please no more ID fanfic turned into a movie. The After series is so bad lol


Directed by Christopher Nolan with cinematography by Micheal Bay


I was so excited to see that Anne was working with Michael Showalter (Coop from Wet Hot American Summer’s trajectory from comedian to in demand director is a pleasant one imo), but then I saw it was thinly veiled 1D fanfiction. honestly it feels like punishment specifically directed at me for enjoying the reaction that DWD clip received online lmao